COVER STORY » SMART FACTORY Source: ASM Employees receive orders and information automatically on a broad range of mobile devices ASMPT’s WORKS Smart Shopfloor Management Suite features an array of line operation functions to help managers and operators on the shop floor to control, optimize and automate eight workflows: Planning, Programming, Integration, Optimization, Monitoring, Operations, Preparations, and Logistics. The software orchestrates all the necessary variables such as personnel, equipment, materials, and processes to ensure they interact seamlessly. The solution provides information in the right place at the right time and deploys employees across all lines based on their individual qualifications. Instead of being rigidly assigned to specific lines, specialists are organized in smart operator pools and deployed via smart devices where they are most needed in accordance with their qualifications and task priorities. The system collects, analyzes and consolidates the necessary data from both the machines and the monitoring software. For predictable tasks such as material replenishment, consumption is automatically anticipated, and the software organizes deployment based on the shortest possible travel distance. Another feature that saves many miles of physical travel is the Remote Cockpit, a central console solution that makes it possible to change multiple machine settings from a single location. If a quality assurance system reports a potentially defective board, this convenient cockpit solution means it can be visually inspected remotely. Materials always on hand Material logistics managers must ensure that materials are always on hand in the right place, at the right time and in the right quantities. The software suite offers them an innovative solution that divides the flow of materials into freely definable time slots. Based on planned and actual material consumption as well as stock on site, the software continuously updates demand on the line. Based on this information, it automatically issues material requests to the central and local storage sites along with time-based transportation orders. This eliminates the need for manual reorders with all their potential errors, as well as preventing machine downtime, and eliminating the need for emergency stocks or lastsecond operator deployments on the line. Quality assurance Since solder paste printing is essential for errorfree production, quality assurance processes carried out by operators in this area are of the utmost importance. WORKS offers a unique solution for this. With expert software that employs both ‘big data’ and AI, SPI systems – both those manufactured by ASMPT as well as compatible third-party systems – can now be integrated into the world’s first selflearning inline expert system for electronics production. The real-time software analyzes all current and historical inspection data and learns from each indi- 24 EPP Europe » 04 | 2023
vidual print. Based on this information, the entire printing process can be controlled and optimized automatically. The software even takes data from third-party systems, such as end-of-line AOI, into account. It processes large volumes of data in far less time than a human operator ever could, and it overlooks nothing. In this way, it simplifies quality assurance processes and improves the line’s overall productivity. Keeping an eye on objectives For production and factory managers, information is the key to success. It is this information that WORKS automates, prioritizes, and presents in an easy-to-understand manner. It determines the line status and all key production performance indicators in real time and displays them as needed – in targetvs-actual numbers, as graphics, or as target-vs-actual comparisons with definable target values. It allows managers to see at a single glance what is working correctly on the factory floor and what isn’t. It also provides technicians and process engineers with important detailed information for their analyses and informs production employees about order progress, target achievement and potential improvements by means of overhead monitors. Source: ASMPT AI assistant on the smartphone. Thanks to NLP, Virtual Assist makes spoken enquiries possible and learns with each query A large number of companies still believe the digital transformation ends with machines Deploying employees efficiently and flexibly: WORKS assigns tasks across lines and in a qualification-oriented manner to a smart operator pool Source: ASMPT EPP Europe » 04 | 2023 25