9 years ago

Departures United Kingdom Summer 2014

Departures UK 2014 Summer Edition


CONTRIBUTORS 1. Avril Groom WRITER “Cosmopolitan couture”, p 43 In researching her story on the American fashion scene, the veteran London-based correspondent was surprised at “how thoroughly American brands like J Crew and Anthropologie have become part of the European fashion scene. It was an especially pleasant surprise to learn of the excellent price-for-quality ratio on the ready-to-wear looks from Coach this autumn.” Groom regularly pens features on style for the Financial Times’s How to Spend It and Telegraph. 2.CJ Hughes WRITER various The New York City-based journalist covered the latest from Hawaii (p 35), Manhattan (p 19) and the artsy town of Hudson, NY (p 60) for this issue of Departures. The biggest surprise for Hughes, who has contributed to The New York Times and Architectural Record, was in his own backyard: “Areas that were desolate at night when I moved to the city 20 years ago, like the Bowery, are now lively with restaurants and hotels.” 3. Johnny Autry PHOTOGRAPHER “The biggest little culinary capital in America”, p 80 “The best part about shooting restaurants is discovering new ways that chefs are using my favourite ingredient: pork,” says Autry, who has photographed for a range of brands and publications. “It was my absolute pleasure to sit down to a lovely barrel-proof bourbon and scotch egg made with pork cheek after shooting at The Bull and Beggar.” 4. Laurie Kahle WRITER “Westward bound”, p 36, and “A taste of autumn”, 30 “From the rocky Atlantic shores of Maine to Montana’s vast Big Sky country, visiting such rural regions in the US doesn’t necessarily require sacrificing sophisticated standards,” says the Bostonbased writer who explored New England’s premier culinary hideaways and the West’s most luxurious lodges for this issue. Kahle is a regular contributor to Robb Report and The Hollywood Reporter. 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