Audi 100

Audi 100

Audi 100


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<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong><br />

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i reservedele og tilbehør<br />

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Karrosseridele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

443121207A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5 cyl. 2.0-2.4 (incl. D) 8/84-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5 cyl. 2.0-2.4 (incl. D) 8/84-12/90<br />

Frontpanel til blæsermotor<br />

1 09-01-2010

Karrosseridele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Kølergitter med emblem<br />

For reference:<br />

001199-1<br />

443853655<br />

443853655A<br />

For reference:<br />

443853605<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>/200 1.8-2.5 (incl. D) 8/82-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.5 (incl. D) 8/82-11/90<br />

VW emblem, kølergrill<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

046119269<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.3 9/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4-2.5D 5/91-7/94<br />

Aksel til blæser<br />

Aludæksel til krumtap<br />

For reference:<br />

051103152<br />

For reference:<br />

048103493A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 10/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8 8/82-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.6 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.8 8/81-3/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-1.7 8/78-7/81<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 4/87-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 11/94-10/00<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-1.9 (incl. D) 4/97-10/00<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 6/94-10/97<br />

Caddy 1.5-1.8 10/82-7/92<br />

Caddy 1.6 11/95-<br />

Caddy 1.9D 6/96-12/00<br />

Corrado 1.8-2.0 9/88-7/95<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6 8/78-7/80<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.7 8/80-7/81<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 8/81-7/83<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6-1.8 8/83-10/91<br />

Golf/Vento 1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 11/91-9/97<br />

Lupo 1.7D 10/98-<br />

Passat 1.3-1.6 5/73-7/81<br />

Passat 1.3-1.8 8/81-3/88<br />

Passat 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 10/96-8/00<br />

Passat 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 4/88-9/96<br />

Polo 1.7-1.9D 10/94-<br />

Polo Classic 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 11/95-4/96<br />

Polo Classic 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 5/96-9/01<br />

Scirocco 1.5-1.6 8/78-7/80<br />

Scirocco 1.5-1.8 8/80-7/82<br />

Scirocco 1.6-1.8 8/83-7/91<br />

Sharan 1.9-2.0 (incl. D) 9/95-2/00<br />

VW T4 1.8-2.0 9/90-6/94<br />

VW T4 2.0 7/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-6/96<br />

Golf/Vento 1.8 11/91-9/97<br />

Passat 1.8 10/93-9/96<br />

Ånderør til ventildæksel<br />

For reference:<br />

056103493<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-1.8 8/76-10/86<br />

Golf/Jetta (not RP) 1.5-1.8 2/74-10/91<br />

Passat/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 5/72-7/83<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.0-1.3 2/93-<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 2/74-10/91<br />

Ånderør, ventildæksel<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

026127177B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8 8/83-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-1.8 8/85-7/91<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6-1.8 8/86-10/91<br />

Passat 1.6-1.8 8/85-3/88<br />

Benzin reservoir<br />

For reference:<br />

191201511A<br />

131261275A<br />

803201511C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8 8/86-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-1.8 8/86-8/91<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6-1.8 8/85-10/91<br />

LT 2.4 8/86-7/92<br />

LT 2.4D 8/92-12/95<br />

Passat 1.6 4/88-7/92<br />

Polo/Derby 1.0-1.3 8/85-5/94<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.3 2/93-7/94<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6 5/91-7/92<br />

VW T4 1.8 12/90-7/92<br />

Benzinfilter<br />

For reference:<br />

251201511G<br />

251201511C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.2 8/76-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.9 5/72-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.0-1.8 2/74-7/85<br />

LT 2.0-2.4 4/75-7/86<br />

LT 2.4 (incl. D) 8/89-12/95<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-1.8 8/75-3/88<br />

Polo/Derby 0.9-1.3 2/74-7/85<br />

VW T.2 1.3-2.0 8/67-7/92<br />

Benzinfilter<br />

For reference:<br />

431133511<br />

431133511A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 4/77-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 8/77-7/80<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6-1.8 4/77-7/83<br />

Passat 1.6 2/79-7/80<br />

Benzinfilter<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

447133511<br />

443133511<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 8/82-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.3 8/86-8/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 6/94-3/97<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 8/89-10/91<br />

Seat Toledo 1.8 5/91-3/94<br />

Benzinfilter<br />

For reference:<br />

811133511B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 8/82-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.3 8/86-8/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 6/94-3/97<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 8/89-10/91<br />

Seat Toledo 1.8 5/91-3/94<br />

Benzinfilter<br />

For reference:<br />

811133511D<br />

811133511<br />

811133511A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8 4/85-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.8-2.2 8/80-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (J) 2.0 9/83-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 8/83-10/87<br />

Golf/Jetta (95-102 kW) 1.8 2/86-7/89<br />

Golf/Jetta (K-Jetronic 1.8 8/83-7/88<br />

-79-82)<br />

Passat 1.8-2.0 4/88-10/93<br />

Passat/Santana 2.0-2.2 8/83-3/88<br />

Passat/Santana (not cat.) 1.8 8/83-3/88<br />

Benzinfilter<br />

For reference:<br />

026127025A<br />

026127025<br />

0561270251<br />

056127025C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-1.8 8/76-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.8 5/72-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 2/74-10/91<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana 1.5-1.8 5/73-3/88<br />

Benzinpumpe<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

056127025B<br /><br />

056127025A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/81<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 5/72-7/81<br />

Golf/Jetta/Passat 1.5-1.6 5/72-7/81<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Benzinpumpe<br />

For reference:<br />

037105425<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 8/81-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6D 8/80-8/91<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6D 8/80-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta G60 1.8 4/90-7/91<br />

LT 2.4D 8/78-12/95<br />

Passat 1.6D 8/80-10/93<br />

VW T.2 1.6D 7/82-7/92<br />

Bolt for plejlstang<br />

Bolt for plejlstang, M8x1x54<br />

Bolt til topstykke, M11x1,5x<strong>100</strong><br />

For reference:<br />

048105425<br />

For reference:<br />

049103385A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 4 cyl. 1.6-2.0 8/82-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5 cyl. (101 kW) 2.2 10/83-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5 cyl. (74-<strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.3 8/84-7/94<br />

kW)<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3/A4 1.6-1.8 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.3 6/94-<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6-1.8 8/82-10/91<br />

Golf/Vento/Bora 1.6 10/94-<br />

Golf/Vento/Bora 1.8-2.0 11/91-<br />

Passat 1.6 10/96-9/99<br />

Passat 1.8-2.0 10/96-<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.3 8/83-9/96<br />

Polo Classic (not AEE) 1.6-1.8 12/95-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8-2.0 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 2.0 5/91-9/98<br />

Seat Toledo/Leon 1.6-1.8 10/98-<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 2.0 9/95-<br />

Skoda Octavia 1.6-1.8 10/96-<br />

VW T4 1.8 12/90-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 4 cyl. 1.6-2.0 8/82-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5 cyl. (101 kW) 2.2 10/83-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5 cyl. (74-<strong>100</strong><br />

kW)<br />

2.0-2.3 8/84-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.0 8/82-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.3 10/83-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 3/77-7/81<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/83-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.6 8/76-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 8/81-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.8-1.9 1/83-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (4 cyl.) 2.0 8/88-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (5 cyl.) 2.0-2.3 8/83-11/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6 11/94-10/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-10/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.3 6/94-10/97<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6 2/74-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (118 kW) 1.8 10/89-7/91<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.0-1.4 8/85-9/97<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento (55-85 kW)1.8-2.0 8/78-9/97<br />

Passat 1.3 8/80-7/81<br />

Passat 1.3-1.6 5/73-7/77<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana (4 cyl.) 1.5-2.0 8/80-9/96<br />

Passat/Santana (5 cyl.) 1.9-2.2 1/81-7/81<br />

Passat/Santana (5 cyl.) 2.0-2.2 8/83-3/88<br />

Polo (85 kW) 1.3 1/87-9/90<br />

Polo Classic 1.6-1.8 5/96-<br />

Polo/Derby (33-56 kW) 1.0-1.3 8/85-9/94<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.0-1.4 2/93-7/96<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8-2.0 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 5/91-5/98<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

078103385A<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 2.0 9/95-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.6-2.8 12/90-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.6-2.8 9/91-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 2.4-2.8 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9D 7/94-8/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.6-2.8 6/94-8/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A8 2.8 6/94-<br />

Bolt til topstykke, M11x1,5x137,5<br />

For reference:<br />

027103385C<br />

027103385A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 1/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 3/90-7/93<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 2/86-10/91<br />

Passat 1.8-2.0 4/88-10/93<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8 2/94-10/98<br />

Seat Toledo 1.8-2.0 5/91-5/98<br />

Bolt til topstykke, M11x1,5x150<br />

Bolt til topstykke, M11x1,5x96<br />

For reference:<br />

049103384B<br />

050103384<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.0 8/82-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.3 10/83-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 3/77-7/81<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/83-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.6 8/76-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 8/81-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.8-1.9 1/83-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (4 cyl.) 2.0 8/88-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (5 cyl.) 2.0-2.3 8/83-11/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6 11/94-10/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-10/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.3 6/94-10/97<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6 2/74-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (118 kW) 1.8 10/89-7/91<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.0-1.4 8/85-7/95<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento (55-85 kW)1.8-2.0 8/78-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento 1.6 10/94-<br />

Passat 1.3 8/80-7/81<br />

Passat 1.3-1.6 5/73-7/77<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana (4 cyl.) 1.5-2.0 8/80-9/96<br />

Passat/Santana (5 cyl.) 1.9-2.2 1/81-7/81<br />

Passat/Santana (5 cyl.) 2.0-2.2 8/83-3/88<br />

Polo 1.0 10/94-<br />

Polo (85 kW) 1.3 1/87-9/90<br />

Polo Classic 1.6 11/95-<br />

Polo/Derby (33-56 kW) 1.0-1.3 8/85-9/94<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.0-1.4 2/93-7/96<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8-2.0 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 5/91-5/98<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 2.0 9/95-<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Bolt til topstykke, M11x1,5x98<br />

Bolt til topstykke, M12x1,75x115<br />

For reference:<br />

049103385<br />

For reference:<br />

068103384A<br />

028103383AN<br />

046103385<br />

068103384<br />

For reference:<br />

447711279A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/81-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 8/81-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/78-7/83<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.6 5/72-7/76<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 8/78-7/81<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 10/80-7/83<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.0-1.3 8/76-7/85<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6 8/76-7/78<br />

Golf/Jetta (S/CH) 1.3 8/83-10/86<br />

Passat 1.3-1.6 8/77-7/80<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3 8/81-7/83<br />

Passat/Santana 1.9 2.2 8/81-7/83<br />

Polo/Derby 0.9-1.0 7/76-10/86<br />

Polo/Derby (37-44 kW) 1.1-1.3 8/74-7/85<br />

Polo/Derby (55 kW) 1.3 9/82-8/90<br />

Polo/Derby (S/CH) 1.3 8/82-7/88<br />

VW T4 1.8-2.0 12/90-7/92<br />

Passat/Santana 1.9/2.2 8/81-7/83<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.4D 4/81-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3 (not ATD/AXR) 1.9D 9/96-6/01<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.9D 1/95-9/01<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9D 7/94-4/01<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento/Bora 1.6-1.9D 4/81-<br />

LT 2.0 11/79-11/82<br />

LT 2.4 (incl. D) 12/82-12/95<br />

LT 2.4D 1/81-11/82<br />

LT (not AVR) 2.5D 5/96-<br />

Lupo/Seat Arosa 1.7D 8/97-<br />

New Beetle 1.9D 11/98-<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-1.9D 4/81-8/00<br />

Polo 1.3-1.9D 8/86-<br />

Polo Classic 1.9D 11/95-9/01<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.9D 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo/Leon 1.9D 5/91-<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 1.9D 9/95-2/00<br />

Skoda Fabia 1.9D 2/00-<br />

Skoda Octavia 1.9D 10/96-<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

VW T4 1.9-2.5 (incl. D) 9/90-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.5 (incl. D) 8/84-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.5D 8/94-3/97<br />

Bøsning til skiftestang<br />

Brændstoffilter, diesel<br />

For reference:<br />

191127401E<br />

191127401A<br />

191127401B<br />

1H0127401C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 8/82-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (with fuel 1.6D TD 8/80-7/86<br />

pre-heater)<br />

Golf/Jetta (with fuel 1.6D TD 8/83-7/88<br />

pre-heater)<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.6-1.9D 8/88-7/95<br />

LT 2.4D 9/88-7/95<br />

LT (with fuel pre-heater) 2.4D 12/82-9/88<br />

Passat/Santana 1.6-1.9D 8/86-9/96<br />

Polo 1.3-1.4D 10/87-7/94<br />

Polo Classic (not AEY) 1.9SDI 1/96-4/96<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.9D 2/93-7/95<br />

Seat Toledo 1.9D 5/91-7/95<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra (not 1.9D 9/95-2/00<br />

ANU)<br />

VW T.2 (with fuel 1.6-1.7D 1/81-9/88<br />

pre-heater)<br />

VW T.2/T4 1.6-2.5D 9/88-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (with fuel 1.6D/TD 8/80-7/86<br />

pre-heater)<br />

Golf/Jetta (with fuel 1.6D/TD 8/83-7/88<br />

pre-heater)<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

068127177B<br />

068127177<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D TD 10/78-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6D TD 8/80-8/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6D TD 8/76-7/83<br />

LT 2.4D TD 8/78-12/85<br />

Passat/Santana 1.5-1.6D TD 8/77-7/87<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D TD 1/81-6/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D/TD 10/78-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6D/TD 8/80-8/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6D/TD 8/76-7/83<br />

LT 2.4D/TD 8/78-12/85<br />

Passat/Santana 1.5-1.6D/TD 8/77-7/87<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D/TD 1/81-6/87<br />

Brændstoffilter, diesel<br />

For reference:<br />

046127435<br />

046127435A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5TDI 1/90-7/94<br />

Brændstoffilter, diesel<br />

For reference:<br />

026103601<br />

048103601<br />

053103601<br />

053103607<br />

056103601<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 8/82-6/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-2.0 5/72-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6D 8/80-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9D 8/89-7/91<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana 1.5-1.6D 8/78-3/88<br />

Passat/Santana 1.5-1.8 5/73-3/88<br />

Bundkar<br />

For reference:<br />

054103601A<br />

035103601<br />

035103601F<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9-2.3 (incl. D) 3/77-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.3-2.5 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.3-2.5 (incl. D) 6/94-10/97<br />

Bundkar<br />

For reference:<br />

078103604B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.6-2.8 8/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.6-2.8 8/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.6-2.8 6/94-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A8 2.8 8/94-9/94<br />

Bundkar, nedre del<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

068198<strong>100</strong><br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (64 kW) 2.0TD 8/82-9/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (74 kW) 2.0TD 1/88-9/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6TD 2/82-7/87<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6TD 8/83-10/91<br />

LT 2.4TD 8/82-12/95<br />

Passat 1.6TD 3/88-9/96<br />

VW T.2 1.6TD 8/82-7/92<br />

Cylinderforinger (4 stk.), 76,5 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

013311427<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5 speed 1.6-1.9 8/79-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 5 speed 1.6-1.8 8/78-3/87<br />

Passat 5 speed 1.6-1.8 8/80-3/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5 speed 1.6-1.9 8/79-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 5 speed 1.6-1.8 8/78-3/87<br />

Passat, 5 speed 1.6-1.8 8/80-3/88<br />

Cylinderleje til gearkasse<br />

For reference:<br />

088301467B<br />

088301467A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.3 (incl. D) 6/76-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (5 speed) 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 8/78-7/86<br />

Passat (5 speed) 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 8/80-3/88<br />

Dæksel til gearkasse<br />

For reference:<br />

026109175A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8 1/88-12/90<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6-1.8 8/87-10/91<br />

Passat 1.6 8/91-7/92<br />

Passat/Santana 1.6-1.8 8/87-7/91<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6 5/91-<br />

Dæksel til tandrem, nederst<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

026109107B<br />

Passat/Santana 1.6-1.8 8/87-7/91<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6 5/91-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8 1/88-12/90<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6-1.8 8/87-10/91<br />

Passat 1.6 8/91-7/92<br />

Dæksel til tandrem, øverst<br />

For reference:<br />

026129761E<br />

026129761A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (not S/CH) 1.8 8/83-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (not S/CH) 1.6 8/83-8/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (not S/CH) 1.8 1/83-8/86<br />

Golf/Jetta (A) 1.6 8/83-7/87<br />

Golf/Jetta (not S/CH) 1.6-1.8 8/83-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (S/CH) 1.6-1.8 8/85-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana (not S/CH) 1.6 8/83-3/88<br />

Passat/Santana (not S/CH) 1.8 1/83-3/88<br />

Flange for indsugning<br />

For reference:<br />

027129761A<br />

027129761<br />

050129761E<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8 1/88-1/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (S/CH) 1.8 3/88-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.8 8/86-1/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (not S/CH) 1.6 8/86-1/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (S/CH) 1.6 8/83-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (S/CH) 1.8 8/83-7/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80/<strong>100</strong> 1.8 2/86-7/88<br />

Passat/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/83-3/88<br />

Flange for indsugning<br />

For reference:<br />

049129761<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 9/78-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 9/78-12/82<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6 4/78-12/83<br />

Passat/Santana 1.6 8/78-12/82<br />

Flange for indsugning<br />

For reference:<br />

050129761D<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (55 kW) 1.8 11/86-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (65 kW) 1.8 8/88-7/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (55 kW) 1.8 10/86-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (65-66 kW) 1.8 8/88-1/90<br />

Flange for indsugning<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

050129761F<br />

050129761B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8 1/88-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 7/93-10/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 9/91-6/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (inj. - 66 kW) 1.8 3/88-8/91<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.8 11/87-9/97<br />

Passat 1.6 8/88-7/90<br />

Passat 1.8 4/88-9/96<br />

Polo Classic 1.6 11/95-9/97<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-1.8 5/91-<br />

Flange for indsugning<br />

For reference:<br />

443798105<br />

443711105<br />

893711334B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 88-92<br />

Gearskiftemekanisme<br />

For reference:<br />

443399415B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4-2.5D 8/89-12/90<br />

Gummiophæng til gearkasse<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0399151D<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 3/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 5/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5D 6/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> aut. 2.0 1/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8 7/96-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9D 10/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.5D 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 aut. 1.8 7/96-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 aut. 2.0 6/94-3/97<br />

Gummiophæng, gearkasse<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0399151K<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.6-2.8 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.6-2.8 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 aut. 2.4-2.5D 7/96-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 aut. 2.6-2.8 6/94-3/97<br />

Gummiophæng, gearkasse<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0399415B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Gummiophæng, gearkasse<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0399420<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.6-2.0 6/94-3/97<br />

Gummiophæng, gearkasse<br />

For reference:<br />

431399151D<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.3 (incl. D) 8/76-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 right side 1.6-2.0 1/92-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 right side 1.6D 1/91-10/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 right side 1.9D 8/89-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, right side 1.6-2.0 1/92-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, right side 1.6D 1/91-10/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, right side 1.9D 8/89-7/95<br />

Gummiophæng, gearkasse<br />

For reference:<br />

443399415<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.3 8/83-7/86<br />

Gummiophæng, gearkasse<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

443399415A<br />

431399415B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9 8/81-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.3 (incl. D) 3/77-11/90<br />

Gummiophæng, gearkasse<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0399420E<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.4-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Gummiophæng, gearkasse, bag, højre<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0399419E<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.4-2.8 (incl. D) 6894-3/97<br />

Gummiophæng, gearkasse, bag, venstre<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0399151C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> aut. 2.5D 7/93-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> aut. 2.6 7/93-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> aut. 2.8 3/92-7/94<br />

Gummiophæng, gearkasse, model CDT<br />

For reference:<br />

035133557<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/86-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 8/86-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.3 10/86-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (not mono-jet.) 1.8 4/85-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 8/90-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.8 8/84-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 3/90-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 8/84-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.2 10/84-7/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (95-102 kW) 1.8 2/86-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (not digifant) 1.8 8/84-10/87<br />

Passat 1.8-2.0 4/88-10/93<br />

Passat/Santana 1.8 8/84-3/88<br />

Passat/Santana 2.0-2.2 1/84-3/88<br />

Seat Toledo 1.8 5/91-3/94<br />

Gummipakning, indsprøjtningsventil<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

035133557A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.3 8/86-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 8/87-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (not mono-jet.) 1.8 4/85-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 8/90-5/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.8-2.0 6/84-10/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 3/90-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0-2.3 1/84-11/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-3/97<br />

Golf/Jetta (95-102 kW) 1.8 2/86-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (not digifant) 1.8 8/84-10/87<br />

Passat 1.8-2.0 4/88-10/93<br />

Passat/Santana 1.8 8/84-3/88<br />

Passat/Santana 2.0-2.2 1/84-3/88<br />

Gummipakning, indsprøjtningsventil<br />

Hovedlejesæt, standard<br />

For reference:<br />

026198491S/5<br />

87581600<br />

For reference:<br />

046198451<br />

87452600<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.6 7/72-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80/<strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.0 7/81-7/94<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.8-2.0 1/83-9/97<br />

Passat 1.8-2.0 8/85-9/96<br />

VW T4 1.8-2.0 9/90-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/76-8/78<br />

LT 2.0 8/76-11/82<br />

Hovedlejesæt, standard<br />

For reference:<br />

046198453<br />

87452610<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/76-8/78<br />

LT 2.0 8/76-11/82<br />

Hovedlejesæt, standard + 0,25 mm<br />

Hovedlejesæt, standard, hovedleje 0,50 mm<br />

Hus til vandpumpe<br />

Hydraulisk ventilløfter<br />

For reference:<br />

026198495S/5<br />

87581620<br />

For reference:<br />

037121013A<br />

026121013<br />

037121013<br />

For reference:<br />

034109309AD<br />

034109309<br />

034109309N<br />

050109309<br />

050109309C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.6 7/72-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80/<strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.0 7/81-7/94<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.8-2.0 1/83-9/97<br />

Passat 1.8-2.0 8/85-9/96<br />

VW T4 1.8-2.0 9/90-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 4/81-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.4 8/81-9/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-1.9D 8/80-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.0 5/81-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9-2.0 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6 8/81-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6D 4/82-7/92<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 8/81-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento 1.6 10/94-9/97<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana 1.6-1.9D 8/80-9/96<br />

Passat/Santana 1.6-2.0 4/81-9/96<br />

Polo Classic (not AEE) 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 11/95-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 5/91-9/98<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 1.9-2.0 (incl. D) 9/95-<br />

VW T.2 (power st.) 1.6D 1/81-7/85<br />

VW T.2/T4 1.6-1.9D 8/85-<br />

VW T4 1.8-2.0 9/90-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (not DR) 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 08/85-07/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 08/85-10/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.8-2.0 08/83-10/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0-2.3 08/85-11/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.6-2.8 09/91-08/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3 1.9TDI 09/96-07/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.9TDI 01/95-06/00<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9-2.5TDI 06/94-03/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9TDI 04/97-04/01<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0-2.3 06/94-03/97<br />

Golf/Bora 2.3 11/97-02/01<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.0-2.8 (incl. D) 08/85-09/94<br />

Golf/Vento 1.4 10/94-07/95<br />

Golf/Vento 1.9D 10/94-09/97<br />

Golf/Vento 2.0-2.8 10/94-09/97<br />

LT 2.4 10/88-12/95<br />

LT 2.4D 08/88-12/95<br />

LT 2.5D 05/96-<br />

Passat 1.6 08/85-10/94<br />

Passat 1.8 08/84-07/94<br />

Passat 2.2 01/85-03/88<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

035133554<br />

Passat 2.8 06/91-09/96<br />

Passat (110 kW) 2.0 01/94-09/96<br />

Passat (79-<strong>100</strong> kW) 2.0 08/85-09/94<br />

Passat/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-1.9D 08/85-09/96<br />

Polo 1.0 10/94-04/97<br />

Polo 1.7-1.9SDI TDI 10/94-09/01<br />

Polo (56-85 kW) 1.3 01/87-07/94<br />

Polo Classic 1.7-1.9SDI TDI 01/96-09/99<br />

Polo/Derby (33-40 kW) 1.0-1.4 (incl. D) 08/85-07/94<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.9SDI TDI 09/96-06/99<br />

Seat Toledo/Leon 1.6-1.8 05/91-06/95<br />

Seat Toledo/Leon 1.9-2.3 (incl. SDI TDI) 05/91-05/01<br />

Sharan 2.8 09/95-02/00<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 1.9TDI 09/95-02/00<br />

Skoda Octavia 1.9TDI 10/96-06/97<br />

VW T4 1.8-2.5 09/90-03/96<br />

VW T4 2.4-2.5D 09/90-06/03<br />

VW T4 2.5-2.8 (incl. TDI) 01/96-06/03<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (not DR) 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 8/85-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 8/85-10/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.8-2.0 8/83-10/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0-2.3 8/85-11/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.6-2.8 9/91-8/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3 1.9D 9/96-7/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.9D 1/95-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9-2.5D 6/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0-2.3 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.6-2.8 6/94-8/94<br />

Golf/Bora 2.3 11/97-<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.0-2.8 (incl. D) 8/85-7/94<br />

Golf/Vento 1.4 10/94-7/95<br />

Golf/Vento 1.9D 10/94-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento 2.0-2.8 10/94-9/97<br />

LT 2.4D 8/88-12/95<br />

Passat 1.6 8/85-10/94<br />

Passat 1.8 8/84-7/94<br />

Passat 2.2 1/85-3/88<br />

Passat 2.8 6/91-9/96<br />

Passat (110 kW) 2.0 1/94-9/96<br />

Passat (79-<strong>100</strong> kW) 2.0 8/85-9/94<br />

Passat/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-1.9D 8/85-9/96<br />

Polo 1.0 10/94-4/97<br />

Polo 1.7-1.9D 10/94-<br />

Polo (56-85 kW) 1.3 1/87-7/94<br />

Polo Classic 1.7-1.9D 1/96-9/99<br />

Polo/Derby (33-40 kW) 1.0-1.4 (incl. D) 8/85-7/94<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.9D 9/96-<br />

Seat Toledo/Leon 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 5/91-6/95<br />

Sharan 2.8 9/95-<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 1.9D 9/95-<br />

VW T4 1.8-2.5 9/90-3/96<br />

VW T4 2.8 1/96-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8 4/85-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.2 10/83-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.8 6/84-7/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 12/83-7/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.2 10/84-7/91<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 8/84-7/87<br />

Passat 1.8 4/88-7/92<br />

Passat/Santana 1.8 8/84-3/88<br />

Passat/Santana 2.0-2.2 1/84-3/88<br />

Seat Toledo 1.8 5/91-3/94<br />

Indsats til indsprøjtningsventil<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

063133555<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 3/77-7/82<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6-1.8 6/76-7/83<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 9/75-7/82<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.8 8/82-7/84<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.2 10/80-7/83<br />

Indsats til indsprøjtningsventil<br />

Indsprøjtningsdyse, diesel<br />

For reference:<br />

068130211B<br />

For reference:<br />

068130211D<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (51-66 kW) 2.0D TD 10/78-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6D TD 8/80-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6D TD 8/80-7/85<br />

Golf/Jetta (not D) 1.6D TD 8/85-7/87<br />

Golf/Jetta (not D/J/CH -40 1.6D 8/87-10/91<br />

kW)<br />

Golf/Jetta (not D/J/CH -51 1.6D TD 8/87-7/88<br />

kW)<br />

LT (55 + 75-80 kW) 2.4D TD 12/82-7/92<br />

Passat/Santana 1.6D TD 8/80-3/88<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D TD 1/81-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (51-66 kW) 2.0D/TD 10/78-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6D/TD 8/80-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6D/TD 8/80-7/85<br />

Golf/Jetta (not D) 1.6D/TD 8/85-7/87<br />

Golf/Jetta (not D/J/CH -51 1.6D/TD 8/87-7/88<br />

kW)<br />

LT (55 + 75-80 kW) 2.4D/TD 12/82-7/92<br />

Passat/Santana 1.6D/TD 8/80-3/88<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D/TD 1/81-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (75 kW) 2.0D 3/88-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6D 8/86-7/89<br />

Golf/Jetta (51 kW) 1.6TD 8/88-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (D - 40 kW) 1.6D 8/85-1/89<br />

Golf/Jetta (D - 51 kW) 1.6TD 8/85-7/88<br />

Golf/Jetta (J/CH) 1.6D TD 8/87-10/91<br />

LT (68 kW) 2.4D 8/88-8/92<br />

Polo/Derby 1.3D 8/86-10/89<br />

Golf/Jetta (J/CH) 1.6D/TD 8/87-10/91<br />

Indsprøjtningsdyse, diesel<br />

For reference:<br />

068130211F<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0TD 3/88-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6TD 8/87-7/91<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6TD 4/89-10/91<br />

Passat 1.6TD 8/88-10/93<br />

Indsprøjtningsdyse, diesel<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

068130211H<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 8/89-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9D 8/89-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9D 9/91-7/92<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6D 8/89-10/91<br />

Golf/Vento (not AEY) 1.9D 11/91-9/97<br />

LT 2.4D 8/92-12/95<br />

Passat 1.9D 5/89-10/93<br />

Polo 1.9D 10/94-4/98<br />

Polo Classic (not AEY) 1.9D 1/96-10/96<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba (not 1.9D 2/93-6/99<br />

AEY)<br />

Seat Toledo (not AEY) 1.9D 5/91-4/97<br />

VW T4 1.9D 10/92-4/98<br />

Indsprøjtningsdyse, diesel<br />

For reference:<br />

049133551<br />

049133551A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80/<strong>100</strong>/200 1.9-2.3 -7/84<br />

Golf/Jetta GTI 1.6-1.8 -7/84<br />

Passat/Santana 5 cyl. 2.0-2.2 -12/83<br />

Passat/Santana, 5 cyl. 2.0-2.2 -12/83<br />

Indsprøjtningsventil<br />

For reference:<br />

069109601D<br />

069109601<br />

069109601C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D TD 10/78-7/85<br />

LT (55 kW) 2.4D 1/79-7/89<br />

LT (75 kW) 2.4TD 12/82-7/89<br />

VW T.2 1.7D 10/86-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D/TD 10/78-7/85<br />

Indsugningsventil<br />

Indsugningsventil<br />

Indsugningsventil, 3 riller<br />

Indsugningsventil, 38 mm, 3 riller<br />

For reference:<br />

069109601F<br />

50004312<br />

For reference:<br />

069109601H<br />

069109601G<br />

For reference:<br />

035109601C<br />

035109601<br />

035109601F<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 8/85-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 8/89-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9D 8/89-7/91<br />

Golf/Vento (not AEY) 1.9D 11/91-3/96<br />

LT 2.4D 8/89-7/92<br />

Passat 1.9D 5/89-10/93<br />

Polo 1.9D 10/94-12/95<br />

Polo Classic 1.9D 1/96-6/96<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.9D 2/93-6/96<br />

Seat Toledo 1.9D 5/91-7/97<br />

VW T4 1.9D 9/90-12/94<br />

VW T4 2.4D 9/90-4/99<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 8/85-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9TD 9/91-7/95<br />

Golf/Vento 1.9TD 11/91-11/95<br />

LT (51-68 kW) 2.4D 8/88-12/95<br />

LT (75-80 kW) 2.4TD 8/89-8/92<br />

Passat 1.9TD 3/91-11/95<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.9TD 2/93-11/95<br />

