iRio Rosolats oV ia del CatellStrada provRi o PaludeVia SottoboscoP84Rio Acqua CadutaBorc de GlesieVia dal CopSan Daniele del FriuliBorc de VileBorgo GhiavonSusansVia delle FontaneVia CimanoTiveriaccoSR463SP46Via dal CopVia CarniaVia Osoppo Via OsoppoViale Rino SnaideroCasa La MontVia Sottocolleele del FriuliBorgo QuaiVia LimbiateVia Salita al ColleVia AlemagnaComerzoSnaideroVia GiuseVia LimbiateVia San GiorgioVia Borgo Rom anoVia degli ArtigianiVia dei FabbriSan Daniele del FriuliMajanoVia San TomasoVia LimbiateVia San Zenone degli EzzeliniVia NazionaleVia Rio GelatoSan TomasoV a UboldoVia rive di TabogaVia NazionaleVia LaipaccoSR463DodoisVia DodoisVia dei FalegnamiVia San MartinoVia San MartinoVia amis dSR463Via CarniaMajanoVia OsoppoBorgo BronzaccoVia SoprapaludoBorgo SoprapaludoSan Daniele del FriuliCanale GialloVia SVia PradimercatoVia SoprapaludoVia MoTorrente Ripudio
Via San DanieleetrVia Ponte LedraVia OsoppoSR463Fiume LedraTHE MAJANO ROUTEVia BaracêtCollBiotTorbCasa73Via dal CopVia OsoppoViale Rino Snaidero Viale Rino SnaideroSnaideroVia dei Fabbrii FalegnamiVia dal CopVia CarniaThe route mainly develops on a hill of morainicorigin which is part of an amphitheatre havinga total width of about 30 km. The startingpoint is at the car park of the Susans sportsfield (1). Turn left towards Cimano and followa paved road leading to the first crossroad.Turn left again and continue up a hill until youreach the cemetery, where the dirt route begins(take the dirt road on the left). After about 300m, the road begins to climb, and then endswith a tableland characterised by permanentpastures. Continuing along the route, you cometo a wonderful spot with benches where youcan relax and admire the view, and maybeColle delenjoy a picnic. A short detour to the right,Fumonly190 ma short distance away, takes you to the highestpoint of the route (287 m a.s.l.). From here youcan admire, to the north, the pre-Alpine arc inall its splendour with the Tagliamento Valleyand, to the south, the town of San Daniele delVia CamposVia Giuseppe GaribaldiVia Guglielmo MarconiVia Michele GortaniFriuli and the Friulian plain. Majano When back on theVia DeveaccoVia della CroceVia PalmanovaBorgo DeveaccoVia Giuseppe MazziniVia CividaleVia AquileiaVia DeveaccoVia Divisione JuliaVia Divisione JuliaVia Leonardo da VinciVia RomaVia MilanoVia Colle di CootVia Galileo GalileiVia GoriziaVia TriesteVia Pi o ZoruttiVia Divisione JuliaVia Ciro di PersVia degli AlpiniVia dei LaghiVia Venezia GiuliaVia del Collemain route, after a short descent, you reach SP58a crossroad that lets you continue to the left,along a short circular path indicated in blue,or to the right, along the path indicated inred, which continues with an almost straightdescent for about 300 m up to anothercrossroad. At this point, by turning right, in onlya short while, you will arrive at a deer-breedingfarmhouse restaurant, while by continuing onVia FriVia Vthe left along the paved road, you will arriveat the village of San Tomaso, with the recentlyrestored Hospital of St John of Jerusalem (2).Founded at the end of the 12th century by theKnights of St John of Jerusalem (later the Orderof Malta), during the Crusades this buildingwas an important place where wayfarers wouldstop for free hospitality on the TagliamentoRoute (part of the ancient Allemagna Route).Continue to the left, walking through the villageof San Tomaso, all the way up to the steps ofthe church and then to the cemetery of SanTomaso. Keep your left and continue until youreach a stable and, after less than 1 km, Susanswill appear before your eyes. Here you will finda refreshment point. Do not miss the chanceto visit the Susans Castle (3), that, to this day,still maintains the architectural structurewanted by Count Fabrizio di Colloredo, in 1636.The castle was the house of the noble familyColloredo until the end of the First World War.From the castle, after about 500 metres, youreturn to the starting point.While walking along the route, it is possibleto see foxes, hares, pheasants, roe deersand many birds including buzzards, greattits, robins or common wrens. The rich floraincludes acacias, chestnut trees, beeches, elmtrees, various species of undergrowth flowersand plants, and permanent pastures.Via UdinetinoVia amis di San MartinVia Borgo DavidVia dei BarazziVia UdineVia Venezia GiuliaGeneral route dataSP107,3 Km3,8 KmVia San Valentino2h 15’1h 15’petfriendlyVia Strada VecchiaVia dei Campi Lunghidirt roadpaved roadVia UdineVia MolinoVia Borgo Molinodel BrunonV iaVia dei GelsiVia dei GelsiVia MondovìFarlaVia dei VaiVia della Tes aVia