5 years ago

Viking Star Art Collection

  • Text
  • Norway
  • Norwegian
  • Viking
  • Heyerdahl
  • Lounge
  • Paintings
  • Abstract
  • Artistic
  • Tapestry
  • Bayeux


THE SPA | DECK 1 HALIMA CASSELL 1975 x UK x CERAMIC RELIEF The carved sculptural works of Halima Cassell are inspired by geometry and the Islamic art of North Africa and the Middle East. Using mixtures of traditional high-firing clays, molded and pressed into conventional shapes such as bowls and cylinders, Cassell transforms the clay into objects with relief surfaces made up of interlacing patterns and designs, derived from the geometry central to Islamic art. Her ceramic forms are carved with extraordinary precision and spatial imagination, resonating with profound cultural references. She discloses that most of her ideas materialize from her dreams, which are subsequently rapidly sketched into her sketchbook of detailed drawings, adding to the hundreds of illustrations waiting to be produced. SHIP & CROSS | 2014 54

THE SPA | DECK 1 THOMAS WIDERBERG 1964 x NORWAY x PHOTOGRAPHY Thomas Widerberg is a Norwegian composer and photographer. Since the late 1980s, he has sought out remote places, from Svalbard in the Arctic Sea to Lhasa in Tibet to the Gobi Desert, to capture a feeling of deliberating loneliness. Widerberg’s photographs of the northern lights show the dramatic and magical light against the dark night sky. The photographs are sustained with multiple layers of oil paint varnish, protecting the images and creating tension and dynamics in the surface. NORTHERN LIGHTS | 2000