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56<br />

Passeggiata<br />

romantica<br />

nell’antica capitale<br />

dei Premislidi<br />

di Ernesto Massimetti<br />

By Ernesto Massimetti<br />

A romantic walk<br />

in the ancient<br />

Přemyslid capital<br />


QUaNDo La MoRaVIa ERa<br />


oLomouC THE LoyAL TowN:<br />

wHEN moRAVIA wAS<br />


Pensi a Olomouc, la fedelissima, e ti<br />

viene in mente la Controriforma. Sì<br />

perchè, delle città asburgiche, Olo‑<br />

mouc fu (per certi versi ancora è)<br />

quella che più trasuda reminiscenze<br />

When you think of Olomouc, the loyal<br />

town, it brings to mind the Counter-<br />

Reformation period. Yes, because, of<br />

all the Habsburg towns, Olomouc was<br />

(and to some extent still is) the town<br />

that - more than any other - exudes of<br />

seventeen-century reminiscences. This<br />

is not only true for its Baroque churches<br />

seicentesche. Non si tratta solo del<br />

barocco delle sue chiese e dei suoi pa‑<br />

lazzi, delle onnipresenti fontane (sei,<br />

le più belle, son dedicate a simboli<br />

classici della romanità: Ercole, Cesare,<br />

and palaces, or the ubiquitous fountains<br />

(six of them, in fact, and the most<br />

beautiful dedicated to classical Roman<br />

symbols: Hercules, Caesar, Mercury,<br />

Jupiter, Neptune, Triton), of the endless<br />

Horní Náměstí where stands the tall<br />

fascinating Trinity Column - which is<br />

now recognized as a Unesco heritage.<br />

progetto repubblica ceca<br />

Mercurio, Giove, Nettuno, Tritone),<br />

della sconfinata Horní Náměstí dove<br />

torreggia la fascinosa Colonna della<br />

Trinità, oggi patrimonio dell’Unesco.<br />

I capolavori di questo dimenticato<br />

Foto: edoardo malvenuti<br />

Bernini would have loved the masterpieces<br />

of this forgotten historical<br />

center, lying next to the green parks<br />

that surround it on each side, to its<br />

churches and the university, renowned<br />

for its classical studies.<br />

The University wanted (need we remind<br />

ourselves?) by the Jesuit Fathers

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