depliant percorsi - ENG rev03_STP
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The cycle-pedestrian route starts from Via
Roma, in Pavia di Udine, the municipal capital.
The toponym has clear Roman origins, probably
dating back to the time of the settlement of
the Latin tenant farmers in the countryside of
Places of interest in Pavia di Udine are certainly
the two churches - the parish church of Saint
Ulderic (1) and the small church of Saint John
of the Flagellants (2) built in the 15 th century
- and the three aristocratic residences: Villa
Lovaria (3), Mantica-Frangipane palace (4) and
the Beretta in Porcia and Brugnera complex
(5). Leave Pavia di Udine and take the country
road behind the Industrial Zone. Walking along
the Torre River bank you will reach Percoto
(from the Slovenian “Prehod”, meaning ford).
Buildings of interest here are the Saint Martin
the Bishop Church (6), the 15 th century house
(7) known as “Colombare”, Villa Frattina-
Caiselli (8) and Villa Kechler (9).
Moving westwards from Percoto along Via
Aquileia and continuing on Via Pre ‘Zaneto,
you will find the village of Popereacco, from
the Roman name “Pauperius”, with its late
medieval Saint Jerome Church (10).
Proceeding along the road you will enter
Ronchi, a very common toponym in Friuli
which comes from the Friulian verb “runcare”,
meaning to cut down a wooded area, to make
place for additional farmable land.
The most important building is the 17 th century
Villa Della Porta Dorigo (11), joined to the Saint
Jerome Church, dating back to 1300.
Walking along Via Cavour, you will reach the
nearby village of Persereano, a originally
meaning “the land belonging to Perserius”.
Here the 16 th -18 th century complex of Villa
Florio (12) stands out in all its grandeur.
A little further north, travelling along the
country road Via Del Molino, you come to
Lauzacco, its name probably derived from the
Latin-Celtic “Lautius”. Located in the centre
of the municipal area, Lauzacco has been the
headquarters of the Town Hall since 1910.
Worth noting is the 18 th century Villa Beretta
(13), with its remarkable stuccos and frescoes,
and the adjoining Saint Nicholas Chapel.
Via Del Molino will lead you to the hamlet of
Selvuzzis, where the 19 th century Villa Deciani
(14) stands, surrounded by its protective stone
walls. Continuing on Via Selvuzzis, you return
to Pavia di Udine, thus ending the cyclepedestrian
Route general data
13 km 4h
dirt road
paved road
Pavia di Udine