depliant percorsi - ENG rev03_STP

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The chosen route starts from the sports field

in the hamlet of Santa Maria di Sclaunicco

and links up with the sports field in the main

village of Lestizza. The route is safe and easily

accessible by everybody.

The Lestizza-Santa Maria stretch has been

made and arranged to be an integral part of a

more extensive route that also connects some

hamlets of the neighbouring municipalities.

Part of a wider route network within Middle

Friuli, is an area of considerable landscape and

environmental interest.

The network starts in the north, more precisely

in Orgnano, in the Municipality of Basiliano,

crosses the territory of Lestizza and then

continues towards Flambro, in the Municipality

of Talmassons, creating a system of poles of

attraction capable of promoting the entire


Buildings of historical and symbolic importance

for the municipality can be admired in Lestizza.

These are the Venetian villa Busolini-Bellavitis

(1), seat of the town library, the small Saint

Blas’ Church (2) and the historic villa owned by

the Fabris family located in the square of the

main town.

From Lestizza, the route continues on a dirt

road, connecting Lestizza to Santa Maria.

The path is immersed in greenery, with

autochthonous tree species typical of the

Friulian countryside, and surrounded by corn

fields and vineyards.

The route continues in Santa Maria di

Sclaunicco, crossing the recently refurbished

square, the business centre of the town. Here

you can also admire, in a slightly decentralized

position, the Church of Our Lady of the

Assumption (3).

The route ends in the vicinity of the sports field

with, among other things, an equipped area (4)

meant for outdoor gatherings and refreshment,

as well as a play area for younger children.

Route general data

5 km 1h 15’

dirt road

paved road







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