Novità La fresatrice MP 1000HD L’asportazione controllata del conglomerato cementizio in galleria. MP 1000HD Simex: una fresa speciale per incrementare la produttività delle manutenzioni in galleria a cura di Edvige Viazzoli L’Italia è uno dei Paesi che vanta il numero più alto di gallerie stradali in Europa: oltre 4.400 su tutto il territorio nazionale. Le gallerie sono infrastrutture che necessitano di una costante manutenzione per far fronte a problemi di varia natura quali fessurazioni, infiltrazioni e, in generale, ammaloramenti dei materiali costitutivi, che ne determinano un progressivo indebolimento strutturale. Gli agenti esterni, come acqua e anidride carbonica, innescano processi di corrosione che nel tempo possono creare seri problemi di fessurazione del calcestruzzo armato, rendendo inevitabili interventi di bonifica e ripristino. I progetti di messa in sicurezza della rete delle gallerie possono prevedere diversi livelli di intervento, a seconda delle necessità riscontrate: dalla sistemazione dei marciapiedi, all’adeguamento degli impianti, fino al risanamento dei piedritti e della calotta. Ad oggi Simex offre attrezzature specifiche per la rimozione e la scarifica del calcestruzzo, su superfici verticali o inclinate, tramite la gamma di fresatrici per profilatura MP, che si compone di quattro diversi modelli, con tamburi fresanti da 1000, 800, 600 e 500 millimetri. All’aumentare delle richieste di intervento per manuten- English Version The MP 1000HD head cutter THE CONTROLLED REMOVAL OF THE DAMAGED TUNNEL LININGS. MP 1000HD: A SPECIAL CUTTER HEAD TO INCREASE PERFORMANCE IN TUNNEL MAINTENANCE Italy is one of the countries that boasts the highest number of road tunnels in Europe: more than 4400 throughout the national territory. Tunnels require constant maintenance to deal with problems of various kinds such as cracks, infiltrations and, in general, deterioration of the constituent materials. External agents, such as water and carbon dioxide, trigger corrosion processes that can create serious cracking problems in reinforced concrete over time, exposing infrastructures to progressive structural weakening. The MP cutter heads range is particularly effective in removing damaged concrete. Scarification depth and uniformity are ensured by lateral wheels, for profiling the tunnel from the crown and along the side walls, down to the ground. MP range is divided into four models for 500, 600, 800 and 1000 milling widths for excavator coupling. Given the increase in requests from the tunnel maintenance market, Simex has worked in recent months on a special model, created for big prime movers with specific characteristics. We are talking about the MP 1000HD, where the acronym HD stands for “heavy duty”, to indicate heavy and demanding jobs. MP 1000HD The MP 1000HD cutter head was created for the specific project of removing damaged surfaces in tunnels on behalf of Amplia Infrastructures, formerly Pavimental, a subsidiary of Autostrade per l’Italia, a company specialized in the construction and maintenance of motorway civil works and plant engineering. Designed for excavators from 35 to 60 tons customized for tunneling, the HD version differs from the MP model of the same width due to several operational characteristics: • piston motors in direct drive with the drum which release a hydraulic power of 200 kW and a cutting force of 65 kN; • hydraulic depth adjustment up to 150 millimetres via side wheels; • independent depth adjustment on RH and LH wheels to easily make side-by-side passes; • hydraulic wall alignment device; • 360° hydraulic rotation; • nebulizer kit for enhanced dust suppression. The MP 1000HD is a special piece of equipment, with an operating weight of over 4000 kilograms, which requires a dedicated excavator, with high hydraulic capacity, to be able to perform on tunnel Gli innovatori 100 3/<strong>2024</strong> <strong>leStrade</strong> <strong>leStrade</strong> 3/<strong>2024</strong> 101