Energie- en CO2-besparing door elektronisch ... - Rijksoverheid.nl

Energie- en CO2-besparing door elektronisch ... - Rijksoverheid.nl

Energie- en CO2-besparing door elektronisch ... - Rijksoverheid.nl

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TNO-rapport | 35175 | april 2010 5 / 34Global Warming Pot<strong>en</strong>tial (<strong>CO2</strong>)(10,000,000 invoices)600500ton <strong>CO2</strong>400300200TransportElectronicsPaper1000PaperDigitalFigure 2 CO 2 emissions of paper invoicing versus digital invoicing, for B2G.In practice 30% of digital invoicing incid<strong>en</strong>ces are done without printing and withautomatic paym<strong>en</strong>t. In the remaining 70% of the incid<strong>en</strong>ces the digital invoices areprinted and are paid for manually using a PC. In the latter case double bookkeepingoccurs (digital and hardcopy). With more opportunities for automatic paym<strong>en</strong>ts anddigital approval processes, the <strong>en</strong>ergy use and CO 2 emissions could decrease by asmuch as two-thirds.The 10 million invoices s<strong>en</strong>t by businesses to the governm<strong>en</strong>t (B2G) amount to <strong>en</strong>ergysavings of 3 TJ and almost 200 tonnes of CO 2 , which is comparable to the gas use of 55Dutch households or the CO 2 emissions of 20 Dutch resid<strong>en</strong>ts.The relative magnitude of the results hardly changes wh<strong>en</strong> invoices contain 5 pages instead of 1.The volume of s<strong>en</strong>t B2G invoices is relatively small compared to the other types,especially the invoices s<strong>en</strong>t from Business to Consumer (B2C). The total annual volumeof invoices s<strong>en</strong>t in the Netherlands is a factor 350 greater than those s<strong>en</strong>t from B2G.Assuming that transitioning to e-invoicing has similar savings for all invoicing types – aseemingly conservative assumption – switching to digital invoicing for all invoicingtypes would have <strong>en</strong>ergy savings of approximately 1 PJ and a CO 2 emission savings ofalmost 70 ktonnes. In relative terms, this would be equival<strong>en</strong>t to the gas usage of 20,000Dutch households of the CO 2 emissions of 700 Dutch resid<strong>en</strong>ts.

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