
SPr1qg SPr1qg


The National Coordination of EU Policy in Latvia 83 legislation, the government of Guntars Krasts (7 August 1997–26 November 1998) increased the responsibilities of the EIB and made it subordinate to the PM. The EIB was charged with preparing and updating the Latvian National Programme for membership — the principal planning, management and monitoring tool — as well as for coordination of institutional capacity building activities, public information and evaluation of conformity between national laws and the acquis. In this new phase, the MFA was involved in coordination as far as it was necessary to ensure external functions. These included preparation of regular reports on Latvia’s progress, preparation for the Association Council and Committee, the conduct of EU accession negotiations, as well as the EU Accession delegation and the Permanent Representation (PR) in Brussels. The EU policy department within the MFA had a key policy role, and, in conjunction with the task force for negotiations, it coordinated and led the “external” elements of the pre-accession process. The Deputy State Secretary of the MFA headed the task force for negotiations. This dual system lasted for some time, with rivalry between the PM and the MFA, especially during 1997 and 1998, when the organization of the coordination system was established for the period up to the end of 2003. Ministries received competing requests for information, for example, from the EIB, MFA and EC, as coordination responsibilities for monitoring the Association process and preparing for the Association Council and Committee tended to overlap. The decision to abolish the EIB was intended to rationalise these systems, but how its functions were to be distributed was a source of tension. A European Affairs Bureau (EAB) was created as the re placement body and located in the State Chancellery, where, from 1 December 2003, it was directly answerable to the PM. 5 However, this arrangement lasted for little longer than a year. The decision was taken in 2004 to reorganize the EAB and, after January 2005, to return its functions to the MFA. 6 The decision was taken on the basis that the Bureau could work more effectively from within the MFA, as the latter had key resources and diplomatic instruments at its disposal. 5 On Coordination of EU issues after accession of Latvia to the EU and Reorganization of European Integration Bureau. Regulation No. 654, Cabinet of Ministers, 2003d. 6 On Reorganization of European Affairs Bureau. Regulation Nr. 207 (3155), Cabinet of Ministers, 2004d.

84 Ivo Rollis Permanent Representation to EU in Brussels Ministry of Economics Ministry of Interior State Chancellery Secretariat of Delegation for EU Accession Negotiation s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Coordination of EU affairs before accession to the European Union (1998 – 2003) PARLIAMENT Committee of European Affairs Prime Minister CABINET OF MINISTERS EUROPEAN INTEGRATION COUNCIL EUROPEAN INTEGRATION BUREAU COUNCIL OF SENIOR OFFICIALS Ministry of Justice Ministry of Transport Ministry of Culture Ministry of Environ ment Ministry of Welfare Ministry of Finance Ministry of Health Care Ministry of Regional Develop ment Minister of Special Assignment for Children and Family INTERMINISTERIAL WORKING GROUPS Minister of Special Assignment for integration of society Ministry of Education and Science Table Table 3 3 Ministry of Agriculture

The National Coordination of EU Policy in Latvia 83<br />

legislation, the government of Guntars Krasts (7 August 1997–26 November<br />

1998) increased the responsibilities of the EIB and made it subordinate to the<br />

PM. The EIB was charged with preparing and updating the Latvian National<br />

Programme for membership — the principal planning, management and<br />

monitoring tool — as well as for coordination of institutional capacity<br />

building activities, public information and evaluation of conformity between<br />

national laws and the acquis.<br />

In this new phase, the MFA was involved in coordination as far as it<br />

was necessary to ensure external functions. These included preparation of<br />

regular reports on Latvia’s progress, preparation for the Association Council<br />

and Committee, the conduct of EU accession negotiations, as well as the EU<br />

Accession delegation and the Permanent Representation (PR) in Brussels.<br />

The EU policy department within the MFA had a key policy role, and, in<br />

conjunction with the task force for negotiations, it coordinated and led the<br />

“external” elements of the pre-accession process. The Deputy State Secretary<br />

of the MFA headed the task force for negotiations.<br />

This dual system lasted for some time, with rivalry between the PM<br />

and the MFA, especially during 1997 and 1998, when the organization of<br />

the coordination system was established for the period up to the end of<br />

2003. Ministries received competing requests for information, for example,<br />

from the EIB, MFA and EC, as coordination responsibilities for monitoring<br />

the Association process and preparing for the Association Council and<br />

Committee tended to overlap. The decision to abolish the EIB was intended<br />

to rationalise these systems, but how its functions were to be distributed<br />

was a source of tension. A European Affairs Bureau (EAB) was created as<br />

the re placement body and located in the State Chancellery, where, from<br />

1 December 2003, it was directly answerable to the PM. 5 However, this<br />

arrangement lasted for little longer than a year. The decision was taken in<br />

2004 to reorganize the EAB and, after January 2005, to return its functions<br />

to the MFA. 6 The decision was taken on the basis that the Bureau could work<br />

more effectively from within the MFA, as the latter had key resources and<br />

diplomatic instruments at its disposal.<br />

5<br />

On Coordination of EU issues after accession of Latvia to the EU and Reorganization of<br />

European Integration Bureau. Regulation No. 654, Cabinet of Ministers, 2003d.<br />

6<br />

On Reorganization of European Affairs Bureau. Regulation Nr. 207 (3155), Cabinet of<br />

Ministers, 2004d.

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