Seat Toledo 1.9TD 5/91-7/97<br />

VW T4 1.9D 10/92-2/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (55 kW) 1.8 8/82-10/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (74 kW) 1.9 8/80-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80/<strong>100</strong> (66 kW)) 1.8 1/83-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80/<strong>100</strong> (85 kW) 1.9-2.0 1/81-7/85<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6-1.8 8/83-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana (66 kW) 1.8 1/83-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana (85 kW) 1.9-2.0 1/81-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 8/83-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.2 8/80-7/83<br />

Scirocco 1.6 1/83-7/83<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Indsugningsventil, 38 mm, 3 riller<br />

Indsugningsventil, 40 mm, 3 riller<br />

Justérskive, 3,00 mm<br />

Justérskive, 3,05 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

035109601H<br />

035109601G<br />

035109601J<br />

035109601K<br />

For reference:<br />

026109601C<br />

026109601F<br />

048109601A<br />

For reference:<br />

056109555<br />

For reference:<br />

056109556<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/85-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 8/84-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (55 kW) 1.8 11/86-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (65-66 kW) 1.8 8/86-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 1/92-10/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 8/85-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.2 10/84-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (51-66 kW) 1.6-1.8 8/85-8/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (66-68 kW) 1.8 8/83-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (J) 2.0 8/83-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6 8/85-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.8 8/85-9/94<br />

Passat 2.0 8/85-3/88<br />

Passat 2.2 1/85-3/88<br />

Passat/Santana 1.6-1.8 8/85-7/94<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6 5/91-9/98<br />

Seat Toledo 1.8 5/91-7/94<br />

VW T4 1.8 12/90-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 3/92-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.8 1/88-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.3 4/87-11/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.6-2.8 9/91-8/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 4 cyl. 1.6-2.0 8/85-10/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 5 cyl. 2.0 4/87-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-10/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.3 6/94-6/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.6-2.8 6/94-8/94<br />

Golf (J) 1.8 1/85-7/85<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 1/85-10/91<br />

Golf/Vento 2.0 11/91-9/94<br />

Passat 1.8-2.0 4/88-9/94<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 2.0 2/93-4/96<br />

Seat Toledo 2.0 5/91-6/95<br />

VW T4 2.0 9/90-7/95<br />

VW T4 2.5 11/90-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 4 cyl. 1.6-2.0 8/85-10/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 5 cyl. 2.0 4/87-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9 8/80-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/84-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (55 kW) 1.8 8/82-10/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (66 kW) 1.8 3/83-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-7/85<br />

LT 2.4 1/79-7/92<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/89<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 (incl. D) 5/72-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 8/80-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (661.8 8/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (821.8 1/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9 8/80-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/84-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (55 kW) 1.8 8/82-10/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (66 kW) 1.8 3/83-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-7/85<br />

LT 2.4 1/79-7/92<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/89<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 (incl. D) 5/72-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 8/80-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (661.8 8/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (821.8 1/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Justérskive, 3,10 mm<br />

Justérskive, 3,15 mm<br />

Justérskive, 3,20 mm<br />

Justérskive, 3,25 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

056109557<br />

For reference:<br />

056109558<br />

For reference:<br />

056109559<br />

For reference:<br />

056109560<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9 8/80-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/84-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (55 kW) 1.8 8/82-10/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (66 kW) 1.8 3/83-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-7/85<br />

LT 2.4 1/79-7/92<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/89<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 (incl. D) 5/72-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 8/80-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (661.8 8/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (821.8 1/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9 8/80-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/84-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (55 kW) 1.8 8/82-10/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (66 kW) 1.8 3/83-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-7/85<br />

LT 2.4 1/79-7/92<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/89<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 (incl. D) 5/72-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 8/80-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (661.8 8/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (821.8 1/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9 8/80-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/84-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (55 kW) 1.8 8/82-10/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (66 kW) 1.8 3/83-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-7/85<br />

LT 2.4 1/79-7/92<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/89<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 (incl. D) 5/72-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 8/80-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (661.8 8/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (821.8 1/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9 8/80-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/84-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (55 kW) 1.8 8/82-10/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (66 kW) 1.8 3/83-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-7/85<br />

LT 2.4 1/79-7/92<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/89<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 (incl. D) 5/72-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 8/80-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (661.8 8/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (821.8 1/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Justérskive, 3,30 mm<br />

Justérskive, 3,35 mm<br />

Justérskive, 3,40 mm<br />

Justérskive, 3,45 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

056109561<br />

For reference:<br />

056109562<br />

For reference:<br />

056109563<br />

For reference:<br />

056109564<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9 8/80-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/84-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (55 kW) 1.8 8/82-10/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (66 kW) 1.8 3/83-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-7/85<br />

LT 2.4 1/79-7/92<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/89<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 (incl. D) 5/72-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 8/80-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (661.8 8/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (821.8 1/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9 8/80-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/84-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (55 kW) 1.8 8/82-10/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (66 kW) 1.8 3/83-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-7/85<br />

LT 2.4 1/79-7/92<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/89<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 (incl. D) 5/72-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 8/80-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (661.8 8/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (821.8 1/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9 8/80-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/84-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (55 kW) 1.8 8/82-10/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (66 kW) 1.8 3/83-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-7/85<br />

LT 2.4 1/79-7/92<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/89<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 5/72-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 8/80-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (661.8 8/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (821.8 1/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9 8/80-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/84-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (55 kW) 1.8 8/82-10/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (66 kW) 1.8 3/83-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-7/85<br />

LT 2.4 1/79-7/92<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/89<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 (incl. D) 5/72-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 8/80-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (661.8 8/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (821.8 1/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Justérskive, 3,50 mm<br />

Justérskive, 3,55 mm<br />

Justérskive, 3,60 mm<br />

Justérskive, 3,65 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

056109565<br />

For reference:<br />

056109566<br />

For reference:<br />

056109567<br />

For reference:<br />

056109568<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9 8/80-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/84-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (55 kW) 1.8 8/82-10/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (66 kW) 1.8 3/83-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-7/85<br />

LT 2.4 1/79-7/92<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/89<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 (incl. D) 5/72-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 8/80-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (661.8 8/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (821.8 1/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9 8/80-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/84-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (55 kW) 1.8 8/82-10/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (66 kW) 1.8 3/83-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-7/85<br />

LT 2.4 1/79-7/92<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/89<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 (incl. D) 5/72-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 8/80-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (661.8 8/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (821.8 1/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9 8/80-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/84-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (55 kW) 1.8 8/82-10/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (66 kW) 1.8 3/83-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-7/85<br />

LT 2.4 1/79-7/92<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/89<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 (incl. D) 5/72-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 8/80-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (661.8 8/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (821.8 1/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9 8/80-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/84-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (55 kW) 1.8 8/82-10/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (66 kW) 1.8 3/83-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-7/85<br />

LT 2.4 1/79-7/92<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/89<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 (incl. D) 5/72-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 8/80-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (661.8 8/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (821.8 1/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Justérskive, 3,70 mm<br />

Justérskive, 3,75 mm<br />

Justérskive, 3,80 mm<br />

Justérskive, 3,85 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

056109569<br />

For reference:<br />

056109570<br />

For reference:<br />

056109571<br />

For reference:<br />

056109572<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9 8/80-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/84-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (55 kW) 1.8 8/82-10/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (66 kW) 1.8 3/83-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-7/85<br />

LT 2.4 1/79-7/92<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/89<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 (incl. D) 5/72-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 8/80-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (661.8 8/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (821.8 1/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9 8/80-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/84-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (55 kW) 1.8 8/82-10/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (66 kW) 1.8 3/83-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-7/85<br />

LT 2.4 1/79-7/92<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/89<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 (incl. D) 5/72-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 8/80-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (661.8 8/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (821.8 1/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9 8/80-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/84-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (55 kW) 1.8 8/82-10/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (66 kW) 1.8 3/83-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-7/85<br />

LT 2.4 1/79-7/92<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/89<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 (incl. D) 5/72-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 8/80-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (661.8 8/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (821.8 1/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9 8/80-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/84-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (55 kW) 1.8 8/82-10/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (66 kW) 1.8 3/83-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-7/85<br />

LT 2.4 1/79-7/92<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/89<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 (incl. D) 5/72-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 8/80-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (661.8 8/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (821.8 1/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Justérskive, 3,90 mm<br />

Justérskive, 3,95 mm<br />

Justérskive, 4,00 mm<br />

Justérskive, 4,05 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

056109573<br />

For reference:<br />

056109574<br />

For reference:<br />

056109575<br />

For reference:<br />

056109576<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9 8/80-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/84-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (55 kW) 1.8 8/82-10/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (66 kW) 1.8 3/83-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-7/85<br />

LT 2.4 1/79-7/92<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/89<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 (incl. D) 5/72-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 8/80-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (661.8 8/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (821.8 1/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9 8/80-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/84-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (55 kW) 1.8 8/82-10/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (66 kW) 1.8 3/83-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-7/85<br />

LT 2.4 1/79-7/92<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/89<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 (incl. D) 5/72-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 8/80-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (661.8 8/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (821.8 1/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9 8/80-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/84-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (55 kW) 1.8 8/82-10/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (66 kW) 1.8 3/83-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-7/85<br />

LT 2.4 1/79-7/92<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/89<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 (incl. D) 5/72-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 8/80-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (661.8 8/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (821.8 1/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9 8/80-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/84-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (55 kW) 1.8 8/82-10/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (66 kW) 1.8 3/83-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-7/85<br />

LT 2.4 1/79-7/92<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/89<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 (incl. D) 5/72-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 8/80-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (661.8 8/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (821.8 1/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Justérskive, 4,10 mm<br />

Justérskive, 4,15 mm<br />

Justérskive, 4,20 mm<br />

Justérskive, 4,25 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

056109577<br />

For reference:<br />

056109578<br />

For reference:<br />

056109579<br />

For reference:<br />

056109580<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9 8/80-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/84-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (55 kW) 1.8 8/82-10/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (66 kW) 1.8 3/83-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-7/85<br />

LT 2.4 1/79-7/92<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/89<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 (incl. D) 5/72-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 8/80-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (661.8 8/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (821.8 1/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9 8/80-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/84-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (55 kW) 1.8 8/82-10/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (66 kW) 1.8 3/83-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-7/85<br />

LT 2.4 1/79-7/92<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/89<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 (incl. D) 5/72-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 8/80-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (661.8 8/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (821.8 1/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9 8/80-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/84-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (55 kW) 1.8 8/82-10/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (66 kW) 1.8 3/83-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-7/85<br />

LT 2.4 1/79-7/92<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/89<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 (incl. D) 5/72-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 8/80-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (661.8 8/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (821.8 1/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9 8/80-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/84-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (55 kW) 1.8 8/82-10/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (66 kW) 1.8 3/83-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-7/85<br />

LT 2.4 1/79-7/92<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/89<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 (incl. D) 5/72-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 8/80-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (661.8 8/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (821.8 1/83-7/85<br />

kW)<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

035903137B<br />

035903137A<br />

035903137E<br />

069903137C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9-2.2 3/77-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 11/81-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 8/84-7/86<br />

LT 2.4 (incl. D) 4/86-12/95<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 8/80-12/84<br />

Kilerem til generator, 10x800 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

076903137<br />

069903137B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/89<br />

LT 2.4 (incl. D) 8/78-4/86<br />

Kilerem til generator, 10x813 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

034903137A<br />

034903137<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.3 8/85-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0-2.2 1/85-7/86<br />

Passat/Santana 2.0-2.2 1/85-3/88<br />

Kilerem til generator, 11x825 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

078903137<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.6-2.8 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.6-2.8 9/91-2/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.6-2.8 6/94-7/94<br />

Kilerem til generator, 21,36x1675 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

055903137G<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 1/91-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0-2.3 8/84-7/91<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6-1.8 8/77-7/83<br />

Passat/Santana 2.0-2.2 8/84-3/88<br />

Kilerem til generator, AC, 10x850 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

050260849<br />

026260849A<br />

075145271<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 8/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.0 (incl. D) 8/86-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-3/97<br />

Kilerem til klimaanlæg, 13x800 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

050121039A<br />

068121039P<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 8/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.0 9/91-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 3/90-8/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-3/97<br />

Kilerem til vandpumpe, AVX 10x913<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

050903137B<br />

050903137C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 8/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.0 9/91-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-3/97<br />

Kilerem, generator, 14,24x858 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

078903137K<br />

078903137P<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.6-2.8 12/90-10/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.6-2.8 9/91-10/93<br />

Kilerem, generator, AC, 21,36x2260 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

026145271<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8 8/82-11/90<br />

Golf/Jetta (51-82 kW) 1.6-1.8 8/83-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (95-102 kW) 1.8 2/86-12/90<br />

Passat 1.6-2.0 4/88-7/92<br />

Seat Toledo (carb.) 1.6 5/91-7/94<br />

Seat Toledo (inj.) 1.6-2.0 5/91-10/93<br />

Kilerem, servostyring, AVX 10x735 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

049903119L<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 4 cyl. 1.8-2.0 (Incl. D) 8/85-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 4 cyl. 1.8-2.0 (Incl. D) 8/85-11/90<br />

Kileremskive til generator<br />

For reference:<br />

078145255H<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5TDI 6/94-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 2.4-2.8 8/97-10/00<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 2.6-2.8 2/95-7/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.4-2.8 11/97-5/00<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.5TDI 6/94-10/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.6-2.8 1/95-10/97<br />

Passat 2.8 8/97-<br />

Kileremsskive (til servopumpe)<br />

Knastaksel<br />

Knastaksel<br />

For reference:<br />

074109101B<br />

069109101P<br />

For reference:<br />

046109101K<br />

074109101J<br />

For reference:<br />

077109120<br />

027109120<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.4D 8/85-7/94<br />

VW T4 2.4D 5/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5TD 6/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.5TD 6/94-4/97<br />

VW LT (not AVR) 2.5D TDI 5/96-<br />

VW T4 2.5TD TDI 9/95-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 9/91-6/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5TD 8/91-5/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.5TD 10/94-<br />

VW LT (not AVR) 2.5D/TDI 5/96-<br />

VW T4 2.5TD/TDI 9/95-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 1/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 4 cyl. 2.0 3/90-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 5 cyl. 2.0-2.3 8/88-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-10/97<br />

Golf 2.0 8/92-9/97<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 2/86-10/91<br />

Passat 1.8-2.0 4/88-9/96<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8 2/94-8/96<br />

Seat Toledo 1.8-2.0 5/91-9/98<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 4 cyl. 2.0 3/90-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 5 cyl. 2.0-2.3 8/88-7/91<br />

Knastkæde, 455/44E<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

014141701E<br />

014141701D<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-1.8 6/76-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.8 (incl. D) 5/72-7/86<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 5/73-3/88<br />

Koblings udrykkeraksel<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0721401<br />

431721401<br />

431721401A<br />

443721401A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 4 cyl. 1.8-2.0 1/88-10/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5-6 cyl. 2.0-2.8 (Incl. D) 3/77-10/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> RHD 1.6-2.8 (Incl. D) 10/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 RHD 1.8-2.8 (Incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 4 cyl. 1.8-2.0 1/88-10/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5-6 cyl. 2.0-2.8 (Incl. D) 3/77-10/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, RHD 1.6-2.8 (Incl. D) 10/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6, RHD 1.8-2.8 (Incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Koblingscylinder<br />

For reference:<br />

035141033<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5 cyl. 2.0-2.2 8/84-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5 cyl. 2.1-2.2 3/77-7/79<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5 cyl. 2.2 8/79-7/84<br />

Passat 2.2 8/85-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5 cyl. 2.0-2.2 8/84-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5 cyl. 2.1-2.2 3/77-7/79<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5 cyl. 2.2 8/79-7/84<br />

Koblingsnav, 228 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0721261<br />

893721261<br />

893721261A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (Incl. D) 1/88-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.8 (Incl. D) 8/86-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (Incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Koblings-slavecylinder<br />

For reference:<br />

049141117M<br />

1.8 1/83-3/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 10/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8 8/82-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.8 1/83-3/87<br />

Passat 1.8 1/83-3/88<br />

Koblingstrykplade, 210 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

035141117Q<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5 cyl. 2.0-2.2 8/84-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5 cyl. 2.0D 10/78-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5 cyl. 2.0TD 8/82-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5 cyl. 2.1-2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

Passat 2.2 8/85-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5 cyl. 2.0-2.2 8/84-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5 cyl. 2.0D 10/78-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5 cyl. 2.0TD 8/82-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5 cyl. 2.1-2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

Koblingstrykplade, 228 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

035141017Q<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (5 cyl.) 2.0-2.2 8/84-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (5 cyl.) 2.1-2.2 3/77-7/79<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (5 cyl.) 2.2 8/79-7/84<br />

Passat 2.2 8/85-7/86<br />

Koblingstrykplade, 228 mm<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

01E141165B<br />

012141165A/B<br />

012141165C/D<br />

01E141165A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 8/89-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 8/86-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-3.0 (incl. D) 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-1.9 (incl. D) 4/97-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.4 4/97-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.8 4/97-<br />

Passat 1.6-4.0 (incl. D) 10/96-<br />

Koblingsudrykkerleje<br />

For reference:<br />

088141165B<br />

088141165A<br />

091141165<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-1.8 6/76-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9 8/81-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.2 (incl. D) 3/77-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 5/72-7/86<br />

LT 2.0-2.4 (incl. D) 4/75-7/89<br />

LT 2.7D 1/76-3/80<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 5/73-3/88<br />

VW T.2 1.8-2.1 5/75-7/92<br />

Koblingsudrykkerleje<br />

For reference:<br />

049121123A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/79-7/83<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/83<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 8/79-7/83<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6 8/79-7/83<br />

Passat/Santana 1.6 8/79-7/83<br />

Scirocco 1.5-1.6 8/80-7/83<br />

Kølerslange, termokontakt<br />

Kølerslange, vandpumpe<br />

Kølerslange, vandpumpe<br />

For reference:<br />

056121053B<br />

For reference:<br />

026121053G<br />

026121053F<br />

For reference:<br />

016141181<br />

113141181A<br />

113141181B<br />

477141181<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 6/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/83<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 9/75-8/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 9/75-7/83<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6 2/74-7/83<br />

Passat 1.3 9/75-1/78<br />

Passat/Santana/ 1.5-1.6 9/75-7/83<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 3/92-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8 8/82-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.6 8/83-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-1.8 8/91-5/93<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6-1.8 8/83-10/91<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-1.8 8/83-7/91<br />

Passat/Santana 1.6-1.8 8/91-7/92<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6 5/91-6/95<br />

Seat Toledo 1.8 5/91-11/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-1.8 6/76-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9 8/81-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.5 10/78-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (121 kW) 2.2 4/86-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (51-101 kW) 2.0-2.2 3/77-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 5/72-7/86<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 5/73-3/88<br />

VW T.1 1.2 2/72-4/79<br />

VW T.1 1.3-1.6 8/70-4/79<br />

VW T.2 1.6-2.1 8/70-7/90<br />

VW T.2 1.6-2.1 (incl. D) 8/70-7/90<br />

Krave til udrykkerleje<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Kugleskål til gearskiftestang<br />

Leje til kugleskål, skiftemekanisme<br />

Lejebøsning til gearstang<br />

For reference:<br />

823711643A<br />

For reference:<br />

823711255<br />

For reference:<br />

447711283A<br />

For reference:<br />

014311423<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 4 cyl. 1.6 8/79-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 4 cyl. 2.0 6/76-7/79<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 4 cyl. man. 1.8 8/82-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5 cyl. 2.0 2.2 (incl. D) 4/78-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5 cyl. man. 1.9 8/80-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5 cyl. man. 2.0D 2.2 8/82-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5 sp. man. 1.8-2.2 (incl. D) 1/88-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> man. 2.5TDI 6/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 5/6 sp. man. 2.5TDI 10/94-10/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A8 man. 2.5TDI 6/97-9/02<br />

VW T.2 man. 1.6-2.1 (incl. D) 8/82-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 4 cyl. 1.6 8/79-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 4 cyl. 2.0 6/76-7/79<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 4 cyl., man. 1.8 8/82-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5 cyl. 2.0/2.2 (incl. D) 4/78-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5 cyl., man. 1.9 8/80-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5 cyl., man. 2.0D/2.2 8/82-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5 sp. man. 1.8-2.2 (incl. D) 1/88-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, man. 2.5TDI 6/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6, 5/6 sp. man. 2.5TDI 10/94-10/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A8, man. 2.5TDI 6/97-9/02<br />

VW T.2, man. 1.6-2.1 (incl. D) 8/82-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 4 cyl. 2.0 6/76-7/79<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 4 cyl. man. 1.6 8/79-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 4 cyl. man. 1.8 8/82-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5 cyl. 2.0 2.2 (incl. D) 4/78-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5 cyl. man. 1.9 8/80-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5 cyl. man. 2.0D 2.2 8/82-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5 sp. man. 1.8-2.2 (incl. D) 1/88-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> man. 2.5TDI 6/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 5/6 sp. man. 2.5TDI 10/94-10/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A8 man. 2.5TDI 6/97-9/02<br />

VW T.2 man. 1.6-2.1 (incl. D) 8/82-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 4 cyl. 2.0 6/76-7/79<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 4 cyl., man. 1.6 8/79-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 4 cyl., man. 1.8 8/82-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5 cyl. 2.0/2.2 (incl. D) 4/78-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5 cyl., man. 1.9 8/80-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5 cyl., man. 2.0D/2.2 8/82-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5 sp. man. 1.8-2.2 (incl. D) 1/88-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, man. 2.5TDI 6/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6, 5/6 sp. man. 2.5TDI 10/94-10/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A8, man. 2.5TDI 6/97-9/02<br />

VW T.2, man. 1.6-2.1 (incl. D) 8/82-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 3/88-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5 speed 2.0-2.5D 8/84-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5 speed (121 kW)2.2 8/86-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5 speed (66-101 2.0-2.3 8/86-12/90<br />

kW)<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 5 speed 2.5TDI 10/94-4/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 6 speed 2.5TDI 6/94-4/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5 speed 2.0-2.5D 8/84-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5 speed (121 kW)2.2 8/86-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5 speed (66-101 2.0-2.3 8/86-12/90<br />

kW)<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6, 5 speed 2.5TDI 10/94-4/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6, 6 speed 2.5TDI 6/94-4/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 4 speed 1.6-1.9 8/79-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 4 speed 1.3-1.6 8/81-3/87<br />

Passat 4 speed 1.3-1.6 (incl.D) 8/81-3/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 4 speed 1.6-1.9 8/79-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 4 speed 1.3-1.6 8/81-3/87<br />

Passat, 4 speed 1.3-1.6 (incl.D) 8/81-3/88<br />

Lejering til gearkasse<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

021129620<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.3 3/77-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-3/79<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (not mono-jetr.) 1.8 4/85-11/90<br />

Polo 1.3-1.4D 3/89-7/94<br />

Polo (inj. - 85 kW) 1.3 1/87-4/94<br />

Polo (inj. - digi-jetr -40-56) 1.3 12/86-9/90<br />

Polo/Derby (carb.) 1.3 9/82-7/90<br />

VW T.2 1.6-2.0 8/74-12/82<br />

VW T.2 1.9 8/82-7/90<br />

Luftfilter<br />

Luftfilter<br />

For reference:<br />

056129620<br />

052129620A<br />

551129620<br />

For reference:<br />

069129620<br />

035133843<br />

068129620A<br />

069133843<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-1.8 8/76-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9-2.2 8/80-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.4 8/81-9/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (carb.) 1.5-1.9 5/72-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (inj.) 1.6-2.0 3/88-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80/<strong>100</strong> (mono-jetr.) 1.8 1/88-7/91<br />

Golf 1.4 11/91-6/92<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.0 8/83-7/85<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.3 8/83-10/91<br />

Golf/Vento 1.4-1.6 8/95-9/97<br />

Lupo/Seat Arosa 1.0-1.4 2/97-<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/79<br />

Passat/Santana 1.5-1.9 5/73-3/88<br />

Polo 1.0 10/90-6/94<br />

Polo Classic 1.4 12/95-<br />

Polo Classic 1.6 9/97-<br />

Polo/Derby 0.9 4/75-8/75<br />

Polo/Derby 1.1-1.3 8/74-7/83<br />

Polo/Derby 1.3 8/83-5/94<br />

Polo/Derby (S) 1.3 10/81-7/82<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.0 2/93-7/94<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.0 9/96-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.3-1.6 2/93-<br />

Skoda Octavia 1.6 10/96-<br />

Vento 1.4 11/91-4/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 3/79-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 8/90-5/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6D 8/83-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 4 cyl.(101-103 kW) 2.0-2.3 3/90-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 4 cyl.(66-85 kW) 1.8-2.0 8/83-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 5 cyl. 2.0-2.3 10/80-11/94<br />

Golf/Jetta (40 kW) 1.6D 8/83-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (51 kW) 1.6D 3/82-10/91<br />

Passat/Santana 1.8-2.2 1/81-3/88<br />

Passat/Santana (40 kW) 1.6D 8/83-3/88<br />

Passat/Santana (51 kW) 1.6D 12/81-3/88<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 4 cyl.(101-103 kW) 2.0-2.3 3/90-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 4 cyl.(66-85 kW) 1.8-2.0 8/83-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 5 cyl. 2.0-2.3 10/80-11/94<br />

Luftfilter<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0129620<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4-2.5D 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.5D 6/94-3/97<br />

Luftfilter<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Luftfilter, heavy duty<br />

For reference:<br />

191129620<br />

859129620<br />

For reference:<br />

048103772<br />

048103772B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.8 1/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 6/93-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9D 8/89-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 9/91-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.6-2.8 9/91-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.3 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.4-2.8 6/94-3/97<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6D 4/89-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (66 kW) 1.8 11/87-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (95-118 kW) 1.8 8/89-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (digi-jetr.) 1.8 1/87-10/91<br />

Passat 1.6-1.9D 4/88-9/96<br />

Passat 1.6-2.0 4/88-9/96<br />

Passat 2.8 6/91-9/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 8/90-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 3/90-9/91<br />

Corrado 1.8-2.0 8/91-7/95<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 2/86-7/87<br />

Golf/Vento 2.0 11/91-7/94<br />

Passat 2.0 7/94-12/96<br />

Passat 2.0 8/88-7/92<br />

Scirocco 1.8 8/90-7/92<br />

Luftventil til cylinderblok<br />

Magnetventil, indsprøjtningspumpe diesel<br />

Manchet til oliestandsmåler<br />

For reference:<br />

028130135B<br />

For reference:<br />

056103663<br />

049103663<br />

053103663<br />

For reference:<br />

078109244F<br />

078109244<br />

078109244C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.4D 10/78-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-1.9D 8/80-7/95<br />

Caddy 1.6D 8/89-<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento (not AEY) 1.5-1.9D 8/76-9/97<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-1/96<br />

Passat/Santana 1.5-1.9D 8/77-9/96<br />

Polo 1.3-1.4D 8/86-7/94<br />

Polo Classic (AEY) 1.9D 11/95-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba (not 1.9D 2/93-<br />

AEY)<br />

Seat Toledo (not AEY) 1.9D 5/91-9/98<br />

VW T4 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

VW T4 1.9-2.4D 9/90-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>/A6 1.6-2.0 8/83-6/99<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.8 11/94-5/99<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 (not AHL) 1.6 11/94-10/96<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.6-2.0 8/83-9/97<br />

Passat 1.8 10/96-4/99<br />

Passat (not AHL) 1.6 10/96-10/97<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.0 8/83-9/96<br />

Polo Classic 1.6-1.8 12/95-9/99<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6-2.0 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 5/91-9/98<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 2.0 9/95-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.6-2.8 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.6-2.8 9/91-8/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.6-2.8 6/94-8/94<br />

Mellemhjul til tandrem<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0399413A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-4/97<br />

Metalbøsning, gummiophæng<br />

For reference:<br />

078103771<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.6-2.8 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.6-2.8 9/91-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 2.6-2.8 11/94-4/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.4-2.8 6/94-3/97<br />

Motorblokpakning<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0199379C<br />

4A0199379A<br />

4A0199379B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 right 1.9D 7/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6, right 1.9D 7/94-3/97<br />

Motorophæng<br />

For reference:<br />

811199339A<br />

811199339B<br />

823199339A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 4 cyl. 2.0 6/78-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5 cyl. 1.9-2.3 (incl. D) 3/77-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 11/77-11/94<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 5/73-3/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 4 cyl. 2.0 6/78-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5 cyl. 1.9-2.3 (incl. D) 3/77-11/90<br />

Motorophæng<br />

For reference:<br />

443199381<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8 8/82-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> left 1.8 1/88-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> aut. right 1.8 1/88-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> aut., right 1.8 1/88-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, left 1.8 1/88-11/90<br />

Motorophæng<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

8D0199339F<br />

893199339<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 (ac) 1/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.3 1/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4-2.5 D 8/89-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.0 8/86-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.6-2.8 9/91-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.9TDI 1/95-10/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-1.8 11/94-9/01<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 aut. 1.9D TD TDI 10/95-7/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8 4/97-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9TDI 4/97-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 (ac) 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.3 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.4 4/97-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.5TDI 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.7-2.8 4/97-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 aut. 1.9D/TD/TDI 10/95-7/97<br />

Motorophæng<br />

For reference:<br />

443199379E<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> left 2.3 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 man. gear 2.0-2.3 8/86-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 left 2.3 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, left 2.3 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, man. gear 2.0-2.3 8/86-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6, left 2.3 6/94-3/97<br />

Motorophæng, højre<br />

For reference:<br />

443199382<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.3 8/81-11/90<br />

Motorophæng, højre<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0199352<br />

4A0199352A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.6-2.8 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.4 7/95-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.6-2.8 6/94-3/97<br />

Motorophæng, højre<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

443199379D<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> left and with a/c 2.3 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> right 2.3 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 a/c man. gear 2.0-2.3 8/86-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 left and with a/c 2.3 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 right 2.3 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, left and with a/c 2.3 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, right 2.3 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, a/c man. gear 2.0-2.3 8/86-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6, left and with a/c 2.3 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6, right 2.3 6/94-3/97<br />

Motorophæng, venstre<br />

For reference:<br />

443199381C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.3 8/81-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0-2.3 8/84-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 right 2.0-2.3 8/84-7/86<br />

Passat (<strong>100</strong> kW) 2.2 3/85-3/88<br />

Passat (81-85 kW) 2.0-2.2 6/87-3/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, right 2.0-2.3 8/84-7/86<br />

Motorophæng, venstre<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0199351A<br />

4A0199351B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.6-2.8 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.4 7/95-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.6-2.8 6/94-3/97<br />

Motorophæng, venstre<br />

For reference:<br />

049198001C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80/<strong>100</strong> 1.6 9/75-7/83<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6 8/75-7/84<br />

Passat 1.5 8/75-7/80<br />

Passat 1.6 8/75-7/83<br />

Motorpakningssæt<br />

Møtrik til plejlstang<br />

For reference:<br />

048105427<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 4 cyl. 1.6-2.0 8/82-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5 cyl. (101 kW) 2.2 10/83-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5 cyl. (74-<strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.3 8/84-7/94<br />

kW)<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3/A4 1.6-1.8 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.3 6/94-<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6-1.8 8/82-10/91<br />

Golf/Vento/Bora 1.6 10/94-<br />

Golf/Vento/Bora 1.8-2.0 11/91<br />

Passat 1.6 10/96-9/99<br />

Passat 1.6-1.8 10/96-<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.3 8/83-9/96<br />

Polo Classic (not AEE) 1.6-1.8 12/95-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8-2.0 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 2.0 5/91-9/98<br />

Seat Toledo/Leon 1.6-1.8 10/98-<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 2.0 9/95-<br />

Skoda Octavia 1.6-1.8 10/96-<br />

VW T4 1.8 12/90-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 4 cyl. 1.6-2.0 8/82-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5 cyl. (101 kW) 2.2 10/83-11/90<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

