“Wist u het?” - IRU

“Wist u het?” - IRU

“Wist u het?” - IRU


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Did you know...<br />

that trucks give you the freedom to live wherever you want?<br />

<strong>IRU</strong> Permanent Delegation to the European Union<br />

32-34, avenue de Tervueren l Bte 37 l B-1040 Brussels l Belgium<br />

Tel: +32-2-743 25 80 l Fax: +32-2-743 25 99 l E-mail: brussels@iru.org l Web: www.iru.org<br />

Koninklijke Federatie van Belgische Transporteurs en Logistieke Dienstverleners<br />

Stapelhuisstraat 5a l B-1020 Brussel<br />

Tel: +32-2-425 68 00 l Fax: +32-2-425 05 68 l E-mail: febetra@febetra.be l Web: www.febetra.be<br />

“Did You Know?<strong>”</strong> - Road transport is your business too! 4<br />

©2009 <strong>IRU</strong> I-0217-1(dt)

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