58 Sede, nel 1848, dell’incoronazione di Francesco Giuseppe,olomouc fu anche città prediletta del principe Massimiliano. Il futuro imperatore del Messico vi trascorreva lunghi soggiorni estivi Royal headquarters, in 1848 of the coronation of Franz Joseph, olomouc was one of the chosen cities of the prince maximilian. The future emperor of mexico spent long summers there cava neppure di poter usare talvolta un’arguzia tutta morava. Nel 1883, ecco arrivare fra gli altri visitatori un bizzarro kapellmeister nel teatro cit‑ tadino: si tratta nientepopodimeno che di Gustav Mahler. Il povero Gustav, non ancora issato ai fasti della grande musica, fatto oggetto dell’ironia dei giornali locali, resistette appena per tre mesi. Città colta, dunque, a tratti estetiz‑ zante: cresciuta fra chiese, univer‑ sità, teatro e palazzi storici di quella nobiltà mitteleuropea che irrobustì in It is true; Brno received the honour of Habsburgs and the German princes took being the new Moravian capital of wine place. The two-headed eagle seemed to and castles. It witnessed the surge and have a special appreciation for this nest: turmoil of Habsburghian history: the not too far from Vienna, Iuliomontium defeat of Austerlitz, the harshness of remained a junction point on the road to the Spielberg, the devastating 1848 ©PIM Silesia and Cracow. Indeed, thanks to its revolution that threatened to engulf humble elegance, the town became the the whole empire. While Olomouc, the favorite place of Prince Massimiliano, conservative town, remained for a long younger brother of Franz Joseph. The time a town of peace. And it is, perhaps, future Emperor of Mexico began spend- for this reason that you cannot ignore ing his long summer holidays there. the beautiful “Alamòc” town - as the Discretion as a form of custom: and Hungarians still call it today - if you here it was, transformed into a perfect want to understand a little of the his- “retreat” of the most famous European tory of the Austrian dynasty. Fortified court for its privacy and discretion. But, by Maria Theresa of Habsburg, point- while strengthening links with the lessly besieged by the Prussians in graceful town of Salzburg, Olomouc did 1758, Olomouc was above all the place not forgot at times to use that peculiarly of the abdication of Emperor Ferdinand Moravian wit. In 1883, along with the I in ‘”annus horribilis” 1848. other visitors, a bizarre Kapellmeister If history can sometimes be ruthless, it arrived at the town theater: it was none may also grant unexpected successes: other than Gustav Mahler. The poor on 2nd December of the same year, in Gustav, who had not yet reached the the Cathedral of St. Wenceslas, the his- magnificence of great music, became torical coronation of Franz Joseph took the object of irony in the local papers place. He was destined to rule until and was able to endure it only for about 1917: just 68 years! three months. In 1850, in Olomouc, a decisive dip- Thus, a town of culture, at times with lomatic conference between the aesthetic traits: grown among church- progetto repubblica ceca L’incoronazione di Francesco Giuseppe a Olomouc The coronation of Franz Joseph in Olomouc Moravia le più salde radici: Liechten‑ stein, Edelmann, Windisch‑Graetz e molti altri. Ancora oggi, il più grande organo esistente in Repubblica Ceca è alloggiato qui: chiesa di Sant Moric, 2311 canne. Capolavoro barocco e anche per certi versi biedermeier, tal‑ volta ammirato da turisti colti. Città leziosa e preziosa, piuttosto, Olomouc lo è rimasta anche adesso per gli ope‑ rosi e accurati studenti cechi. Vengo‑ no qui per perfezionare i propri studi umanistici: sono quasi ventimila, su una popolazione che supera appena i 100mila abitanti, mentre l’ateneo ha prodotto e continua a produrre insi‑ gni ricercatori e studiosi. Per gustare davvero l’elegante Olo‑ mouc, allora, l’ideale è arrivarvi nel mese di maggio: fioriscono i giardini e le ragazze morave, è bello passeggia‑ re fra i parchi fin de siècle e villa Pri‑ mavesi, mentre si celebra ancora una volta il rinomato”Festival dei Fiori”. es, universities, theaters and historical buildings of that Central-European nobility that in established solid roots in Moravia: Liechtenstein, Edelmann, Windisch-Graetz, and many others. Still today, the largest existing organ ©PIM in the Czech Republic with 2,311 pipes is housed here: in the church of Sant Moric. A Baroque masterpiece and in some ways also a Biedermeier, that at times is admired by cultured tourists. Olomouc has also remained a somewhat affected and precious town for the industrious and diligent Czech students, who come here to perfect their classical studies: there are almost twenty thousand of them out of a population of just over 100 thousand inhabitants, while the university has and continues to produce outstanding researchers and scholars. To really enjoy the elegant Olomouc town, then, the ideal thing is to go there in May: the Moravian gardens and girls are in full bloom; it is lovely to stroll through the fin de siècle parks and villa Primavesi, while they are once more celebrating the well known “Flower Festival”.
La rivista italiana di <strong>Praga</strong> The <strong>Italian</strong> magazine of Prague Politica Politics Economia Economics Cultura Culture Costume Society Opinioni e analisi per quelli che vogliono saperne di più sulla Repubblica Ceca Opinions and analyses for those who want to know more about the Czech Republic Redazione/ Editorial office: Čelakovského sady 1580/4, Prague 1 redakce@progetto.cz, www.gruppoibc.eu
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