014311123D<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5 cyl. (74-<strong>100</strong><br />

kW)<br />

2.0-2.3 8/84-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-1.8 10/76-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-1.8 5/72-3/87<br />

Passat/Santana 1.6-1.8 5/73-3/88<br />

Nåleleje til gearkasse<br />

For reference:<br />

056105313C<br />

056105313B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 6/76-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (40-83 kW) 1.3-2.0 (incl. D) 5/72-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (85-103 kW) 2.0 9/91-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 6/94-<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.0 (incl. D) 5/72-3/88<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

Nåleleje til svinghjul<br />

Olieafviser til topstykke<br />

For reference:<br />

026103547<br />

For reference:<br />

069115561<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-1.8 8/76-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>/A6 2.0 12/90-10/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.0 (incl. D) 8/81-7/95<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6 (incl. D) 2/74-7/83<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.6-1.8 (incl. D) 8/83-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento 2.0 11/91-9/97<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3 8/83-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana 1.5-2.0 (incl. D) 8/77-9/96<br />

Polo Classic 1.6 10/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba (1F) 1.6 5/94-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 5/91-9/98<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 2.0 9/95-<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

VW T4 1.8-2.0 9/90-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.4D 11/81-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.5D 10/94-3/97<br />

VW T4 1.9D TD 9/90-12/95<br />

VW T4 1.9D/TD 9/90-12/95<br />

Oliefilter<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

069115561A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> aut. 2.5D 7/93-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 aut. 2.5D 6/94-<br />

Oliefilter<br />

Oliefilter, benzin<br />

Oliefilter, benzin<br />

Oliefilter, benzin<br />

For reference:<br />

056115561G<br />

056115561A/B<br />

056115561C<br />

For reference:<br />

056115561GALT<br />

056115561A/BALT<br />

056115561CALT<br />

For reference:<br />

034115561A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 6/76-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.3 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 4 cyl. 1.3-2.0 5/72-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 5 cyl. 1.9-2.2 10/80-8/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-6/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.3 6/94-6/96<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 0.9-2.0 2/74-7/94<br />

LT 2.0 4/75-9/83<br />

Passat 1.8-2.0 10/93-7/94<br />

Passat/Santana 4 cyl. 1.3-2.0 5/73-10/93<br />

Passat/Santana 5 cyl. 1.9-2.2 1/81-3/88<br />

Polo/Derby 0.9-1.4 2/74-7/94<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.0-1.3 2/93-9/96<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.4 9/93-7/96<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 2/93-7/94<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 5/91-6/95<br />

VW T4 1.8-2.0 9/90-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 4 cyl. 1.3-2.0 5/72-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 5 cyl. 1.9-2.2 10/80-8/91<br />

Passat/Santana, 4 cyl. 1.3-2.0 5/73-10/93<br />

Passat/Santana, 5 cyl. 1.9-2.2 1/81-3/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 6/76-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.3 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 4 cyl. 1.3-2.0 5/72-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 5 cyl. 1.9-2.2 10/80-8/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-6/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.3 6/94-6/96<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 0.9-2.0 2/74-7/94<br />

LT 2.0 4/75-9/83<br />

Passat 1.8-2.0 10/93-7/94<br />

Passat/Santana 4 cyl. 1.3-2.0 5/73-10/93<br />

Passat/Santana 5 cyl. 1.9-2.2 1/81-3/88<br />

Polo/Derby 0.9-1.4 2/74-7/94<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.0-1.3 2/93-9/96<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.4 9/93-7/96<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 2/93-7/94<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 5/91-6/95<br />

VW T4 1.8-2.0 9/90-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 4 cyl. 1.3-2.0 5/72-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 5 cyl. 1.9-2.2 10/80-8/91<br />

Passat/Santana, 4 cyl. 1.3-2.0 5/73-10/93<br />

Passat/Santana, 5 cyl. 1.9-2.2 1/81-3/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 1/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.6-2.8 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 3/90-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.6-2.8 9/91-8/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3 1.6-1.8 9/96-4/98<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-1.8 11/94-6/99<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8 12/97-4/98<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-6/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.6-2.8 6/94-8/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 (not AJP) 1.8-2.0 7/95-6/99<br />

Golf/Bora 1.6-1.8 10/97-<br />

Golf/Vento 1.6 10/94-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento 1.8-2.0 7/94-9/97<br />

Passat 1.6-1.8 10/96-<br />

Passat (110 kW) 2.0 1/94-9/96<br />

Passat (55-85 kW) 1.3-2.0 7/94-9/96<br />

Polo Classic (not AEE) 1.6-1.8 11/95-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba (95 kW) 1.8-2.0 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 10/96-9/98<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 2.0 9/95-<br />

Skoda Octavia 1.6-1.8 10/96-8/98<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Oliefilter, diesel<br />

Oliekøler<br />

Oliepåfyldningsdæksel<br />

For reference:<br />

068115561B<br />

068115561<br />

0681155611<br />

For reference:<br />

068117021B<br />

For reference:<br />

06A103485C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-1.9D 8/80-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9TDI 6/94-6/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.5D 6/94-6/95<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.5-1.9D 8/76-9/97<br />

LT 2.4D TD 12/82-12/95<br />

Passat 1.9D 10/93-9/96<br />

Passat/Santana 1.5-1.9D TD TDI 8/77-9/93<br />

Polo 1.3-1.4D 8/86-7/94<br />

Polo Classic 1.7-1.9D 12/95-8/99<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.9D TD 2/93-6/99<br />

Seat Toledo 1.9D TD 5/91-9/98<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 10/78-7/89<br />

LT 2.4D/TD 12/82-12/95<br />

Passat/Santana 1.5-1.9D/TD/TDI 8/77-9/93<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.9D/TD 2/93-6/99<br />

Seat Toledo 1.9D/TD 5/91-9/98<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 1/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.6-2.8 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-1.9D 2/82-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.0 1/83-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9D 9/91-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.6-2.8 9/91-8/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3 1.9TDI 9/96-6/01<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.8 11/94-5/99<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.9D 1/95-9/01<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.5D 10/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.6-2.8 6/94-8/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 (not AJP) 1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 6/91-4/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 aut. 2.5D 6/94-3/97<br />

Golf/Bora 1.9TD TDI 10/97-<br />

Golf/Bora 2.3 11/97-4/01<br />

Golf/Bora 2.8 5/99-<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 1/84-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.6-1.9D 3/82-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento 2.0 11/91-9/97<br />

LT 2.4D 12/82-12/95<br />

Lupo 1.2D 5/00-6/00<br />

Lupo/Seat Arosa 1.7D 8/97-<br />

Passat 1.6-1.9D 8/81-9/96<br />

Passat 1.8-2.0 4/88-9/96<br />

Passat 1.8-2.3 10/96-8/00<br />

Passat 1.9TDI 10/96-8/00<br />

Polo 1.7-1.9D 10/94-<br />

Polo Classic (not a/c) 1.7-1.9D 11/95-9/01<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8 2/94-6/96<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.9-2.0 (incl. D) 2/93-6/99<br />

Seat Toledo 1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 5/91-<br />

Sharan 2.8 9/95-<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 1.9TDI 9/95-2/00<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 2.0 9/95-2/00<br />

VW T.2 1.6D TD 1/81-7/92<br />

VW T4 1.9D 9/90-<br />

VW T4 2.0 9/90-6/92<br />

VW T4 2.4-2.8 (incl. D) 9/90-<br />

Golf/Bora 1.9TD/TDI 10/97-<br />

VW T.2 1.6D/TD 1/81-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 8/89-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 8/89-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 9/96-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 11/94-2/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.5 (incl. D) 7/95-10/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9D 1/98-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A8 2.5-2.8 (incl. D) 7/95-12/98<br />

Caddy 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 8/83-7/91<br />

Caddy 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 6/96-4/01<br />

Golf 1.4-2.8 (incl. D) 7/95-5/96<br />

Golf Var. 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 7/94-2/99<br />

New Beetle 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 1/98-5/01<br />

New Beetle 1.9D 6/01-<br />

Passat 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 10/93-8/00<br />

Polo 1.0-1.9 (incl. D) 10/94-12/99<br />

Polo Classic 1.4-1.9 (incl. D) 5/96-12/99<br />

Sharan 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 9/95-2/00<br />

Sharan 2.8 4/00-4/02<br />

Vento 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 7/94-12/97<br />

VW T.1 1.2-1.6 8/55-<br />

VW T4 2.4-2.5 (incl. D) 5/96-4/97<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Oliepakning<br />

For reference:<br />

016409399B<br />

For reference:<br />

001301227<br />

001301227C<br />

085301227<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 3/4 sp. aut. 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 6/76-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 3/4 sp. aut. 1.8 1/88-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 3/4 sp. aut. 2.0-2.3 (incl. D) 3/77-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> man. transm. 1.6 7/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> man. transm. 1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 1/88-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> man. transm. 1.9-2.3 (incl. D) 3/77-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> man. transm. 2.0-2.8 (incl. D) 1/88-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 3/4 sp. aut. 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 10/80-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 man. transm. 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 8/76-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 3/4 sp. aut. 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 man. transm. 1.6-3.0 (incl. D) 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 3/4 sp. aut. 1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 7/96-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 man. transm. 1.8-3.0 (incl. D) 6/94-<br />

Passat 3/4 sp. aut. 1.5-2.3 (incl. D) 5/73-3/88<br />

Passat 3/4 sp. aut. 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 1/97-<br />

Passat man. transm. 1.5-2.3 (incl. D) 8/81-3/88<br />

Passat man. transm. 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 10/96-<br />

Sharan 3/4 sp. aut. 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 9/95-<br />

VW T.2 3/4 sp. aut. 1.7-2.1 (incl. D) 8/71-7/92<br />

VW T4 3/4 sp. aut. 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 9/90-<br />

VW T4 man. transm. 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 9/90-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 3/4 sp. aut. 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 6/76-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 3/4 sp. aut. 1.8 1/88-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 3/4 sp. aut. 2.0-2.3 (incl. D) 3/77-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, man. transm. 1.6 7/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, man. transm. 1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 1/88-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, man. transm. 1.9-2.3 (incl. D) 3/77-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, man. transm. 2.0-2.8 (incl. D) 1/88-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 3/4 sp. aut. 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 10/80-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, man. transm. 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 8/76-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4, 3/4 sp. aut. 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4, man. transm. 1.6-3.0 (incl. D) 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6, 3/4 sp. aut. 1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 7/96-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6, man. transm. 1.8-3.0 (incl. D) 6/94-<br />

Passat, 3/4 sp. aut. 1.5-2.3 (incl. D) 5/73-3/88<br />

Passat, 3/4 sp. aut. 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 1/97-<br />

Passat, man. transm. 1.5-2.3 (incl. D) 8/81-3/88<br />

Passat, man. transm. 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 10/96-<br />

Sharan, 3/4 sp. aut. 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 9/95-<br />

VW T.2, 3/4 sp. aut. 1.7-2.1 (incl. D) 8/71-7/92<br />

VW T4, 3/4 sp. aut. 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 9/90-<br />

VW T4, man. transm. 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 9/90-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-1.9 6/76-12/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 5/73-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.0-1.4 2/74-5/96<br />

Golf/Vento 1.6 8/91-5/96<br />

LT 2.0-2.7 (incl. D) 4/75-12/95<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 5/73-3/88<br />

Polo Classic 1.4 12/95-<br />

Polo Classic 1.6 9/97-<br />

Polo/Derby 0.9-1.4 (incl. D) 8/74-7/94<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.0-1.4 2/93-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 2/93-7/94<br />

VW T.2 1.6D 1/81-6/82<br />

Oliepakning<br />

For reference:<br />

014409399D<br />

014409399B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-1.8 6/76-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.8 (incl. D) 5/72-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.1-1.3 2/74-7/83<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-1.8 (incl. D) 5/73-3/88<br />

Polo (85 kW) 1.3 5/88-4/94<br />

Polo/Derby (29-55 kW) 0.9-1.4 (incl. D) 8/74-7/94<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.0-1.4 2/93-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 2/93-7/94<br />

Oliepakning<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Oliepakning for knastaksel<br />

Oliepakning til drivaksel<br />

For reference:<br />

068103171G<br />

051103172A<br />

053103173<br />

068103171F<br />

For reference:<br />

016311113B<br />

For reference:<br />

014311113A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.3 8/79-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80/90 1.3-2.3 (incl. D) 8/74-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6 11/94-9/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.8-1.9 (incl. D) 11/94-7/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 (not AJP) 1.8-2.5 (incl. D) 6/94-4/98<br />

Golf/Bora/Passat 2.3 10/96-<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.0-2.0 (incl. D) 4/74-5/96<br />

LT 2.4 (incl. D) 1/79-12/95<br />

LT 2.5D 5/96-2/98<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 11/74-9/96<br />

Polo 1.0 7/96-7/98<br />

Polo 1.4 5/97-6/98<br />

Polo 1.6 10/94-3/98<br />

Polo 1.9D 10/94-10/98<br />

Polo Classic 1.4 12/97-10/98<br />

Polo Classic 1.4 5/96-12/97<br />

Polo Classic 1.6 9/97-11/98<br />

Polo Classic 1.9D 1/97-4/98<br />

Polo/Derby 0.9-1.4 (incl. D) 8/74-7/94<br />

Seat Arosa 1.4 5/97-4/98<br />

Seat Arosa (not ALL/AKV) 1.0-1.4 2/97-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.0-2.0 (incl. D) 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 5/91-9/98<br />

Seat Toledo/Leon 2.3 10/96-<br />

Sharan 1.9D 9/95-5/98<br />

Skoda Octavia 1.6 10/96-5/98<br />

VW T2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

VW T4 1.8-2.5 (incl. D) 9/90-1/98<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5 sp. 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 8/79-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 6 sp. 2.5D 8/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 5 sp. 1.9-2.5D 1/95-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 5 sp. 2.6-2.8 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 5 sp. (not AFM) 1.6-2.4 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 6 sp. 2.5 (incl. D) 8/97-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 5 sp. 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 5 sp. 1.8-4.2 (incl. D) 4/97-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 6 sp. 2.5D 4/97-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 6 sp. 2.5D 6/94-3/97<br />

Passat 5 sp. 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 10/96-<br />

Passat 5 sp. 1.9-2.3 8/80-3/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5 sp. 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 8/79-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 6 sp. 2.5D 8/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4, 5 sp. 1.9-2.5D 1/95-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4, 5 sp. 2.6-2.8 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4, 5 sp. (not AFM) 1.6-2.4 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4, 6 sp. 2.5 (incl. D) 8/97-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6, 5 sp. 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6, 5 sp. 1.8-4.2 (incl. D) 4/97-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6, 6 sp. 2.5D 4/97-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6, 6 sp. 2.5D 6/94-3/97<br />

Passat, 5 sp. 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 10/96-<br />

Passat, 5 sp. 1.9-2.3 8/80-3/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-1.8 8/76-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.8 (incl. D) 8/78-7/86<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-1.8 8/77-3/88<br />

Oliepakning, drivaksel<br />

For reference:<br />

026115105<br />

026115105B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 3/92-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8 8/82-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.8 8/84-8/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 9/91-7/95<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-1.8 8/84-3/88<br />

Oliepumpe<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

026115105A<br />

0261151054<br />

0261151056<br />

0531151051<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.0 9/86-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-3/97<br />

Oliepumpe<br />

For reference:<br />

034115105A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5 cyl. 1.9-2.5 (incl. D) 8/79-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 5 cyl. 1.9-2.3 9/78-7/91<br />

Passat/Santana 5 cyl. 1.9-2.3 8/80-7/87<br />

VW T4 5 cyl. 2.4-2.5 (incl. D) 9/90-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5 cyl. 1.9-2.5 (incl. D) 8/79-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 5 cyl. 1.9-2.3 9/78-7/91<br />

Passat/Santana, 5 cyl. 1.9-2.3 8/80-7/87<br />

VW T4, 5 cyl. 2.4-2.5 (incl. D) 9/90-7/95<br />

Oliepumpe<br />

For reference:<br />

069115105J<br />

069115105<br />

069115105B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/76-7/85<br />

LT 2.4 (incl. D) 8/88-12/95<br />

Oliepumpe<br />

For reference:<br />

053115105C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 1/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 3/90-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 7/94-3/97<br />

Oliepumpe<br />

For reference:<br />

034133557E<br />

063133557<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 3/92-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (not mono-jet.) 1.8-2.3 3/77-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>/A6 (not ABK) 2.0-2.3 1/91-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.3 9/73-6/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0-2.3 7/93-7/95<br />

Golf/Jetta (60-82 kW) 1.6-1.8 6/76-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta (95-103 kW) 1.8 2/86-10/91<br />

Passat 1.8-2.0 4/88-10/93<br />

Passat/Santana 1.6-2.2 9/75-3/88<br />

Seat Toledo 1.8 5/91-3/94<br />

O-ring, indsprøjtningsventil<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Pakdåse<br />

Pakdåse, 35x48x10 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

068103085A<br />

030103085A<br />

056103085B<br />

056103851<br />

0681030811<br />

068103085Q<br />

For reference:<br />

054115147B<br />

034115147A<br />

054115147<br />

069115147E<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (camshaft) 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 6/76-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (crankshaft) 1.6-2.0 8/76-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (camshaft) 1.3-2.8 (incl. D) 5/72-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (crankshaft) 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (crankshaft) 1.3-1.4 8/81-9/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3 (camshaft) 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 9/96-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 (camshaft) 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 (camshaft) 2.6-2.8 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 (crankshaft) 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 (camshaft) 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 (crankshaft) (not 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-<br />

AJP)<br />

Golf/Bora (camshaft) 1.8-1.9 (incl. D) 10/97-<br />

Golf/Jetta (camshaft) 1.0-1.3 2/74-7/88<br />

Golf/Jetta (crankshaft) 1.1 2/74-7/79<br />

Golf/Jetta (crankshaft) 1.5-1.6 (incl. D) 2/74-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento (camshaft) 1.5-2.0 (incl. D) 2/74-<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.0-1.4 8/85-9/97<br />

(crankshaft)<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.8-2.0 8/83-<br />

(crankshaft)<br />

Golf/Vento (crankshaft) 1.9D 10/93-<br />

LT (camshaft) 2.0-2.4 (incl. D) 4/75-12/95<br />

Lupo/Seat Arosa 1.7D 8/97-<br />

(crankshaft)<br />

New Beetle (camshaft) 1.8 10/99-<br />

New Beetle (camshaft) 1.9D 11/98-<br />

Passat (camshaft) 1.9D 10/96-<br />

Passat (camshaft) 2.5-2.8 (incl. D) 1/97-<br />

Passat (crankshaft) 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat (crankshaft) 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat (crankshaft) 2.2 1/85-3/88<br />

Passat/Santana (camshaft) 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 5/73-<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-2.0 (incl. D) 5/72-<br />

Polo (camshaft) 1.4 10/94-9/99<br />

Polo (camshaft) 1.7-1.9D 10/94-<br />

Polo (crankshaft) 1.0-1.6 10/94-9/97<br />

Polo (crankshaft) 1.7-1.9D 10/94-<br />

Polo (rear) (camshaft) 1.3-1.9D 8/86-<br />

Polo/Derby (37-44 kW) 1.1-1.3 8/74-7/85<br />

(camshaft)<br />

Polo/Derby (55 kW) 1.3 9/82-7/90<br />

(camshaft)<br />

Polo/Derby (camshaft) 0.9-1.0 8/75-10/86<br />

Polo/Derby (crankshaft) 1.0-1.9 (incl. D) 8/85-<br />

Polo/Derby (S/CH) 1.3 8/82-7/88<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.0-2.0 (incl. D) 2/93-<br />

(camshaft)<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.0-2.0 (incl. D) 2/93-<br />

(crankshaft)<br />

Seat Toledo (crankshaft) 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 5/91-<br />

Seat Toledo/Leon 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 5/91-<br />

(camshaft)<br />

Seat Toledo/Leon 1.8-1.9 (incl. D) 10/98-<br />

(crankshaft)<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 1.9-2.0 (incl. D) 9/95-<br />

(camshaft)<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 1.9-2.0 (incl. D) 9/95-<br />

(crankshaft)<br />

Skoda Octavia (camshaft) 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 10/96-<br />

Skoda Octavia (crankshaft) 1.6 10/96-<br />

VW T.2 (camshaft) 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

VW T.2 (crankshaft) 1.6-1.9D 1/81-7/92<br />

VW T4 (camshaft) 1.8-2.5 (incl. D) 9/90-<br />

VW T4 (crankshaft) 1.8-2.0 9/90-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong><br />

(pump/intermediate shaft)<br />

1.9-2.8 (incl. D) 3/77-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (pump/intermediate 2.0-2.8 (incl. D) 10/80-7/95<br />

shaft)<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3 (for crankshaft) 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 9/96-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 (for crankshaft) 1.6 10/96-12/98<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 (for crankshaft) 2.4-2.8 (incl. D) 10/97-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 (pump/intermediate2.4-2.8 11/94-<br />

shaft)<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 (for crankshaft) 1.8 12/97-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 (for crankshaft) 2.4-2.8 (incl. D) 4/97-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 (pump/intermediate2.3-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

shaft)<br />

Golf/Bora (for crankshaft) 2.3 10/97-<br />

Golf/Vento (for crankshaft) 2.8 6/91-9/97<br />

LT (pump/intermediate 2.4-2.5 (incl. D) 1/79-<br />

shaft)<br />

Passat (for crankshaft) 2.3 10/96-4/98<br />

Passat (for crankshaft) 2.5D 8/98-<br />

Passat (for crankshaft) 2.8 6/91-<br />

Passat/Santana 1.9-2.2 1/81-3/88<br />

(pump/intermediate shaft)<br />

Seat Toledo/Leon (for 2.3 10/98-<br />

crankshaft)<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Pakdåse, krumtap<br />

Pakning<br />

Pakning for indsugningsmanifold<br />

Pakning for indsugningsmanifold<br />

Pakning for indsugningsmanifold<br />

For reference:<br />

026103051B<br />

026103051A<br />

056103051D<br />

068103051A<br />

068103051G<br />

For reference:<br />

056103161<br />

026103161A<br />

026103161B<br />

90105172<br />

For reference:<br />

048129717A<br />

037129717B<br />

For reference:<br />

026129717<br />

026129717D<br />

049129717A<br />

For reference:<br />

034129717M<br />

034129717L<br />

035129717B<br />

035129717F<br />

Sharan (for crankshaft) 1.8 11/97-<br />

Sharan (for crankshaft) 2.8 9/95-2/00<br />

Skoda Octavia (for 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 10/96-<br />

crankshaft)<br />

VW T4 (pump/intermediate 2.4-2.5 (incl. D) 9/90-<br />

shaft)<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.3 (incl. D) 8/76-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.6 (incl. D) 9/74-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6 11/94-9/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.8-1.9 (incl. D) 11/94-7/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 (not AJP) 1.8-2.5 (incl. D) 6/94-4/98<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.0-2.8 (incl. D) 4/74-5/96<br />

LT 2.4 (incl. D) 1/79-12/95<br />

LT 2.5D 5/96-2/98<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.8 (incl. D) 11/74-9/96<br />

Polo/Derby 0.9-1.4 (incl. D) 8/74-7/94<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.0-2.0 (incl. D) 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 5/91-9/98<br />

Seat Toledo/Leon 2.3 10/96-<br />

Sharan 1.9-2.8 (incl. D) 9/95-5/98<br />

Skoda Octavia 1.6 10/96-5/98<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

VW T4 1.8-2.5 (incl. D) 9/90-1/98<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (51-66 kW) 1.6-1.8 8/76-11/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (74-101 kW) 1.6-2.0 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-2.0 (incl. D) 5/72-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 6/94-<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.1 2/74-7/79<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-10/91<br />

Golf/Vento 1.8-2.0 11/91-<br />

Golf/Vento (not AEY) 1.9D 11/91-<br />

Lupo/Seat Arosa<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana 1.5-2.0 (incl. D) 5/73-12/92<br />

Polo 1.9D 10/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 5/91-5/98<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 1.9-2.0 (incl. D) 9/95-<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

VW T4 1.8 12/90-7/92<br />

VW T4 1.9D 9/90-<br />

VW T4 2.0 9/90-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 3/92-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 1/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.0 8/90-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-3/97<br />

Golf/Vento 2.0 11/91-9/97<br />

Passat 2.0 3/90-9/96<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 2.0 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 2.0 5/91-<br />

Sharan 2.0 9/95-<br />

VW T4/Seat Alhambra 2.0 9/90-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (carb.) 1.6-1.8 8/76-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (inj.) 1.8 1/88-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6D 8/80-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (carb.) 1.5-1.8 5/72-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (inj.) 1.6 1/92-10/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (inj.) 1.8 1/88-7/91<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5 2/74-7/83<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6 8/75-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (118 kW) 1.8 10/89-7/90<br />

Golf/Jetta (37-40 kW) 1.5-1.6D 8/76-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (51 kW) 1.6D 3/82-7/83<br />

Golf/Jetta (55-82 kW) 1.8 8/82-10/95<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.8 4/88-10/95<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3 8/83-3/88<br />

Passat/Santana 1.5-1.6 5/73-7/92<br />

Passat/Santana 1.5-1.6D 8/77-3/88<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-8/95<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8 2/93-8/95<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-1.8 5/91-6/95<br />

VW T.2 1.6D 1/81-7/87<br />

VW T4 1.8 12/90-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9-2.2 8/80-12/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 D 11/81-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 10/83-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 4/86-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 7/78-7/79<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (79-85 kW) 1.9-2.2 10/80-7/86<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Pakning for indsugningsmanifold<br />

For reference:<br />

037129717F<br />

027129717A<br />

027129717C<br />

027129717E<br />

For reference:<br />

074129717<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (85-<strong>100</strong> kW) 2.2 10/84-7/91<br />

Passat/Santana 1.9-2.2 1/81-3/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 1/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 9/91-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-3/97<br />

Golf 2.0 8/92-9/97<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 2/86-10/91<br />

Passat 1.8 4/88-10/93<br />

Passat 2.0 1/94-9/96<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8-2.0 2/94-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.8 5/91-3/94<br />

Seat Toledo 2.0 3/94-9/98<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4-2.5D 8/89-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.5D 6/94-<br />

VW T4 2.4D 9/90-<br />

Pakning for indsugningsmanifold<br />

Pakning for termostat<br />

Pakning for udstødningsmanifold<br />

For reference:<br />

059121119<br />

038121119B<br />

For reference:<br />

027129589A<br />

027129589<br />

027129589B<br />

For reference:<br />

010321371B<br />

010371B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 8/76-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.4 8/81-9/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-2.0 (incl. D) 5/72-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 9/96-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 6/94-<br />

Golf 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 10/97-<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.0-1.4 8/85-9/97<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.5-2.0 (incl. D) 2/74-9/97<br />

LT 2.0 4/75-11/82<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-7/80<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 10/96-<br />

Passat/Santana 1.5-2.0 (incl. D) 5/72-9/96<br />

Polo 1.7-1.9D 10/94<br />

Polo (33-40 kW) 1.0-1.4 (incl. D) 8/85-7/94<br />

Polo (56 kW) 1.3 10/89-7/94<br />

Polo (85 kW) 1.3 1/87-4/94<br />

Polo Classic (not AEE) 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 11/95-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.0-1.3 2/93-9/96<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.4 9/93-7/96<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo (not AFT) 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 5/91-<br />

Sharan 1.9-2.0 (incl. D) 9/95-<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/90<br />

VW T4 1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 9/90-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (4 cyl.) 2.0 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (4 cyl.) 2.0 8/89-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (5 cyl.) 2.0-2.3 2/87-3/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (5 cyl.) 2.3 4/90-12/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-10/97<br />

Corrado 1.8-2.0 4/89-7/95<br />

Golf 2.0 (110 Kw) 11/91-9/97<br />

Golf/Jetta 16V 1.8 8/85-10/91<br />

Passat 1.8-2.0 4/88-10/93<br />

Passat 2.0 11/93-9/96<br />

Scirocco 16V 1.8 8/83-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> aut. 1.6-2.3 (incl. D) 6/76-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 aut. 1.3-2.3 (incl. D) 9/75-12/91<br />

Caddy aut. 1.6-1.8 10/82-7/91<br />

Golf/Jetta aut. 1.0-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-10/91<br />

Passat/Santana aut. 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 5/73-3/88<br />

Scirocco aut. 1.6-1.8 4/74-7/92<br />

Golf/Jetta, aut. 1.0-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-10/91<br />

Passat/Santana, aut. 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 5/73-3/88<br />

Pakning til automatgearkasse<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

049127311A<br />

059127311B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.2 8/76-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 2/74-10/91<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.9 5/72-7/91<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6 5/91-6/95<br />

VW T4 1.8 12/90-7/92<br />

Pakning til benzinpumpe<br />

For reference:<br />

054103609<br />

035103609<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9-2.3 (incl. D) 3/77-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5D 6/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (79-<strong>100</strong> kW) 1.9-2.3 10/80-8/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (98 kW) 2.3 9/91-11/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.3-2.5 (incl. D) 6/94-10/97<br />

Passat/Santana 1.9-2.2 1/81-3/88<br />

Pakning til bundkar<br />

For reference:<br />

054103609ALT<br />

035103609ALT<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9-2.3 (incl. D) 3/77-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5D 6/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (79-<strong>100</strong> kW) 1.9-2.3 10/80-8/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (98 kW) 2.3 9/91-11/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.3-2.5 (incl. D) 6/94-10/97<br />

Passat/Santana 1.9-2.2 1/81-3/88<br />

Pakning til bundkar<br />

Pakning til bundkar<br />

Pakning til bundkar<br />

For reference:<br />

056103609A<br />

028103609A<br />

056103609B<br />

For reference:<br />

044103609D<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 8/76-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.4 8/81-9/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-2.0 5/72-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-1.9D 8/80-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6 11/94-10/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.9D 1/95-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9D 7/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-10/97<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6D 8/76-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.5-2.0 2/74-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento (33-81 kW) 1.9D 9/93-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento (47 kW) 1.9D 1/95-9/97<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-7/87<br />

Passat 1.5-1.6D 8/77-9/93<br />

Passat 1.5-2.0 5/73-9/96<br />

Passat 1.9D 10/93-<br />

Passat (not AHL) 1.6 10/96-10/97<br />

Passat/Santana (51-85 kW) 1.5-2.0 5/73-4/93<br />

Seat Arosa 1.7D 8/97-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6-2.0 2/93-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.9D 12/95-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 5/91-<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 1.9-2.0 (incl. D) 9/95-<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

VW T4 1.8 12/90-7/92<br />

VW T4 1.9D 12/95-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 8/76-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.4 8/81-9/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-2.0 5/72-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-1.9D 8/80-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6 11/94-10/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.9D 1/95-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9D 7/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-10/97<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6D 8/76-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.5-2.0 2/74-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento (47 kW - not 1Y) 1.9D 1/95-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento (66-81 kW) 1.9D 9/93-9/97<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-7/87<br />

Passat 1.5-1.6D 8/77-9/93<br />

Passat 1.5-2.0 5/73-9/96<br />

Passat 1.9D 10/93-<br />

Passat (not AHL) 1.6 10/96-10/97<br />

Seat Arosa 1.7D 8/97-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8-2.0 2/93-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba (not 1Y)1.9D 12/95-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 5/91-<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 1.9D 9/95-<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

078103610A<br />

078103610<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 2.0 9/95-<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

VW T4 1.8 12/90-7/92<br />

VW T4 1.9D 12/95-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.6-2.8 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.6-2.8 9/91-8/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.6-2.8 6/94-8/94<br />

