Energie- en CO2-besparing door elektronisch ... - Rijksoverheid.nl
Energie- en CO2-besparing door elektronisch ... - Rijksoverheid.nl
Energie- en CO2-besparing door elektronisch ... - Rijksoverheid.nl
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TNO-rapport | 35175 | april 2010 4 / 34English summaryThe “e-Invoicing” project began in 2008 through an initiative from the Ministry ofEconomic Affairs (het ministerie van Economische Zak<strong>en</strong> – EZ). Concerned citiz<strong>en</strong>swanted to know if in fact electronic invoicing uses more <strong>en</strong>ergy than paper invoicing.Several studies have be<strong>en</strong> conducted abroad concerning the <strong>en</strong>ergy use of electronicinvoicing. Despite a significant b<strong>en</strong>efit shown for electronic invoicing in theseinternational studies, this may not necessarily be the case for electronic invoicing in theNetherlands. The Ministry of Economic Affairs (EZ) has asked TNO to carry out acompreh<strong>en</strong>sive study of both the direct and indirect effects of <strong>en</strong>ergy usage and CO 2emissions of the transition from a situation with 100% paper invoicing to a situationwith 100% e-invoicing. More specifically, this study will conc<strong>en</strong>trate on Business-to-Governm<strong>en</strong>t (B2G) invoicing using the programme Digipoort (developed by Logius) asthe medium that the governm<strong>en</strong>t will use for receiving electronic invoices.A Life Cycle Assessm<strong>en</strong>t (LCA) of the product chains, ‘paper invoicing” and “digitalinvoicing’ has be<strong>en</strong> conducted, such that the <strong>en</strong>ergy usage (in MJ) and the gre<strong>en</strong>housegas emissions (measured in CO 2 emissions equival<strong>en</strong>ts) have be<strong>en</strong> determined. The<strong>en</strong>ergy usage and gre<strong>en</strong>house gas emission methodologies, not o<strong>nl</strong>y include the directemissions resulting from <strong>en</strong>ergy use but also the <strong>en</strong>ergy required to produce and handleand treat the wastes of the products (paper) and equipm<strong>en</strong>t (PC, trucks, etc.)The analyses show that the paper invoicing has an <strong>en</strong>ergy use that is almost twice asgreat and a CO 2 emission approximately 1.5 times as great as for digital invoicing (seeFigures 1 and 2). The savings from switching to digital invoicing are primarily achievedthrough the abs<strong>en</strong>ce of <strong>en</strong>velopes. In the case of the complete automatic invoicing,savings are also made through savings in paper usage. These savings are barely affectedby the increased use of electronics required for digital invoicing. Transport has anegligible impact on the total <strong>en</strong>ergy usage and CO 2 emission.Energy (GJ)(10,000,000 invoices)700060005000Energy (GJ)400030002000TransportElectronicsPaper10000PaperDigitalFigure 1 Energy use of paper invoicing versus digital invoicing for B2G.