Le Giornate del Cinema Muto 2006 Sommario / Contents

Le Giornate del Cinema Muto 2006 Sommario / Contents

Le Giornate del Cinema Muto 2006 Sommario / Contents


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Arrest ofa Pickpocket.<br />

(National Fairground Archive)<br />

Robert Paul and Birt Acres, Arrest of a Pickpocket was filmed shortly after<br />

Oxford and Cambridge University Boat Race (30 March 1895), and is<br />

now the earliest British film known to survive. Crime was a popular subject<br />

and commercial proposition for the early film pioneers, and one which both<br />

Paul and Acres would return to later in their careers. Penny novels,<br />

sensational stage plays, and waxworks shows all presented crime narratives,<br />

which continued to be repackaged and reconstructed throughout the<br />

Victorian era. – VANESSA TOULMIN<br />

BOXING KANGAROO (Paul/Acres, GB, May/June 1895)<br />

35mm, 35 ft., 35”-40” (14-16 fps), National Fairground Archive,<br />

Sheffield.<br />

Senza didascalie / No intertitles.<br />

Filmato su quello che sembra essere un piccolo palco in legno, il film<br />

mostra un incontro di boxe tra un giovane ed un canguro, arbitrato<br />

probabilmente dall’addestratore <strong>del</strong>l’animale o da uno showman, che<br />

appare alla sinistra dei pugili. I canguri boxeur, un popolare numero<br />

da music-hall ed un’attrazione <strong>del</strong>le fiere <strong>del</strong>l’epoca, vennero filmati<br />

in seguito anche da altri. Non viene mostrata nessuna effettiva<br />

conclusione <strong>del</strong>l’incontro, ma, in linea con la Edison Kinetoscope,<br />

Paul e Acres sembrano riprendere numeri di varietà già popolari od<br />

affermati come parte <strong>del</strong> loro repertorio. – VANESSA TOULMIN<br />

Filmed on what appears to be a small wooden stage, this film shows a<br />

boxing bout between a youth and a kangaroo refereed by possibly the<br />

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animal’s trainer or a showman, who appears to the left of the pugilists.<br />

Boxing kangaroos were a popular music-hall act and fairground<br />

attraction at this time, and were also filmed at a later date by other<br />

cinematographers. No actual conclusion to the contest is shown, but in<br />

line with the Edison Kinetoscope, Paul and Acres appear to be filming<br />

already prominent or recognized variety acts as part of their repertoire.<br />



(Paul/Acres, GB, May/June 1895)<br />

35mm, 37 ft., 37”-42” (14-16 fps), National Fairground Archive,<br />

Sheffield. Senza didascalie / No intertitles.<br />

Questo titolo, in precedenza sconosciuto, consiste di due numeri con<br />

animali filmati sullo stesso palco <strong>del</strong>le pellicole precedenti. La prima<br />

sequenza mostra un cane che salta attraverso un cerchio tenuto da un<br />

addestratore di animali o showman. La seconda presenta<br />

probabilmente uno dei primissimi omaggi cinematografici alla Danza<br />

<strong>del</strong>la gonna, con uno scimpanzé o comunque una scimmia che la<br />

esegue con l’aiuto <strong>del</strong> suo addestratore.– VANESSA TOULMIN<br />

This previously unknown title consists of two animal acts filmed on the<br />

same stage as the previous titles.The first sequence shows a dog jumping<br />

through a hoop held by an animal trainer or showman. The second<br />

sequence shows possibly one of the earliest tributes to the Skirt Dance on<br />

film, with a chimpanzee or monkey performing the dance with the aid of<br />

its trainer. – VANESSA TOULMIN<br />

Tre degli ultimi quattro film britannici nella Williams Family<br />

Collection hanno soltanto titoli provvisori, in quanto non sono stati<br />

totalmente identificati. Di due rimangono solo frammenti, [Family<br />

Group] e The Launch of the HMS Albion, at Blackwell, identificato di<br />

recente. Gli altri due film sono completi, probabilmente risalenti al<br />

1896, e hanno ricevuto titoli provvisori e date legate al lavoro di<br />

Acres. / Three of the last four British films in the Williams Family<br />

Collection have only provisional titles, as they have not yet been fully<br />

identified. Only fragments survive of two, [Family Group] and the recently<br />

identified The Launch of the HMS Albion, at Blackwell.The other two<br />

films are complete, probably date from 1896, and have been assigned<br />

provisional titles and dates associated with Acres. – VANESSA TOULMIN<br />

[FAMILY GROUP] (Birt Acres, GB, July 1895?)<br />

35mm, 5 ft., 5”-6” (14-16 fps), National Fairground Archive, Sheffield.<br />

Senza didascalie / No intertitles.<br />

Di questo film su un gruppo di famiglia si sono conservati solo<br />

frammenti. Si ritiene che la pellicola, che mostra alcuni fotogrammi<br />

di un gruppo familiare, forse membri <strong>del</strong>la famiglia di Birt Acres o di<br />

Melbourne Cooper, risalga al luglio 1895. / Only fragments of this film<br />

of a family group have survived. The film is believed to date from July<br />

1895, and shows a few frames of a family group, possibly members of Birt<br />

Acres’ or Melbourne Cooper’s family. – VANESSA TOULMIN<br />


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