Hacking Velo by Ief Spincemaille

In February I set up a temporary second atelier at the workshop of Velo, a socio-economic working place that recycles old bicycles in Leuven, Belgium. During a period of 9 months I hacked the existing production line and recycled old paintings instead of bicycles. Applying the repetitional production process of disassembling, storing and reassembling to works of art. I re-used the raw materials of the 284 recycled paintings for the recreation of 5 pioneering works in modern art history by a.o. Damien Hirst, Ellsworth Kelly and Kasimir Malevich.

In February I set up a temporary second atelier at the workshop of Velo, a socio-economic working place that recycles old bicycles in Leuven, Belgium. During a period of 9 months I hacked the existing production line and recycled old paintings instead of bicycles. Applying the repetitional production process of disassembling, storing and reassembling to works of art. I re-used the raw materials of the 284 recycled paintings for the recreation of 5 pioneering works in modern art history by a.o. Damien Hirst, Ellsworth Kelly and Kasimir Malevich.


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Uitgegeven door:<br />

MER. Paper Kunsthalle<br />

Geldmunt 36<br />

B-9000 Gent<br />

www.merpaperkunsthalle.org<br />

Concept: <strong>Ief</strong> <strong>Spincemaille</strong><br />

Realisatie: <strong>Ief</strong> <strong>Spincemaille</strong>, Bout De Beul,<br />

Ibrahim Khlel en alle mensen van <strong>Velo</strong><br />

Alle beelden: <strong>Ief</strong> <strong>Spincemaille</strong><br />

Fotografie: Iwona Pom, An Minnen<br />

Grafisch ontwerp: Luc Derycke, Stijn Verdonck;<br />

Studio Luc Derycke<br />

Redactie: Laurens De Block<br />

Drukker: New Goff<br />

© 2016 MER. for this edition.<br />

Art © 2016 <strong>Ief</strong> <strong>Spincemaille</strong><br />

ISBN 978 94 9232 136 7<br />

D/2016/7852/15<br />

Met de steun van <strong>Velo</strong>, 30 CC, Werktank, Stad Leuven, KU Leuven,<br />

Spit Leuven en de kringwinkels Hageland, Ateljee en Televil.<br />

In situ werken, betekent toegang krijgen tot de plek, maar ook en vooral<br />

tot de harten en hoofden van de mensen die er in werken. Mij ingraven<br />

in deze andersoortige maakplaats was enkel mogelijk door de uitzonderlijke<br />

gastvrijheid en gedeelde ambities en dromen van alle mensen in <strong>Velo</strong>.<br />


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