Pakning til bundkar, nederst<br />

For reference:<br />

078103609E<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.6-2.8 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.6-2.8 9/91-8/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.6-2.8 6/94-8/94<br />

Pakning til bundkar, øverst<br />

For reference:<br />

078103609EALT<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.6-2.8 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.6-2.8 9/91-8/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.6-2.8 6/94-8/94<br />

Pakning til bundkar, øverst<br />

For reference:<br />

026115441A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-1.8 (incl. D) 8/76-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-2.0 (incl. D) 9/73-4/91<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6 D 8/76-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-4/91<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 10/89-7/91<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana 1.5-2.0 (incl. D) 5/73-4/91<br />

Pakning til oliefilterholder<br />

Pakning til trykventil<br />

For reference:<br />

028103500<br />

069103500<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.4D 10/78-5/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-1.9D 2/82-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.9D 1/95-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9D 7/94-<br />

Golf/Jetta (118 kW) 1.8 10/89-7/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (66-82 kW) 1.8 1/84-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.6-1.9D 3/82-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento 2.0 11/91-7/95<br />

Golf/Vento/Bora 1.6 12/95-<br />

Lupo/Seat Arosa 1.7D 8/97-<br />

Passat 1.8-2.0 4/88-9/94<br />

Passat/Santana 1.6-1.9D 12/81-<br />

Polo 1.7-1.9D 10/94-<br />

Polo Classic 1.7-1.9D 12/95-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.9-2.0 (incl. D) 2/93-4/96<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.9D 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 5/91-<br />

Seat Toledo/Leon 1.9D 5/91-<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 1.9D 9/95-<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 8/84-7/92<br />

VW T4 1.8-2.5 (incl. D) 9/90-<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Pakning til udstødningsmanifold<br />

For reference:<br />

056129589<br />

028129589B<br />

035129589E/F<br />

068129589B<br />

For reference:<br />

035121043<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-1.8 8/76-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.5D 10/78-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 7/93-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 4 cyl. 1.6-2.0 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5 cyl. 1.9-2.3 3/77-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-8/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-1.9D 8/80-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 4 cyl. 1.5-2.0 5/72-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 5 cyl. 1.9-2.3 10/80-11/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3 1.9D 9/96-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.9D 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9-2.0 (incl. D) 6/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.3 6/94-6/96<br />

Golf 1.9D 10/97-<br />

Golf/Bora 1.9D 10/97-<br />

Golf/Jetta (118 kW) 1.8 10/89-11/90<br />

Golf/Jetta (51-85 kW) 1.5-2.0 2/74-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.5-1.9D 8/76-7/94<br />

Golf/Vento 1.8 11/91-7/94<br />

Golf/Vento 1.9D 6/94-9/97<br />

LT 2.4 (incl. D) 1/79-7/89<br />

LT 2.4D 8/89-12/95<br />

Lupo/Seat Arosa 1.7D 2/97-<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.6 10/96-<br />

Passat 1.9D 10/96-<br />

Passat 4 cyl. 2.0 3/90-7/91<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana 1.5-1.8 5/73-7/93<br />

Passat/Santana 1.5-1.9D 8/77-9/96<br />

Passat/Santana 5 cyl. 1.9-2.2 1/81-3/88<br />

Polo Classic 1.6 12/95-3/98<br />

Polo Classic 1.8-1.9 (incl. D) 12/95-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 2/93-1/94<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 5/91-9/98<br />

Seat Toledo 1.9D 10/98-<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 1.9D 9/95-<br />

Skoda Octavia 1.9D 10/96-<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/90<br />

VW T4 1.8 9/90-7/92<br />

VW T4 1.9-2.5 (incl. D) 9/90-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 4 cyl. 1.6-2.0 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5 cyl. 1.9-2.3 3/77-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 4 cyl. 1.5-2.0 5/72-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 5 cyl. 1.9-2.3 10/80-11/94<br />

Passat, 4 cyl. 2.0 3/90-7/91<br />

Passat/Santana, 5 cyl. 1.9-2.2 1/81-3/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9-2.3 7/77-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.5D 10/78-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.3 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.3 8/80-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.3 8/91-11/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.3-2.5 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/92<br />

LT (carb.) 2.4 12/82-7/92<br />

LT (inj.) 2.4 10/88-12/95<br />

Passat/Santana 1.9-2.2 1/81-3/88<br />

VW T.2 1.9-2.1 8/82-7/92<br />

VW T4 2.4-2.5 (incl. D) 9/90-<br />

Pakning til vandpumpe, 4 mm<br />

Pakning til vandpumpe, 5 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

069121043<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9-2.3 7/77-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.5D 10/78-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.3 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.3 8/80-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.3 8/91-11/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.3-2.5 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/92<br />

LT (carb.) 2.4 12/82-7/92<br />

LT (inj.) 2.4 10/88-12/95<br />

Passat/Santana 1.9-2.2 1/81-3/88<br />

VW T.2 1.9-2.1 8/82-7/92<br />

VW T4 2.4-2.5 (incl. D) 9/90-<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

035103491A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9-2.3 8/80-2/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.3 8/81-2/90<br />

Passat/Santana 1.9-2.2 8/80-3/88<br />

Pakning til ventildæksel<br />

For reference:<br />

056103489A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.3 (incl. D) 6/76-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.3 (incl. D) 5/72-2/93<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6 (incl. D) 2/74-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.8 8/82-12/92<br />

LT 2.4D 1/81-7/92<br />

Passat 1.6-1.8 (incl. D) 4/88-7/93<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 5/73-3/88<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-1.8 5/91-9/98<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/90<br />

VW T4 1.8-2.0 9/90-6/94<br />

Pakning til ventildæksel, front<br />

Pakning til ventilstamme<br />

Pakning til ventilstamme<br />

For reference:<br />

026109675<br />

035109675<br />

056109675<br />

For reference:<br />

026109675S<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 4 cyl. 1.6-2.0 8/76-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5/6 cyl. 1.9-2.8 3/77-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.0 5/72-10/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-1.9D 8/80-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.6-2.8 9/91-8/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.9D 1/95-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9 6/94-1/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-10/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.3 6/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.5D 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.6-2.8 6/94-8/94<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.0-1.6 (incl. D) 2/74-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (118 kW) 1.8 10/89-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento (48-85 kW)1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 8/82-9/94<br />

Golf/Vento (47 kW) 1.9SDI 10/94-3/96<br />

Golf/Vento (55 kW) 1.9TD 10/94-11/95<br />

Golf/Vento (66 kW) 1.9TDI 10/94-1/96<br />

LT 2.4-2.5 (incl. D) 1/79-<br />

Passat 1.5-1.9D 8/77-7/94<br />

Passat/Santana 4 cyl. 1.3-2.0 5/72-7/94<br />

Passat/Santana 5 cyl. 1.9-2.3 (incl. D) 10/80-3/88<br />

Polo 1.9D 10/94-12/95<br />

Polo Classic 1.4-2.0 (incl. D) 10/99-<br />

Polo Classic 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 10/94-9/99<br />

Polo/Derby 0.9-1.4 (incl. D) 8/74-7/92<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8-2.0 2/93-10/94<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.9D 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 5/91-6/95<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 1.9D 9/95-1/96<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 6/81-7/92<br />

VW T4 1.8-1.9 (incl. D) 9/90-2/95<br />

VW T4 2.4-2.5 (incl. D) 9/90-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 4 cyl. 1.6-2.0 8/76-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5/6 cyl. 1.9-2.8 3/77-7/94<br />

Passat/Santana, 4 cyl. 1.3-2.0 5/72-7/94<br />

Passat/Santana, 5 cyl. 1.9-2.3 (incl. D) 10/80-3/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 4 cyl. 1.6-2.0 8/76-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5/6 cyl. 1.9-2.8 3/77-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.0 5/72-10/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-1.9D 8/80-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.6-2.8 9/91-8/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.9D 1/95-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9D 6/94-1/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-10/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.3 6/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.5D 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.6-2.8 6/94-8/94<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.0-1.6 (incl. D) 2/74-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (118 kW) 1.8 10/89-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento (48-85 kW)1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 8/82-9/94<br />

Golf/Vento (47 kW) 1.9SDI 10/94-3/96<br />

Golf/Vento (55 kW) 1.9TD 10/94-11/95<br />

Golf/Vento (66 kW) 1.9TDI 10/94-1/96<br />

LT 2.4-2.5 (incl. D) 1/79-<br />

Passat 1.5-1.9D 8/77-7/94<br />

Passat/Santana 4 cyl. 1.3-2.0 5/72-7/94<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Pakning til ventilstamme, 7mm<br />

Pakning, krumtapflange<br />

For reference:<br />

027109675<br />

For reference:<br />

026103181B<br />

030103181<br />

052103181<br />

49<br />

Passat/Santana 5 cyl. 1.9-2.3 (incl. D) 10/80-3/88<br />

Polo 1.9D 10/94-12/95<br />

Polo Classic 1.4-2.0 (incl. D) 10/99-<br />

Polo Classic 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 10/94-9/99<br />

Polo/Derby 0.9-1.4 (incl. D) 8/74-7/92<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8-2.0 2/93-10/94<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.9D 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 5/91-6/95<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 1.9D 9/95-1/96<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 6/81-7/92<br />

VW T4 1.8-1.9 (incl. D) 9/90-2/95<br />

VW T4 2.4-2.5 (incl. D) 9/90-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 4 cyl. 1.6-2.0 8/76-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5/6 cyl. 1.9-2.8 3/77-7/94<br />

Passat/Santana, 4 cyl. 1.3-2.0 5/72-7/94<br />

Passat/Santana, 5 cyl. 1.9-2.3 (incl. D) 10/80-3/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 1/92-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.6-2.8 8/94-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (<strong>100</strong> kW) 2.3 7/93-11/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (101-103 kW) 2.0 3/90-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (118-125 kW) 2.0-2.3 8/88-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (66-85 kW) 1.6-2.0 10/94-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3 1.6 9/96-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3 1.9D 9/96-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 2.6-2.8 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.4-2.8 8/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 (101-128 kW) 1.9D 1/96-12/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 (103 kW) 2.0 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 (74-85 kW) 2.0 10/94-3/97<br />

Golf (110 kW) 2.0 8/92-9/97<br />

Golf (50-110 kW) 1.8-2.3 (incl. D) 10/97-<br />

Golf (74 kW) 1.6 10/97-<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 2/86-10/91<br />

Golf/Vento 2.8 1/92-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento (44/55 kW) 1.4-1.6 8/92-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento (47 kW) 1.9D 3/96-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento (55 kW) 1.9D 11/95-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento (55-85 kW) 1.8-2.0 10/94-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento (66-81 kW) 1.9D 3/96-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento (74 kW) 1.6 10/94-9/97<br />

Passat 1.6 10/96-<br />

Passat 1.9D 10/96-<br />

Passat 2.3 9/97-<br />

Passat 2.8 6/91-9/96<br />

Passat (<strong>100</strong>-110 kW) 1.8-2.0 4/88-9/96<br />

Passat (55-85 kW) 1.6-2.0 7/94-9/96<br />

Polo 1.0-1.6 10/94-<br />

Polo 1.0-1.6 (incl. D) 8/92-7/94<br />

Polo 1.7-1.9D 12/95-<br />

Polo Classic (1Y) 1.9D 3/96-<br />

Polo Classic (not 1Y) 1.4-1.9 (incl. D) 11/95-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.0-1.3 2/93-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.4-1.6 2/93-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8-2.0 2/94-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.8-2.0 5/91-9/98<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 2.0-2.8 9/95-<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhrambra 1.9D 1/96-<br />

Skoda Octavia 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 10/96-<br />

VW T4 1.9D 2/96-<br />

VW T4 2.0-2.8 1/96-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.3 8/79-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.3 (incl.D) 8/74-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6 11/94-9/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.8-1.9 (incl.D) 11/94-7/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 (not AJP) 1.8-2.5 (incl.D) 6/94-4/98<br />

Golf/Bora/Passat 2.3 10/96-<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.0-2.0 (incl.D) 4/74-5/96<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.2 (incl.D) 11/74-9/96<br />

Polo 1.0 7/96-7/98<br />

Polo 1.4 5/97-6/98<br />

Polo 1.6 10/94-3/98<br />

Polo 1.9D 10/94-10/98<br />

Polo Classic 1.4 5/96-10/98<br />

Polo Classic 1.6 9/97-11/98<br />

Polo Classic 1.9D 1/97-4/98<br />

Polo/Derby 0.9-1.4 (incl.D) 8/74-7/94<br />

Seat Arosa (AKV) 1.4 5/97-4/98<br />

Seat Arosa (not ALL/AKV) 1.0-1.4 2/97-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.0-2.0 (incl.D) 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 (incl.D) 5/91-9/98<br />

Seat Toledo/Leon 2.3 10/96-<br />

Sharan 1.9D 9/95-5/98<br />

Skoda Octavia 1.6 10/96-5/98<br />

VW LT 2.4 (incl.D) 1/79-12/95<br />

VW LT 2.5D 5/96-2/98<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

VW T4 1.8-2.5 (incl.D) 9/90-1/98

Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Pakningssæt til krumtapflange<br />

For reference:<br />

068198171<br />

For reference:<br />

026198049B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.3 8/79-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80/90 1.3-2.3 (incl. D) 8/74-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6 11/94-9/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.8-1.9 (incl. D) 11/94-7/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 (not AJP) 1.8-2.5 (incl. D) 6/94-4/98<br />

Golf/Bora/Passat 2.3 10/96-<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.0-2.0 (incl. D) 4/74-5/96<br />

LT 2.4 1/79-12/95<br />

LT 2.5D 5/96-2/98<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 11/74-9/96<br />

Polo 1.0 7/96-7/98<br />

Polo 1.4 5/97-6/98<br />

Polo 1.6 10/94-3/98<br />

Polo 1.9D 10/94-10/98<br />

Polo Classic 1.4 5/96-12/98<br />

Polo Classic 1.6 9/97-11/98<br />

Polo Classic 1.9D 1/97-4/98<br />

Polo/Derby 0.9-1.4 (incl. D) 8/74-7/94<br />

Seat Arosa 1.4 5/97-4/98<br />

Seat Arosa (not ALL/AKV) 1.0-1.4 2/97-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.0-2.0 (incl. D) 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 5/91-9/98<br />

Seat Toledo/Leon 2.3 10/98-<br />

Sharan 1.9D 9/95-5/98<br />

Skoda Octavia 1.6 10/96-5/98<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

VW T4 1.8-2.5 (incl. D) 9/90-1/98<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> All 8/82-7/94<br />

Pakningssæt til servopumpe<br />

Pakningssæt til trykregulator<br />

For reference:<br />

037198031<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>/A6 1.8-2.0 1/93-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>/A6 2.4-2.8 12/90-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.0 9/91-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3 1.6-1.8 9/96-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-1.8 11/94-<br />

Golf/Bora 1.4-2.8 10/97-<br />

Golf/Vento 1.4-1.6 7/95-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento 1.6-2.8 11/91-9/97<br />

LT 2.3 5/96-<br />

Lupo/Seat Arosa 1.0-1.4 2/97-<br />

Passat 1.6-2.8 3/90-9/96<br />

Polo 1.0 7/96-<br />

Polo 1.4-1.6 7/95-<br />

Polo Classic (not 1F) 1.6 12/95-<br />

Polo Classic (not 1.4 12/95-<br />

ANX/APQ)<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.0 7/96-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba (not 1.4 12/95-<br />

ABD)<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba (not 1.6 12/95-<br />

AFH)<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba (not 1.8-2.0 2/93-<br />

AGG)<br />

Seat Toledo 2.0 5/91-9/98<br />

Seat Toledo/Leon 1.4-2.3 10/98-<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 1.8-2.8 9/95-<br />

Skoda Octavia 1.6-1.8 10/96-<br />

VW T4 2.0-2.8 9/90-<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

034198011B<br />

034198011A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> Quattro 2.2 8/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (118/125 kW) 2.0 2.3 8/88-12/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 Quattro (118/125 2.0 2.3 1/88-9/91<br />

kW)<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 Quattro (169 kW) 2.2 2/93-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 Quattro 2.2 6/94-7/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (118/125 kW) 2.0/2.3 8/88-12/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 Quattro (118/125<br />

kW)<br />

2.0/2.3 1/88-9/91<br />

Pakningssæt uden toppakning<br />

For reference:<br />

074198012<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 5/91-7/94<br />

VW T4 2.4D 9/90-7/95<br />

Pakningssæt uden toppakning<br />

For reference:<br />

078198011<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.6-2.8 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.6-2.8 9/91-8/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.6-2.8 6/94-8/94<br />

Pakningssæt, cylinderblok<br />

For reference:<br />

078198011ALT<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.6-2.8 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.6-2.8 9/91-8/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.6-2.8 6/94-8/94<br />

Pakningssæt, cylinderblok<br />

For reference:<br />

034198011C<br />

034198011<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.3 3/77-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.3 8/81-11/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.3 6/94-3/97<br />

Passat 1.9-2.2 1/81-3/88<br />

Pakningssæt, cylinderblok<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

034198011CALT<br />

034198011ALT<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.3 3/77-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.3 8/81-11/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.3 6/94-3/97<br />

Passat 1.9-2.2 1/81-3/88<br />

Pakningssæt, cylinderblok<br />

For reference:<br />

037198011C<br />

027198011A<br />

027198011C<br />

049198011<br />

068198011<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-1.8 8/76-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-1.8 9/75-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6D 8/80-7/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (118 kW) 1.8 10/89-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (37-82 kW) 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 4/74-10/91<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana 1.5-1.6D 8/77-10/93<br />

Passat/Santana (carb.) 1.6-1.8 9/75-9/92<br />

Passat/Santana (inj.) 1.6-1.8 9/75-7/91<br />

Polo Classic 1.6 11/95-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 2.0 6/96-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6 5/91-6/95<br />

Seat Toledo 1.8 5/91-11/93<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 8/76-7/90<br />

Pakningssæt, cylinderblok<br />

For reference:<br />

035198012N<br />

035198012F<br />

035198012G<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/84-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (<strong>100</strong> kW) 2.2 8/84-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (101 kW) 2.2 10/83-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (<strong>100</strong> kW) 2.2 10/84-2/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (81-85 kW) 2.0-2.2 8/83-7/86<br />

Passat/Santana 2.0-2.2 8/83-3/88<br />

Pakningssæt, topstykke<br />

Pakningsskive for luftindtagspakning O.E. nr.<br />

026.129.717<br />

For reference:<br />

035121171C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (carb.) 1.6-1.8 8/76-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (inj.) 1.8 1/88-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6D 8/80-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (carb.) 1.5-1.8 5/72-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (inj.) 1.6 1/92-10/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (inj.) 1.8 1/88-7/91<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5 2/74-7/83<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6 8/75-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (118 kW) 1.8 10/89-7/90<br />

Golf/Jetta (37-40 kW) 1.5-1.6D 8/76-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (51 kW) 1.6D 3/82-7/83<br />

Golf/Jetta (55-82 kW) 1.8 8/82-10/95<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.8 4/88-10/95<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3 8/83-3/88<br />

Passat/Santana 1.5-1.6 5/73-7/92<br />

Passat/Santana 1.5-1.6D 8/77-3/88<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-8/95<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8 2/93-8/95<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-1.8 5/91-6/95<br />

VW T.2 1.6D 1/81-7/87<br />

VW T4 1.8 12/90-7/92<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

028105431D<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 5/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9D 8/89-7/91<br />

Golf/Bora (AGP eng.) 1.9D 8/99-<br />

Golf/Bora (AQM eng.) 1.9D 11/98-<br />

Golf/Vento (1Y eng.) 1.9D 11/91-9/97<br />

Lupo/Seat Arosa 1.7D 8/97-<br />

Passat (47 kW) 1.9D 5/89-10/93<br />

Polo (not AGD) 1.7-1.9D 10/94-<br />

Polo Classic (not AEY) 1.7-1.9D 1/96-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba (48 kW) 1.9D 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo (50 kW) 1.9D 5/91-<br />

VW T4 1.9-2.4D 9/90-<br />

VW T4 2.0-2.4 9/90-7/95<br />

Plejlstangsleje<br />

For reference:<br />

026105431<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8 8/82-7/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.3 8/84-7/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-1.9 8/83-8/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0-2.3 8/83-7/90<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6 8/83-7/89<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 8/82-7/89<br />

Passat/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/83-7/86<br />

Passat/Santana 4 cyl. 1.6-2.0 8/83-3/88<br />

Passat/Santana 5 cyl. 2.0-2.2 8/83-3/88<br />

Seat Toledo (102 kW) 1.8 5/91-11/92<br />

Seat Toledo (95 kW) 1.8 5/91-3/94<br />

Passat/Santana, 4 cyl. 1.6-2.0 8/83-3/88<br />

Passat/Santana, 5 cyl. 2.0-2.2 8/83-3/88<br />

Plejlstangsleje<br />

For reference:<br />

069105431A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-11/90<br />

1.6D 8/80-10/93<br />

LT 2.4 8/89-12/95<br />

LT 2.4D 8/78-12/95<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

Plejlstangsleje<br />

For reference:<br />

056105431<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.2 8/76-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 4/86-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/83<br />

Golf/Jetta (48-63 kW) 1.5-1.6 2/74-7/81<br />

Golf/Jetta (63-81 kW) 1.6 8/75-7/83<br />

Golf/Jetta (S/CH -55 kW) 1.6 8/80-7/83<br />

Golf/Jetta/Passat 1.5D 8/76-7/80<br />

LT 2.4 12/82-7/89<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 (incl. D) 5/72-7/83<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 8/80-7/83<br />

Plejlstangsleje<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Plejlstangsleje<br />

For reference:<br />

053105431B<br />

053105431A<br />

For reference:<br />

048105431<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 3/92-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 1/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.3 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 4 cyl. (101-103 2.0 3/90-7/95<br />

kW)<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 4 cyl. (83 kW) 2.0 8/88-10/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 5 cyl. (118-125 2.0-2.3 8/88-8/91<br />

kW)<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 5 cyl. (85-<strong>100</strong> kW) 2.0-2.3 8/90-8/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 5 cyl. (98 kW) 2.3 9/91-11/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (51 kW) 1.6 7/93-10/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (51 kW) 2.0 8/88-10/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (73-75 kW) 1.6 8/90-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3 1.6-1.8 9/96-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-1.8 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.3 6/94-<br />

Golf 1.6-1.8 10/97-<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6-1.8 8/89-10/91<br />

Golf/Vento 1.6 10/94-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento 1.8 11/91-9/97<br />

Passat 1.6-1.8 10/96-<br />

Passat (<strong>100</strong> kW) 1.8-2.0 4/88-10/93<br />

Passat (53-82 kW) 1.6-1.8 4/88-9/96<br />

Polo Classic (not AEE) 1.6-1.8 12/95-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6 5/91-<br />

Seat Toledo (not ABS) 1.8 5/91-<br />

Sharan 1.8 11/97-<br />

Skoda Octavia 1.6-1.8 10/96-<br />

VW T4 1.8 12/90-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 4 cyl. (101-103 2.0 3/90-7/95<br />

kW)<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 4 cyl. (83 kW) 2.0 8/88-10/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 5 cyl. (118-125 2.0-2.3 8/88-8/91<br />

kW)<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 5 cyl. (85-<strong>100</strong> kW) 2.0-2.3 8/90-8/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 5 cyl. (98 kW) 2.3 9/91-11/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 9/91-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 8/90-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-10/97<br />

Golf/Vento/Passat 2.0 3/90-9/97<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 2.0 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 2.0 5/91-9/98<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 2.0 9/95-<br />

Plejlstangsleje<br />

Plejlstangslejesæt, 0,25 mm overstørrelse<br />

Plejlstangslejesæt, 0,25 mm overstørrelse<br />

Plejlstangslejesæt, 0,25 mm overstørrelse<br />

For reference:<br />

056105707/8<br />

056198503<br />

87726610<br />

For reference:<br />

026105707/8<br />

026198503<br />

For reference:<br />

034105707/10<br />

77206610<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 10 bearing shells 1.9-2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 10 bearing shells 2.2 4/86-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/83<br />

Golf/Jetta (48-63 kW) 1.5-1.6 2/74-7/83<br />

Golf/Jetta (81 kW) 1.6 6/76-7/82<br />

Golf/Jetta (S/CH) 1.6 8/80-7/83<br />

Golf/Jetta/Passat 1.5D 8/76-7/80<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 10/80-7/83<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 10 bearing shells 1.9-2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 10 bearing shells 2.2 4/86-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.0 8/82-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/83-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.0 8/83-7/85<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6 8/83-7/85<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 8/82-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.0 8/83-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.3 8/84-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 10/83-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.3 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0-2.3 8/83-8/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.3 9/91-11/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.3 6/94-<br />

Passat/Santana 2.0-2.2 8/83-3/88<br />

VW T4 2.5 1/94-6/96<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Plejlstangslejesæt, 0,25 overstørrelse med<br />

oliehul<br />

Plejlstangslejesæt, 0,25 overstørrelse<br />

Plejlstangslejesæt, 0,50 mm overstørrelse<br />

Plejlstangslejesæt, 0,50 overstørrelse<br />

Plejlstangslejesæt, 0,50 overstørrelse med<br />

oliehul<br />

Plejlstangslejesæt, 0,75 mm overstørrelse<br />

For reference:<br />

034105707/8<br />

87200610<br />

For reference:<br />

033105707/8<br />

068198503<br />

069105707A/8<br />

87464610<br />

For reference:<br />

056105713/8<br />

056198505<br />

87723620<br />

For reference:<br />

034105713/10<br />

7720662<br />

For reference:<br />

034105713/8<br />

026105713/8<br />

034713/8<br />

87200620<br />

For reference:<br />

056105719/8<br />

056198507<br />

87723620<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 3/92-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.0 8/85-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.0 8/85-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.8 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.0 6/94-<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6 8/85-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.8-2.0 8/85-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento 1.6 10/94-12/95<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.0 8/85-9/96<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8-2.0 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 5/91-9/98<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 2.0 9/95-<br />

VW T4 2.0 9/90-4/96<br />

Polo 1.7D 5/97-<br />

Polo 1.9D 10/94-3/96<br />

Polo Classic (not AEY) 1.7-1.9D 1/96-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.9D 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.9D 5/91-<br />

VW T.2/T4 1.6-1.9D 1/81-12/95<br />

VW T4 10/12 bearing 2.4D 9/90-<br />

shells<br />

VW T4 10/12 bearing 2.5 11/90-<br />

shells<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6D 8/80-10/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 10/12 bearing 2.0-2.4D 10/78-<br />

shells<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (not 1Y) 1.9D 5/89-7/95<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6D 8/80-10/91<br />

Golf/Vento/Passat (not 1Y) 1.9D 5/89-9/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 10/12 bearing 2.0-2.4D 10/78-<br />

shells<br />

VW T4, 10/12 bearing 2.4D 9/90-<br />

shells<br />

VW T4, 10/12 bearing 2.5 11/90-<br />

shells<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 10 bearing shells 1.9-2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 10 bearing shells 2.2 4/86-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/83<br />

Golf/Jetta (48-63 kW) 1.5-1.6 2/74-7/83<br />

Golf/Jetta (81 kW) 1.6 6/76-7/82<br />

Golf/Jetta (S/CH) 1.6 8/80-7/83<br />

Golf/Jetta/Passat 1.5D 8/76-7/80<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 10/80-7/83<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 10 bearing shells 1.9-2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 10 bearing shells 2.2 4/86-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.3 8/84-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 10/83-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.3 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0-2.3 8/83-8/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.3 9/91-11/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.3 6/94-<br />

Passat/Santana 2.0-2.2 8/83-3/88<br />

VW T4 2.5 1/94-6/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 3/92-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.0 8/85-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.0 8/85-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.8 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.0 6/94-<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6 8/85-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.8-2.0 8/85-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento 1.6 10/94-12/95<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.0 8/85-9/96<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8-2.0 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 5/91-9/98<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 2.0 9/95-<br />

VW T4 2.0 9/90-4/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 10 bearing shells 1.9-2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 10 bearing shells 2.2 4/86-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/83<br />

Golf/Jetta (48-63 kW) 1.5-1.6 2/74-7/83<br />

Golf/Jetta (81 kW) 1.6 6/76-7/82<br />

Golf/Jetta (S/CH) 1.6 8/80-7/83<br />

Golf/Jetta/Passat 1.5D 8/76-7/80<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 10/80-7/83<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 10 bearing shells 1.9-2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 10 bearing shells 2.2 4/86-11/90<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Plejlstangslejesæt, 0,75 overstørrelse<br />

Plejlstangslejesæt, 0,75 overstørrelse med<br />

oliehul<br />

Plejlstangslejesæt, 0,75 overstørrelse<br />

Plejlstangslejesæt, standard<br />

Plejlstangslejesæt, standard str.<br />

Plejlstangslejesæt, standard med oliehul<br />

Plejlstangslejesæt, standard størrelse<br />

For reference:<br />

034105719/10<br />

8720063<br />

For reference:<br />

034105719/8<br />

026105719/8<br />

87200630<br />

For reference:<br />

033105719/8<br />

068198507<br />

069105719A/8<br />

87464630<br />

For reference:<br />

056105701/8<br />

056198501<br />

87723600<br />

For reference:<br />

026105701B/8<br />

026105701/8<br />

87433600<br />

For reference:<br />

034105701/8<br />

87200600<br />

For reference:<br />

034105701/10<br />

034701/10<br />

77206600<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.3 8/84-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 10/83-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.3 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0-2.3 8/83-8/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.3 9/91-11/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.3 6/94-<br />

Passat/Santana 2.0-2.2 8/83-3/88<br />

VW T4 2.5 1/94-6/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 3/92-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.0 8/85-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.0 8/85-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.8 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.0 6/94-<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6 8/85-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.8-2.0 8/85-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento 1.6 10/94-12/95<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.0 8/85-9/96<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8-2.0 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 5/91-9/98<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 2.0 9/95-<br />

VW T4 2.0 9/90-4/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 10/12 bearing<br />

shells<br />

2.0-2.4D 10/78-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (not 1Y) 1.9D 5/89-7/95<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6D 8/80-10/91<br />

Golf/Vento/Passat (not 1Y) 1.9D 5/89-9/97<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6D 8/80-10/93<br />

Polo 1.7D 5/97-<br />

Polo 1.9D 10/94-3/96<br />

Polo Classic (not AEY) 1.7-1.9D 1/96-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.9D 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.9D 5/91-<br />

VW T.2/T4 1.6-1.9D 1/81-12/95<br />

VW T4 10/12 bearing 2.4D 9/90-<br />

shells<br />

VW T4 10/12 bearing 2.5 11/90-<br />

shells<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 10/12 bearing 2.0-2.4D 10/78-<br />

shells<br />

VW T4, 10/12 bearing 2.4D 9/90-<br />

shells<br />

VW T4, 10/12 bearing 2.5 11/90-<br />

shells<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 10 bearing shells 1.9-2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 10 bearing shells 2.2 4/86-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/83<br />

Golf/Jetta (48-63 kW) 1.5-1.6 2/74-7/83<br />

Golf/Jetta (81 kW) 1.6 6/76-7/82<br />

Golf/Jetta (S/CH) 1.6 8/80-7/83<br />

Golf/Jetta/Passat 1.5D 8/76-7/80<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 10/80-7/83<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 10 bearing shells 1.9-2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 10 bearing shells 2.2 4/86-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.0 8/82-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/83-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.0 8/83-7/85<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6 8/83-7/85<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 8/82-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 3/92-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.0 8/85-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.0 8/85-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.8 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.0 6/94-<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6 8/85-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.8.-2.0 8/85-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento 1.6 10/94-12/95<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.0 8/85-9/96<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8-2.0 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 5/91-9/98<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 2.0 9/95-<br />

