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Friuli Venezia Giulia, a Region that promotes Health

Friuli Venezia Giulia is one of the Italian regions in which, with much pride, more physical

activity is practised, at all ages, including the elderly, but it is still far from the optimal


Many scientific studies confirm that the regular practice of physical activity improves

health, increases psychological wellbeing and has a very important role in preventing

corniche diseases.

Diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity and cardiovascular diseases are

associated with lifestyles, and cause 50% of the deaths and disabilities, determining in

this way huge costs on the healthcare system. Over the years, such costs called for the

need to reorganise some healthcare services by strengthening interventions in favour of

health promotion and prevention measures, both to gain greater wellbeing for people and

reduce the burden of care and its costs on the social health system.

Walking, which is within everyone’s reach, is the cheapest and healthiest way to practise

physical activity and provides benefits for physical and mental wellbeing; it reduces

symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress, and, thanks to walking groups, which are

widespread in many municipalities, socialisation, social participation in the community

and resilience are fostered to overcome loneliness, which can particularly affect older


The FVG in Movimento 10 mila passi di salute project created by Federsanità ANCI FVG,

with the collaboration of the University of Udine, Department of Economic and Statistical

Sciences, and the support of PromoTurismo FVG, is part of a broader programme of the

Region’s Central Directorate for Health, which aims to promote health and, specifically,

physical activity and exercise among the population.

The promotion of health aims to strengthen each person’s knowledge and skills in making

healthy lifestyle choices, but it also aims to affect social, environmental and economic

change, using the lens of equity, creating supportive environments, strengthening

community action, developing a public policy for health protection.

This handbook brings together the routes of all the municipalities that have joined the

Project, which highlights the Region’s unique landscape diversity.

Acting on the environment, with the cooperation of the municipalities, by creating paths

to facilitate movement and simple walks allows a paradigm shift by stimulating and

inviting people to change their lifestyle habits.

Encouraging walking and/or cycling also impacts on and contributes to many of the goals

of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, a programme adopted in 2015 by the

governments of 193 United Nations Member States.

In particular, the focus is on promoting people’s health and wellbeing, resulting in less

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