depliant percorsi - ENG rev03_STP

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The Lupanica route develops from the

residential centre of Muzzana del Turgnano

and then crosses the countryside and the

Baredi Forest – Arvonchi Wood, remains of

the ancient Silva Lupanica, a lowland forest

that once stretched between the Livenza and

Isonzo rivers. Today the forest is a Special

Area of Conservation (SAC), Site: IT 3320034,

belonging to the “Natura 2000” Network.

The area lets you admire the natural

attractions, take a breath of fresh air and carry

out physical activity, retracing places which

were the scene of important historical events

of the community of Muzzana.

The circular route starts from the Orbi Park (1),

overlooked by Villa Muciana, today housing the

local section of the Alviero Negro Library.

Leaving the square behind, continue south

along Via Levada (former Strada Levada del

Principe), built by the Doge of Venice between

the end of the 16 th century and the beginning

of the 17 th century), and in just a few metres

you will find yourself immersed in the Muzzana

countryside. Here you can choose two different

paths: either continue along the SMALL route

which will take you on a walk through the

countryside bordering the forest and, with a

small detour, you will reach the Rolaz Area, or

continue along the LARGE route, as indicated

by the signs.

The Rolaz Area (2) was the scene of the Riots

of Cormôr, an unusual strike that involved the

unemployed, labourers and peasants of Lower

Friuli who protested against the lack of work

after World War II. A wooden statue depicting

a man with a shovel in his hand stands in

memory of these events. It is a symbol of the

fortitude, sense of justice, resistance and

solidarity that animated the protagonists of

the riots. Benches and a table are available in

the area for refreshment and relaxation.

By choosing the LARGE route, you can cross the

real forest, starting from the Toronduze area

(3). Here you can take a break and relax and

refresh at the fountain, view the information

signs on the flora, fauna and history of civic

and collective land tenures, sit at the tables

for a snack, and admire the works of Land Art

created by artists from different countries of

the world. Nearby, there is also an apiary that

produces honey from collectively held land in


The LARGE route retraces a stretch of the

Romea Strata, which is part of a network of

routes that rethread the ancient pilgrimage

routes to Rome, Santiago de Compostela

and Jerusalem, and then the fully tree-lined

Stradon di Miez (4). Just a few steps out of the

forest (meeting point with the SMALL route),

you will find yourself back in the town, until you

reach the arrival point at the Orbi Park.

Route general data

11 km 2h

dirt road

paved road



Muzzana del Turgnano


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