VW T4 2.0 9/90-4/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.3 8/84-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 10/83-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.3 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0-2.3 8/83-8/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.3 9/91-11/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.3 6/94-<br />

Passat/Santana 2.0-2.2 8/83-3/88<br />

VW T4 2.5 1/94-6/96<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Plejlstangslejesæt, standard størrelse<br />

For reference:<br />

033105701/8<br />

068198501<br />

069105701A/8<br />

87464600<br />

For reference:<br />

026129220<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 10/12 bearing<br />

shells<br />

2.0-2.4D 10/78-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9D 5/89-7/95<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6D 8/80-10/91<br />

Golf/Vento/Passat (not 1Y) 1.9D 5/89-9/97<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6D 8/80-10/93<br />

Polo 1.7D 5/97-<br />

Polo 1.9D 10/94-3/96<br />

Polo Classic (not AEY) 1.7-1.9D 1/96-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.9D 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.9D 5/91-<br />

VW T.2/T4 1.6-1.9D 1/81-12/95<br />

VW T4 10/12 bearing 2.4D 9/90-<br />

shells<br />

VW T4 10/12 bearing 2.5 11/90-<br />

shells<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 10/12 bearing 2.0-2.4D 10/78-<br />

shells<br />

VW T4, 10/12 bearing 2.4D 9/90-<br />

shells<br />

VW T4, 10/12 bearing 2.5 11/90-<br />

shells<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> day-5 015 (not 1.8 8/83-1/85<br />

S/CH)<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 day -5 015 1.6 8/83-1/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 day -5 018 (not 1.8 1/83-1/85<br />

S/CH)<br />

Golf/Jetta (not S/CH) 1.6-1.8 8/83-7/85<br />

Passat 1.6 8/83-7/85<br />

Passat (not S/CH) 1.8 1/83-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, day-5 015 (not 1.8 8/83-1/85<br />

S/CH)<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, day -5 015 1.6 8/83-1/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, day -5 018 (not<br />

S/CH)<br />

1.8 1/83-1/85<br />

Pulldown dåse for karburator<br />

For reference:<br />

030129220A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> day 5 017- (not 1.8 1/85-7/89<br />

S/CH)<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 day 5 016- 1.6 1/85-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 day 5 019- (not 1.8 1/85-7/86<br />

S/CH)<br />

Golf/Jetta day 4 272- 1.6 8/84-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (not S/CH) 1.8 8/85-10/91<br />

Passat 1.6 8/85-3/88<br />

Passat (not S/CH) 1.8 8/85-3/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>,day 5 017- (not 1.8 1/85-7/89<br />

S/CH)<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, day 5 016- 1.6 1/85-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, day 5 019- (not 1.8 1/85-7/86<br />

S/CH)<br />

Golf/Jetta, day 4 272- 1.6 8/84-10/91<br />

Pulldown dåse, karburator<br />

For reference:<br />

026105243C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8 8/83-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 8/90-12/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.8 3/85-8/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9 9/86-7/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 8/88-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 9/90-9/91<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 1/84-10/91<br />

Remskive med dæmper<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

026121031<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 8/82-9/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.0 1/84-7/91<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6-1.8 8/83-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 3/86-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (A/CH/S) 1.6 1/83-12/83<br />

Passat 1.8 4/88-7/91<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-1.8 8/83-7/91<br />

Passat/Santana 1.8 1/83-7/83<br />

Seat Toledo (carb.) 1.6 5/91-6/95<br />

Seat Toledo (inj.) 1.6 5/91-11/93<br />

Remskive til vandpumpe<br />

Reparationssæt til koblingscylinder<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0798401S<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0798261S<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 4 cyl. 1.8-2.0 1/88-10/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5-6 cyl. 2.0-2.8 (incl. D) 3/77-10/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> RHD 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 10/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 8/86-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 RHD 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 8/90-10/91<br />

Passat LHD 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 4/88-10/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 4 cyl. 1.8-2.0 1/88-10/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5-6 cyl. 2.0-2.8 (incl. D) 3/77-10/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, RHD 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 10/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6, RHD 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Passat, LHD 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 4/88-10/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (Incl. D) 1/88-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.8 (Incl. D) 8/86-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (Incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Reparationssæt, slavecylinder<br />

For reference:<br />

048145155F<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.8 (incl. D) 7/93-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9-2.5 (incl. D) 6/94-7/95<br />

Servostyringspumpe<br />

For reference:<br />

054109479<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.3 9/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.3 9/91-7/95<br />

Spændeelement til kilerem<br />

For reference:<br />

078903133L<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> aut. 2.6-2.8 9/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 aut. 2.6-2.8 9/91-7/95<br />

Spændeelement til kilerem<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

078903133Q<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.6-2.8 9/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.6-2.8 9/91-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.6-2.8 6/94-7/95<br />

Spændeelement til kilerem<br />

For reference:<br />

054903133<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.3 7/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.3 6/94-7/95<br />

Spændeelement til tandrem<br />

For reference:<br />

054903133A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> Quattro 2.2 8/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 Quattro 2.2 7/96-7/97<br />

Spændeelement til tandrem<br />

Spændskive, krumtap<br />

For reference:<br />

026198421<br />

For reference:<br />

014409197<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 8/86-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 9/86-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3 1.8-1.9 (incl. D) 9/96-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9D 7/94-12/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-10/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 (not AJP) 1.8 10/95-<br />

Golf/Bora 1.8-1.9 (incl. D) 10/97-<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.0-1.3 8/89-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.4-2.0 (incl. D) 8/86-9/97<br />

Lupo/Seat Arosa 1.7D 8/97-<br />

Passat 1.3-2.0 (incl. D) 8/85-9/96<br />

Passat (not AHL) 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 10/96-<br />

Polo 1.0-1.9 (incl. D) 10/90-12/99<br />

Polo 1.6 12/99-<br />

Polo 1.7-1.9D 10/99-<br />

Polo Classic 1.4-1.9 (incl. D) 12/95-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.0-2.0 (incl. D) 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 5/91-<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 1.9-2.0 (incl. D) 9/95-<br />

Skoda Fabia 1.9-2.0 (incl. D) 12/99-<br />

Skoda Felicia 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 10/95-<br />

Skoda Octavia 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 10/96-<br />

VW T.2/T4 1.6-1.9D 8/87-<br />

VW T4 1.8-2.0 9/90-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-1.8 (incl. D) 6/76-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.8 (incl. D) 5/72-8/86<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-1.8 (incl. D) 5/73-3/88<br />

Speedometerdrev, man. gear<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

088409197<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9-2.3 (incl. D) 3/77-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 10/80-8/86<br />

Passat 1.9-2.2 1/81-3/88<br />

Speedometerdrev, man. gear<br />

For reference:<br />

010409196<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.3 6/76-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 10/80-8/86<br />

Caddy 1.6-1.8 1/86-7/92<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-10/91<br />

Passat/Santana 1.9-2.2 1/81-3/88<br />

Scirocco 1.6-1.8 2/74-7/92<br />

Speedometerdrev, Z=17, for 3 speed automatic<br />

For reference:<br />

013311371A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5 speed 1.6-1.9 8/79-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 5 speed 1.6-1.8 8/76-3/87<br />

Passat 5 speed 1.6-1.8 8/80-3/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5 speed 1.6-1.9 8/79-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 5 speed 1.6-1.8 8/76-3/87<br />

Passat, 5 speed 1.6-1.8 8/80-3/88<br />

Sporkugleleje til gearkasse<br />

Stempelringsæt, 81,0 mm, 1,5x3,55,<br />

1,75x3,55, 3,0x3,65 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

026198151BALT<br />

026198151A/4ALT<br />

026198151B/4ALT<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6 8/83-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 8/82-10/91<br />

Passat 2.0-2.2 8/83-3/88<br />

Passat/Santana 1.6 8/83-9/92<br />

Passat/Santana 1.8 1/83-9/96<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba (66 kW) 1.8 2/93-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba (95 kW) 1.8 2/94-<br />

Seat Toledo (55-66 kW) 1.6-1.8 5/91-9/98<br />

Seat Toledo (95-102 kW) 1.8 5/91-3/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.2 10/83-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (carb.) 1.8 8/82-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (inj.) 1.8 4/85-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 8/83-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.8 1/83-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0-2.2 8/83-12/91<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Stempelringsæt, 81,0 mm 1,5x3,55, 1,75x3,55,<br />

3,0x3,65 mm<br />

Stempelsæt (4 stk.), 76,51 mm, standard str.,<br />

diesel, med stempelringe<br />

For reference:<br />

026198151B<br />

026198151A/4<br />

026198151B/4<br />

50011749<br />

For reference:<br />

068107065E/4<br />

068107065B/4<br />

93260600<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.2 10/83-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (carb.) 1.8 8/82-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (inj.) 1.8 4/85-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 8/83-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.8 1/83-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0-2.2 8/83-12/91<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6 8/83-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 8/82-10/91<br />

Passat 2.0-2.2 8/83-3/88<br />

Passat/Santana 1.6 8/83-9/92<br />

Passat/Santana 1.8 1/83-9/96<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba (66 kW) 1.8 2/93-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba (95 kW) 1.8 2/94-<br />

Seat Toledo (55-66 kW) 1.6-1.8 5/91-9/98<br />

Seat Toledo (95-102 kW) 1.8 5/91-3/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6D 8/80-7/89<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6D 8/80-7/90<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-4/89<br />

Passat/Santana 1.6D 8/80-3/88<br />

VW T.2 1.6D 1/81-7/87<br />

Stempelsæt (4 stk.), 77,01 mm, 0,50 overstr.,<br />

diesel, med stempelringe<br />

Stempelsæt (4 stk.), 77,51 mm, 1,00 overstr.,<br />

diesel, med stempelringe<br />

Stempelsæt (5 stk.), 82,51 mm, standard str.,<br />

med stempelringe<br />

Stempelsæt (5 stk.), 83,01 mm, 0,50 overstr.,<br />

med stempelringe<br />

For reference:<br />

068107081D/4<br />

068107081D<br />

93260610<br />

For reference:<br />

068107091D/4<br />

068107091D<br />

93260620<br />

For reference:<br />

054107065/5<br />

054107065<br />

054107065D<br />

054107065H<br />

054107103D<br />

91513600<br />

For reference:<br />

054107081/5<br />

054107081<br />

054107081D<br />

054107081H<br />

054107105C<br />

054107107<br />

91513602<br />

91513620<br />

For reference:<br />

051109243A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6D 8/80-7/89<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6D 8/80-7/90<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-4/89<br />

Passat/Santana 1.6D 8/80-3/88<br />

VW T.2 1.6D 1/81-7/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6D 8/80-7/89<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6D 8/80-7/90<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-4/89<br />

Passat/Santana 1.6D 8/80-3/88<br />

VW T.2 1.6D 1/81-7/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.3 (98 kW) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.3 (98 kW) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 3/94-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 3/94-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 7/95-3/97<br />

Golf 2.0 3/94-7/95<br />

Passat 2.0 3/94-9/96<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 2.0 6/96-<br />

Strammerulle<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

048109243A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 12/90-2/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 8/90-2/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-6/95<br />

Strammerulle<br />

For reference:<br />

069109243B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9-2.3 8/83-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 5/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0-2.3 8/83-7/89<br />

LT 2.4 8/84-7/89<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/90<br />

Passat/Santana 2.0-2.2 8/83-3/88<br />

Strammerulle<br />

For reference:<br />

027109243<br />

051109243<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 1/92-3/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (101-103 kW) 2.0 3/90-3/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/95-3/97<br />

Golf 2.0 7/95-9/97<br />

Golf 2.0 8/92-3/94<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8-2.0 2/86-10/91<br />

Passat (<strong>100</strong>-110 kW) 1.8-2.0 4/88-3/94<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8 2/94-8/96<br />

Seat Toledo 1.8 5/91-9/98<br />

Strammerulle<br />

Strammerulle<br />

For reference:<br />

026109243E<br />

026109243<br />

0261092431<br />

026109243G<br />

049109243<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 3/92-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 6/76-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-2.0 5/72-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 8/91-7/95<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6 2/74-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (118 kW) 1.8 10/89-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.8-2.0 8/82-9/97<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/86<br />

Passat/Santana 1.5-2.0 5/73-9/96<br />

Polo Classic (not AEE) 1.6-1.8 12/95-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8-2.0 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 5/91-<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 2.0 9/95-<br />

VW T4 1.8 12/90-7/92<br />

VW T4 2.0 9/90-<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

078109243C<br />

078109243A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.6-2.8 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.6-2.8 9/91-8/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.6-2.8 6/94-8/94<br />

Strammerulle<br />

For reference:<br />

078903341B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.6-2.8 12/90-8/91<br />

Strammerulle<br />

For reference:<br />

078903341J<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.6 4/92-6/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.8 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.6 7/92-10/94<br />

Strammerulle<br />

For reference:<br />

074109243B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4-2.5D 8/91-7/94<br />

Strammerulle<br />

For reference:<br />

074109243J<br />

074109243G<br />

074109243R<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5D 7/93-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.5D 6/94-3/97<br />

VW T4 2.4-2.5D 1/96-<br />

Strammerulle<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

046130195B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5TDI 1/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.5TDI 6/94-10/97<br />

Strammerulle, øverst<br />

For reference:<br />

014311295D<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (121 kW) 2.2 4/86-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (55-101 kW) 1.6-2.2 6/76-12/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 5/72-7/86<br />

Golf 1.4-1.6 10/97-<br />

Golf 1.9D 10/97-<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.5-2.0 (incl. D) 2/74-9/97<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 8/74-3/88<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 5/91-<br />

Skoda Octavia 1.6 10/96-<br />

Skoda Octavia 1.9D 5/97-<br />

Synkronring for transmission<br />

Synkronring for transmission<br />

Synkronring for transmission<br />

For reference:<br />

014311295E<br />

014311295D<br />

014311295F<br />

For reference:<br />

014311295EOE<br />

014311295FOE<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.2 (incl.D) 6/76-12/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 4/86-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.2 (incl.D) 5/74-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3 (gear 2+3) 1.6 9/96-<br />

Caddy 1.6-1.9 (incl.D) 8/91-<br />

Golf/Bora (gear 2+3) 1.4-1.6 10/97-<br />

Golf/Bora (gear 2+3) 1.9D 10/97-<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.5-2.0 (incl. D) 2/74-9/97<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 8/74-3/88<br />

Polo Classic 1.6 10/94-<br />

Polo Classic 1.9D 12/95-<br />

Scirocco 1.5-1.8 6/79-7/86<br />

Seat Toledo/Leon (gear 1.4-1.6 10/98-<br />

2+3)<br />

Seat Toledo/Leon (gear 1.9D 10/98-<br />

2+3)<br />

Skoda Octavia (gear 2+3) 1.6 10/96-<br />

Skoda Octavia (gear 2+3) 1.9D 5/97-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.2 (incl.D) 6/76-12/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 4/86-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.2 5/74-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3 (gear 2+3) 1.6 9/96-<br />

Golf/Bora (gear 2+3) 1.4-1.6 10/97-<br />

Golf/Bora (gear 2+3) 1.9D 10/97-<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.5-2.0 (incl. D) 2/74-9/97<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 8/81-3/88<br />

Polo Classic 1.6 10/94-<br />

Polo Classic 1.9D 12/95-<br />

Seat Toledo/Leon (gear 1.6 10/98-<br />

2+3)<br />

Seat Toledo/Leon (gear 1.9D 10/98-<br />

2+3)<br />

Skoda Octavia (gear 2+3) 1.6 10/96-<br />

Skoda Octavia (gear 2+3) 1.9D 5/97-<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

091311295A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (gear 1-4) 2.0-2.2 6/76-12/90<br />

VW T.2 1.6-2.1 (incl. D) 8/75-7/92<br />

Synkronring for transmission<br />

Tætningsring gearkasse/starter<br />

For reference:<br />

014301155<br />

014301155A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-1.9 8/76-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 5/72-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3 5 speed 1.8-1.9 (incl. D) 9/96-12/97<br />

Golf 1.0-1.4 2/74-9/97<br />

Golf 2.0 8/92-9/97<br />

Golf 5 speed 1.8-2.3 (incl. D) 10/97-12/97<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 10/89-10/91<br />

Golf/Vento 1.6 10/94-<br />

Golf/Vento 2.8 11/91-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento 5 speed 1.9D 9/93-9/97<br />

LT 4 speed 2.4 (incl. D) 8/89-12/95<br />

Lupo 1.6 6/99-<br />

Lupo/Seat Arosa 1.0-1.4 10/98-<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.8 (incl. D) 5/73-9/96<br />

Polo 5 speed 1.0-1.6 10/94-<br />

Polo 5 speed 1.7-1.9D 10/94-2/98<br />

Polo Classic 5 speed 1.4 12/95-<br />

Polo Classic 5 speed 1.6 9/97-<br />

Polo Classic 5 speed 1.9D 11/97-<br />

Polo/Derby 0.9-1.6 (incl. D) 8/74-<br />

Seat Alhambra 5 speed 1.9-2.0 (incl. D) 3/96-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 5 1.0-1.4 2/93-<br />

speed<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 5 1.6 2/93-7/94<br />

speed<br />

Seat Toledo 5 speed 1.9D 4/95-<br />

Seat Toledo 5 speed 2.0 3/94-<br />

Sharan 5 speed 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 9/95-<br />

Skoda Octavia 5 speed 1.8-1.9 (incl. D) 10/96-12/97<br />

VW T4 1.8-2.4 (incl. D) 9/90-<br />

VW T4 2.5 11/90-<br />

VW T4 4 speed 2.0 9/90-7/95<br />

VW T4 4 speed 2.4D 9/90-<br />

VW T4 4 speed 2.5 1/94-<br />

VW T4 4 speed 2.8 1/96-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3, 5 speed 1.8-1.9 (incl. D) 9/96-12/97<br />

Golf, 5 speed 1.8-2.3 (incl. D) 10/97-12/97<br />

Golf/Vento, 5 speed 1.9D 9/93-9/97<br />

LT, 4 speed 2.4 (incl. D) 8/89-12/95<br />

Polo Classic, 5 speed 1.4 12/95-<br />

Polo Classic, 5 speed 1.6 9/97-<br />

Polo Classic, 5 speed 1.9D 11/97-<br />

Polo, 5 speed 1.0-1.6 10/94-<br />

Polo, 5 speed 1.7-1.9D 10/94-2/98<br />

Seat Alhambra, 5 speed 1.9-2.0 (incl. D) 3/96-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba, 5 1.0-1.4 2/93-<br />

speed<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba, 5 1.6 2/93-7/94<br />

speed<br />

Seat Toledo, 5 speed 1.9D 4/95-<br />

Seat Toledo, 5 speed 2.0 3/94-<br />

Sharan, 5 speed 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 9/95-<br />

Skoda Octavia, 5 speed 1.8-1.9 (incl. D) 10/96-12/97<br />

VW T4, 4 speed 2.0 9/90-7/95<br />

VW T4, 4 speed 2.4D 9/90-<br />

VW T4, 4 speed 2.5 1/94-<br />

VW T4, 4 speed 2.8 1/96-<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

028103533<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4 D 8/89-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9 D 8/89-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.9 D 1/95-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9 D 7/94-<br />

Golf/Vento 1.9 D 11/91-9/97<br />

Passat 1.9 D 5/89-<br />

Polo 1.7-1.9 D 10/94-<br />

Polo Classic 1.7-1.9 D 11/95-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.9 D 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.9 D 5/91-9/98<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 1.9 D 9/95-<br />

VW T2 2.4 D 9/90-7/94<br />

VW T2 2.5 D 11/90-7/94<br />

VW T2 1.9 D 9/90-<br />

Tætningsskive for ventildækselbolt, øverst<br />

Tætningsskive, topstykkebolt, nederst<br />

For reference:<br />

028103532A<br />

For reference:<br />

046130113C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 8/89-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9D 8/89-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.9D 1/95-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9D 7/94-<br />

Golf/Vento 1.9D 11/91-9/97<br />

Passat 1.9D 5/89-<br />

Polo 1.7-1.9D 10/94-<br />

Polo Classic 1.7-1.9D 11/95-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.9D 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.9D 5/91-9/98<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 1.9D 9/95-<br />

VW T4 1.9D 9/90-<br />

VW T4 2.4D 9/90-7/94<br />

VW T4 2.5 11/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5D 8/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.5D 8/94-<br />

Tandrem<br />

For reference:<br />

069130113A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D TD 10/78-11/90<br />

LT 2.4D TD 8/78-12/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D/TD 10/78-11/90<br />

LT 2.4D/TD 8/78-12/95<br />

Tandrem<br />

For reference:<br />

074130113<br />

074130113C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 8/89-7/94<br />

VW T4 2.4D 9/90-<br />

Tandrem<br />

For reference:<br />

037109119C<br />

048109119E<br />

048109119F<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 8/90-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-10/97<br />

Golf/Vento 2.0 11/91-9/97<br />

Passat 2.0 3/90-9/96<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 2.0 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 2.0 5/91-9/98<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 2.0 9/95-<br />

VW T4 2.0 9/90-<br />

Tandrem til krumtap/knastaksel, T=124,<br />

L=1181.1 mm, W=18 mm<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Tandrem, krumtap/knast, T=121, L=1152.5<br />

mm, W=18 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

056109119A<br />

026109119B<br />

026109119D<br />

For reference:<br />

074109119<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 3/92-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 6/76-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.4 8/81-9/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-2.0 5/72-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 8/91-7/95<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6 2/74-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 10/89-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.8 8/82-7/94<br />

Golf/Vento 1.6 10/94-12/95<br />

LT 2.0 4/75-11/82<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana 1.5-1.8 5/73-9/96<br />

Polo Classic (not AEE) 1.6 12/95-9/97<br />

Porsche 924 All All<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6 5/91-9/98<br />

Seat Toledo 1.8 5/91-11/93<br />

VW T4 1.8 12/90-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.3 5/88-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0-2.3 5/88-7/91<br />

Tandrem, krumtap/knastaksel (kun<br />

indsprøjtningsmodeller)<br />

For reference:<br />

035109119<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9-2.2 8/79-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 6/77-7/79<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 8/81-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.2 10/80-7/81<br />

Passat/Santana 1.9-2.2 1/81-7/84<br />

Tandrem, krumtap/knastaksel, T=113,<br />

L=1076.3 mm, W=19 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

075109119B<br />

069109119<br />

069109119A<br />

075109119E<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-11/90<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/92<br />

Tandrem, krumtap/knastaksel, T=119,<br />

L=1133.5 mm, W=25.9 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

034109119<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80/<strong>100</strong> 1.9-2.3 8/83-5/88<br />

Passat/Santana 1.9-2.3 8/83-5/88<br />

Tandrem, krumtap/knastaksel, T=120, L=1143<br />

mm, W=18 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

074109119H<br />

074109119F<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4-2.5D 5/91-7/94<br />

VW T4 2.5 6/02-1/95<br />

Tandrem, krumtap/knastaksel, T=124,<br />

L=1181.1 mm, W=26.5 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

054109119G<br />

054109119A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.3 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (118-125 kW) 2.0-2.3 8/88-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (98 kW) 2.3 9/91-11/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.3 6/94-3/95<br />

Tandrem, krumtap/knastaksel, T=147, L=1176<br />

mm, W=19 mm<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

027109119A<br />

027109119C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 1/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 3/90-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-3/97<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 2/86-10/91<br />

Passat 1.8-2.0 4/88-10/93<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8 2/94-6/96<br />

Seat Toledo (102 kW) 1.8 5/91-11/92<br />

Seat Toledo (95 kW) 1.8 5/91-3/94<br />

Tandrem, krumtap/knastaksel, T=147, L=1176<br />

mm, W=25 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

078109119D<br />

078109119A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.6-2.8 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.6-2.8 9/91-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 2.4-2.6 11/94-7/98<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 2.8 11/94-2/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.4-2.8 6/94-10/97<br />

Tandrem, krumtap/knastaksel, T=239, L=1912<br />

mm, W=25.4 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

049109175<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/79-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 1/79-7/79<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8 8/82-7/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.8 8/81-1/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-1.7 1/79-7/81<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-1.9 2/87-7/89<br />

Caddy 1.5-1.8 10/82-7/87<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 1/79-7/83<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6-1.8 8/83-7/88<br />

Passat 1.3-1.8 8/81-7/87<br />

Passat 1.6 3/79-7/81<br />

Scirocco 1.5-1.8 1/79-7/83<br />

Scirocco 1.6-1.8 8/83-7/88<br />

Tandremsbeskytter<br />

Tandremshjul for knastaksel<br />

Tandremshjul for knastaksel<br />

For reference:<br />

049109111B<br />

049109111A<br />

049109111C<br />

For reference:<br />

069109111<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-1.8 8/76-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9-2.3 6/76-3/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.3 5/72-3/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.0 4/88-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 (not AHL) 1.6 11/94-10/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-10/97<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.0-1.3 4/74-7/85<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6 2/74-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.8-2.0 8/82-9/97<br />

LT 2.4 12/82-12/95<br />

Passat 1.8-2.0 4/88-9/96<br />

Passat (not AHL) 1.6 4/88-9/96<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.2 5/73-3/88<br />

Polo Classic (55 kW) 1.6 12/95-9/97<br />

Polo Classic (66-74 kW) 1.6-1.8 12/95-<br />

Polo/Derby 0.9-1.0 4/75-10/86<br />

Polo/Derby (37-44 kW) 1.1-1.3 8/74-7/85<br />

Polo/Derby (55 kW) 1.3 9/82-7/90<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8-2.0 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 5/91-9/98<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 2.0 9/95-<br />

VW T4 1.8 12/90-7/92<br />

VW T4 2.0 9/90-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.5D 10/78-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.9TD TDI 1/95-9/01<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9-2.5TDI 6/94-10/97<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.6-1.9D 8/76-9/97<br />

LT 2.4-2.5D 1/79-12/95<br />

Lupo/Seat Arosa 1.7D 8/97-<br />

Passat 1.9TDI 10/96-8/00<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-1.9D 8/77-9/96<br />

Polo 1.7-1.9D 10/94-9/01<br />

Polo Classic 1.7-1.9D 1/96-10/99<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.9D TD TDI 2/93-6/99<br />

Seat Toledo 1.9D TD TDI 5/91-9/98<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 1.9TDI 9/95-2/00<br />

VW T.2/T4 1.6-1.9D TD 1/81-10/01<br />

VW T4 2.4-2.5D TDI 9/90-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.9TD/TDI 1/95-9/01<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.9D/TD/TDI 2/93-6/99<br />

Seat Toledo 1.9D/TD/TDI 5/91-9/98<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

027109111H<br />

VW T.2/T4 1.6-1.9D/TD 1/81-10/01<br />

VW T4 2.4-2.5D/TDI 9/90-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 1/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 3/90-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.8 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.0 6/94-10/97<br />

Golf 2.0 8/92-9/97<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 2/86-10/91<br />

Passat 1.8 10/96-<br />

Passat 2.0 8/88-9/96<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8 2/94-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.8-2.0 5/91-9/98<br />

Tandremshjul for knastaksel<br />

For reference:<br />

027105263B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 1/92-5/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 8/92-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.8 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.0 6/94-<br />

Golf 2.0 8/92-9/97<br />

Golf/Jetta (95-102 kW) 1.8 2/86-10/91<br />

Passat 1.8 10/96-<br />

Passat 1.8-2.0 4/88-9/96<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8 2/94-7/96<br />

Seat Toledo 1.8-2.0 5/91-9/98<br />

Tandremshjul for krumtap<br />

For reference:<br />

035105263C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9-2.3 3/77-5/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.3 8/81-5/88<br />

LT 2.4 8/89-12/95<br />

Passat 1.9-2.2 1/81-3/88<br />

Tandremshjul for krumtap<br />

For reference:<br />

069105263<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.5D 10/78-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.5D 6/94-4/97<br />

LT 2.4D 8/78-4/96<br />

LT 2.5D 5/96-12/98<br />

VW T4 2.4D 9/90-12/98<br />

VW T4 (65 kW) 2.5D 5/98-12/98<br />

VW T4 (75 kW) 2.5D 9/95-12/98<br />

VW T4 (81-85 kW) 2.5D 9/90-12/98<br />

Tandremshjul for krumtap<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Tandremshjul for krumtap<br />

Tandremshjul for oliepumpe<br />

For reference:<br />

049105263C<br />

For reference:<br />

027109111G<br />

For reference:<br />

027109119AS<br />

027109119BS<br />

027109119CS<br />

051198002<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-1.8 8/76-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/82-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-1.9 8/82-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 8/88-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 (not AHL) 1.6 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-10/97<br />

Golf/Jetta (118 kW) 1.8 10/89-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (51-82 kW) 1.5-1.8 2/74-7/92<br />

Golf/Vento 1.6 10/94-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento 1.8-2.0 11/91-9/97<br />

Passat (not AHL) 1.6 10/96-<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3 8/83-7/86<br />

Passat/Santana 1.5-2.0 5/73-9/96<br />

Polo Classic (not AEE) 1.6-1.8 12/95-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 2.0 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 5/91-9/98<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 2.0 9/95-<br />

VW T4 1.8-2.0 9/90-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (ACE) 2.0 1/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (6A/ACE) 2.0 3/90-6/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.8 1.8T 11/94-9/01<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8 1.8T 10/95-4/01<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 (ACE) 2.0 6/94-10/97<br />

Corrado (KR/PL/9A) 1.8-2.0 4/89-7/95<br />

Golf/Jetta (KR/PL) 1.8 2/86-10/91<br />

Golf/Vento (ABF) 2.0 8/92-9/97<br />

Passat 1.8 1.8T 10/96-<br />

Passat for camshaft (KR) 1.8 4/88-7/92<br />

Passat (ABF) 2.0 1/94-9/96<br />

Passat (KR/9A) 1.8-2.0 4/88-10/93<br />

Scirocco (KR/PL) 1.8 8/85-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.8/1.8T 11/94-9/01<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8/1.8T 10/95-4/01<br />

Passat 1.8/1.8T 10/96-<br />

Passat, for camshaft (KR) 1.8 4/88-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 1/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 3/90-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-3/97<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 2/86-10/91<br />

Passat 1.8-2.0 4/88-10/93<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8 2/94-6/96<br />

Seat Toledo (102 kW) 1.8 5/91-11/92<br />

Seat Toledo (95 kW) 1.8 5/91-3/94<br />

Tandremssæt med strammehjul (kun<br />

GTi/indsprøjtningsmodeller),T=147, L=1176<br />

mm, W=25 mm<br />

Tandremssæt med strammehjul, T=121,<br />

L=1152.5 mm, W=18 mm<br />

Temperaturføler, luftindtag<br />

For reference:<br />

056109119AS<br />

6K0198002<br />

For reference:<br />

049129630A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 3/92-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 6/76-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.4 8/81-9/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-2.0 5/72-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 8/91-7/95<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6 2/74-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (118 kW) 1.8 10/89-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento (55-82 kW)1.8 8/82-7/94<br />

Golf/Vento 1.6 10/94-12/95<br />

LT 2.0 4/75-11/82<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana 1.5-1.8 5/73-9/96<br />

Polo Classic (not AEE) 1.6 12/95-9/97<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8 2/93-6/99<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba (1F) 1.6 8/94-9/96<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6 5/91-9/98<br />

