depliant percorsi - ENG rev03_STP

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Circuit no. 1 – Marzinis-Marzinatta

The circuit starts from “Marzinis Village”

(1) and develops along the dirt road of Via

Marzinatta, which divides the municipal

territory from Zoppola. Along the 3,000 metre

path (5,000 steps), off-route you can visit

the “Marzinis Wood” (2), a lowland wood of

common hornbeams and common oaks, and

the floodplain wood with white willows and

black poplars that surrounds the spring-fed

pond (3). Continue the walk along the country

road and end it with a visit to Saint Jerome

Church (4), built in the 15 th century.

Here it is possible to quench your thirst and

take a rest in the shade of the lime trees.

Circuit no. 2 – Pescincanna-Marzinis (6,200 m)

The circuit, 6,200 metres long (10,000 steps),

starts from the centre of Pescincanna hamlet

and develops along the cycle-pedestrian road

of Via Battini (illuminated). After crossing the

regional road (the “Piera” locality, where you

can find a historic milestone (5) probably

dating back to the Roman Age), continue along

Via Conti Panciera (partially illuminated).

Once you have reached the “Marzinis Village”,

continue along the dirt road of Via Marzinatta,

which divides the municipal territory from

Zoppola. Here, off the track, you can visit the

“Marzinis Wood”, thus reaching the village

of Pescincanna and Via Francesco Petrarca

along the Fiume River. After crossing the

regional road, you reach the end of the circuit

walking along the cycle-pedestrian path of Via

Formentini (illuminated).

Circuit no. 3 - Starting point: Rivatte di Bannia

From the centre of the village, you can reach

the starting point of the circuits by walking

along the paved road of Via Risorgimento and

Via Conti Panciera, both with little traffic. These

will lead you to “Il Borgo” through a long avenue

shaded, in summer, by lime trees thus walking

for 1,865 metres. Midway along the avenue you

can rest on the “red bench” (6) dedicated to

women victims of violence.

Route general data

8 km 2h 30’

dirt road

paved road



night time




Fiume Veneto


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