depliant percorsi - ENG rev03_STP

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The route begins in central Piazza Vittorio

Emanuele III and leads to the square in front

of the parish church where, until 1915, the

monument to Franz Joseph stood.

At the end of Pitteri Avenue, once the access

to the poet’s Villa, there used to be an

important convent of friars of the Dominican

congregation. Following Via dei Conventi and

Via dei Pini, one exits the built-up area. A wide

dirt road enters the extensive Campi dei Fratti

and, along the way, an ancient boundary term is

found at the foot of a mulberry tree.

Continuing north, you reach the municipal

boundary with Cjampagna Colomp, where you

turn right along an ancient roadway that once

connected Gorizia to Palmanova.

Entering a shady area, you reach the Volt di

Fara and then, crossing SP 10, to a refreshment

point from which to admire the view. Continue

through a grove to the Capitello di Sant’Eurosia

(1). With your back to the capitol, you can

identify a wide tratturo among the vineyards

that, through the Campi di Santa Rosa, leads

to the intersection with the Strada della

Colombara, near the entrance to the Braida di

Spessotto and, from here, you reach the small

church of San Pietro e Paolo (2) in Villanova.

Just beyond the capitol you reach the junction

with the Strada della Colombara and following

the wide dirt road you reach the Casa sotto i

Ronchi and Via Contessa Beretta.

After about a hundred meters, a small road

enters on the left, skirting the old wall of the

Villa Russian-Cressati, where the Convent of

the Poor Ladies of Saint Catherine of Siena was

once located.

The route of the old municipal road exits into

the back country and, near a farmhouse, enters

the ancient Braida dei Pestazzi.

The overhanging ridge of the Ronchi di San

Giovanni Battista accompanies the traveler

among lush rows of vines and cultivated

plots until the junction with the Viottolo per

Villanova, heading to the hamlet of the same

name. Leaving the branch off, a wide, marked

dirt road heads toward the obvious Campanile

(3), then, skirting the wall of the Braida della

Chiesa with a couple of turns, you return to the

starting point.

Route general data

6 km 1h 45’

dirt road

paved road



Farra d’Isonzo


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