Le Giornate del Cinema Muto 2006 Sommario / Contents

Le Giornate del Cinema Muto 2006 Sommario / Contents

Le Giornate del Cinema Muto 2006 Sommario / Contents


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speranza, tutta americana, che i loro desideri possano avverarsi<br />

semplicemente in virtù <strong>del</strong>la loro onestà e intensità. Il film lascia<br />

capire che tale mutua “fiduciosa aspettativa” alla fine dovrà<br />

spezzarsi, affinché essi possano, almeno in parte, realizzarsi. – Tom<br />

Gunning [DWG Project # 583]<br />

There are those of us who consider True Heart Susie to be Griffith’s<br />

masterpiece. A claim like this demonstrates perhaps the only reason for<br />

using terms like “masterpiece” in this era so suspicious of canons, and<br />

even of critical evaluations. Such a claim must be polemical, an<br />

incitement to discussion and argument, rather than reinforcing the<br />

received judgment of generations. But more importantly, in its superlative<br />

claim to value, it indicates that such a discussion must involve an<br />

emotional investment (read: passion) on the part of the critic, as much<br />

as analytical demonstration. To be devoted to a film like True Heart<br />

Susie has nothing to do with the institutional and long-term support of<br />

cultural apparatuses that render literary canons suspect. But it does<br />

involve narrative structure and point of view, as well as the fine details of<br />

performance, framing, and even the use of intertitles that makes a<br />

seemingly modest film such as this appear nearly incandescent in its<br />

confessional and emotional power.<br />

Sergei Eisenstein analyzed D.W. Griffith as a divided artist, accenting a<br />

split between the modern, urban, fast-paced Griffith, and the traditional,<br />

rural, and pastoral Griffith. True Heart Susie certainly belongs in the<br />

latter group, but like all of Griffith’s pastoral features, the barrier<br />

between a traditional and a modern world – and especially an urban and<br />

rural world – has been breached, and this contamination supplies part<br />

of the drama and tension of the film.As in Way Down East, A Romance<br />

of Happy Valley, or even The White Rose, movement from the city to<br />

the country and back carries tragic consequences for characters, as the<br />

two worlds come into conflict in such a way that our heroes no longer<br />

feel sure of the mo<strong>del</strong> of behavior they should follow. Interestingly in all<br />

these films, characters (and the drama) must return to the country (the<br />

time characters spend in the city in most of the films remains rather<br />

brief in terms of screen time – although enormous in their<br />

consequences).<br />

But we might better characterize Griffith’s stylistics through a contrast<br />

not simply between urban and rural, but between the epic and the<br />

intimate (John Belton, in his insightful essay “True Heart Susie” (1983),<br />

describes this split as between the epic and the lyrical;William Rothman,<br />

in his fine essay “True Heart Griffith” (1988), makes a distinction<br />

between epic and “intimate drama”). In my discussion of Intolerance in<br />

volume 9 of The Griffith Project, I related these two modes of Griffith’s<br />

narratives to the visual contrast between long shot and close-up.Although<br />

this poses a great simplification of his narrative devices, I think it reveals<br />

attitudes motivating Griffith’s framing. Received opinion often (falsely)<br />

characterized Griffith as the father of the close-up. In his own mythmaking<br />

through the advertisement he placed in trade journals when<br />

leaving the Biograph Company in late 1913, Griffith emphasized that he<br />

introduced not only “large or close-up figures” but also “distant views”.<br />

85<br />

From the Biograph films on, Griffith used a variety of distant framings to<br />

capture broad sweeps of action (Indian raids, Civil War battles, Sherman’s<br />

March to the Sea, the Siege of Babylon), endowing his films with an epic<br />

dimension. Close-ups, on the other hand, initially provided dramatic<br />

emphasis in Biograph films, emphasizing small objects such as the bar of<br />

soap with hidden jewels in Betrayed by a Handprint (1908) and the<br />

monkey wrench in The Lonedale Operator (1911). But in his feature<br />

films close-ups began to play more complex roles than magnification of<br />

crucial small objects.<br />

This sense of intimacy in Griffith does not derive only from close-ups,<br />

but also from performances that make use of the close-ups. In True<br />

Heart Susie, Lillian Gish’s face becomes a battleground of emotions,<br />

expressing not simply a single essential emotion or reaction, but staging<br />

complete and progressive dramas of realization, recognition, and<br />

despair. Consider Gish’s close-up as Susie sees William and Bettina<br />

embracing after Bettina accepts his proposal of marriage. Description in<br />

words can only demonstrate the ungainly quality of language when<br />

posed against the natural expressivity of the face, but, in the interest of<br />

directing the viewer’s attention (or memory) to the moment, I will risk<br />

the offense. Gish first appears thoughtful: her eyes focused down as her<br />

hand mounts to her ear, which she fingers almost abstractly as if<br />

considering an intellectual puzzle. Then she laughs a bit, perhaps<br />

recognizing the absurdity of her long-term unspoken love, or perhaps<br />

momentarily convinced she has mistaken what she has seen. She looks<br />

off toward the couple briefly, then her eyes widen and her little finger<br />

begins to play with her lower lip as her smiles fades. She looks off left<br />

again more intently, her finger now in her mouth.Then her head wavers<br />

uncertainly, her eyes widen as she looks towards the camera, as if on<br />

the verge of fainting.<br />

Throughout True Heart Susie performance, editing, and narration<br />

create a point of view through which we profoundly share the<br />

experiences of the characters. However, this sharing involves more (or<br />

less) than strict identification. For Griffith, sharing an intimacy also means<br />

being aware of a certain distance, which occasionally we can cross into<br />

an emotional nearness.Thus, in True Heart Susie we profoundly share<br />

Susie’s story and indeed become very close to her, a bit in the way Susie<br />

must become close to Bettina when she lets her share her bed in spite<br />

of her anger at her for deceiving William, in spite of her envy of her for<br />

possessing the one thing Susie loves and not valuing it. Nearness and<br />

intimacy mean overcoming a distance that one is fully aware of.<br />

Thus, although we share Susie’s story and care about her heartbreak, we<br />

do not share her naïveté.We are always one jump ahead of her, realizing<br />

all the things she doesn’t: William’s vanity and lack of insight into the<br />

world around him, Susie’s own lack of forthrightness in claiming what<br />

should be hers.The illusions both she and William have about the way<br />

the world operates – often referred to in the intertitles as their “faith” –<br />

reflecting a peculiarly American foolish expectation that their desires will<br />

be met, simply because they are earnest and intense.The film makes it<br />

clear that such “faith” must be broken in the end, if they are to find any<br />

fulfillment at all. – TOM GUNNING [DWG Project # 583]<br />


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