depliant percorsi - ENG rev03_STP

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The route develops in a ring starting from the

Adam and Eve Bridge (1), and offers 3 options:

the “Path of Female Workers” (A), available

from 2022, the embankment of the Noncello

River (B) and Via Riviera del Pordenone (C).

These three options are three parallel routes

that connect the river to Viale Martelli.

Through Viale Dante, entering Galvani Park (2),

you can visit the MIRA, an itinerary museum

of the ancient rose and the PAFF!, Palazzo

Arte Fumetto Friuli, the Friulian art and

comics palace for comics exhibitions. Once

you reach Via del Maglio, you will encounter

Seminary Park (3). Cross the park and exit at

Torre, near Villa Romana, where you can visit

the Archaeological Museum (4) and Castle

Park (5). From here, continue north and enter

Via Piave, which leads to Saint Valentine

Park (6), structured as an “accessible and

inclusive park”. Once you exit Galvani Park, it

is possible to shorten the route to reach Saint

Valentine Park, by taking the road adjacent to

Lake Tomadini (7) which will lead you north

to the Park of Saint Charles Lakes (8). At this

point, cross Via San Valentino and enter Saint

Valentine Park.

From Saint Valentine Park, continue north on

Via Interna, Via Colvera and, crossing the Sacro

Cuore Square, on Via San Quirino. By taking

the cycle-pedestrian passage that leads to

Viale Rotto, reach the Civil Hospital. Cross Via

Montereale and continue along Viale Divisione

Modotti until you reach the Immaculate

Conception Park (9). This park connects with

Via Ungaresca, and reaches the Gallini cyclepedestrian

path. Take a short walk through

Cimolai Park (10), a reference point for families

and runners, made in the style of English

landscape parks.

Crossing Viale Grigoletti from Via Rosario,

reach the park in Via Casarsa, which leads

to Via Maggiore. The Rorai Lakes Park (11),

dedicated to the martyrs of the foibes, can be

reached through a cycle-pedestrian passage,

embellished with a beautiful mural. Once you

have crossed the park, exit in Via Cotonificio

and continue in Via Tessitura until you arrive

in Via Cappuccini. Walking along Via Burida,

you will reach the Pordenone side of Burida

Lake (12). Next, take Via Sabbioni and return

to Via Cappuccini. At the end of Via Cappuccini,

having crossed the road, keep slightly to the left

to enter Querini Park (13). Take a walk through

the park and exit in “the Bronx” direction, the

business district designed by architect Gino

Valle. To finish, return to the IV November Park

(14), walk through it and, continuing along Via

Codafora, close the ring route at the Adam and

Eve Bridge.

As an alternative, after Burrida Lake, it is

possible to return to the Adam and Eve Bridge

by crossing the path in Reghena Park (15),

available from 2022.

Route general data

13.5 km 2h 15’

dirt road

paved road



night time






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