8 years ago

8th Infocom Cyprus 2016 - Program

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  • Cyprus
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  • Smartpress
  • Cyprus
  • Infocom
The program of the 8th Infocom Cyprus with main subject "A Brave Digital World: Challenge Unlimited!"

10 DigitalWorld:

10 DigitalWorld: Challenge Unlimited! ESCAPE EXIT 8 7 6 9 5 10 4 3 11 2 12 1 13 21 19 20 14 15 16 17 18 1. HUAWEI 2. SOFT BOT 3. TECH 2 TECH 4. SINGULAR LOGIC 5. TECH DATA 6. CABLENET BUSINESS 7. TELEUNICOM 8. MULTITECH 9. PROCAM 10. MT TECHNOLINE 11. LOGICOM 12. EUTELSAT 13. CL8 14. PRIME TEL 15. PARTNERNET 16. CABLENET 17. REAL VIEW DIGITAL 18. ANT1 19. BLUPATH 20. SAMSUNG 21. CYTA

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