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TEST + QUALITY ASSURANCE Sliced 2D images are reconstructed into a 3D model that can be analyzed on any plane with the X.Tract analysis tool. Non-destructive testing saves money The enhanced visual inspection of the Nikon X-ray system will afford in-depth analysis during troubleshooting that will be enormously beneficial to Lectronics’ test engineers. In previous cases of unknown production failures, if the board had a micro-BGA or QFN, the PCBA may be sent out for cross-sectioning and destructive testing to best determine root cause. By being able to examine these components in-house, without destroying the PCBA, Lectronics will not only guarantee a faster resolution to test fall-out, but also save clients’ precious time and money. The 3D X-ray technology will also be incredibly beneficial for Lectronics’ mechanical assembly technicians as they assemble and complete different types of box-build products. Of all the different products that Lectronics assembles, electro-mechanical builds make up about 40 % of the total business. With this new 3D X-ray analysis, technicians will be able to see inside closed box-build units to guarantee that everything is sitting correctly inside of the module. The X-ray system will prove that components are not put under any additional stress after mechanical assembly is finalized. Clear pass/fail reporting with Inspect-X The Inspect-X feature provides a full, real-time, automated reporting system that details the X-ray system’s inspection results. Reports are fully customizable and will detail the analyses results of the specific components that were inspected with both 2D and 3D images of the solder connections underneath analyses components. The Inspect-X reports will also clearly define passed and failed components with quantifiable data to support those determinations. These reports will be invaluable to Lectronics’ customer base. With a variety of clients in the medical and aerospace industries with Class 3 assembly requirements, Lectronics will now be able to supply these patrons with real-time data and 3D images that show the proper conditions of solder joints on their assemblies, and thus help to eventually guarantee the functionality and reliability of the entire PCBA. “As a future-thinking organization, we are always investing in the appropriate tools and resources to provide our customers with unparalleled quality,” commented Mario Sciberras, Lectronics’ President and CEO. “This Nikon X-ray will better ensure quality for highly-complex circuit board assemblies with leadless components.” SMT Hybrid Packaging, Booth 4-306 Source: Saline Lectronics Nikon XT V 160 X-ray inspection system. Zusammenfassung Mit der Einführung eines leistungsfähigen automatischen Röntgensystems, das mittels Laminographie schichtweise aufgenommene 2D-Schnitte der Objekte für die Analyse in 3D als Rekonstruktion ermöglicht, hat eine EMS-Company sein Inspektionsequipment für die Qualitätsüberwachung erweitert. Das Nikon-Röntgensystem versetzt den Anwender in die Lage, gezielt unter BGAs, QFNs und anderen Bauteilen mit verdeckten Kontakten bzw. Pins diese problemlos zu kontrollieren. Damit wird zum einen die hohe Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit der Elektronikbaugruppen in der Fertigung abgesichert und zum anderen haben sich damit deutliche Potentiale für Kostensenkungen in Produktion und Qualitätssicherung erschließen lassen. Résumé Avec l‘introduction d‘un système de radiographie automatique performant procédant par prises de couches en 2D des objets en vuede leur analyse en 3D grâce à laminographie par reconstruction, une société de sous-traitance électronique a complété son équipement d‘inspection pour la surveillance de la qualité. Le système de radiographie Nikon met l‘utilisateur en capacité de contrôler sans problèmes de manière ciblée sous boîtiers BGA, QFN et autres composants dont les contacts ou les broches sont cachés. Ainsi, la qualité et la fiabilité élevées des modules électroniques ont été assurées dans la la fabrication, d‘autre part de nets potentiels de baisse des coûts ont pu être dégagés au niveau de la production et de l‘assurance de la qualité. Резюме Благодаря внедрению производительной автоматической системы рентгеновского исследования, которая позволяет реконструировать из послойно отсканированных при помощи томографии двухмерных слоев объектов объёмные трёхмерные объекты для анализа, компания EMS получила инспекционное оборудование для контроля качества. Рентгеновская система Nikon позволяет потребителю направленно и без проблем контролировать состояние контактов, расположенных под BGA, QFN и другими узлами с закрытыми контактами. В результате, с одной стороны, гарантируется высокое качество и надежность электронных узлов в процессе изготовления, а с другой — открываются явные возможности для уменьшения расходов на производство и обеспечение качества. Source: Saline Lectronics 96 EPP EUROPE May 2017

