depliant percorsi - ENG rev03_STP

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di Ravistagno





Strada del Fae

The route is about Livinates 4 km long and is a smaller

part of the path called ‘Faeit Mount’, marked

along the route with red and white signs. It is

a steeper climb and therefore requires greater

physical effort.

The walk starts from the main street of the

village and, unwinding among the houses,

tontinues along a path through the wooded

area adjacent to the residential Roncus area adjacent

to the inhabited area, which leads to via Monte.

It is also possible to start directly from the car

park in via Monte and then continue along the

paved road.

After this first stretch, take the old dirt road

that leads to the hamlet of ‘Mont’ - Borgo

Monte (1).

At the end of the dirt road, you will find the sign

indicating the Faeit Mount naturalistic path,

which, for a short distance, winds among the

houses, following some dry stone walls. Along

the path, a little further on, you can see the

centenary washhouse of ‘Mont’ (2), built near

the Clama Stream. Tamers

From the washhouse, after having passed a

small bridge (3), take the old road that leads

Sot Cre Neri

into the woods.

i t

Strada p er Faeit

From here, it is also possible to take the typical

Mount Faeit path (4), which is much more


The landscape along the forest dirt road (5) is

rich with trees and rocks, and is softened, in

spring, by beautiful bloomings of primroses,

violets, crocuses, two-leaf squills and dog’s

tooth violets.

Continuing on the road, you come to a crossing

with the paved municipal road, a not very

travelled road, from which, by turning left, you

can close the ring, thus returning to the south.

Instead, by turning right, at a certain point, you

descend towards the Orvenco River, from where


you can take other paths such as the ‘path of

the watefalls’ which leads to a very suggestive

area along the Orvenco River. Here, in the

hamlet of Salt (6), is another old washhouse

(in the past, about a dozen washhouses were

present in this area).

The walk can be concluded by taking the way

back towards Maseries the residential area, from where

you started.



Cre Neri


UTI del Gemonese

Cret Sisil


General route data

UTI del Torre


4.0 km 1 h 20’

dirt road



Magnano in Rivi



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