Via CasaleastelloVia StradonSP29SP31Via Pedemontana OccidentaleVia FriuliVia FriuliVia dei BoschiVia dei MaschiVia AnzoletVia LungaSP29Via CasaleVia CefaloniaVia LungaVia Cial de GaiaVia Cial de GaiaVia Giuseppe VerdiVia de la MadonetaVia Cal MattiaVia LungaVia CasaleVia Antonio CardazzoVia Anzoletal de GaiaV ia CiVia RomaVia Antonio CardazzomaianVia dei ColliVia BiancoVia dei PozziVia RomaVia CondittaVia JuliaVia dei PozziBudoiaVia CondittaSP31Via CialataVia PanizzutVia JuliaVia Agostino StefaniVia Giuseppe VerdiDorsale Colle S.LuciaVia CialataVia Capitan MasoVia PordenoneVia JuliaSP31Bus dele AnguaneVia PordenoneVia della LiberazioneVia ViolaVia Besa FortVia Giovanni Battista SoldàVia PolcenigoSanta LuciaVia LachinVia VillaVia Cial de VillaViale della StazioneVia DonealBudoiaCP
THE ‘AROUND AND ABOUT BUDOIA’ ROUTEVia San Martin41The circular route, with a total length of 3,300m, is suitable for anyone, even families withchildren, and takes you for a visit through apart of the territory immersed in the peacefulcountryside at the borders of the village. Itstarts at the centre of Budoia and unwindsalong the wood that covers the nearby hills andVia San Martinthe magnificent surroundings. The route, whichis accessible all year round, is mostly flat, withonly slight differences in height.The circuit starts and ends in the square infront of the town hall, in the centre of Budoia,the capital of the municipality. From thesquare, pass the town hall and the school, andhead towards the library. Through a small path,you will reach the border of the wood, near thestarting point of the well-known Gor naturetrail (1). The first stretch of the route developsat the foot of the hills of the Santa Lucia hamlet(to the north), along a cycle-pedestrian path(2). It then continues downhill until it reachesVia Cial d'AvianVia Doneal and then runs, for a short distance,along the area closest to the countryside ofBudoia.Via della BraidaAlong this stretch, the passage is closed tocars, and it is therefore possible to enjoy aquiet and relaxing environment. With a littleluck, in the early hours of the day or towardssunset, it is also possible to spot some roedeer. From this area, you can admire, to thenorth, the peaks of Mount Cavallo, peeking outto the right of Mount Sauc, and, on your right,your eye can sweep towards the plain below.Arriving at the crossing close to the artisanarea, the route climbs up to the left towardsthe centre of the village, while still remainingon the cycle-pedestrian path for about 1 km.Once you reach a small roundabout, keep leftand cross the residential area until you reachthe cycle-pedestrian path of Via Cialata,already covered at the beginning of the walk.From here you can reach the starting point in afew minutes, thus closing the route.Via Cial del ZucZ.I. BudoiaVia SamparivaVia Primo MaggioRoute general dataSP31Via P3.3 km 1hdirt roadpaved