4 years ago

Departures Hong Kong Summer 2020

  • Text
  • Tsakonas
  • Villas
  • Villa
  • Architecture
  • Sofas
  • Antiparos
  • Oslo
  • Contemporary
  • Sofa
  • Departures


6 DEPARTURES SUMMER 2020 Features 40 The Curtain Rises Interiors fabrics take centre stage in artist Tina Lechner’s figures, giving new meaning to the costume drama. Produced by Dan Rubinstein Market editor Melissa Feldman 44 Slow Train Coming Perched high in the Andes, the rail journey from Puno to Cuzco is a showcase for the season’s standout fashion. Photographs by Maciek Pozoga Styled by Melissa Ventosa Martin 50 Rugged Refinement Watches in stainless steel – that most versatile of materials – pair robust performance with contemporary aesthetics. Photographs by Xavier Young Styled by Elisa Vallata 54 Greek Revival The Cycladean isle of Antiparos has become an unlikely haven for a modern architecture movement and its devotees. By Eleni N Gage Photographs by Marco Argüello 62 Transforming Oslo Showing a boldness that few European cities can match, the Norwegian capital is transforming itself into a first-class destination. By Brian Noone p40 Elaborately patterned fabrics are sculpted into works of art TINA LECHNER