depliant percorsi - ENG rev03_STP
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The route develops in the Municipality of
Campoformido (‘Cjampfuarmit’ in the Friulian
language) for a total length of 3,115 m, with
different starting points. The starting point
on the southern side is the green area named
‘Boschete Furlane’ (1), a wooded park whose
planted species are typical of Friuli’s hills
and planes and contribute to conserving the
local fauna. The area is provided with walking
paths and playground areas for children with
benches and a fountain. Nearby, there is a
large area used as car-park with a purified
water dispenser. The route develops both
on portions of cycling tracks and on existing
pavements with low traffic shared by both
cyclists and pedestrians. The whole Cjaminade
de Boschete Furlane has various intermediate
access points and is mainly flat with small
slopes, except for a short part corresponding
to the railway underpass (2) of Bressa
(‘Bresse’ in the Friulian language). The route
connects the small town of Campoformido, the
administrative centre of the municipality, wellknown
for the famous ‘Treaty of Campoformio’
signed by Napoleon Bonaparte on 17 October
1797, to the hamlet of Bressa (3), where the
‘Festa della civiltà contadina’ a local event
dedicated to farming and rural culture is
periodically held, and then to the another route
starting point on the northern side.
From this point it is possible to continue up to
the adjacent municipality of Pasian di Prato
(‘Pasian di Prât’ in the Friulian language).
Part of the Municipality of Campoformido,
known as the ‘Municipality friend of bees’, is
the Magredi of San Canciano, located south of
the State Road SS13 and about 2 km from the
‘Boschete Furlane’.
The Magredi are protected dry grasslands
characterised by an important flora and
fauna biodiversity. The Magredi area also
has a significant historical value due to the
presence of a protohistoric tumulus - Bronze
Age. Centuries later, in the same place, the
Parliament of the ‘Patrie dal Friûl’ used to
meet here as witnessed by the quote of a
session held on 14 July 1231, ‘Actum in prato
de Campoformio feliciter MCCXXXI’, present on
the municipal coat of arms. In recent times, the
area has acquired symbolic meaning for the
history of aviation.
Another cycleway starts from this point, runs
along the Provincial Road SP89 and reaches
the hamlet of Basaldella (‘Basandiele dal
Cormôr’ in the Friulian language).
The Cjaminade de Boschete Furlane is located
at less than 10 km from the Cycleway Alpe-
Adria-Radweg connecting Udine to Grado to
south-east, and from the Cormôr bridleway to
the north.
Route general data
3,1 Km 1 h
dirt road
paved road
pet friendly
accessible road
night time accessibility