9 years ago

Departures Hong Kong Spring 2015

Departures Hong Kong 2015 Spring Edition


GROUP PUBLISHER/EDITOR IN CHIEF CHRISTIAN SCHWALBACH INTERNATIONAL EDITORIAL DIRECTOR THOMAS MIDULLA ASSOCIATE GROUP PUBLISHER MICHAEL KLOTZ International Managing Editor Director of Photography Style Editor Senior Editor Graphic Designers Associate Editors Intl. Production Director Managing Editors Senior Editors International Staff Writer Photo Assistant Separation Chief Sub-Editor Editors-at-Large Yachting Editor Departures Magazine Online Contributing Writers Contributing Photographers and Illustrators EDITORIAL OFFICES Journal International head office, Hanns- Seidel-Platz 5, 81737 Munich, Germany; +49 89 642 797-0 Hong Kong Grebstad Hicks Communications, Lynn Grebstad, 704 The Broadway, 54–62 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong; +852 2810 0532. Bilbao Aretrad, Isabel Areso, Jata 12, 48993 Getxo, Vizcaya, Spain; +3 94 4912261. Tokyo Moji Company, Nishiyama BLD 3F, 1-1-19 Nezu, Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo, 113-0031, Japan; +81 3 5834 8562 Copyright © 2015 by Journal International/ Time Inc. 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FARHAD HEYDARI MARTIN KREUZER ELISA VALLATA CLAUDIA WHITEUS ANNE PLAMANN JEFF COCHRANE ANJA EICHINGER BRIAN NOONE (Europe) PAUL HICKS (Asia) ISABEL ARESO, MÓNICA BARRIO (Latin America) DEEPALI NANDWANI (India) MITSUYO MATSUMOTO (Japan) ALBERT KELLER CHRISTIAN BRUNSCHEDE (France) DELIA DEMMA (Italy) CHRISTIAN SCHLEICHER (Germany, Austria) FRANZISKA SENG (Germany) PERZ WONG (Hong Kong) ANALÍA FERREYRA (Mexico) JOHN MCNAMARA TERESA LEMME JENNIFER WIESNER JOHN PERNEY AVRIL GROOM (Fashion) KEVIN HACKETT (Motoring) CORNELIA MARIOGLOU MATT MENSLEY (Managing Editor), VICTORIA PEASE TOM PARKER BOWLES, JIM CLARKE, ELAINE GLUSAC, MARK GRAHAM, LISA GRAINGER, JONATHAN MARGOLIS, AUSTIN MERRILL, DAN RUBINSTEIN, JULIAN SANCTON, ELIZABETH SILE, NIGEL TISDALL, CLAIRE WRATHALL ANJE JAGER, KEN KOCHEY, MASAKO KUBO, STEPHANIE KUBO, MARCUS NILSSON, CHRISTOFFER RUDQUIST, MARTIN SCHOELLER, CAMERON-JAMES WILSON, XAVIER YOUNG DEPARTURES MAGAZINE Distributed quarterly by American Express Services Europe Ltd and edited and published by Journal International Verlags- und Werbegesellshaft mbH, in each case by permission of Time Inc., New York, NY, USA JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL VERLAG Hanns-Seidel-Platz 5, 81737 Munich, Germany +49 89 64 27 97 0 AMERICAN EXPRESS SERVICES EUROPE LTD. 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CONTRIBUTORS CAMERON-JAMES WILSON “RETRO REVIVAL”, page 56 “A 1970s brief was a little daunting for me – a self-confessed sci-fi obsessed geek, born in the 1980s. However, the puzzle pieces slowly fell into place,” says Wilson, who has also photographed for Cosmopolitan and Glossy magazines. “Arriving at the Mondrian hotel, you are awash with the decadence of a bygone era: the strong 1970s feel mixed with a modern twist was exactly right and also extremely inspiring – two rare things when shooting on location.” TOM PARKER BOWLES “LIMA”, page 68 As a food writer, Parker Bowles had long heard Peruvian cuisine was the “next big thing”. He didn’t buy it. Then he went to Lima. “It’s way better than the merely transient” food fad, he says, particularly the Quechuan anticuchos – marinated and grilled slices of beef heart – at Anticuchos de la Tia Grimanesa. “They’re beautifully beefy, with a wonderful fresh chilli sauce. There are only a few seats, of course, and always queues.” It’s worth it. ELISA VALLATA “SHAPE SHIFTERS”, page 35 “I’ve been dying to cover contemporary jewellery designers – creative minds who think outside the box to create something I would definitely wear,” says Vallata, style editor for Departures. “I love precious ornaments, but, like most women, I have a very particular taste, and the classics don’t really suit my personality. I have a soft spot for bold, geometric pieces, like the ones by these extraordinary nine designers featured in this issue.” XAVIER YOUNG “ENAMOURED OF EXACTITUDE”, page 64 The London-based photographer, who regularly shoots for Departures, brought a personal touch to this issue’s chronograph story based on the legend of William Tell. “We were very lucky that international model and kung fu expert Oliver Affleck was able to fly in from Brisbane for our archery-themed shoot. He is nine years old – and as well as having nerves of steel happens to be my nephew.” Young has contributed to titles that include Marie Claire and The Sunday Times Style. JIM CLARKE “COLD AS ICE”, page 76 “It had been ten years since I was last in Niagara, and I was thrilled by the high quality of the dry wines, the sophistication of the dining scene and the number of new, boutique producers standing on the shoulders of the pioneers’ great work,” says Clarke of his recent trip to Canada to research for this issue’s story on icewines. A longtime sommelier in New York City, his writings on wine, beer and spirits have appeared in the World of Fine Wine and Details, among other publications. KEEP IN TOUCH We welcome your comments and recommendations, which we may edit for clarity and space. Contact us at THE KEY All prices are in British pounds, euros or American dollars unless otherwise specified. cards. Online extras at Hotel is a member of Fine Hotels & Resorts $ Establishment is either cash only or does not accept American Express follow DEPARTURES magazine on Twitter@DeparturesInt DEPARTURES-INTERNATIONAL.COM 11