Juni - ExxonMobil

Juni - ExxonMobil

Juni - ExxonMobil


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<strong>ExxonMobil</strong> stilte et lag sammen med Røde Kors og unge utøvere fra IL Skjalg og Sandnes Idrettslag, som <strong>ExxonMobil</strong> er hovedsponsor for.<br />

<strong>ExxonMobil</strong> was represented by a team consisting of runners from the Red Cross and young athletes from the sports clubs IL Skjalg and<br />

Sandnes Idrettslag, for which <strong>ExxonMobil</strong> is main sponsor.<br />

I tillegg til disse arrangmentene trakk etterarrangementet på<br />

Lille Bislett ca. 600 gjester. At Usain Bolt stilte opp som frivillig<br />

disc-jockey her for andre år på rad, var heller ikke noe minus!<br />

Tradisjonen med å bruke <strong>ExxonMobil</strong> Bislett Games til<br />

relasjonsbygging for selskapet ble dermed i høyeste grad<br />

videreført dette året. Bislett-stevnene har gjennom mange<br />

år utvilsomt bidratt til verdifull brand-bygging og positiv<br />

oppmerksomhet omkring selskapet vårt – både i Norge<br />

og i utlandet.<br />

Bolt og de andre Bislett-deltakerne<br />

<strong>ExxonMobil</strong> Bislett Games dreide seg ellers mye om Usain<br />

Bolt, mannen med verdens raskeste bein. Da 100-meteren<br />

skulle starte var det nesten så man kunne høre den<br />

berømte knappenålen falle. Duellen mellom Usain Bolt og<br />

Asafa Powell var imøtesett med stor interesse og i starten<br />

så det faktisk ut som Powell skulle klare det ingen hadde<br />

trodd. Det var likevel Bolt som sprang inn til seier og ny<br />

banerekord på 100-meteren på Bislett med tiden 9,79.<br />

I tillegg løp norske Ezinne Okparaebo inn til seier på kvinnenes<br />

100-meter, mens Andreas Thorkildsen i spydkast<br />

ikke fikk tingene til å stemme. Det fikk heller ikke de andre<br />

norske deltakerne, men Henrik Ingebrigtsen fra Sandnes<br />

klarte å sette ny kretsrekord på «<strong>ExxonMobil</strong>s drømmemil».<br />

6 <strong>Juni</strong> 2012<br />

Food and drinks were served, there was entertainment, and<br />

information was provided about the meet and the participating<br />

athletes. Everyone received a hooded jacket in a net specially<br />

designed for the 25-year jubilee.<br />

Next to these events, the party at Lille Bislett thrown after<br />

the main event drew around 600 guests. Usain Bolt volunteering<br />

as a disc-jockey the second year in a row only<br />

added to the attraction!<br />

The tradition of using the <strong>ExxonMobil</strong> Bislett Games for<br />

relation building was therefore taken further this year. There<br />

is no doubt that <strong>ExxonMobil</strong>’s support of the Bislett Games<br />

contributes to invaluable promotion of the brand and that it<br />

has earned the company considerable positive attention<br />

over the years – both in Norway and abroad.<br />

Bolt and the other Bislett athletes<br />

Expectedly, the <strong>ExxonMobil</strong> Bislett Games to a large extent<br />

revolved around Usain Bolt, the fastest man in the world. When<br />

the 100 m sprint was about to start one could almost hear a pin<br />

drop. The duel between Usain Bolt and Asafa Powell was anticipated<br />

with great interest, and to start with it looked as if Powell<br />

would accomplish the unbelievable, i.e. beating Bolt. However,<br />

it was Bolt who eventually prevailed. He was clocked in at 9.79<br />

seconds, a new track record for the 100 m men at Bislett stadium.<br />

Jubelen var det imidlertid ingen ting å si på verken for de<br />

utenlandske eller norske deltakerne. Bislett stadiion har<br />

alltid vært kjent for sitt fantastiske pubilikum som heier<br />

idrettsøverne fram, og denne kvelden var ikke noe unntak.<br />

"Race Against Malaria"<br />

<strong>ExxonMobil</strong> samarbeider med Røde Kors for å bekjempe<br />

malaria. To dager før stevnet ble det arrangert en bedriftsstafett<br />

på Karl Johan med 11 påmeldte lag som alle betaler<br />

en startkontingent på 50.000 kroner til Røde Kors' arbeid<br />

mot malariasmitte. I tillegg til startkontingenten var bøssebærere<br />

i sving slik at resultatet totalt sett ble ca. 600.000<br />

kroner og dermed en dobling fra fjoråret. Etter innsamlingen<br />

på Bislett selve stevnedagen fikk Røde Kors totalt inn<br />

midler til å kjøpe inn i underkant av 12.000 nett. Dette vil<br />

bidra til beskyttelse av rundt 22.000 mennesker fra malaria.<br />

11 lag stilte til start i "Race Against Malaria" og betalte en startkontingent<br />

på 50.000 kroner hver til Røde Kors sitt arbeid mot<br />

malariasmitte.<br />

11 teams participated in "Race Against Malaria" each paying a<br />

race fee of NOK 50,000 to Red Cross’ work against the spread<br />

of malaria.<br />

What is more, Norwegian Ezinne Okparaebo sprinted to win<br />

on the 100 m for women, while javelin thrower Andreas<br />

Thorkildsen did not quite get things right this time. That<br />

also goes for the other Norwegian participants, apart from<br />

Henrik Ingebrigtsen from Sandnes, who succeeded in setting<br />

a new district record on "<strong>ExxonMobil</strong>’s dream mile".<br />

The Bislett crowd was ecstatic, cheering on foreign and<br />

Norwegian participants alike. Bislett stadium has always<br />

been known for its fantastic audience, who knows how to<br />

appreciate a good performance, and this night was no<br />

exception to the rule.<br />

"Race Against Malaria"<br />

<strong>ExxonMobil</strong> is cooperating with the Norwegian Red Cross<br />

in its fight against malaria. Two days prior to the games, a<br />

relay race was held on Oslo’s main street, Karl Johan. 11<br />

teams representing different companies participated, and<br />

they each paid a race fee of 50,000 NOK to the Red Cross’<br />

work against the spread of malaria. In addition to the race<br />

fee, fundraisers were busily working the crowds throughout<br />

the event, bringing the total collected amount to 600,000<br />

NOK, the double of last year’s result. At the Bislett fundraising<br />

the day of the game the Red Cross collected funds<br />

which will go toward buying around 12,000 mosquito nets.<br />

This will give around 22,000 people protection against<br />

malaria.<br />

<strong>Juni</strong> 2012 7

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