depliant percorsi - ENG rev03_STP

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Via San Daniele


Via Ponte Ledra

Via Osoppo


Fiume Ledra


Via Baracêt






Via dal Cop

Via Osoppo

Viale Rino Snaidero Viale Rino Snaidero


Via dei Fabbri

i Falegnami

Via dal Cop

Via Carnia

The route mainly develops on a hill of morainic

origin which is part of an amphitheatre having

a total width of about 30 km. The starting

point is at the car park of the Susans sports

field (1). Turn left towards Cimano and follow

a paved road leading to the first crossroad.

Turn left again and continue up a hill until you

reach the cemetery, where the dirt route begins

(take the dirt road on the left). After about 300

m, the road begins to climb, and then ends

with a tableland characterised by permanent

pastures. Continuing along the route, you come

to a wonderful spot with benches where you

can relax and admire the view, and maybe

Colle del

enjoy a picnic. A short detour to the right,



190 m

a short distance away, takes you to the highest

point of the route (287 m a.s.l.). From here you

can admire, to the north, the pre-Alpine arc in

all its splendour with the Tagliamento Valley

and, to the south, the town of San Daniele del

Via Campos

Via Giuseppe Garibaldi

Via Guglielmo Marconi

Via Michele Gortani

Friuli and the Friulian plain. Majano When back on the

Via Deveacco

Via della Croce

Via Palmanova

Borgo Deveacco

Via Giuseppe Mazzini

Via Cividale

Via Aquileia

Via Deveacco

Via Divisione Julia

Via Divisione Julia

Via Leonardo da Vinci

Via Roma

Via Milano

Via Colle di Coot

Via Galileo Galilei

Via Gorizia

Via Trieste

Via P

i o Zorutti

Via Divisione Julia

Via Ciro di Pers

Via degli Alpini

Via dei Laghi

Via Venez

ia Giulia

Via del Colle

main route, after a short descent, you reach SP58

a crossroad that lets you continue to the left,

along a short circular path indicated in blue,

or to the right, along the path indicated in

red, which continues with an almost straight

descent for about 300 m up to another

crossroad. At this point, by turning right, in only

a short while, you will arrive at a deer-breeding

farmhouse restaurant, while by continuing on

Via Fri

Via V

the left along the paved road, you will arrive

at the village of San Tomaso, with the recently

restored Hospital of St John of Jerusalem (2).

Founded at the end of the 12th century by the

Knights of St John of Jerusalem (later the Order

of Malta), during the Crusades this building

was an important place where wayfarers would

stop for free hospitality on the Tagliamento

Route (part of the ancient Allemagna Route).

Continue to the left, walking through the village

of San Tomaso, all the way up to the steps of

the church and then to the cemetery of San

Tomaso. Keep your left and continue until you

reach a stable and, after less than 1 km, Susans

will appear before your eyes. Here you will find

a refreshment point. Do not miss the chance

to visit the Susans Castle (3), that, to this day,

still maintains the architectural structure

wanted by Count Fabrizio di Colloredo, in 1636.

The castle was the house of the noble family

Colloredo until the end of the First World War.

From the castle, after about 500 metres, you

return to the starting point.

While walking along the route, it is possible

to see foxes, hares, pheasants, roe deers

and many birds including buzzards, great

tits, robins or common wrens. The rich flora

includes acacias, chestnut trees, beeches, elm

trees, various species of undergrowth flowers

and plants, and permanent pastures.

Via Udine


Via amis di San Martin

Via Borgo David

Via dei Barazzi

Via Udine

Via Venezia Giulia

General route data


7,3 Km

3,8 Km

Via San Valentino

2h 15’

1h 15’



Via Strada Vecchia

Via dei Campi Lunghi

dirt road

paved road

Via Udine

Via Molino

Via Borgo Molino

del Brunon

V ia

Via dei Gelsi

Via dei Gelsi

Via Mondovì


Via dei Vai

Via della Tes a

Via Sopra



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