Seat Toledo 1.8 5/91-11/93<br />

VW T4 1.8 12/90-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8 8/82-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9-2.2 6/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>/A6 2.0 12/90-6/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 8/81-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 9/91-6/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.8 3/88-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9 8/81-7/83<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 9/91-6/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 aut. 1.6 8/78-7/79<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (not aut.) 1.6 8/78-7/81<br />

Golf/Jetta (inj. - 66 kW) 1.8 11/87-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (not EM) 1.5-1.6 8/78-7/83<br />

Golf/Vento 1.8 11/91-9/97<br />

Passat 1.6-1.8 4/88-9/96<br />

Passat/Santana 1.6-1.9 8/80-3/88<br />

Passat/Santana (40-55 kW) 1.3-1.6 8/77-7/79<br />

Passat/Santana (63 kW) 1.6 8/77-7/80<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

035129630B<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8 2/93-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba (not 1.6 5/94-<br />

ABU)<br />

Seat Toledo 1.8 5/91-9/98<br />

Seat Toledo (not EZ) 1.6 5/91-9/98<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, aut. 1.6 8/78-7/79<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-1.9 8/82-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.8 1/83-8/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 9/91-7/95<br />

Golf/Jetta (carb. - 51-66 1.6-1.8 8/83-10/91<br />

kW)<br />

Golf/Jetta (inj. - 77-102 kW) 1.8 8/85-10/91<br />

Golf/Vento 1.6 10/94-7/95<br />

Golf/Vento 2.0 10/91-7/95<br />

Passat 1.3-1.8 8/81-3/88<br />

Passat 1.6-2.0 4/88-9/96<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 2.0 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 2.0 5/91-9/98<br />

Temperaturføler, luftindtag<br />

For reference:<br />

056121113A<br />

056121113A80<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (a.c.) 1.6 8/76-7/78<br />

Golf/Passat/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 5/72-7/78<br />

Passat/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

VW T.2 1.6D 8/87-7/90<br />

Termostat, 80C<br />

For reference:<br />

069121113<br />

035121113B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.5D 10/78-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80/<strong>100</strong> 1.9-2.3 3/77-11/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.3-2.5 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

LT 2.5D 5/96-<br />

Passat/Santana 1.9-2.2 1/81-3/88<br />

VW T4 2.4-2.5 (incl. D) 9/90-<br />

Termostat, 87 C<br />

For reference:<br />

078121113C<br />

075121113A<br />

075121113A/C<br />

078121113<br />

078121113F<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.6-2.8 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.6-2.8 9/91-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 2.4-2.8 11/94-5/99<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 2.5TDI 11/97-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.4-2.8 6/94-6/99<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.5TDI 6/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.7 2/99-<br />

LT 2.4 (incl. D) 12/82-12/95<br />

Passat 2.5TDI 8/98-<br />

Passat 2.8 1/97-4/99<br />

Termostat, 87 C<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Termostat, 87C<br />

Toppakning<br />

Toppakning<br />

Toppakning<br />

For reference:<br />

056121113D<br />

056121113D/87<br />

056121113D87<br />

For reference:<br />

048103383B<br />

048103383<br />

053103383<br />

053103383A<br />

For reference:<br />

034103383AA<br />

034103383/G<br />

034103383L<br />

034103383R<br />

For reference:<br />

034103383AAALT<br />

034103383/GALT<br />

034103383LALT<br />

034103383RALT<br />

For reference:<br />

034103383AD<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 8/76-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.4 8/81-9/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-2.0 5/72-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-3/97<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6 2/74-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6D 8/76-7/81<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento (not ABF) 1.8-2.0 8/82-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento 1.6 10/94-9/97<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-7/80<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6D 8/77-7/81<br />

Passat/Santana 1.5-2.0 5/73-9/96<br />

Polo Classic (not AEE) 1.6-1.8 11/95-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8-2.0 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo (not AFT) 1.6-2.0 5/91-9/98<br />

Sharan 1.9-2.0 (incl. D) 9/95-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (103 kW) 2.0 8/92-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (66-101 kW) 1.9-2.0 9/86-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-5/95<br />

Golf/Vento (79-85 kW) 2.0 11/91-7/95<br />

Passat 2.0 3/90-4/95<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8 2/93-9/93<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 2.0 2/93-5/96<br />

Seat Toledo 1.8 11/93-9/98<br />

Seat Toledo 2.0 5/91-9/98<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.2 8/84-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0-2.2 8/83-8/91<br />

Passat/Santana 2.0-2.2 8/83-3/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.2 8/84-11/90<br />

Passat/Santana 2.0-2.2 8/83-3/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0-2.2 8/83-8/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> Quattro 2.2 8/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (118 kW) 2.0 8/88-12/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 Quattro (118 kW) 2.0 1/88-9/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 Quattro (169 kW) 2.2 2/93-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 Quattro 2.2 6/94-7/97<br />

Toppakning<br />

Toppakning<br />

Toppakning 3 riller<br />

Toppakning med 2 riller<br />

For reference:<br />

026103383K<br />

026103383<br />

026103383D<br />

026103383H<br />

026103383P<br />

For reference:<br />

074103383T<br />

046103383AG<br />

046103383T<br />

For reference:<br />

074103383S<br />

046103383AF<br />

046103383Q<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 3/92-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-1.8 8/82-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 8/83-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.8 8/82-7/91<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6 8/83-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (95-102 kW) 1.8 2/86-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento (55-82 kW)1.8 8/82-7/95<br />

Passat 1.6 8/86-9/92<br />

Passat (<strong>100</strong> kW) 1.8 4/88-7/92<br />

Passat/Santana (55-82 kW) 1.8 1/83-10/93<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6 5/91-9/98<br />

Seat Toledo 1.8 5/91-11/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5D 8/91-5/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.5D 6/94-3/97<br />

VW T4 2.5D 1/96-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5D 8/91-5/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.5D 6/94-3/97<br />

VW T4 2.5D 1/96-<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

074103383C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 5/91-7/94<br />

Toppakning, 1,53 mm, 1 rille<br />

For reference:<br />

074103383CALT<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 5/91-7/94<br />

Toppakning, 1,53 mm, 1 rille<br />

Toppakning, 1,53 mm, 1 rille<br />

For reference:<br />

074103383RALT<br />

046103383JALT<br />

046103383AALT<br />

046103383AEALT<br />

For reference:<br />

074103383D<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5D 8/91-5/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.5D 6/94-3/97<br />

VW T4 2.5D 1/96-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 5/91-7/94<br />

Toppakning, 1,57 mm, 2 riller<br />

For reference:<br />

074103383DALT<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 5/91-7/94<br />

Toppakning, 1,57 mm, 2 riller<br />

Toppakning, 1,57 mm, 2 riller<br />

For reference:<br />

074103383SALT<br />

046103383AFALT<br />

046103383QALT<br />

For reference:<br />

074103383E<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5D 8/91-5/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.5D 6/94-3/97<br />

VW T4 2.5D 1/96-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 5/91-7/94<br />

Toppakning, 1,61 mm, 3 riller<br />

For reference:<br />

074103383EALT<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 5/91-7/94<br />

Toppakning, 1,61 mm, 3 riller<br />

Toppakning, 3 riller<br />

For reference:<br />

074103383TALT<br />

046103383AGALT<br />

046103383RALT<br />

For reference:<br />

078103383E<br />

078103383C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5D 8/91-5/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.5D 6/94-3/97<br />

VW T4 2.5D 1/96-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.6-2.8 12/90-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.6-2.8 9/91-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 2.4-2.8 11/94-7/97<br />

Toppakning, 6 cyl.<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

034198012M<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> Quattro 2.2 8/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (118 kW) 2.0 8/89-12/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 Quattro 2.2 2/93-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 Quattro (118 kW) 2.0 1/88-9/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 Quattro 2.2 6/94-7/97<br />

Toppakningssæt<br />

Udstødningsventil, 27 mm<br />

Udstødningsventil, 31,2 mm, 3 riller<br />

For reference:<br />

051109611B<br />

For reference:<br />

068109611D<br />

068109611<br />

068109611c<br />

069109611D<br />

50004021<br />

50004453<br />

For reference:<br />

068109611L<br />

068109611M<br />

069109611<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 1/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 3/92-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-3/97<br />

Golf/Vento 2.0 8/92-9/97<br />

Passat 1.8-2.0 2/93-9/96<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8-2.0 2/94-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.8-2.0 12/92-9/98<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D TD 10/78-7/85<br />

Golf/Jetta/Passat 1.5-1.6D TD 8/76-7/85<br />

LT (55 kW) 2.4D 1/79-7/89<br />

LT (75 kW) 2.4TD 12/82-7/89<br />

Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6D TD 8/76-7/85<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0TD 10/78-7/85<br />

Golf/Jetta/Passat 1.5-1.6TD 8/76-7/85<br />

Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6TD 8/76-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 8/85-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6D 8/85-7/89<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6D 8/85-10/91<br />

LT 2.4D 8/89-12/95<br />

Passat 1.6D 8/85-3/88<br />

Udstødningsventil, 31,2 mm, 3 riller<br />

Udstødningsventil, 31,2 mm, 3 riller<br />

Udstødningsventil, 31,5x8x96,9 mm<br />

Udstødningsventil, 33,2 mm, 3 riller<br />

For reference:<br />

074109611<br />

For reference:<br />

046109611F<br />

046109611C<br />

For reference:<br />

035109611F<br />

035109611<br />

035109611G<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5D 8/89-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9D TD 8/89-7/95<br />

Golf/Vento (not AEY) 1.9D TD 11/91-11/95<br />

Passat 1.9D TD 5/89-11/95<br />

Polo 1.9D 10/94-12/95<br />

Polo Classic 1.9D 1/96-3/96<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.9D TD 2/93-6/96<br />

Seat Toledo 1.9D TD 5/91-7/97<br />

VW T4 1.9D TD 9/90-2/96<br />

VW T4 2.4D 9/90-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9D/TD 8/89-7/95<br />

Golf/Vento (not AEY) 1.9D/TD 11/91-11/95<br />

Passat 1.9D/TD 5/89-11/95<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.9D/TD 2/93-6/96<br />

Seat Toledo 1.9D/TD 5/91-7/97<br />

VW T4 1.9D/TD 9/90-2/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5 D 6/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5 TDI 1/90-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9 TDI 9/91-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.9 TDI 1/95-3/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9 TDI 7/94-3/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.5 TDI 6/94-3/97<br />

Golf/Vento 1.9 TDI 9/93-3/96<br />

LT 2.5 SDI TDI 5/96-<br />

Passat 1.9 TDI 10/93-3/96<br />

Seat Alhambra 1.9 TDI 9/95-1/96<br />

Seat Toledo 1.9 TDI 4/95-1/96<br />

Sharan 1.9 TDI 9/95-3/96<br />

VW T4 2.5 TDI 1/96-<br />

LT 2.5 SDI/TDI 5/96-<br />

<strong>100</strong> (not S/J/AUS) 1.9-2.2 8/80-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (55 kW) 1.8 8/82-10/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (66 kW) 1.8 3/83-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (55-66 kW) 1.6-1.8 8/83-7/85<br />

Golf/Jetta (55-66 kW) 1.6-1.8 8/83-7/85<br />

Golf/Jetta/Passat (82 kW) 1.8 8/82-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana (55-66 kW) 1.6-1.8 8/83-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 8/80-7/85<br />

Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (82 kW) 1.8 8/82-7/85<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Udstødningsventil, 33,2x8x91,2 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

053109611<br />

026109611A<br />

034109611B<br />

035109611J<br />

035109611K<br />

For reference:<br />

074145<strong>100</strong><br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 3/92-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 4 cyl. (65-85 kW) 1.8-2.0 8/86-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5/6 cyl. (83-128 2.0-2.8 8/86-7/94<br />

kW)<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (55 kW) 1.8 11/86-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (J) 2.2 8/82-7/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 1/92-10/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.8 8/83-8/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0-2.3 8/85-10/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.6-2.8 9/91-8/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (J) 2.0 8/83-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-10/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.3 6/94-6/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.6-2.8 6/94-8/94<br />

Golf/Jetta (51-83 kW) 1.6-1.8 8/85-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (66 kW) 1.8 1/84-10/87<br />

Golf/Jetta (77 kW) 1.8 1/85-7/85<br />

Golf/Vento 1.8-2.0 11/91-9/94<br />

Passat/Santana 2.2 1/85-3/88<br />

Passat/Santana 4 cyl. 1.6-2.0 8/85-9/94<br />

Passat/Santana 5 cyl. 2.0 8/85-3/88<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 5/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8-2.0 2/93-8/94<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6 5/91-9/98<br />

Seat Toledo 1.8-2.0 5/91-6/95<br />

VW T4 1.8 12/90-7/92<br />

VW T4 2.5 11/90-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 4 cyl., (65-85 kW) 1.8-2.0 8/86-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5/6 cyl., (83-128 2.0-2.8 8/86-7/94<br />

kW)<br />

Passat/Santana, 4 cyl. 1.6-2.0 8/85-9/94<br />

Passat/Santana, 5 cyl. 2.0 8/85-3/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4-2.5 D TDI 8/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.5 TDI 6/94-10/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4-2.5 D/TDI 8/91-7/94<br />

Vakumpumpe<br />

For reference:<br />

037121132B<br />

037121133B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 12/90-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.8-2.0 3/88-12/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (not RV/PN) 1.6-1.8 8/88-10/91<br />

Passat 1.6 4/88-8/91<br />

Passat 2.0 3/90-9/94<br />

Passat (55 kW) 1.8 4/88-9/96<br />

Passat (66 kW) 1.8 4/88-7/91<br />

Seat Toledo 1.8 5/91-9/98<br />

VW T4 1.8 12/90-7/92<br />

VW T4 2.0 8/92-7/94<br />

Vandflange<br />

For reference:<br />

027121133<br />

027121133A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> Quattro (PH - 66 1.8 8/85-7/88<br />

kW)<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (81-83 kW) 1.8 6/84-12/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (ABB - 75 kW) 1.6 8/90-12/91<br />

Caddy (JH - 70 kW) 1.8 8/85-7/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (77-82 kW) 1.8 GTI 12/83-7/88<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 10/85-10/91<br />

Passat 1.8-2.0 4/88-12/93<br />

Seat Toledo 1.8 5/91-3/94<br />

Vandflange<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Vandflange<br />

For reference:<br />

026121144A<br />

0261210145E<br />

026121144E<br />

037121145<br />

For reference:<br />

026121144F<br />

026121144B<br />

026121145F<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 2/92-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (55 kW) 1.8 8/86-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (65-66 kW) 1.8 3/83-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 8/88-10/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-1.9 1/83-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9D 4/97-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-3/97<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6-1.8 (Incl. D) 1/83-10/91<br />

Golf/Vento (not aut.) 1.8-2.0 (Incl. D) 11/91-9/97<br />

Lupo/Seat Arosa 1.7D 2/97-<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/86<br />

Passat 1.6-1.8 (Incl. D) 1/83-3/88<br />

Passat (not aut.) 1.6-2.0 (Incl. D) 4/88-9/96<br />

Polo 1.7-1.9D 10/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6-2.0 (Incl. D) 5/91-9/98<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 (Incl. D) 5/91-9/98<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra (not 1.9-2.0 (Incl. D) 9/95-<br />

aut.<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8 8/84-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 aut. 1.6-2.0 8/89-12/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 aut. 1.8 6/84-3/87<br />

Golf/Jetta (82 kW) 1.8GTI 8/82-2/84<br />

Golf/Vento aut. 1.9D 2/96-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento aut. (66-85 kW) 1.8-2.0 11/91-7/94<br />

Passat aut. 1.8 8/83-3/88<br />

Passat aut. 1.8-2.0 4/88-9/93<br />

Passat aut. 1.8-2.0 (incl. TD TDI) 10/93-9/96<br />

Polo Classic (MX - 66-85 1.8-2.0 3/00-9/01<br />

kW)<br />

Scirocco (82 kW) 1.8GTI 8/82-2/84<br />

Seat Toledo 2.0 5/98-9/98<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra aut. 1.9-2.0 (incl. TDI) 9/95-2/00<br />

Golf/Vento aut. 1.8-2.0 8/94-9/97<br />

Passat aut. 1.8-2.0 (incl. TD/TDI) 10/93-9/96<br />

Sharan aut. 1.9-2.0 (incl. TDI) 9/95-2/00<br />

Vandflange<br />

For reference:<br />

027121145B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 1/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 3/90-9/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-7/95<br />

Corrado 1.8-2.0 4/89-7/95<br />

Golf GTI (110kW) 2.0 8/92-9/97<br />

Golf/Jetta GTI (95-<strong>100</strong>kW) 1.8 2/88-10/91<br />

Passat 2.0 8/88-7/91<br />

Polo Classic 1.6 11/95-4/96<br />

Polo Classic 1.9D 1/96-4/96<br />

Scirocco 1.8 8/84-7/85<br />

Vandflange for kølesystem<br />

For reference:<br />

037121132G<br />

037121133K<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/91-5/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.0 8/91-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-3/97<br />

Seat Toledo (aut. + A.C.) 2.0 5/91-6/96<br />

Vandflange for kølesystem<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

037198132B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 12/90-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.8-2.0 3/88-12/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (not RV/PN) 1.6-1.8 8/88-10/91<br />

Passat 1.6 4/88-8/91<br />

Passat 2.0 3/90-9/94<br />

Passat (55 kW) 1.8 4/88-9/96<br />

Passat (66 kW) 1.8 4/88-7/91<br />

Seat Toledo 1.8 5/91-9/98<br />

VW T4 1.8 12/90-7/92<br />

VW T4 2.0 8/92-7/94<br />

Vandflange sæt, THERMEX Består af:<br />

vandflange, 3 bøsninger +3 låseringe og 3<br />

o-ringe<br />

For reference:<br />

048121121B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>/A6 1.6-2.0 12/90-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.9D 1/95-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9D 4/97-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9D 6/94-3/97<br />

Passat 1.9D 10/96-<br />

Vandflange til kølesystem<br />

Vandflange, fjeder<br />

Vandflange, kølesystem<br />

Vandflange, prop<br />

For reference:<br />

032121142<br />

025121142<br />

For reference:<br />

055121121F<br />

For reference:<br />

357121140<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 1/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 7/93-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 9/96-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 2/99-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 7/96-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A8 2.8-3.7 9/98-<br />

Golf/Bora 1.6-2.3 (incl. D) 10/97-<br />

Golf/Vento 1.4-2.8 (incl. D) 11/91-9/97<br />

LT 2.3-2.8 (incl. D) 5/96-<br />

Lupo/Seat Arosa 1.0-1.7 (incl. D) 10/98-<br />

New Beetle 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 1/98-<br />

Passat 1.6-2.5 (incl. D) 10/96-<br />

Polo 1.0-1.9 (incl. D) 10/94-<br />

Polo Classic 1.4-1.9 (incl. D) 11/95-<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 9/95-<br />

T4 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 5/96-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 4/81-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.4 8/81-9/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 8/80-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9-2.0 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Caddy 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 10/82-7/92<br />

Corrado 1.8-2.0 8/89-7/95<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.5-2.0 (incl. D) 8/81-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento 1.6 10/94-9/97<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 8/80-9/96<br />

Passat/Santana 1.6-2.0 4/81-9/96<br />

Scirocco 1.1-1.8 4/74-7/92<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 5/91-9/98<br />

Sharan 1.9-2.0 (incl. D) 9/95-<br />

VW T4 1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 9/90-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 8/91-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 9/90-9/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 9/96-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-1.9 (incl. D) 4/97-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A8 2.8 7/95-<br />

Caddy 1.4-1.9 (incl. D) 11/95-<br />

Caddy 1.6 11/83-7/91<br />

Corrado VR6 2.8-2.9 8/89-7/95<br />

Golf/Bora 1.4-2.8 (incl. D) 10/98-<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6-1.8 9/87-10/91<br />

Golf/Vento 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 11/91-9/97<br />

LT 2.4D 12/82-12/95<br />

LT 2.5D 5/96-<br />

Lupo 1.0-1.7 (incl. D) 1/99-<br />

New Beetle 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 1/98-<br />

Passat 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 4/88-<br />

Polo 1.0-1.9 (incl. D) 10/94-<br />

Polo Classic 1.4-1.9 (incl. D) 11/95-<br />

Scirocco 1.6-1.8 8/83-7/86<br />

Sharan 2.0-2.8 9/95-<br />

VW T4 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 9/90-<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

07412<strong>100</strong>4<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 5/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.5D 6/94-3/97<br />

LT (51-75 kW) 2.4D 8/92-12/97<br />

VW T4 2.4-2.5D 1/95-3/98<br />

VW T4 2.5 10/91-3/98<br />

Vandpumpe<br />

For reference:<br />

07812<strong>100</strong>4C<br />

07812<strong>100</strong>4<br />

07812<strong>100</strong>4A<br />

07812<strong>100</strong>4B<br />

07812<strong>100</strong>4CV<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.6-2.8 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.6-2.8 9/91-8/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.6-2.8 6/94-8/94<br />

Vandpumpe<br />

For reference:<br />

05412<strong>100</strong>4A<br />

05412<strong>100</strong>4<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.3 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.3 9/91-11/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.3 6/94-6/96<br />

Vandpumpe<br />

For reference:<br />

06912<strong>100</strong>4<br />

06912<strong>100</strong>5D<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D TD 10/78-12/89<br />

LT 2.4D TD 1/79-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D/TD 10/78-12/89<br />

LT 2.4D/TD 1/79-7/92<br />

Vandpumpe<br />

For reference:<br />

06812<strong>100</strong>5C<br />

04912<strong>100</strong>5A<br />

06812<strong>100</strong>5B<br />

06812<strong>100</strong>5D<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-4/81<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6 5/72-7/81<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6D 8/76-4/82<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.5D 8/76-7/80<br />

Passat/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 5/73-4/81<br />

VW T.2 1.6D TD 1/81-7/85<br />

VW T.2 1.6D/TD 1/81-7/85<br />

Vandpumpe<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

03412<strong>100</strong>4A<br />

03412<strong>100</strong>4<br />

03412<strong>100</strong>5D<br />

07412<strong>100</strong>5A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.3 5/88-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0-2.3 5/88-7/91<br />

Vandpumpe<br />

For reference:<br />

04612<strong>100</strong>4D<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5D 6/91-5/94<br />

Vandpumpe<br />

For reference:<br />

03512<strong>100</strong>4A<br />

03512<strong>100</strong>5C<br />

03512<strong>100</strong>5E<br />

03512<strong>100</strong>5K<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9-2.3 6/77-5/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.3 8/80-5/88<br />

Passat/Santana 1.9-2.2 1/81-3/88<br />

Vandpumpe<br />

Vandpumpe<br />

Vandpumpe<br />

For reference:<br />

02612<strong>100</strong>5A<br />

02612<strong>100</strong>5C<br />

02612<strong>100</strong>5E<br />

02612<strong>100</strong>5G<br />

02612<strong>100</strong>5H<br />

06812<strong>100</strong>5A<br />

For reference:<br />

02612<strong>100</strong>5AALT<br />

02612<strong>100</strong>5CALT<br />

02612<strong>100</strong>5EALT<br />

02612<strong>100</strong>5GALT<br />

02612<strong>100</strong>5HALT<br />

06812<strong>100</strong>5AALT<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 4/81-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.4 8/81-9/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-1.9D 8/80-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.0 5/81-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9-2.0 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6 8/81-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6D 4/82-7/92<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 8/81-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento 1.6 10/94-9/97<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana 1.6-1.9D 8/80-9/96<br />

Passat/Santana 1.6-2.0 4/81-9/96<br />

Polo Classic (not AEE) 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 11/95-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 5/91-<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 1.9-2.0 (incl. D) 9/95-<br />

VW T.2 (power st.) 1.6D 1/81-7/85<br />

VW T.2/T4 1.6-1.9D 8/85-<br />

VW T4 1.8-2.0 9/90-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 4/81-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.4 8/81-9/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-1.9D 8/80-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.0 5/81-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9-2.0 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6 8/81-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6D 4/82-7/92<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 8/81-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento 1.6 10/94-9/97<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana 1.6-1.9D 8/80-9/96<br />

Passat/Santana 1.6-2.0 4/81-9/96<br />

Polo Classic (not AEE) 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 11/95-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 5/91-9/98<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Vandpumpe, komplet<br />

Varmeskjold, indsprøjtningsdyse<br />

Ventil, indsugning, 34 mm, 3 riller<br />

For reference:<br />

026121010F<br />

026121010<br />

026121010A<br />

026121010C<br />

037121010<br />

037121010A<br />

For reference:<br />

068130219<br />

For reference:<br />

049109601F<br />

049109601F/OE<br />

049109601K<br />

049109601K/OE<br />

056109601A/C<br />

056109601C<br />

For reference:<br />

068109611C<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 1.9-2.0 (incl. D) 9/95-<br />

VW T.2 (power st.) 1.6D 1/81-7/85<br />

VW T.2/T4 1.6-1.9D 8/85-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-1.9D 8/80-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.0 5/81-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9-2.0 (incl D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6 8/81-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6D 4/82-7/92<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.8-2.0 (incl D) 8/81-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento 1.6 10/94-9/97<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana 1.6-1.9D 8/80-9/96<br />

Passat/Santana 1.6-2.0 4/81-9/96<br />

Polo Classic (Not AEE) 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 11/95-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 5/91-<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 1.9-2.0 (incl. D) 9/95-<br />

VW T.2 (power st.) 1.6D 1/81-7/85<br />

VW T.2/T4 1.6-1.9D 8/85-<br />

VW T4 1.8-2.0 9/90-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 4/81-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.4 8/81-9/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.4D TD 10/78-7/94<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento (not AEY) 1.5-1.9D TD 8/76-9/97<br />

LT 2.4D TD 8/78-12/95<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.9D TD 8/77-9/96<br />

Polo 1.3-1.4D 8/86-7/94<br />

Polo (AEF) 1.9D 10/94-9/01<br />

Polo Classic (1Y) 1.9D 1/96-10/96<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba (not 1.9D TD 2/93-4/97<br />

AEY)<br />

Seat Toledo 1.9D TD 5/91-9/98<br />

VW T.2/T4 1.6-2.4D TD 8/81-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.4D/TD 10/78-7/94<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento (not AEY) 1.5-1.9D/TD 8/76-9/97<br />

LT 2.4D/TD 8/78-12/95<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.9D/TD 8/77-9/96<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba (not 1.9D/TD 2/93-4/97<br />

AEY)<br />

Seat Toledo 1.9D/TD 5/91-9/98<br />

VW T.2/T4 1.6-2.4D/TD 8/81-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/83<br />

Golf/Jetta/Passat 1.5-1.6 5/72-7/83<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-7/86<br />

Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 5/72-7/83<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/85<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6D 8/76-7/85<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/86<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6D 8/76-7/85<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/85<br />

Ventil, udstødning<br />

Ventil, udstødning, 31,2 mm, 3 riller<br />

Ventildæksel<br />

For reference:<br />

049109611F<br />

049109611G<br />

056109611A<br />

073109611<br />

For reference:<br />

026103469E<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (carb.) 2.2 4/78-7/80<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (inj. - S/J/AUS) 2.2 3/77-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.7 5/72-7/83<br />

Golf/Jetta/ 1.5-1.6 5/72-7/83<br />

LT 2.4 12/82-7/92<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana 1.5-1.6 5/72-7/83<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.2 8/80-7/83<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 8/76-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.0 5/72-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-6/96<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.6-1.8 2/74-9/97<br />

Passat 1.3-1.8 5/73-9/96<br />

Polo Classic 1.6 12/95-<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

026103400A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 2/81-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (4 cyl.) 1.6-2.0 8/80-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (5 cyl.) 1.9-2.3 8/80-3/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6D 8/80-8/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (4 cyl.) 1.6-2.0 8/80-3/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (5 cyl.) 1.9-2.3 8/81-2/90<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6 (incl. D) 8/80-11/91<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.8 8/82-1/93<br />

LT 2.4 (incl. D) 12/80-12/95<br />

Passat 1.9-2.2 8/80-3/88<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3 8/83-7/86<br />

Passat/Santana 1.6-1.8 (incl. D) 8/80-7/93<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.8 5/91-<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

Ventildæksel, støttebolt<br />

For reference:<br />

046103483A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5D 1/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.5D 10/94-10/97<br />

Ventildækselpakning<br />

Ventildækselpakning<br />

Ventildækselpakning<br />

Ventildækselpakning<br />

For reference:<br />

034198025<br />

For reference:<br />

051103483A<br />

051103483E<br />

For reference:<br />

074103483B<br />

074103483<br />

For reference:<br />

078103483L<br />

078103483<br />

078103483C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9-2.0 8/80-2/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 9/80-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (121 kW) 2.2 4/86-11/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (85-101 kW) 2.2-2.3 8/84-2/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (79-85 kW) 1.9-2.2 8/81-2/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (85-<strong>100</strong> kW) 2.2-2.3 8/84-2/90<br />

Passat/Santana 1.9-2.2 8/80-3/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 3/93-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.0 2/93-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3 1.6 9/96-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-10/97<br />

Golf/Vento 1.8-2.0 1/93-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento/Bora 1.6 10/94-<br />

Passat 1.6 10/94-<br />

Passat 1.8-2.0 2/93-9/96<br />

Polo Classic 1.6 12/95-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 7/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 2.0 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 2.0 1/93-9/98<br />

Seat Toledo/Leon 1.6 10/98-<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 2.0 9/95-<br />

Skoda Octavia 1.6 10/96-<br />

VW T4 2.0 6/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 8/89-7/94<br />

VW T4 2.4-2.5 (incl D) 9/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.6-2.8 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.6-2.8 9/91-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 2.4-2.8 11/94-10/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.6-2.8 6/94-9/94<br />

Ventildækselpakning<br />

Ventildækselpakning, 8 mm hul<br />

For reference:<br />

056103483D<br />

026103483C<br />

026103483D<br />

For reference:<br />

056198025<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 5/79-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 9/76-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 9/76-<br />

Golf/Jetta/Passat 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 8/76-<br />

Passat 1.3 8/76-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Santana 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 8/76-<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/90<br />

VW T4 1.8-2.0 9/90-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 6/76-4/79<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.6 9/76-7/78<br />

Golf/Passat 1.5-1.6 (incl. D) 8/76-7/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/76-1/78<br />

Ventildækselpakningssæt<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

069198025A<br />

069198025C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D TD 2/82-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D/TD 2/82-12/87<br />

Ventildækselpakningssæt<br />

Ventildækselpakningssæt<br />

For reference:<br />

034198025C<br />

For reference:<br />

034198025D<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.3 3/90-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 11/88-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.3 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0-2.3 2/90-11/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.3 6/94-6/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (121 kW) 2.2 4/86-11/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (74-101 kW) 1.9-2.3 8/80-2/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 10/80-2/90<br />

Passat 1.9-2.2 1/81-3/88<br />

Ventildækselpakningssæt<br />

Ventildækselpakningssæt<br />

For reference:<br />

034198025F<br />

For reference:<br />

027198025<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> Quattro 2.2 8/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (118/125 kW) 2.0 2.3 8/88-12/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 Quattro (118/125 2.0 2.3 1/88-9/91<br />

kW)<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 Quattro (169 kW) 2.2 2/93-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 Quattro 2.2 6/94-7/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (118/125 kW) 2.0/2.3 8/88-12/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 Quattro (118/125<br />

kW)<br />

2.0/2.3 1/88-9/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 1/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 3/90-3/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-10/97<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 2/86-10/91<br />

Golf/Vento 2.0 8/92-3/94<br />

Passat 1.8-2.0 4/88-3/94<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8 2/94-3/94<br />

