Annual Report 2021/2022
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26 Aktive <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2021</strong>/<strong>2022</strong><br />
Aktive <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2021</strong>/<strong>2022</strong> 27<br />
Initiative<br />
Snapshots<br />
Aktive leads and facilitates a number of initiatives<br />
designed to meet Tāmaki Makaurau’s growing,<br />
diverse population and changing needs.<br />
These initiatives are supported by key strategic<br />
funders and result in increased play, sport<br />
and active recreation opportunities for Aucklanders.<br />
Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa<br />
Aktive is proud to be managing<br />
Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa on<br />
behalf of Sport New Zealand in<br />
Tāmaki Makaurau.<br />
Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa provides<br />
funding for quality play, active recreation<br />
and sport opportunities for tamariki and<br />
rangatahi that create a life-long love of<br />
being active.<br />
This fund focuses on those who are<br />
more likely to miss out including tamariki<br />
and rangatahi in higher deprivation<br />
communities, girls and young women (5<br />
to 24 years) and disabled tamariki and<br />
rangatahi (5 to 18 years).<br />
<strong>2021</strong>/22 saw Regional Tū Manawa<br />
Active Aotearoa funding administered<br />
by Aktive and Local Tū Manawa Active<br />
Aotearoa funding administered by<br />
our System Build Partners CLM<br />
Community Sport, Harbour Sport,<br />
Sport Auckland and Sport Waitākere with<br />
the following results:<br />
• $5,360,377 of Tū Manawa Active<br />
Aotearoa funding granted to 332<br />
projects across Tāmaki Makaurau<br />
“I’ve never done this before,<br />
I think it is cool as!”<br />
“Today I’m having fun at Snowplanet,<br />
enjoying the moment, sliding down<br />
and laughing.”<br />
Clendon Park Primary School tamariki on the<br />
regionally funded Winter Wonderland programme<br />
• The funding was allocated across<br />
three areas of activity:<br />
- Sport $1,867,891<br />
- Active Recreation $2,948,345<br />
- Play $544,140<br />
• Kaupapa Māori projects to the value of<br />
$798,940 were included in this funding.<br />
At Recreate New Zealand we are incredibly grateful for Tū Manawa for<br />
supporting and joining us in changing the lives of young people living with<br />
disabilities and their families. This funding allows for more opportunities for<br />
our rangatahi to form bonds with other participants from all over Auckland,<br />
laying a foundation for friendships extending well beyond the programmes.<br />
We couldn't be doing what we do today without it, thank you."<br />
Josephine Siggaard, Funding Officer and Employee Liaison, Recreate New Zealand