depliant percorsi - ENG rev03_STP
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The route called “The Isonzo Bankline” is 2.5
km long and runs between the municipalities
of Monfalcone and Staranzano. It naturally
marks the end of the “Lower Isonzo” route
which crosses the municipalities of San Pier
d’Isonzo, San Canzian d’Isonzo and Staranzano
through paths and under the embankment.
The route starts from Riva Lunga di
Staranzano, an area part of the Isonzo Mouth
Natural Reserve, a particularly important
ornithological site. It is one of the few lowland
sites where the wood nuthatch reproduces. It
is also rather common to spot the European
green woodpecker and the great spotted
woodpecker here. These species are also
favoured by a rather luxuriant undergrowth,
which includes white poplars that create a
magical atmosphere within the wooded area
(1) bordering on the Cavana di Monfalcone
The route passes through Marina Julia (2),
overlooking the Panzano Gulf, between the
Port of Monfalcone and the mouth of the
Isonzo River. Built in the sixties, Marina Julia
today looks like a typical seaside resort full of
accommodation facilities and shops.
The beach, low and sandy like the whole coast
of Monfalcone, has been upgraded over the
years with arrangement works of the shoreline
and the embankment that connects it to the
Panzano Lido.
The route ends in Marina Nova, more precisely
at the Isola dei Bagni (3), an artificial islet
south of the Panzano district, connected to the
mainland by an embankment. It is a quiet place
that has retained is natural aspect, despite the
proximity to the Port of Monfalcone and the
The route surface is mainly grassy with some
stretches of gravel.
Rest areas, equipped with benches and tables,
are present both along the route and in the
immediate vicinity. Refreshment points, with
accessible toilets, are available at the beach.
The final part of the route connects to an
existing 2.5 km pedestrian ring which traces
Via dei Bagni Nuova, Via del Brancolo, Via delle
Giarrette and Marina Julia.
The route develops on flat areas, so it is suitable
for all types of users, families with children,
elderly people, walking groups, Nordic walkers.
Route general data
5 km 1h 15’
dirt road
paved road
Monfalcone - Staranzano -