Annual Report 2021/2022

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18 Aktive <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2021</strong>/<strong>2022</strong><br />

Aktive <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2021</strong>/<strong>2022</strong> 19<br />

66%<br />

of Tāmaki Makaurau rangatahi<br />

would like to be more active<br />

(Active NZ <strong>2021</strong>)<br />

Māori, Pacific peoples and disabled<br />

people have been most impacted<br />

by COVID-19 – both economically<br />

and regarding their physical<br />

participation rates<br />

(Active NZ <strong>2021</strong>, Recreation Aotearoa Insights #31)<br />

Insights<br />

One of the world’s most diverse cities,<br />

Auckland has a rapidly growing<br />

population and changing demographics.<br />

At Aktive, we use knowledge, insights<br />

and research to ensure our mahi is<br />

supporting the communities we serve.<br />

Of the rangatahi who reported they<br />

want to be doing more physical activity,<br />

13% noted COVID-19 as a<br />

barrier. This was particularly noticeable<br />

in tamariki aged 5 to 11 years (19%)<br />

(Active NZ <strong>2021</strong>)<br />

Participation in organised sport has<br />

significantly decreased in Tāmaki<br />

Makaurau. In 2019, this was 81%;<br />

in <strong>2021</strong>, this dropped to 61%.<br />

While COVID-19 impacted organised<br />

sport all over the country, this was<br />

more pronounced in Auckland than<br />

anywhere else in New Zealand<br />

(Active NZ <strong>2021</strong>)<br />

There is ongoing need to recognise the<br />

importance of mental health, especially<br />

while we still feel the impacts of COVID-19.<br />

While participation can improve both<br />

physical and mental health, there are a<br />

number of factors that can impact an<br />

individual’s mental health and create further<br />

barriers to participation<br />

(Lived-Experience of Tamariki and Rangatahi in Tāmaki Makaurau <strong>2022</strong>)<br />

Recent research, commissioned<br />

by Aktive, on the lived-experience<br />

of girls shows the relationships<br />

they have with their communities,<br />

family, friends and mentors has<br />

a significant impact on their<br />

relationship with physical activity<br />

(Lived-Experience of Tamariki and Rangatahi in Tāmaki Makaurau <strong>2022</strong>)<br />

When it comes to being active, different<br />

approaches work for different rangatahi.<br />

Individual rangatahi come with their own<br />

set of barriers and enablers, tied to their<br />

geographical location, gender, religion<br />

and cultural expectations, as well as other<br />

influences. Therefore, tailored approaches<br />

are required to ensure everyone has access<br />

to participation<br />

(Lived-Experience of Tamariki and Rangatahi<br />

in Tāmaki Makaurau <strong>2022</strong>)<br />

Only 42%<br />

of tamariki use active<br />

transport (walking,<br />

scootering or biking)<br />

to get to school<br />

(Growing Up in New Zealand 2020)

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