depliant percorsi - ENG rev03_STP

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The Ring of Ancient Craftsmen is divided

into two routes. The first one is about 3.5 km

long with a 200 m gradient, and develops in

an area that largely surrounds the village of

Andreis, on mainly dirt ground in contact with

the natural environment. The route starts

from the “Al Pical” area (1) and runs alongside

the Ledròn Stream, crossing a mixed forest

where you can see a mill (2) and another mill

with blacksmiths workshop (3). The path

then climbs to the old dairy (4), now used as

Information Centre of the Friulian Dolomites

Park. From this point the birdlife area with the

aviaries of birds of prey can be easily reached.

Along the route that leads to the Favria (5), the

old blacksmith’s workshop, you can admire two

refined capitals, while nearby, in the square

of Andreis, you can visit the Ethnographic

Museum. The town centre still preserves three

historic fountains and typical stone houses

with wooden balconies called “daltz”.

Along the streets, signboards display the

poems by Federico Tavan, the poet who sang

his village, Andreis, with great intensity. The

route leads to the Saint Daniel Church and to

the bank of the Susaibes Stream, where there

are two old lime kilns (6-7), once used for

limestone processing. Here you can also visit

an important geosite where you can admire

the signs of the collision of the continental

plates on the rock walls. A photo signboard

indicates the presence of a mill (8) just before

the old path of the Cordata (or Crodata), with

its restored dry stone walls. Return to the

starting point, at the caravan park and picnic

area, both with easy access to the Alba Stream

and with a panoramic view of the mounts

Raut and Castello. The second route, which is

about 2 km long and has a gradient of 150 m,

completes the previous one and starts at the

bridge over the Alba stream. It retraces for a

good distance the ancient Par Crous road that

connected the whole Valcellina with the upper

Friuli plain. The route, surrounded by greenery,

leads to the historic Bosplans fountain (9), dug

into the rock, where it seems that Attila himself

quenched his thirst.

In front of the fountain there is the old

Bosplans dairy (10) to witness the intense

cheese production activity of the past.

Bosplans is a hamlet of Andreis: here too you

can find the typical houses with the “daltz”

which can be accessed through the “puarta da

li scjalis”, meaning in Friulian “the door to the

stairs”. Nearby on the banks of the Alba Stream

you can enjoy a relaxing rest in summertime.

End the route with one last stop at the warmwelcoming

Scout Base centre (11).

Route general data

5.5 km 3h

dirt road

paved road





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