5 years ago

Centurion IDC Summer 2019

  • Text
  • Marfa
  • Yachting
  • Hong
  • Jewellery
  • Raja
  • Features
  • Architects
  • Clockwise
  • Architecture
  • Irma


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Contributors SUMMER 2019 Gerri Gallagher “When I moved to the UK in 1986, I spent the better part of my first year visiting country house hotels in England and Scotland – the scope and diversity of what’s going on now knocked me sideways,” exclaims the former Tatler editor, who wrote about the best of bucolic Britain in Rural Retreats (p19). Douglas Friedman “The more time I spend in Marfa, the more I discover about this strange little town,” says the photographer (Marfa’s Magic Touch, p28), who splits his time between the Texas art colony and New York City. “She’s always revealing something new to me – I’ve recently found a hole in the wall (literally) that serves fried chicken for breakfast.” ILLUSTRATIONS PAUL RYDING Justin Davidson “Like pretty much anyone who’s seen it up close, I was entranced by the Oslo Opera House when I first saw it,” says Davidson, the classical music and architecture critic for New York Magazine. For this issue he travelled all over Norway to report on the country’s cutting-edge architectural firms in Norwegian Wood (p58), which are seamlessly fusing design with nature. John Laurie The Melbourne-based photographer hadn’t done much underwater photography before his visit to Raja Ampat, Indonesia, for Jewels of the Sea (p42). “It was like a whole new canvas for me to play with, and the pristine coral of the archipelago was truly a sight to behold,” says Laurie, whose work has been featured in Travel + Leisure and Monocle. Michael Gross “I went to St Barth’s for 21 years, but last visited in 2010. I missed it and, after Hurricane Irma, wanted to return and support a place I’ve loved,” says the New York-based writer, who reports on the recovery of the posh Caribbean retreat in Back to St Barth’s (p48). Gross’s recent non-fiction includes books about fashion photography and Manhattan real estate. CENTURION-MAGAZINE.COM 17