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Physical movement and exercise at all ages for wellbeing and health

Although it is well established and supported by a number of scientifically validated

studies that a physically active lifestyle is crucial in preventing noncommunicable

(chronic) diseases, only a minority of the population engage in regular physical activity.

There are many reasons why people are sedentary, the main ones being attributed to lack

of time (40.6%), lack of interest (29.7%), age (24.7%), tiredness or laziness (13.5%).

It has been estimated that regular physical activity can reduce cardiovascular diseases

by 15-39%, stroke by 33%, colon cancer by 22-33% and diabetes by 22%. In Friuli Venezia

Giulia, 41% of the adult population is overweight-obese and only 35% practise regular

physical activity. Even among children, aged between 6 and 10 years, the situation is not

good: one in four is not at a normal weight, 5.7% are obese, 18.2% are overweight and

only 10% of 15 year olds practise the recommended physical activity.

Why is it good to practise regular physical activity?

• It lowers the risk of some chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases,

diabetes, obesity, and some types of cancer (colon and breast)

• It helps improve the respiratory functions

• It allows a greater control of body weight, thus reducing excess weight and


• It improves bone health

• It reduces cholesterol and blood pressure values

• It reduces symptoms of anxiety, stress and depression

• It improves the quality of sleep

• It strengthens muscles.

The effects of physical activity, exercise and movement on health can lead to increased

life expectancy.

What and how much physical activity should be practised?

The WHO estimates that 63% of adults do not get enough physical activity, and of these

20% are considered inactive. The document ‘Global Recommendations on Physical

Activity for Health’ indicates recommended levels of physical activity for health, based

on three different age groups:

- Children and young people aged 5-17 years should engage in activities that include play,

planned exercise and sports (predominantly aerobic), starting gradually and increasing

in duration, frequency and intensity from time to time, up to at least 60 minutes per

day of physical activity of varying intensity, from moderate to vigorous, and at least 3

sessions per week of aerobic activity that stimulates the skeletal muscle system. Any

greater amounts of activity provide additional benefits.

- Adults aged 18-64 years should do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic

physical activity per week. Aerobic activity should be performed in bouts of at least 10

minutes duration. For additional health benefits, adults should increase their moderate-

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