2 years ago

Departures Hong Kong Winter 2021

  • Text
  • Departures
  • Platinum
  • Alpine
  • Culinary
  • Kong
  • Clockwise
  • Hong
  • Cuisine
  • Wellness
  • Suites


DUCRU-BEAUCAILLO Tiger’s Eye Anchored • Rooted Balanced • Determined

From the Editor “ We’re keen to further explore the ways in which stories can be told across multiple media THE UNIQUE ROLE of the printed word is something we take particular pride in. The heft of the magazine you now hold in your hands reflects, in a way, the weight of the careful consideration our team puts into crafting each and every page. Author Gary Buchanan, for instance, spent multiple days aboard each of the new cruise ships he profiles in this issue, while our photo director, Martin Kreuzer, stepped out from behind the desk to travel to Arlberg, Austria, to photograph a crop of creative young chefs featured in “The New Alpine Cuisine” (page 56). He was joined by seasoned food writer Patricia Bröhm, who visited all the restaurants at least once to ensure they met her exacting standards. These are just two of the many, many lovingly crafted stories in this issue – and I haven’t even mentioned the graphic designers, illustrators, subeditors or our production team who, among others, are integral to the creation of this magazine. But we are also conscious that the digital world makes up an increasing part of our – and your – days. The glow of a mobile-phone screen is the first and last thing many of us see each Christian Schwalbach „ day, and both work and leisure are so often oriented around one kind of screen or other. It is with this in mind that, alongside our printed publication, we are entirely revamping our online offering, reconceiving our website to cater to what you, our readers, have told us you want. We’re keen to further explore the ways in which stories can be told across multiple media – and with no less seriousness than in print. For instance, the text-based immersion in the two ships on page 52 will be paired with carefully curated, expansive visual galleries online. The website and our social media accounts – all of them @DeparturesInt – also offer an opportunity to report up-to-the-second news and happenings in ways that are impossible in our quarterly handbooks. Of course, we encourage you to linger over these pages, immersing yourself in the printed word. But we also recommend that you stop by our new digital platforms as well: we’re confident you’ll like what you find and that the news and notes will be both useful and inspirational. I’ll see you soon at 11 DEPARTURES