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English<br />
54 <strong>Zodiac</strong> <strong>Proline</strong> W<br />
1. Press to enter menu mode.<br />
2. Use or to scroll list until Vox<br />
3. Press to select<br />
4. Use or to select On/Off<br />
5. Press to select<br />
DTMF<br />
This function allows you to send a pre-programmed<br />
DTMF code to control a repeater, open another<br />
transceiver's squelch, etc.<br />
1. Press to enter menu mode.<br />
2. Use or to scroll list until DTMF<br />
3. Press to select<br />
4. Use or to turn On/Off<br />
5. Press to select<br />
Scanning<br />
This function is used to search for channels in use.<br />
The scan indicator appears when Scan function<br />
is activated.<br />
1. Press to enter menu mode.<br />
2. Use or to scroll list until Scan<br />
3. Press to select for scanning<br />
4. Push PTT button for exit<br />
Auto squelch<br />
This function is used to automatically adapt the<br />
sensitivity level of the receiver to the signals on the<br />
channel.<br />