depliant percorsi - ENG rev03_STP
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The route runs along the historic centre of
Gemona, starting from the Life Path (1),
an educational area dedicated to physical
activities surrounded by greenery, where you
can admire the splendid view of the Cjampon
and Glemine mounts. Walking down from Via
Comitât Universitât Furlane, on your right, you
will find the foundations of the former Church
of Holy Mary of Grace (late 15th century) whose
remains have been placed in a dedicated park
with the recovery of the portal and parts of the
façade and perimeter walls. Continuing along
Via Caneva, you reach Piazza Garibaldi which is
overlooked by the palaces of Counts Gropplero
and Scarpa. In Piazza del Municipio stands
Boton Palace, a building from the early 16 th
century that now houses the town hall.
From here you enter Via Bini, a typical medieval
street overlooked by historic buildings
alternating with portals, small squares and
arcades. Here it is possible to see colourful
fragments of frescoes (15 th -16 th centuries), and
visit Palazzo Elti (2), seat of the Civic Museum.
On the right, walking along the Salita dei
Longobardi, the road of the Longobards’ climb,
you enter a magnificent park and the castle
of Gemona (3), offering a fascinating view of
Middle Friuli. Next, you arrive at the majestic
Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Assumption (4),
a wonderful example of medieval art.
This Cathedral, with a three-nave basilica
plan, is the result of the renovation of a preexisting
church dating back to 1290. The
majestic façade is striking: the lunette of the
Romanesque portal celebrating the Final
Judgment; the seven-meter high statue of
Saint Christopher placed there to protect
travellers; the elegant Gallery of the Three Wise
Men and the rose windows.
To the left of the Cathedral you can find the
Museum of the Parish Church (5) and the
Cathedral Treasury which houses, among its
works, ancient illuminated codexes, the oldest
baptismal register in Europe (1379), and the
precious monstrance by Nicolò Lionello (1435).
After passing through Porta Udine, the only city
gate left of the old city walls, take Via Monte
Glemine, where the ancient wash house (6) is
located, and then a path will lead you to the
Silans Fountain (7), renowned since Roman
You then reach via Vuarbe, which winds
through the countryside of Gemona and
reaches the border with Artegna. From here,
continue along Strade dai Sales, which meets
Via Sottocastello. Continue until you reach the
intersection with Via delle Chiese, leading to
Saint Martin Hill (8), where you will find the
parish church dedicated to the Nativity of
Saint Mary, built towards the end of the 13 th
century. Savorgnan Castle is hence before
you. The findings confirm the importance of
the site and its occupation already in the Goth
and Lombard age. On the top of the hill you can
see the attractive church dedicated to Saint
Martin, where you can admire frescoes dating
back to the first half of the 16 th century made
by the Friulian artist of Bavarian origins Gian
Paolo Thanner.
Route general data
7.7 km 2h 20’
dirt road
paved road
Gemona del Friuli - Artegna -