Experiments’ Platform 2023

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My ambition to ‘redefine the existing’ has been growing within me

and decay has become my focus. As Georges Descombes said, describing his

landscape project in Geneva, ‘I wanted [...] to begin something that was already

there.'1 I decided to redefine existing decay as beautiful in its gradual deterioration,

finding appealing elements in ageing objects. This appreciation of decay became

an intimate process.

1 Georges Descombes,

"Shifting Sites: The Swiss

Way, Geneva," 1999, 82.

Disappearing architecture, photo by

Eglė Kliučinskaitė, Kudrionys, 2023

Decay as an object of fascination, photo by

Eglė Kliučinskaitė, Kudrionys, 2023

Nature has swallowed the buildings – this was my first impression.

No longer the dominant feature, these buildings become simply minor elements

in nature. However, architecturally restricted eyes catch the visible and implied

proportions and the contrast between natural form and strict architectural lines.

The subtle lighting design along the main road evokes the carefully designed

details which characterise unique socialist architecture. I chose to stay with this

territory and these buildings for a while, visiting them often, mostly alone.

03.1 — Redefine the Existing


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