TEST + QUALITY ASSURANCE PRODUCT UPDATES Full inspection solution for PCB assembly Vi Technology, a provider of inspection solutions for PCB assembly, will exhibit at SMT Hybrid Packaging, scheduled to take place May 16–18, 2017 at the Messe in Nuremberg, Germany. The company will show its 5K 3D AOI coupled with the PI Series 3D SPI and Sigma Link to create a complete inspection solution for smart factories. The process improvement software, Sigma- Link, coupled with two high performance systems, from the PI Series (3D SPI) and K Series3D (3D AOI) products families, drive PCBA process control in new ways. A new era in process control begins. The result is one integrated solution for automated optical inspection, with a live link between systems and smart interface to improve the SMT process and productivity. For Smart Factories, the software is the essential element to combine all inspection data and transform them into valuable information for the users. This real-time interface ensures full traceability and enables interlocking of machines to automate SMT lines while driving yields to new levels, especially important for the automotive, aerospace and defense sectors. The new 5K 3D is a full 3D AOI based on laser technology with angled cameras combined with best-seller Spectro optical solution. This new-patented 3D AOI combination offers complete defect coverage with high precision metrology. SMT Hybrid Packaging, Booth 4-240 Source: Vi Technology Vi Technology will be exhibiting at the SMT show 2017. Inline solutions & boundary scan Acculogic Inc., a global leader in electronic production test solutions, exhibited at the 2017 IPC APEX Expo, company representatives demonstrated the FLS980 Series III, Scorpion Briz test & programming station, and comprehensive line of boundary scan test tools. Additionally, the company introduced high volume inline solutions, as well as, end of line functional test. The FLS980 Series III with the ultimate accuracy package option, along with high throughput features such as the latest version Flying Bed of Nails (FBON), was showcased at the show. The new ThermoScan thermal imaging test solution and MicroScan miniature image observation and testing solutions were also displayed. The Scorpion Briz is a compact, totally customizable, all-in-one test station. It can be configured to perform in-circuit, functional and boundary testing, and in-system programming. As a result, in one manufacturing stage users can achieve the highest level of test coverage, perform device programming, and meet and exceed throughput requirements. This makes the station a truly affordable tester. The company’s comprehensive line of Boundary Scan Test tools can be effectively used in the entire product life cycle, starting with design verification and validation and continuing into pilot production and manufacturing. Use of these tools in field service and repair depots can help further reduce test cost and cycle time. Additionally, the Scan- Navigator integrated boundary scan test environment offers a quick, easy and a cost-effective way to perform boundary scan test using Teradyne’s Di-Series, family of C-size VXI digital test instruments. Multi-reflection suppression sensor technology CyberOptics Corporation, a developer and manufacturer of high-precision 3D sensing technology solutions, will display an advanced ultra-high resolution Multi-Reflection Suppression (MRS) sensor for the company’s SQ3000 3D Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) system at the upcoming SMT Hybrid Packaging, scheduled to take place May 16–18, 2017 at the Messe in Nuremberg, Germany. The company has advanced the proprietary Multi-Reflection Suppression (MRS) sensor to an even finer resolution. The ultra-high resolution MRS sensor will be an option available for the award-winning SQ3000 3D Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) system. This sensor enhances the SQ3000 3D AOI platform, delivering superior inspection performance, ideally suited for the 0201 metric process and micro-electronic applications where Multi-Reflection Suppression sensor. Source: CyberOptics Corporation an even greater degree of accuracy and inspection reliability is critical. “The ultra-high resolution MRS sensor enables an even greater degree of accuracy that will provide our customers superior inspection performance and reliability to address the finer 0201 metric and micro-electronics applications,” said Dr. Subodh Kulkarni, the President and CEO. “This advancement will enable CyberOptics to further penetrate these market applications that have the most stringent requirements.” The SQ3000 3D AOI system maximizes ROI and line utilization with multi-view 3D sensors that capture and transmit data simultaneously and in parallel, accelerating 3D inspection speed versus alternate technology. The proprietary MRS sensor technology with the highly sophisticated 3D fusing algorithms offers microscopic image quality at production speeds. The company’s CyberGage360 3D scanning and inspection system and SE600 SPI system will also be demonstrated. SMT Hybrid Packaging, Booth 4-101 EPP EUROPE May 2017 97