Seat Toledo 1.8-2.0 5/91-9/98<br />

Ventildækselpakningssæt<br />

Ventildækselpakningssæt, 8 mm hul<br />

Ventildækselpakningssæt, gummi<br />

For reference:<br />

026198025A<br />

056198025A<br />

For reference:<br />

026198025C<br />

026198025B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 5/79-3/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 9/76-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.4 8/81-9/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 9/76-2/93<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 8/76-1/93<br />

Passat 1.3 8/76-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 8/76-2/93<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-1.8 5/91-<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/90<br />

VW T4 1.8-2.0 9/90-6/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 5/79-3/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 9/76-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.4 8/81-9/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 9/76-2/93<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 8/76-1/93<br />

Passat 1.3 8/76-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 8/76-2/93<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-1.8 5/91-9/98<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/90<br />

VWT4 1.8-2.0 9/90-6/94<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Ventilfjeder, indvendig<br />

Ventilfjeder, ydre<br />

For reference:<br />

056109633B<br />

049109633<br />

056109633A<br />

068109633<br />

For reference:<br />

056109623B<br />

049109623<br />

056109623A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.5D 10/78-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 4 cyl. 1.6-2.0 8/76-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5/6 cyl. 1.9-2.8 3/77-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6D 8/80-8/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.6-2.8 9/91-8/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (48-85 kW) 1.6-2.0 5/72-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (51-85 kW) 1.6-2.0 7/91-10/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (79-125 kW) 1.9-2.3 10/80-11/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9D 7/94-9/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.5D 6/94-11/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.6-2.8 6/94-8/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 (74-85 kW) 2.0 6/94-10/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 (98-101 kW) 2.0-2.3 6/94-7/97<br />

Golf (110 kW) 2.0 8/92-9/97<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6D 8/76-7/85<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.6-1.9D 8/85-9/95<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento (37-118 1.5-2.0 2/74-9/94<br />

kW)<br />

LT 2.4 12/82-12/95<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-12/95<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat (110 kW) 2.0 1/94-9/96<br />

Passat/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-1.9D 8/85-9/95<br />

Passat/Santana 1.5-1.6D 8/77-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana (37-<strong>100</strong> 1.5-2.2 (incl. D) 5/73-7/94<br />

kW)<br />

Polo/Derby 0.9 10/76-9/81<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 5/91-9/98<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/85<br />

VW T4 1.8-2.5 9/90-<br />

VW T4 1.9D 9/90-7/94<br />

VW T4 2.4D 9/90-11/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 4 cyl. 1.6-2.0 8/76-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5/6 cyl. 1.9-2.8 3/77-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6D 8/80-7/85<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/89<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8-2.0 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 5/91-9/98<br />

VW T4 2.4D 8/89-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 4 cyl. 1.6-2.0 8/76-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5/6 cyl. 1.9-2.8 3/77-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6D 8/80-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.6-2.8 9/91-8/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 4 cyl. (101-103 2.0 3/90-7/95<br />

kW)<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 4 cyl. (48-83 kW) 1.5-2.0 5/72-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 4 cyl. (51-85 kW) 1.6-2.0 7/91-10/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 5 cyl. (79-125 kW) 1.9-2.3 10/80-11/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.6-2.8 6/94-8/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 (74-85 kW) 2.0 6/94-10/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 (98-101 kW) 2.0-2.3 6/94-<br />

Golf (110 kW) 2.0 8/92-9/97<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.0-1.3 2/74-7/85<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6 2/74-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6D 8/76-7/85<br />

Golf/Jetta (S/CH) 1.3 8/83-10/86<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento (53-118 1.8-2.0 8/82-9/94<br />

kW)<br />

LT 2.4 1/79-12/95<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/89<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat 2.0 1/94-9/96<br />

Passat/Santana 1.5-1.6D 8/77-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana 1.5-2.2 (incl. D) 5/73-7/94<br />

Polo/Derby 0.9-1.0 8/74-10/86<br />

Polo/Derby (29-40 kW) 1.1-1.3 8/74-7/85<br />

Polo/Derby (55 kW) 1.3 9/82-8/90<br />

Polo/Derby (S/CH) 1.3 8/82-7/88<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

VW T4 1.8-2.0 12/90-7/95<br />

VW T4 2.5 9/90-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 4 cyl. 1.6-2.0 8/76-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5/6 cyl. 1.9-2.8 3/77-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 4 cyl. (101-103 2.0 3/90-7/95<br />

kW)<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 4 cyl. (48-83 kW) 1.5-2.0 5/72-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 4 cyl. (51-85 kW) 1.6-2.0 7/91-10/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 5 cyl. (79-125 kW) 1.9-2.3 10/80-11/94<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Ventilfjederskål<br />

For reference:<br />

049109641A<br />

For reference:<br />

056109311A<br />

0561093113<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 4/5 cyl. 1.6-2.0 8/76-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5/6 cyl. 2.0-2.8 (incl. D) 3/77-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.6-2.8 9/91-8/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 4 cyl. 1.3-2.0 5/72-10/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 4 cyl. 1.6-1.9D 8/80-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 5 cyl. 1.9-2.3 (incl. D) 10/80-11/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.9D 1/95-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9-2.5D 6/94-7/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-10/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.3 6/94-7/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.6-2.8 6/94-8/94<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.0-1.6 (incl. D) 2/74-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (118 kW) 1.8 10/89-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento (47-85 kW)1.8-2.0 8/82-9/94<br />

Golf/Vento 1.4 11/91-7/92<br />

Golf/Vento 1.9D 11/91-9/97<br />

LT 2.4 (incl. D) 1/79-12/95<br />

Passat 1.5-1.9D 8/77-9/96<br />

Passat/Santana 4 cyl. 1.3-2.0 5/73-7/94<br />

Passat/Santana 5 cyl. 1.9-2.2 (incl. D) 1/81-3/88<br />

Polo 1.9D 10/94-<br />

Polo/Derby 0.9-1.4 (incl. D) 8/74-7/92<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.6 8/94-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 5/91-9/98<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 1.9D 9/95-<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 6/81-7/90<br />

VW T4 1.8-1.9 (incl. D) 9/90-<br />

VW T4 2.4-2.5 (incl. D) 9/90-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 4/5 cyl. 1.6-2.0 8/76-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5/6 cyl. 2.0-2.8 (incl. D) 3/77-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 4 cyl. 1.3-2.0 5/72-10/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 4 cyl. 1.6-1.9D 8/80-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 5 cyl. 1.9-2.3 (incl. D) 10/80-11/94<br />

Passat/Santana, 4 cyl. 1.3-2.0 5/73-7/94<br />

Passat/Santana, 5 cyl. 1.9-2.2 (incl. D) 1/81-3/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.2 8/76-10/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 10/78-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3 8/81-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-7/85<br />

LT 2.4 1/79-7/92<br />

LT 2.4D 1/79-7/89<br />

Passat 1.3 5/73-1/78<br />

Passat 1.3 8/83-7/87<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.5-1.6 (incl. D) 5/72-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.8 8/83-7/85<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9-2.2 8/80-7/85<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

Ventilløfter<br />

For reference:<br />

051103419<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 1/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 3/92-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-10/97<br />

Golf 2.0 8/92-9/97<br />

Passat 1.8-2.0 2/93-9/96<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8 2/94-<br />

Seat Toledo 2.0 3/94-9/98<br />

Ventilstyr, indsugning/udstødning, 35,0/7 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

027129243<br />

026129243A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8 8/83-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (not S/CH) 1.6-1.8 1/83-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta (not S/CH) 1.6-1.8 8/83-10/91<br />

Passat (not S/CH) 1.6-1.8 8/84-3/88<br />

Vokstermostat<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0260403AC<br />

4A0260403AB<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 7/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Aircondition køler<br />

For reference:<br />

171121321D<br />

171121321<br />

171121321B<br />

171121321F<br />

321121321D<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 6/76-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.8 (incl. D) 9/78-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 11/94-6/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.0-1.8 (incl. D) 6/75-7/89<br />

LT 2.4 (incl. D) 12/82-12/95<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 10/80-3/88<br />

Polo/Derby 0.9-1.3 (incl. D) 9/75-9/90<br />

Dæksel, ekspansionstank<br />

For reference:<br />

443121321A<br />

443121321<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 6/76-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.8 (incl. D) 9/78-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 11/94-6/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.0-1.8 (incl. D) 6/75-7/89<br />

LT 2.4 (incl. D) 12/82-12/95<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 10/80-3/88<br />

Polo/Derby 0.9-1.3 (incl. D) 9/75-9/90<br />

Dæksel, ekspansionstank<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0121403<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 8/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Ekspansionstank, køler<br />

For reference:<br />

8A0121403A<br />

431121407C<br />

443121403<br />

893121403<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.3 (incl. D) 8/82-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 4 cyl. 1.4-2.0 (incl. D) 8/86-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 5 cyl. 2.0-2.3 (incl. D) 8/86-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 4 cyl. 1.4-2.0 (incl. D) 8/86-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 5 cyl. 2.0-2.3 (incl. D) 8/86-7/91<br />

Ekspansionstank, køler<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

443121273E<br />

431121273A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9-2.5 4/78-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0-2.3 10/80-7/93<br />

Passat/Santana 1.9-2.2 1/81-3/88<br />

Gummiophæng til køler<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0121273A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-4/97<br />

Gummiophæng, køler<br />

For reference:<br />

431121273<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9-2.3 (incl. D) 6/76-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.3 (incl. D) 8/78-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.3 9/91-11/94<br />

Gummiophæng, køler<br />

For reference:<br />

443121251D<br />

443121251N<br />

E-018<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9-2.2E 8/81-7/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 11/81-11/90<br />

Køler, 615x303 mm, PL/CU<br />

For reference:<br />

443121251K<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.3 8/84-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0TD 3/88-12/90<br />

Køler, 615x310 mm, PL/ALU<br />


Motordele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0121251E<br />

4A0121251A<br />

4A0121251A/D<br />

4A0121251D<br />

A-004<br />

A-005<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5TDI 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9TDI 6/94-10/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (a.c.) 2.0 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (a.c.) 2.5TDI 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 (a.c.) 1.9TDI 6/94-10/97<br />

Køler, 630x390 mm, PL/ALU<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0121251L<br />

4A0121251K<br />

4A0121251M<br />

4A0121251Q<br />

4A0121251R<br />

A-001<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (a.c.) 2.8 8/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 V6 2.6-2.8 6/94-10/97<br />

Køler, 630x390 mm, PL/ALU<br />

For reference:<br />

4A1819371B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Kølerslange, varmeveksler, fremløb<br />

Kølerslange, varmeveksler, returløb<br />

For reference:<br />

4A1819373B<br />

For reference:<br />

443819031C<br />

443819030<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 6/76-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Varmeapparat<br />

For reference:<br />

893819809A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 1/91-6/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.5 (incl. D) 8/89-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.3-2.8 (incl. D) 7/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-10/97<br />

Varmeventil<br />


Undervogn<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

443512331<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 8/82-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Bærering for støddæmper, bag<br />

For reference:<br />

431411105P<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.4 8/82-11/90<br />

Fjeder, for<br />

For reference:<br />

443512131<br />

443512129<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.5 (incl. D) 8/82-11/90<br />

Gummiklods for støddæmper, bag<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0512131<br />

4A0512129<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Gummiklods for støddæmper, bag<br />


Undervogn<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

4A9616129<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Gummiklods til støddæmper, bag,<br />

niveauregulering<br />

For reference:<br />

443412131A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.4 (incl. D) 8/79-11/90<br />

Gummiklods, støddæmper, for<br />

For reference:<br />

443412131B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.4 (incl. D) 10/83-11/90<br />

Gummiklods, støddæmper, for<br />

For reference:<br />

431412175D<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 8/79-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Manchet, støddæmper, for<br />


Undervogn<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

443513031N<br />

443513031<br />

443513031D<br />

51165<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 11/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 10/83-7/94<br />

Støddæmper, bag<br />

For reference:<br />

443413031E<br />

443413031<br />

443413031A<br />

443413031A/E<br />

443413031F<br />

4A0413031<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 6/76-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-12/97<br />

Støddæmper, for<br />

For reference:<br />

443412377<br />

431412377C<br />

431412377D<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.4 (incl. D) 8/79-11/90<br />

Topleje, for<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0412377C<br />

4A0412337A<br />

4A0412377B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 10/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Topleje, for<br />

For reference:<br />

441412249A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.5 (incl. D) 8/81-12/90<br />

Topleje, kugleleje<br />


Undervogn<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0412249<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Topleje, kugleleje<br />


Undervogn<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

437407152A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.5 (incl. D) 9/85-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> w/power steering 1.8-2.5 (incl. D) 8/82-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, w/power steering 1.8-2.5 (incl. D) 8/82-11/90<br />

Bærearm, foran, komplet, højre<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0407152<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Bærearm, foran, komplet, højre<br />

Bærearm, foran, komplet, venstre<br />

For reference:<br />

437407151A<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0407151<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.5 (incl. D) 9/85-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> w/power steering 1.8-2.5 (incl. D) 8/82-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, w/power steering 1.8-2.5 (incl. D) 8/82-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/94<br />

Bærearm, foran, komplet, venstre<br />

For reference:<br />

443505351P<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> Quattro 1.8-2.3 8/84-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> Quattro 2.0-4.2 12/90-6/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 Quattro 1.8-4.2 (incl. D) 6/94-2/97<br />

Bærearm, venstre<br />

For reference:<br />

431505172<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.2 (incl. D) 8/82-4/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.3 (incl. D) 4/88-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.2 (incl. D) 7/86-7/87<br />

Bagbrosbøsning<br />

For reference:<br />

431511247C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.5 (incl. D) 4/79-11/90<br />

Bagbrosbøsning<br />


Undervogn<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0511247<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Bagbrosbøsning<br />

For reference:<br />

823501249<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>/A6 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 6/76-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 11/94-9/01<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.0-2.8 (incl. D) 2/74-9/97<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.8 (incl. D) 5/73-9/96<br />

Polo Classic 1.4-1.9 (incl. D) 11/95-9/99<br />

Polo/Derby 0.9-1.9 (incl. D) 8/74-8/99<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.0-2.0 (incl. D) 2/93-6/99<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 5/91-9/98<br />

Dæksel til bremse, bag<br />

Gummimanchet for tandstang<br />

For reference:<br />

431419831<br />

For reference:<br />

443511247D<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (Incl. D) 6/76-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (Incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> Quattro 1.8-2.3 10/84-11/90<br />

Gummiophæng<br />

For reference:<br />

431411327A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.3 (incl. D) 6/77-7/87<br />

Gummiophæng for stabilisator<br />


Undervogn<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0411327A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> Lim./Sed. 2.0-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> Avant 1.6-2.0 7/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 Lim./Sed. 1.9-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 Lim./Sed. 2.3-2.5 (incl. D) 7/95-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 Lim./Sed. (not 2.6-2.8 6/94-3/97<br />

AEJ)<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, Lim./Sed. 2.0-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6, Lim./Sed. 1.9-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6, Lim./Sed. 2.3-2.5 (incl. D) 7/95-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6, Lim./Sed. (not<br />

AEJ)<br />

2.6-2.8 6/94-3/97<br />

Gummiophæng for stabilisator<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0511249<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Gummiophæng front til bærearm, bag,<br />

venstre/højre<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0511247B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Gummiophæng front til bærearm, front,<br />

venstre/højre<br />

For reference:<br />

4D0511523A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> Quattro 1.8-2.3 1/86-3/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 Quattro 2.0-2.8 11/93-9/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 Quattro 1.8-2.8 6/94-7/95<br />

Gummiophæng til bagaksel<br />


Undervogn<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

4D0511523C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> Quattro 2.0-2.8 4/88-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 Quattro 2.0-2.8 8/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 Quattro 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A8 2.5-3.7 (incl. D) 6/94-<br />

Gummiophæng til bagaksel<br />

For reference:<br />

443411327<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.3 (incl. D) 7/87-12/91<br />

Gummiophæng til stabilisator<br />

For reference:<br />

431407181D<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.2 (incl. D) 6/76-8/81<br />

Gummiophæng, bærearm<br />

For reference:<br />

431407181F<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.5 (incl. D) 8/81-11/90<br />

Gummiophæng, bærearm<br />

For reference:<br />

431407183A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.5 (incl. D) 6/76-11/90<br />

Gummiophæng, bærearm<br />


Undervogn<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0407181A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Gummiophæng, bærearm<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0407183D<br />

4A0407183C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Gummiophæng, bærearm<br />

For reference:<br />

443399419<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 8/76-12/90<br />

Gummiophæng, gearkasse<br />

For reference:<br />

443399419A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9 8/81-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.5 (incl. D) 3/77-11/90<br />

Gummiophæng, gearkasse<br />


Undervogn<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

431601139A<br />

443601139A<br />

443601139C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 8/80-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 8/86-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3 1.6-1.9 (Incl. D) 9/96-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Golf 1.4-2.8 (Incl.D) 11/91-9/97<br />

Golf 1.6-2.3 (Incl. D) 10/97-<br />

Passat 2.0 1/94-9/96<br />

Passat 2.8 6/91-9/96<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 5/91-<br />

Skoda Octavia 1.6-1.9 (Incl. D) 10/96-5/97<br />

Vento 2.0-2.8 11/91-9/97<br />

Hjulbolt, stålfælge, M12x1.5x23.5<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0598625A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>/A6 1.6-2.8 (Incl. D) 6/76-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.8 8/91-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 4 cyl. 1.8-2.0 1/83-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 5 cyl. 2.0-2.3 10/84-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-2.8 (Incl. D) 11/94-2/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 4 cyl. 1.8-2.0 1/83-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 5 cyl. 2.0-2.3 10/84-7/91<br />

Hjullejesæt, bag, 1 hjul<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0598625AALT<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>/A6 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 6/76-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.8 8/91-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 4 cyl. 1.8-2.0 1/83-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 5 cyl. 2.0-2.3 10/84-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 11/94-2/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 4 cyl. 1.8-2.0 1/83-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 5 cyl. 2.0-2.3 10/84-7/91<br />

Hjullejesæt, bag, 1 hjul<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0498625<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 1/88-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 2.4-2.8 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Passat 1.9TDI 3/96-12/96<br />

Passat 1.9TDI 8/99-<br />

Passat 2.5TDI 2/99-<br />

Passat 2.8 6/97-<br />

Passat aut. 1.9TDI 3/99-<br />

Passat aut. 2.3 9/97-4/98<br />

Hjullejesæt, for, 1 hjul<br />

For reference:<br />

443498625<br />

431498625<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.2 (incl. D) 6/76-9/85<br />

Hjullejesæt, for, 1 hjul<br />

Hjullejesæt, for, 1 hjul<br />

For reference:<br />

443498625A<br />

443498625AALT<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 1/88-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.8T 8/97-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 2.4-2.8 (incl. D) 12/95-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Passat 1.8T 10/00-<br />

Passat 1.9D 10/96-<br />

Passat 2.5-2.8 (incl. D) 10/96-<br />

Passat (not 4 Motion) 2.3 1/01-<br />

Passat aut. 1.9D 1/99-<br />

Passat aut. 2.3 10/96-<br />


Undervogn<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

443498625E<br />

431498625A<br />

443498625B<br />

443498625D<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.3 (incl. D) 10/85-12/87<br />

Hjullejesæt, for, 1 hjul<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0407615B<br />

4A0407615D<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.8 8/97-9/01<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 2.4-2.8 (incl. D) 11/94-9/01<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 Quattro 1.8-3.0 (incl. D) 12/00-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.0 11/97-9/01<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.4-3.0 (incl. D) 1/98-9/01<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 aut. 1.8T 1/98-9/01<br />

Passat 1.8-1.9 (incl. D) 10/96-<br />

Passat 2.3 1/01-<br />

Passat 2.5-2.8 (incl. D) 5/97-<br />

Passat 4 Motion 1.9-2.8 (incl. D) 10/00-<br />

Passat aut. 1.9-2.3 (incl. D) 9/97-<br />

Passat, 4 Motion 1.9-2.8 (incl. D) 10/00-<br />

Hjulnav til bremseskive<br />

For reference:<br />

443407615A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (not CS) 1.6-2.3 (incl. D) 6/76-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> aut. 1.8-2.3 (incl. D) 1/88-11/90<br />

Hjulnav, bremseskive, 42 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0501653C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Hjulnav, bremseskive, bag<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0498099C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.6 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 5/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9D 7/94-1/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0-2.6 6/94-1/96<br />

Kardanledssæt, front, ydre<br />

For reference:<br />

431498099A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.3 (Incl. D) 6/76-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> aut. 1.8-2.5 (Incl. D) 1/88-11/90<br />

Kardanledssæt, front, ydre, ikke ABS<br />


Undervogn<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0407643A<br />

4A0407643<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (not Aut.) 1.8-2.5 (incl.D) 1/88-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>/A6 (to<br />

1.8-2.8 (incl.D) 12/90-1/98<br />

4B-W-<strong>100</strong>000)<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3 1.8 9/00-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.8-3.0 (incl.D) 8/97-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 (from<br />

1.9-3.0 (incl.D) 1/98-<br />

4B-W-<strong>100</strong>001)<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> TT 1.8 10/98-<br />

Golf/Bora 1.8 6/01-<br />

New Beetle 2.3 10/00-<br />

Passat 1.9-2.8 (incl.D) 10/96-<br />

Kombiskrue, M16x1,5 mm<br />

Låsering<br />

For reference:<br />

803501221<br />

For reference:<br />

443498201A<br />

443498201B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 6/76-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.8 (incl. D) 5/72-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A2 1.2-1.6 (incl. D) 6/00-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 11/94-10/00<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-10/97<br />

Caddy 1.4-1.9 (incl. D) 10/82-4/99<br />

Corrado 1.8-2.9 9/88-7/95<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.0-2.8 (incl. D) 2/74-9/97<br />

Lupo 1.0-1.7 (incl. D) 10/98-<br />

Passat 1.3-2.8 (incl. D) 5/73-9/96<br />

Polo Classic 1.4-2.0 (incl. D) 10/94-<br />

Polo/Derby 0.8-1.9 (incl. D) 4/75-<br />

Scirocco 1.1-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9-2.3 (incl. D) 9/79-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.3 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 7/93-10/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 3/90-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0-2.3 9/91-11/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 (not aut.) 1.8 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.3 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 (not aut.) 1.8 4/97-<br />

Passat 2.2 1/85-3/88<br />

Passat (not aut.) 1.8 10/96-<br />

Manchetsæt, front, indre<br />

For reference:<br />

431498201<br />

443498201<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-1.8 6/76-12/88<br />

Manchetsæt, front, indre<br />

Manchetsæt, front, indre<br />

For reference:<br />

431498201D<br />

431498201B<br />

For reference:<br />

431498203C<br />

443498203B<br />

803498203C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 3/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9 9/76-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 1/88-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 11/79-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 11/79-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 8/86-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.3 10/83-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> aut. 2.0 8/86-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> aut. 2.2 1/86-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> aut. 2.3 8/84-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 1/92-10/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 3/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.3 8/88-12/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.8 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0-2.3 6/94-<br />

Passat 2.2 6/86-3/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (not ABS) 1.6-2.3 (incl. D) 6/76-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> aut. (not ABS) 1.8-2.3 (incl. D) 1/88-11/90<br />

Manchetsæt, front, ydre<br />


Undervogn<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Manchetsæt, front, ydre<br />

For reference:<br />

443498203C<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0498203A<br />

4A0498203<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (ABS) 1.8 1/88-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (ABS) 2.0-2.4 (incl. D) 1/88-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (not ABS) 1.8 1/88-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (not ABS) 2.0 1/88-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (not ABS) 2.0-2.4D 1/88-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (not ABS) 2.2-2.3 1/88-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.6 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 5/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9D 7/94-1/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0-2.6 6/94-1/96<br />

Manchetsæt, front, ydre<br />

For reference:<br />

447407615A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> aut. 5 cyl. 2.2-2.3 8/84-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> aut., 5 cyl. 2.2-2.3 8/84-11/90<br />

Nav for skivebremse, heavy duty udrustning<br />

For reference:<br />

321501641<br />

1024056411<br />

311405641B<br />

357501641<br />

357501641B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.2 (incl. D) 6/76-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 5/72-7/95<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.0-2.0 (incl. D) 2/74-9/97<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 5/73-9/96<br />

Polo Classic 1.4-1.9 (Incl. D) 11/95-9/99<br />

Polo/Derby 0.9-1.9 (incl. D) 8/74-8/99<br />

Porsche 914/4 All 8/69-7/76<br />

Seat Arosa 1.0-1.7 (incl. D) 2/97-3/99<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.0-1.8 (incl. D) 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 5/91-9/98<br />

VW T.1 1.2-1.6 5/68-12/77<br />

VW T.3 1.5-1.6 8/65-7/73<br />

Oliepakning for baghjulsleje<br />

For reference:<br />

8A0501641A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 6/76-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.8 8/91-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80/90 4 cyl. 1.8-2.0 1/83-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80/90 5 cyl. 2.0-2.3 10/84-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 11/94-2/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80/90, 4 cyl. 1.8-2.0 1/83-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80/90, 5 cyl. 2.0-2.3 10/84-7/91<br />

Oliepakning til hjulleje, bag<br />

For reference:<br />

443498020A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.5 (Incl. D) 3/84-11/90<br />

Pakningssæt, servostyring<br />


Undervogn<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

4A1498020<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Pakningssæt, servostyring, ikke servotronic<br />

For reference:<br />

4A1498020A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (Servotronic) 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 (Servotronic) 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Reparationssæt til servostyring<br />

For reference:<br />

803407643A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.2 (incl. D) 6/76-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> aut. 1.6-2.5 (incl. D) 8/86-11/90<br />

Selvlåsende møtrik til hjulnav<br />

For reference:<br />

4A1422065<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

Servotandstang, renoveret<br />

For reference:<br />

8D0501117C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 8/89-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 11/94-9/00<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 7/96-4/97<br />

Spindel, bag<br />


Undervogn<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

443419812C<br />

443419812A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.3 (Incl. D) 8/82-11/90<br />

Styrekugle, højre, M14x1.5<br />

For reference:<br />

443419812D<br />

443419812B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.3 (incl. D) 8/82-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 7/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Styrekugle, højre, M16x1.5<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0419812A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/92<br />

Styrekugle, højre, M18x1.5<br />

For reference:<br />

443419811C<br />

443419811A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.3 (Incl. D) 8/82-11/90<br />

Styrekugle, venstre, M14x1.5<br />

For reference:<br />

443419811D<br />

443419811B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.3 (Incl. D) 8/82-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.8 (Incl. D) 7/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (Incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Styrekugle, venstre, M16x1.5<br />


Undervogn<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0419811A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/92<br />

Styrekugle, venstre, M18x1.5<br />

Styrestang, både med og uden servostyring,<br />

venstre<br />

Styrestang, både med og uden servostyring,<br />

højre<br />

Styrestang, servostyring, højre<br />

Styrestang, servostyring, venstre<br />

For reference:<br />

443419801E<br />

443419801A<br />

443419801B<br />

443419801C<br />

For reference:<br />

443419802E<br />

443419802A<br />

443419802B<br />

443419802C<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0419802A<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0419801A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.3 (Incl. D) 8/82-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.3 (Incl. D) 8/82-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>/A6 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 7/92-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>/A6 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 7/92-3/97<br />


Bremsedele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

811698525A<br />

331698525<br />

443698525<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.2 (Incl. D) 8/78-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-1.8 (Incl. D) 8/78-2/89<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.2 (Incl. D) 8/78-3/88<br />

Bremsebakkesæt, bag, 200x40 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

357698525C<br />

443698525B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.4 (incl. D) 8/82-7/93<br />

Passat 1.6 10/89-9/96<br />

Passat 1.6-1.9D 8/88-9/96<br />

Passat 1.8 4/88-9/96<br />

Passat Var. 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 4/88-9/96<br />

Bremsebakkesæt, bag, 230x40 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0615424<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 3/93-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Bremsekaliper, bag, GIRLING, højre<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0615423<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 3/93-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Bremsekaliper, bag, GIRLING, venstre<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0615124<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.5 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9-2.4 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.5D 7/95-6/96<br />

Bremsekaliper, front, ATE, højre<br />


Bremsedele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0615124A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.6-2.8 1/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.5D 1/95-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.8 6/94-3/97<br />

Bremsekaliper, front, ATE, højre<br />

For reference:<br />

443615124C<br />

443615108A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.2 8/86-3/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 4/83-3/88<br />

Bremsekaliper, front, ATE, højre<br />

For reference:<br />

443615123C<br />

443615107A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.2 8/86-3/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 4/83-3/88<br />

Bremsekaliper, front, ATE, venstre<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0615123<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.5 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9-2.4 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.5D 7/95-6/96<br />

Bremsekaliper, front, ATE, venstre<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0615123A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.6-2.8 1/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.5D 1/95-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.8 6/94-3/97<br />

Bremsekaliper, front, ATE, venstre<br />


Bremsedele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

443615124F<br />

857615124<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.2 8/84-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.3 1/88-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 4/83-7/84<br />

Bremsekaliper, front, GIRLING, højre<br />

For reference:<br />

443615124<br />

357615124A<br />

443615124A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8 8/82-11/90<br />

Golf ABS 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 2/96-9/97<br />

Polo Classic 1.6 1.9D 11/95-<br />

Polo Classic 1.6/1.9D 11/95-<br />

Bremsekaliper, front, GIRLING, højre<br />

For reference:<br />

443615123<br />

357615123A<br />

443615123A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8 8/82-11/90<br />

Golf ABS 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 2/96-9/97<br />

Polo Classic 1.6 1.9D 11/95-<br />

Polo Classic 1.6/1.9D 11/95-<br />

Bremsekaliper, front, GIRLING, venstre<br />

For reference:<br />

443615123F<br />

857615123<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.2 8/84-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.3 1/88-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 4/83-7/84<br />

Bremsekaliper, front, GIRLING, venstre<br />

Bremseklodssæt, bag, 16,6 mm<br />

Bremseklodssæt, bag, 16.6 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

443698451B<br />

437698451<br />

447698451C<br />

4A0698451<br />

For reference:<br />

443698451BALT<br />

437698451ALT<br />

447698451CALT<br />

4A0698451ALT<br />

571350JX<br />

For reference:<br />

441698151<br />

21219<br />

21306<br />

441698151A<br />

571562B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (60-85 kW) 2.0-2.4 (incl. D) 7/93-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (85 kW) 2.5D 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (98-128 kW) 2.0-2.8 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> Turbo/CS 2.2-2.3 1/88-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (125 kW) 2.3 8/88-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (51-128 kW) 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 8/92-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 (66-128 kW) 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 11/94-2/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 (66-150 kW) 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (60-85 kW) 2.0-2.4 (Incl. D) 7/93-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (85 kW) 2.5D 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (98-128 kW) 2.0-2.8 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> Turbo/CS 2.2-2.3 1/88-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (125 kW) 2.3 8/88-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (51-128 kW) 1.6-2.8 (Incl. D) 8/92-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 (66-128 kW) 1.6-2.8 (Incl. D) 11/94-2/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 (66-150 kW) 1.8-2.8 (Incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> V8 89-94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> Quattro 2.0-2.8 8/91-7/93<br />

Bremseklodssæt, for<br />


Bremsedele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

811698151A<br />

321698151A<br />

431698151E<br />

811698151B<br />

811698151E<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (51-85 kW) 1.9-2.2 (incl. D) 4/78-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (63 kW) 1.6 3/81-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (40-51 kW) 1.6D 8/82-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (40-81 kW) 1.3-1.6 8/78-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (44-55 kW) 1.3-1.6 8/82-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (79-85 kW) 1.9-2.2 8/81-7/84<br />

