leStrade n. 1956 aprile 2024
INFRASTRUTTURE Milano Serravalle Milano Tangenziali La sicurezza in tempo reale GALLERIE La Realtà Virtuale “avanza” nelle gallerie BBT
Milano Serravalle Milano Tangenziali La sicurezza in tempo reale
La Realtà Virtuale “avanza” nelle gallerie BBT
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Foto 13: ADB's climate<br />
Foto 9: EBRD sustainable framework for the investments (source EBRD).<br />
Foto 11: Road PPP projects in<br />
EMDE (source WB).<br />
Foto 10: Investments (2050)<br />
in transport infrastructure<br />
worldwide (source ITF/OECD).<br />
finance by sector<br />
(source ADB).<br />
Foto 14: Global ESG<br />
bonds market<br />
(source CBI).<br />
Foto 15: GFDT & GRSF<br />
(source WB).<br />
The size of the green, social and sustainability bond<br />
market (GSS+) crossed the $4tn mark in 2023, included<br />
$448bn of aligned GSS+ debt captured in H1<br />
2023. Green bonds accounted for 62% of aligned<br />
volume, with $278.8bn recorded. The transport sector<br />
remains one of the top 3 largest use of proceeds<br />
categories by volume. Credible decarbonization<br />
in line with a 1.5-degree future and to ensure<br />
the global system is able to reach net-zero targets<br />
requires ambitious target setting; emission thresholds<br />
have been set in a net-zero 2050 decarbonization<br />
pathway. Climate Bonds Initiative has developed<br />
detailed sector criteria for the transport<br />
sector (2020), additional updates (2023) to the Climate<br />
Bonds Standard now include entity certification<br />
and sustainability-linked debt instruments<br />
(sustainability-linked loans and bonds). 2 Tiers of<br />
certification: Tier 1 accommodates entities already<br />
aligned to a decarbonisation pathway and Tier<br />
2 for transitioning entities (alignment by 2030). CBI<br />
are developing a Resilience Taxonomy, which one<br />
of the 7 themes is resilient infrastructure, specifically<br />
including transport infrastructure (e.g. roads).<br />
The transport sector is one of the highest emitters,<br />
it can be tackled and the money is available to<br />
achieve local, regional and national decarbonisation<br />
goals. Policy certainty in large-scale transport<br />
infrastructure projects provide certainty, facilitating<br />
capital flows. Credible green investments, supported<br />
by certification for entities and regarding<br />
expanded financial mechanisms, ensure to achieve<br />
these goals avoiding greenwashing or miss-representation.<br />
mobilizing finance for the road sector, with<br />
specific sustainable finance programmes embedding<br />
sustainable aspects. Access to capital<br />
markets, strong support to the ESG bond market<br />
(e.g. green and road safety bonds).<br />
• Adoption of main international sustainable taxonomies<br />
and standards.<br />
• Concerted action with leading international institutions<br />
and organizations, also improving capacity<br />
building (policy support programmes).<br />
Conclusions: Recommendations for<br />
PIARC and international organisations<br />
The overarching conclusions for PIARC and<br />
other international organisations included:<br />
• International policies aligned with the SDGs,<br />
sustainable funding and financing of the sector,<br />
its progressive transition, climate change<br />
adaptation and resilience can only be<br />
achieved globally working together. Therefore,<br />
it is recommended that PIARC/World<br />
Foto 12: Investment needs in<br />
transport sector - World Bank<br />
(source WB).<br />
Foto 16: ESG bonds market - Sector breakdown (source CBI).<br />
Road Association, with its committees and<br />
global network, could continue to pursue an<br />
effective and coordinated collaboration with<br />
leading international institutions and organizations,<br />
as for this Foresight Session.<br />
• Interconnected common challenges faced<br />
by the sector worldwide; fundamental focus<br />
on specific necessities for different categories<br />
of countries (e.g. developed / developing<br />
countries) and geographical areas.<br />
• With the aim of incentivizing the sharing of<br />
common knowledge, updated information,<br />
successful action plans in the sector about<br />
these crucial topics, it would be relevant realizing<br />
joint high-level international policy<br />
guidelines and studies. Focussing on sustainability<br />
and innovations; considering market’s<br />
developments and best practices, aligning<br />
multiple information. nn<br />
Infrastrutture&Mobilità<br />
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