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ITB Asia News 2020 - Preview Edition

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  • Messe
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  • October
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  • Virtual


I EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW IThe show must go on!ITB Asia 2020 Virtual - a unique platformfor the travel tradeFor the first time since its launch in 2008, MesseBerlin (Singapore) takes ITB Asia 2020 Virtual thisyear. We asked Dr Martin Buck, Senior Vice PresidentTravel & Logistics at Messe Berlin GmbH to tell usmore.Dr Martin BuckSenior Vice President Travel & Logistics,Messe Berlin GmbHTogether with MICE Show Asiaand the inaugural Travel TechAsia, ITB Asia 2020 Virtual willbe hosted on ITB Community inAsia (ITB Community), a uniqueplatform of its kind for the traveltrade industry. ITB Asia’s globaldatabase of travel suppliers andbuyers will make it possibleto virtually continue theirconversations and to contributebest practices and content forthe travel trade to navigate therecovery of tourism.In these tough times, howimportant is it for industryprofessionals to stay abreastof trends and ideas?Our industry is experiencingthe worst crisis in its history.Staying ahead of trends andideas is more important thanever. There is a huge desire toexchange views. That is why, atthe forward-looking events ofITB Asia 2020 Virtual, leadingspeakers will be discussinghow Asia’s travel industry canharness intelligent strategiesto make sure it remains futureproofeven in a challengingenvironment. In the wakeof the latest developments,discussions on how theindustry can navigate throughrecovery will play a key role.The challenges facing ourindustry are global, so it is allthe more important to interactwith others across borders.How will ITB Asia be differentto other “virtual” events weare seeing these days?Our newly developedplatform, ITB Community inAsia, one of its kind in thetravel trade industry, is anall-encompassing avenuefor engagement betweenbuyers, suppliers, and industryplayers. Attendees can lookforward to hearing from aline-up of more than 160expert speakers from acrossthe travel industry in over100 high quality conferenceOUR NEWLYDEVELOPEDPLATFORM,ITBCOMMUNITYIN ASIA,ONE OF ITSKIND IN THETRAVEL TRADEINDUSTRYsessions and will have accessto exclusive videos. Delegatescan benefit from businessappointments via social chatand messaging functions withour Business Matching Tool.The platform also features aCommunity Activity Feed, aninteractive social networkingpage to share latest insights,articles and participate in6 ITB ASIA NEWS • FRIDAY 16 OCTOBER

I EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW Igroup discussions. Accessthe Digital Exhibition Boothfor a comprehensive view ofall suppliers, such as theircompany profiles, productresources and downloadablearticles. The Knowledge Libraryis a useful resource library oftrade articles, white papers ontravel destinations, researchreports and content by industrybellwethers and trade partners.What is the sentiment like inSoutheast Asia and the broaderregion at the moment?The coronavirus crisis hashit tourism in Asia hard. Withborders sealed and many flightsgrounded, the travel industry inSoutheast Asia had to focus ondomestic travel. However, ascountries and destinations inSoutheast Asia have graduallymoved out of different phases oftheir COVID-19 lockdown, plansare emerging to ease borderrestrictions by establishing safe“green lanes” for travel betweencountries and destinations.What will the highlights of theshow be?ITB Asia 2020 Virtual will focuson ways to “Reinvent travel inthe new normal”. Our Keynotesessions this year will highlightthe emerging trends the travelindustry should consider asthey continue to navigateCOVID-19 and prepare for theindustry’s recovery. Speakerswill also address industry’s bestpractices, business innovations,industry know-how andprofessional tips on how toadopt the mindset of industryleaders when navigatingthrough challenges. Industryleadingkeynote speakersthis year include: Angel LlullMancas, Vice President &Managing Director, Asia Pacific,; Hermione Joye,Sector Lead, Travel and VerticalSearch APAC, Google; DeepKalra, Chairman & GroupCEO, MakeMyTrip; AxelHefer, Managing Director &CEO, trivago; and Ben Drew,President, Viator.ITB ASIA 2020VIRTUAL WILLFOCUS ON WAYSTO “REINVENTTRAVEL INTHE NEWNORMALAlso look forward to top-levelsharing by the world's leadingorganisations: Alexandrede Juniac, Director General& CEO at International AirTransport Association (IATA),Maribel Rodriguez, SeniorVice President, Membership &Commercial at World Travel &Tourism Council (WTTC), AnitaMendiratta, Special Advisorto Secretary General at TheWorld Tourism Organization(UNWTO).In a broader sense, how isMesse Berlin, through the ITBshows, helping to move theindustry in the right direction?With the pandemic acceleratingthe digitalisation of the industry,technology provides us a wayto demonstrate our agility andability to innovate.With ITB Berlin, the World’sLeading Travel Show, and itsthree successful internationaleditions in Singapore, Shanghaiand Mumbai, Messe Berlincontributes decisively to shapingthe global travel industry. Itis constantly examining thelatest challenges and trendsand ensures that the industry’splayers are able to engagein a constructive dialogue.Sustainability, digitalisationand concepts for combatingovertourism, as well as thecurrent crisis due to COVID-19are all among the topicsdiscussed. As a global hub, ITBwith its virtual and in-personevents provides the widestrangingplatform possiblefor exchanging information,networking and inspirationon specialist subjects, and assuch is a major influence on thetourism industry.ITB Community in Asia, beingone of the first of its kind tobe implemented in Asia’stravel industry, has seenan overwhelming positiveresponse and engagementon the platform and we hopeto welcome more users asthe show draws closer. We’redelighted to have more than5,000 ITB Community Membersusing our exclusive platform.ITB Community in Asia is anew, virtual space where travelbuyers, sellers, media, andtrade professionals alike cancome together to access all ofthe latest information about thetravel industryITB ASIA 2020VIRTUALEXHIBITION– A VERITABLEBUSINESSEXCHANGEIndustry professionals are able to meetand reconnect with partners to dobusiness and network at ITB Asia 2020Virtual. Designed to offer the exclusiveopportunity for the travel community toconnect virtually, ITB Asia 2020 Virtualgathers together tourism industry playersinterested in the Asian market for 3 daysof business exchange. NTOs, DMCs, Hoteland Accommodation providers, airlines,tour operators and travel suppliers withan interest in reaching out to buyers(particularly from Asia), are all present inthe virtual exhibitionTECHMATTERSTravel Tech Asia launches this year with2 key conference tracks: Air Travel andHotel Revenue & Distribution.The Air Travel track welcomes leadingassociations and online travel agenciesto present the latest global flight searchdata trends, insights into the latesttraveller sentiment and key strategies torestore consumer confidence, while HotelRevenue & Distribution will highlight thetravel trends hoteliers need to considerand the key elements to recovery for thehotel industry. Visitors will hear from hotelleaders and professionals as they sharetop-level insights into helping businessstay strongITB ASIA NEWS • FRIDAY 16 OCTOBER 2020 7