4 years ago

Departures Middle East Spring 2020

  • Text
  • Departures
  • Okinawa
  • Cruises
  • Tokyo
  • Okinawan
  • Islands
  • Wellness
  • Fitting
  • Cruising
  • Luxury


46 DEPARTURES STYLE INSIDE STORY Managing the Mix From Picasso paintings to flea-market finds, Linda Pinto’s vision for a Parisian flat would make her late brother, the maximalist decorator Alberto Pinto, proud. by Ian Phillips. Photographs by Jacques Pepion In the living room, the painting on the back wall, Corps de Dame by Jean Dubuffet (1947), overlooks a vintage Ruhlmann chair upholstered in an embroidered fabric by Pierre Frey, Portofino Camel THE LEGENDARY INTERIOR designer Alberto Pinto was an inveterate collector. “I think he bought something every day,” says his sister, Linda, who took command of his decorating firm upon his death in 2012. “He would accumulate things without knowing what to do with them.” His passions included linen, silverware and porcelain services from France, England and