Bremseklodssæt, for, 19,2 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

811698151AALT<br />

321698151AALT<br />

431698151EALT<br />

811698151BALT<br />

811698151EALT<br />

T0291NAOX<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (51-85 kW) 1.9-2.2 (incl. D) 4/78-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (63 kW) 1.6 3/81-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (40-51 kW) 1.6D 8/82-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (40-81 kW) 1.3-1.6 8/78-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (44-55 kW) 1.3-1.6 8/82-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (79-85 kW) 1.9-2.2 8/81-7/84<br />

Bremseklodssæt, for, 19,2 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

443698151F<br />

443698151H<br />

443698151H/K<br />

443698151K<br />

8A0698151B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (<strong>100</strong> kW) 2.2 8/79-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (51-101 kW) 1.8-2.3 (incl. D) 8/82-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (40-110 kW) 1.6-2.6 (incl. D) 8/86-7/92<br />

Bremseklodssæt, for, 19,6 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

443698151FALT<br />

443698151HALT<br />

443698151KALT<br />

8A0698151BALT<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (<strong>100</strong> kW) 2.2 8/79-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (51-101 kW) 1.8-2.3 (Incl. D) 8/82-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (40-110 kW) 1.6-2.6 (Incl. D) 8/86-7/92<br />

Bremseklodssæt, for, 19,6 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0698151ALT<br />

T1035X<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (60-128 kW) 1.6-2.8 (incl D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 (66-150 kW) 1.8-2.8 (incl D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Bremseklodssæt, for, 19,8 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

895698151<br />

447698151<br />

447698151A<br />

895698151A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5D 1/90-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> CS/Turbo 2.2-2.3 1/86-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.8 9/91-7/95<br />

Bremseklodssæt, for, 19.5 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0698151<br />

T1035<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (60-128 kW) 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 (66-150 kW) 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Bremseklodssæt, for, 19.8 mm<br />


Bremsedele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

443615601E<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.5 (incl. D) 1/88-12/90<br />

Bremseskive, 14" fælge, 245x10 mm, bag<br />

For reference:<br />

437615601<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> CS/Turbo 2.2-2.3 8/84-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> Quattro Sport 2.2 7/80-7/91<br />

Bremseskive, 15" Fælg, 10 mm, bag<br />

For reference:<br />

443615601<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 14' wheel 2.0-2.3 (incl. D) 8/82-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.8-2.3 8/86-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0-2.8 9/91-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (ABS) 1.6 9/91-10/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (ABS) 1.9-2.8 (incl. D) 9/91-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 14' wheel 2.0-2.3 (incl. D) 8/82-12/87<br />

Bremseskive, bag, 245x10 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

443615601B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> Quattro (15 wheels) 2.3<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 200 Turbo /Quattro 2.2 3/85-10/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A8 Quattro 3.7-4.2 9/93-9/98<br />

Bremseskive, bag, 245x10 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0615601A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 (not Quattro) 1.8-4.2 (incl. D) 6/94-<br />

Passat 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 10/96-11/99<br />

Bremseskive, bag, 245x10 mm<br />


Bremsedele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

447615601A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> Avant Turbo 2.2 1/86-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A8 2.8-3.7 7/95-12/98<br />

Bremseskive, bag, ventileret, 269x20 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0615601B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> Avant Quattro 2.6-2.8 7/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 Quattro 2.6-2.8 6/94-6/95<br />

Bremseskive, bag, ventileret, 269x20 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

443615301<br />

431615301<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.9-2.2 6/76-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (not Avant) 1.6-1.8 6/76-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 8/86-7/91<br />

Bremseskive, for, 256x13 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0615301B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 12/90-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.5 (Incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.8 11/94-10/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.5 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Bremseskive, for, 288x15 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

437615301A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 10/84-1/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> Quatro 2.2 9/82-3/88<br />

Bremseskive, ventileret, 280x22 mm, for<br />


Bremsedele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

443615301B<br />

431615301A<br />

443615301A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/84-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.4D 8/84-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 14 wheels 2.2-2.3<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> Avant 1.8 8/84-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.8-2.3 8/86-8/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 14 wheels 2.2-2.3<br />

Bremseskive, ventileret, for, 256x22 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0615301C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.6-2.8 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.8-2.8 (Incl. D) 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 4/97-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.5-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Passat 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 7/98-<br />

Bremseskive, ventileret, for, 288x25 mm<br />

Bremseslange, bag<br />

Bremseslange, bag<br />

Bremseslange, bag, 260 mm<br />

Bremseslange, bag, skivebremse<br />

Bremseslange, for<br />

Bremseslange, for<br />

Bremseslange, for, 325 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0611775<br />

For reference:<br />

433611775A<br />

171611775<br />

175611775<br />

For reference:<br />

443611775A<br />

For reference:<br />

443611775F<br />

803611707<br />

8D0611775D<br />

For reference:<br />

431611707<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0611707<br />

For reference:<br />

171611701L<br />

171611701A<br />

171611701G<br />

171611701G/OE<br />

171611701L/OE<br />

175611701H<br />

191611701<br />

191611701/OE<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> Quattro 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.4 (incl. D) 1/86-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> left 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 6/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> left 1.8-2.5 (incl. D) 8/82-12/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> left 2.2 3/77-7/81<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.6 5/72-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.0-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-10/91<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 5/73-10/93<br />

Polo/Derby 0.9-1.4 (incl. D) 8/74-7/94<br />

VW T.2 1.6-2.1 (incl. D) 5/79-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, left 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 6/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, left 1.8-2.5 (incl. D) 8/82-12/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, left 2.2 3/77-7/81<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 1/86-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.2 (incl. D) 8/82-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 (incl. D) 8/84-12/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 1/86-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 6/76-7/82<br />

LT 2.0-2.7 (incl. D) 12/82-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.3 (incl. D) 1/88-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.3 (incl. D) 5/72-8/89<br />

Golf/Jetta (33-82 kW) 1.0-1.8 (incl. D) 10/78-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (95-102 kW) 1.8 2/86-5/89<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 8/77-3/88<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 5/91-7/94<br />


Bremsedele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

443501615A<br />

431501615<br />

443501615<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> heavy duty brake 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 8/81-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (<strong>100</strong> kW) 2.2 3/77-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (77-85 kW - not S)2.2 3/77-7/84<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.3 (incl. D) 9/91-6/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, heavy duty brake 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 8/81-12/87<br />

Bremsetromle, bag, 230x40 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0501615A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.5 (Incl. D) 12/90-2/92<br />

Bremsetromle, bag, 230x40 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0501615B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.5 (incl. D) 3/92-7/94<br />

Bremsetromle, bag, 230x40 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

443614151G<br />

443614151A<br />

443614151H<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 8/83-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.3 (incl. D) 9/86-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Bremsetryksregulator<br />

For reference:<br />

811614151<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.2 (incl. D) 6/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 8/78-3/87<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.1-1.7 8/78-7/81<br />

Golf/Jetta aut. 1.6GTI 6/76-7/78<br />

Passat 1.6 8/77-11/80<br />

Scirocco 1.1-1.7 8/78-7/81<br />

Scirocco 1.6GTI 6/76-7/78<br />

Bremsetryksregulator<br />


Bremsedele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

443609721<br />

443609721F<br />

443609721K<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 8/83-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.2 (incl. D) 8/82-7/83<br />

Håndbremsekabel<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0609721F<br />

4A0609721C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.8 12/90-3/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5D 12/90-3/93<br />

Håndbremsekabel, skivebremse<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0609721D<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.0 7/93-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 7/93-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (Fr. ch. 2.0-2.8 3/93-7/94<br />

4A-P-078949)<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (Fr. ch. 2.5D 3/93-7/94<br />

4A-P-078949)<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Håndbremsekabel, skivebremse, bag<br />

For reference:<br />

443609721G<br />

443609721E<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.3 (incl. D) 1/88-11/90<br />

Håndbremsekabel, skivebremse, bag<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0609721E<br />

4A0609721B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 3/92-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 12/90-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 5/91-7/93<br />

Håndbremsekabel, tromlebremse<br />

Hjulcylinder, bag, 17,46 mm (Til biler med ALB<br />

ventil)<br />

For reference:<br />

331611051A<br />

331611051<br />

331611053<br />

6N0611053<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.0 8/89-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 6/76-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.4D 8/89-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 3/77-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.6 8/78-10/79<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 1/92-9/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 9/74-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9D 9/91-9/92<br />

Golf (47-55 kW) 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 8/94-9/97<br />

Golf (48-66 kW) 1.6 (incl. D) 11/91-7/94<br />

Golf (66 kW) 1.8 10/94-3/95<br />

Golf (74 kW) 1.6 7/94-3/95<br />

Golf aut. 1.6 7/94-9/97<br />

Golf aut. 1.8 3/95-9/97<br />

Golf Var. 1.4 11/91-7/94<br />

Golf/Jetta (33-66 kW) 1.0-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta (81-82 kW) 1.6-1.8 2/76-7/83<br />

Golf/Vento (ABS) 1.4-2.0 (incl. D) 11/91-9/97<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-1.8 5/73-3/88<br />

Passat/Santana 1.6D 8/82-3/88<br />

Passat/Santana 1.9-2.2 8/81-3/88<br />

Polo 1.0-1.9 (Incl. D) 10/94-<br />

Polo Classic 1.4-1.9 (Incl. D) 11/95-<br />

Polo/Derby 0.9-1.3 3/75-2/85<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.0-1.9 (incl. D) 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 5/91-<br />


Bremsedele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

357611053B<br />

357611053<br />

3A0611053<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 2.4D 12/90-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.0 (Incl. D) 8/92-6/95<br />

Passat 1.6-1.9 (Incl. D) 4/88-9/96<br />

Skoda Octavia man. 1.6 1.9D 10/96-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0/2.4D 12/90-7/93<br />

Skoda Octavia man. 1.6/1.9D 10/96-<br />

Hjulcylinder, bag, 20,64 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

443611021<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5 cyl. 1.9-2.3 8/82-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5 cyl. 1.9-2.3 8/82-11/90<br />

Hovedbremsecylinder<br />

For reference:<br />

893611019E<br />

893611019A<br />

893611021B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (not ABS) 1.8-2.5 (incl. D) 8/86-12/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (not ABS) 1.6-2.3 (incl. D) 9/86-7/91<br />

Hovedbremsecylinder, 22,20 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0611021A<br />

4A0611019D<br />

4A0611021D<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 8/92-7/95<br />

Hovedbremsecylinder, 23,81 mm<br />

Quick bremsesæt, bag<br />

For reference:<br />

QUICK0597<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 4 cyl. 1.6-2.2 (incl. D) 8/78-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 8/78-8/91<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 8/78-3/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 4 cyl. 1.6-2.2 (incl. D) 8/78-7/82<br />

For reference:<br />

QUICK0681<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 8/89-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.3 (incl. D) 9/91-7/92<br />

Passat Lim. 1.6-1.8 (incl. D) 10/89-7/91<br />

Passat Lim. 1.9D 4/88-7/91<br />

Passat Var. 1.6 (incl. TD) 488-7/91<br />

Passat Var. 1.8-1.9 (incl. D) 4/88-7/91<br />

Quick bremsesæt, bag<br />

For reference:<br />

191698424A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.8 (incl. D) 11/87-3/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 8/83-11/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.8-2.0 1/83-12/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0-2.3 6/84-12/91<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 8/83-2/88<br />

Passat 2.2 1/85-3/88<br />

Reparationssæt for kaliper, bag, højre<br />


Bremsedele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

191698423A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.8 (Incl. D) 11/87-3/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 8/83-11/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.8-2.0 1/83-12/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0-2.3 6/84-12/91<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 8/83-2/88<br />

Passat 2.2 1/85-3/88<br />

Reparationssæt for kaliper, bag, venstre<br />

For reference:<br />

447698424<br />

Aud <strong>100</strong> Quattro 1.8-2.8 10/84-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 Quattro 1.8-2.3 11/87-9/91<br />

Reparationssæt for kaliper, bag, højre<br />

For reference:<br />

447698423<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> Quattro 1.8-2.8 10/84-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 Quattro 1.8-2.3 11/87-9/91<br />

Reparationssæt for kaliper, bag, venstre<br />

For reference:<br />

8A0698021S<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> LHD (not ABS) 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 LHD (not ABS) 1.6-2.3 (incl. D) 8/92-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 LHD (not ABS) 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, LHD (not ABS) 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, LHD (not ABS) 1.6-2.3 (incl. D) 8/92-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6, LHD (not ABS) 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Reparationssæt til hovedbremsecylinder<br />

For reference:<br />

893698021BS<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> LHD (not ABS) 1.8 8/88-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> RHD (not ABS) 1.8 1/88-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (not ABS) 1.8-2.5 (incl. D) 8/89-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (not ABS) 1.6-2.3 (incl. D) 8/86-12/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, LHD (not ABS) 1.8 8/88-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, RHD (not ABS) 1.8 1/88-7/89<br />

Reparationssæt til hovedbremsecylinder<br />


Bremsedele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Reparationssæt, hjulcylinder<br />

For reference:<br />

331698261S<br />

For reference:<br />

443698471<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.0 8/89-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.4D 8/89-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 1/92-9/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.9D 9/91-9/92<br />

Golf 1.6 11/91-9/97<br />

Golf 1.8 10/94-3/95<br />

Golf 1.9D 8/94-9/97<br />

Golf aut. 1.6 7/94-9/97<br />

Golf aut. 1.8 3/95-9/97<br />

Golf Var. 1.4 11/91-7/94<br />

Golf/Vento ABS 1.4-2.0 (incl. D) 11/91-9/97<br />

Polo (not AMF) 1.0-1.9 (incl. D) 10/94-<br />

Polo Classic 1.4-1.9 (incl. D) 11/95-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.0-1.9 (incl. D) 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo (not AHU) 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 5/91-9/98<br />

Vento 1.4-1.6 1/92-9/97<br />

Vento 1.8 1/92-7/94<br />

Vento 1.9D 1/92-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento, ABS 1.4-2.0 (incl. D) 11/91-9/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.3 (incl. D) 8/82-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.3 (incl. D) 8/86-12/91<br />

Tætningssæt til bremsekaliper<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0698471<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 3/92-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.3-2.8 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 5/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.9-2.5D 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 2.4-2.8 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 (110 kW) 1.8 3/95-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 (85-92 kW) 1.8 11/94-9/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-<br />

Passat 1.8 10/96-<br />

Passat 1.9-2.5D 10/96-<br />

Passat 2.3-2.8 9/97-<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 9/95-<br />

Tætningssæt til bremsekaliper<br />

Tætningssæt, bremsekaliper<br />

Tætningssæt, bremsekaliper<br />

For reference:<br />

535698671<br />

443698671B<br />

For reference:<br />

431698471B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.8 (Incl. D) 10/87-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.8 (Incl. D) 10/87-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3 1.6-1.9 (Incl. D) 9/96-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-2.8 (Incl. D) 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (Incl. D) 7/95-<br />

Golf 1.4-2.3 (Incl. D) 10/97-<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 12/89-10/91<br />

Golf/Vento 1.4-2.8 (Incl. D) 11/91-9/97<br />

Passat 1.6-2.8 (Incl. D) 10/96-<br />

Passat 1.8-2.8 (Incl. D) 5/90-9/96<br />

Polo 1.4 4/96-<br />

Polo Classic 1.4-1.9 (Incl. D) 5/96-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8-2.0 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.8-2.0 5/91-<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 1.8-2.8 (Incl. D) 9/95-<br />

Skoda Octavia 1.6-1.9 (Incl. D) 10/96-<br />

VW T4 2.0-2.8 (Incl. D) 1/96-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.5 (incl. D) 8/82-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.6 (incl. D) 8/86-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.8 9/96-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.9D 1/95-<br />

Golf 2.8 1/92-6/95<br />

Golf (110 kW) 2.0 11/91-5/96<br />

Golf (95-118 kW) 1.8 10/88-10/91<br />

Golf (ABS) 1.4-1.6 5/96-9/96<br />

Golf GT 1.6 9/92-9/94<br />

Golf GT 1.8 11/91-5/96<br />

Golf Var. 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 11/91-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento 1.6 10/94-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento (ABS) 1.6-2.0 (Incl. D) 5/96-9/97<br />

Golf/Vento aut. 1.8 3/95-9/97<br />

Passat 1.6 10/89-9/92<br />

Passat 1.6 10/94-9/96<br />

Passat 1.6-1.9 (Incl. D) 10/96-<br />

Passat 1.8-2.0 (Incl. D) 4/88-9/96<br />

Passat 2.8 6/91-9/93<br />

Passat ABS 1.6 4/88-9/96<br />


Bremsedele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

443612061H<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.8-2.0 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.8-2.0 5/91-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.5 (incl. D) 2/88-12/90<br />

Trykkugle<br />


Monteringsdele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

443881743<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 6/76-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.8 (incl. D) 9/74-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-10/97<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.0-2.8 (incl. D) 8/74-9/97<br />

LT 2.0-2.7 (incl. D) 4/75-12/95<br />

Passat 1.3-2.8 (incl. D) 5/73-9/96<br />

Polo 1.0-1.9 (incl. D) 10/81-<br />

Polo Classic 1.4-2.0 (incl. D) 11/95-<br />

VW T.2 1.6-2.1 (incl. D) 5/79-7/92<br />

VW T4 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 9/90-<br />

Clips til nakkestøtte<br />

For reference:<br />

8D0837187<br />

8D083718701C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.8 (incl. D) 4/94-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 9/96-8/00<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 11/94-9/01<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-5/01<br />

Dørlåsknop<br />

For reference:<br />

4A1721507J<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Gaspedal<br />

For reference:<br />

443721173<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>/200 1.6-2.5 (incl. D) 7/82-11/90<br />

Pedalgummi for kobling og bremse<br />


Monteringsdele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

4D1721173<br />

4D172117301C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> man. 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 man. 1.6-4.2 (incl. D) 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 man. 1.8-4.2 (incl. D) 6/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A8 man. 2.5-4.2 (incl. D) 6/94-9/02<br />

Passat man. 1.6-4.0 (incl. D) 10/96-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, man. 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4, man. 1.6-4.2 (incl. D) 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6, man. 1.8-4.2 (incl. D) 6/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A8, man. 2.5-4.2 (incl. D) 6/94-9/02<br />

Passat, man. 1.6-4.0 (incl. D) 10/96-<br />

Pedalgummi til kobling/bremse<br />

For reference:<br />

435881203A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>/A6 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 8/80-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80/A4 1.3-2.8 (incl. D) 8/80-<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.0-2.8 (incl. D) 8/80-9/97<br />

Passat 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 10/96-9/97<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.8 (incl. D) 5/73-9/96<br />

Polo Classic 1.4-2.0 (incl. D) 11/95-<br />

Polo/Derby 1.0-1.9 (incl. D) 10/81-<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.0-2.0 (incl. D) 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 5/91-<br />

Plastikstyr til sædeskinne, for<br />

For reference:<br />

191881213<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.3 (incl. D) 6/76-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 8/77-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.0-2.8 (incl. D) 7/74-9/97<br />

Lupo 1.2D 9/00-<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.8 (incl. D) 8/77-9/96<br />

Polo Classic 1.4-1.9 (Incl. D) 11/95-9/01<br />

Polo/Derby 1.0-1.9 (incl. D) 10/81-9/01<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.0-2.0 (incl. D) 2/93-<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 5/91-9/98<br />

Plastikstyr til sædeskinne, indre<br />

Ruderegulator, højre/venstre<br />

For reference:<br />

321837581<br />

1138375814<br />

1138375817<br />

321837581A<br />

321837601<br />

For reference:<br />

4A1905855<br />

4A1905855C<br />

924 All 8/76-7/85<br />

944 All 8/83-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.2 (incl. D) 6/76-7/77<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.8 (Incl. D) 8/75-5/84<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.1-1.8 (Incl. D) 2/74-7/83<br />

LT 2.0-2.4 (Incl. D) 8/83-1/93<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-1.6 (Incl. D) 6/74-1/83<br />

Polo/Derby 0.9-1.3 8/74-2/83<br />

VW T.1 1.2-1.6 8/74-4/79<br />

VW T.2 1.6-2.0 5/79-7/85<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 8/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 7/95-3/97<br />

Tændingslåscylinder<br />


Monteringsdele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

443905855A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.3 (incl. D) 10/83-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> police/taxi 1.8-2.5 (incl. D) 1/88-12/90<br />

Tændingslåscylinder<br />

For reference:<br />

895905855A<br />

893905855A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.3 (Incl. D) 1/88-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.3 (Incl. D) 12/83-7/91<br />

Tændingslåscylinder<br />

For reference:<br />

441905851<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.5 (incl. D) 8/88-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.5 (incl. D) 8/86-12/90<br />

Tændingslåshus, ratlås, komplet<br />

For reference:<br />

443839398D<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.3 8/80-7/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 8/82-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 8/89-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5D 2/90-12/90<br />

Vinduesoprul, bag, elektrisk, højre<br />

For reference:<br />

443839397D<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.3 8/82-7/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 8/82-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 8/89-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5D 2/90-12/90<br />

Vinduesoprul, bag, elektrisk, venstre<br />


Monteringsdele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

443839400A<br />

443839400B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.3 8/82-7/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 8/82-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 8/89-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5D 2/90-12/90<br />

Vinduesoprul, bag, højre<br />

For reference:<br />

443839399A<br />

443839399B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.3 8/82-7/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 8/82-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 8/89-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5D 2/90-12/90<br />

Vinduesoprul, bag, venstre<br />

For reference:<br />

443837398D<br />

443837398B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.3 8/82-7/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 8/82-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 8/89-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5D 2/90-12/90<br />

Vinduesoprul, for, elektrisk, højre<br />

For reference:<br />

443837397D<br />

443837397B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.3 8/82-7/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 8/82-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 8/89-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5D 2/90-12/90<br />

Vinduesoprul, for, elektrisk, venstre<br />


Monteringsdele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

443837400C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.3 1/88-7/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 1/88-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 8/89-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5D 2/90-12/90<br />

Vinduesoprul, for, højre<br />

For reference:<br />

443837399C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.3 8/82-7/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 8/82-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 8/89-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5D 2/90-12/90<br />

Vinduesoprul, for, venstre<br />


Monteringsdele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

443837206C<br />

443837206B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.3 (incl. D) 8/82-12/87<br />

Håndtag med nøgle, ydre, for, højre<br />

For reference:<br />

443837206F<br />

893837208<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.3 1/88-7/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 1/88-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 8/89-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5D 2/90-12/90<br />

Håndtag med nøgle, ydre, for, højre<br />

For reference:<br />

443837205C<br />

443837205B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.3 (incl. D) 8/82-12/87<br />

Håndtag med nøgle, ydre, for, venstre<br />

For reference:<br />

443837205F<br />

893837207<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.3 1/88-7/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 1/88-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 8/89-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5D 2/90-12/90<br />

Håndtag med nøgle, ydre, for, venstre<br />

For reference:<br />

443839206B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.3 (incl. D) 8/82-12/87<br />

Håndtag, bag, højre<br />

For reference:<br />

443839206C<br />

443839208B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.3 1/88-7/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 1/88-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 8/89-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5D 2/90-12/90<br />

Håndtag, bag, højre<br />

For reference:<br />

443839205B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.3 (incl. D) 8/82-12/87<br />

Håndtag, bag, venstre<br />

For reference:<br />

443839205C<br />

443839207B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.3 1/88-7/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 1/88-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.4D 8/89-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5D 2/90-12/90<br />

Håndtag, bag, venstre<br />


Monteringsdele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

893601147<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.5 (incl. D) 8/82-9/90<br />

Hjulkapsel<br />

For reference:<br />

893862055<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.3 (incl. D) 8/82-7/86<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> Limousine 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 8/87-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.8 (incl. D) 6/84-3/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 Limousine 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 8/86-8/91<br />

Lås til bagklap med nøgler<br />

For reference:<br />

4A5862055<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> Limousine 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 Limousine 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 9/91-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 Limousine 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A8 2.5-3.7 (incl. D) 6/94-2/96<br />

Lås til bagklap med nøgler<br />

For reference:<br />

893837276<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.3 (incl. D) 1/88-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.4-2.3 (incl. D) 8/86-12/91<br />

Låsehægte til dørhåndtag, højre<br />

For reference:<br />

893837275<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.3 (incl. D) 1/88-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.3 (incl. D) 8/86-12/91<br />

Låsehægte til dørhåndtag, venstre<br />


Monteringsdele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Monteringsliste til dørhåndtag<br />

For reference:<br />

893837109E<br />

For reference:<br />

4A1857502H<br />

4A1857502H3FZ<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> front 1.8-2.5 (incl. D) 1/88-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> front/rear 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 1/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 front 1.4-2.8 (incl. D) 8/86-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 9/96-9/98<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 rear 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 11/94-12/98<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 Avant front 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 9/95-12/98<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 Lim. front 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 11/94-12/98<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 front/rear 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-10/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A8 front/rear 2.5-3.7 (incl. D) 6/94-12/98<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, front 1.8-2.5 (incl. D) 1/88-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, front/rear 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 1/91-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, front 1.4-2.8 (incl. D) 8/86-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 Avant, front 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 9/95-12/98<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 Lim., front 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 11/94-12/98<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4, rear 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 11/94-12/98<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6, front/rear 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-10/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A8, front/rear 2.5-3.7 (incl. D) 6/94-12/98<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

Sidespejl, elektrisk, opvarmet, konveks, højre<br />

For reference:<br />

4A1857501H<br />

4A1857501H3FZ<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

Sidespejl, elektrisk, opvarmet, venstre<br />

For reference:<br />

4A1857535AB<br />

4A1857535A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.8 (incl. D) 7/93-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 9/96-8/00<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 11/94-12/98<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-10/97<br />

Sidespejlglas, asfærisk, venstre<br />

For reference:<br />

4A1857535AC<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.8 (incl. D) 7/93-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 9/96-8/00<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 11/94-12/98<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-10/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-7/99<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A8 2.5-4.2 (incl. D) 6/94-<br />

Sidespejlsglas, asfærisk, opvarmet, venstre<br />

For reference:<br />

443857508A<br />

443857502G<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.5 (incl. D) 8/82-11/90<br />

Spejl, højre<br />

For reference:<br />

443857507A<br />

443857501F<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.5 (incl. D) 8/82-11/90<br />

Spejl, venstre<br />


Monteringsdele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0857508<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 7/93-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 9/96-8/00<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 11/94-12/98<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-6/99<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A8 2.5-4.2 (incl. D) 6/94-12/98<br />

Sharan 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 7/96-<br />

Spejlhus, grundet, højre<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0857507<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 7/93-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 9/96-8/00<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 11/94-12/98<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-6/99<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A8 2.5-4.2 (incl. D) 6/94-12/98<br />

Sharan 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 7/96-<br />

Spejlhus, grundet, venstre<br />

For reference:<br />

8D0955987<br />

893955985<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>/A6 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 8/86-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80/A4 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 9/86-12/98<br />

Sharan/Seat Alhambra 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 9/95-2/00<br />

Sprinklerdyse, ikke opvarmet<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0075110A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-<br />

Stænklappesæt, for<br />

For reference:<br />

191201553A<br />

1H0201553B<br />

533201553A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 7/89-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 9/86-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 9/96-4/99<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 11/94-5/99<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-4.2 (incl. D) 6/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> TT 1.8 10/98-9/00<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento/Bora 1.0-2.8 (incl. D) 8/83-4/99<br />

New Beetle 1.8-2.0 (incl. D) 1/98-5/99<br />

Passat 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 4/88-4/99<br />

Polo 1.0-1.9 (incl. D) 10/94-12/99<br />

Polo Classic 1.4-2.0 (incl. D) 11/95-5/00<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.0-2.0 (incl. D) 2/93-5/00<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.3 (incl. D) 5/91-4/99<br />

Skoda Octavia 1.4-2.0 (incl. D) 10/96-<br />

Tankdæksel, centrallås<br />


Monteringsdele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

191201551A<br />

191201551<br />

533201551F<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 7/89-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 1/88-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 11/94-12/98<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 1.0-2.8 (incl. D) 8/83-9/97<br />

Passat 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 4/88-9/96<br />

Polo Classic 1.4-1.9 (incl. D) 11/95-7/97<br />

Seat Ibiza/Cordoba 1.0-2.0 (incl. D) 2/93-9/97<br />

Seat Toledo 1.6-2.0 (incl. D) 5/91-9/98<br />

Tankdæksel, låsbar<br />

For reference:<br />

443201551S<br />

443201551F<br />

443201551G<br />

443201551L<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.3 (incl. D) 8/78-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 8/78-1/88<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 8/80-3/88<br />

Tankdæksel, låsbar<br />

For reference:<br />

867201551<br />

1492015512<br />

803201551D<br />

861201551<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.2 (incl. D) 6/76-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 5/72-7/78<br />

Passat 1.3-1.6 (incl. D) 5/73-7/80<br />

Polo/Derby 0.9-1.4 (incl. D) 8/74-7/94<br />

VW T.1 1.2-1.6 8/67-12/71<br />

Tankdæksel, låsbar<br />

For reference:<br />

431998001A<br />

431955425C<br />

431998001<br />

431998003<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.2 (incl. D) 8/76-2/83<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 8/78-8/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6D 8/83-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 8/83-10/91<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 8/80-3/88<br />

VW T.2 1.6-2.1 (incl. D) 5/79-7/92<br />

Viskerbladssæt, 450 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

431998001AS<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.2 (incl. D) 8/76-2/83<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 8/78-8/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6D 8/83-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 8/83-10/91<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 8/80-3/88<br />

VW T.2 1.6-2.1 (incl. D) 5/79-7/92<br />

Viskerbladssæt, 450 mm, med spoiler<br />


Monteringsdele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

357998001D<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.5 (incl. D) 8/82-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.8 (incl. D) 9/86-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 8/94-<br />

Passat 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 4/88-8/96<br />

Viskerbladssæt, 530 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

357998001DS<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.5 (incl. D) 8/82-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.8 (incl. D) 9/86-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 8/94-<br />

Passat 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 4/88-9/96<br />

Viskerbladssæt, 530 mm, med spoiler<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0998001<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-10/97<br />

Viskerbladssæt, 550 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0998001S<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-10/97<br />

Viskerbladssæt, 550 mm, med spoiler<br />


Lygter og eldele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

443945225<br />

443945225A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> Limousine 1.6-2.5 (incl. D) 8/82-11/90<br />

Baglygte, indre, uden sokkel, venstre<br />

For reference:<br />

443945226<br />

443945226A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.5 (incl. D) 8/82-11/90<br />

Baglygte, indre, uden sokkel, venstre<br />

For reference:<br />

443945218<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.5 (incl. D) 8/82-11/90<br />

Baglygte, uden sokkel, ydre, venstre<br />

For reference:<br />

443945217<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.5 (incl. D) 8/82-11/90<br />

Baglygte, ydre, uden sokkel, venstre<br />


Lygter og eldele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0953050<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

Blinklys, front, gul, højre<br />

For reference:<br />

443953050<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.5 (incl. D) 8/82-11/90<br />

Blinklys, front, gul, uden sokkel, højre<br />

For reference:<br />

443953049<br />

443953049E<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.5 (incl. D) 8/82-11/90<br />

Blinklys, front, gul, uden sokkel, venstre<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0953049<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

Blinklys, front, gul, venstre<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0941030<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

Forlygte, H4, man. just., højre<br />


Lygter og eldele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

443941030E<br />

44394<strong>100</strong>4A<br />

443941030<br />

443941030A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.5 (incl. D) 8/82-11/90<br />

Forlygte, H4, man. just., højre<br />

For reference:<br />

443941029E<br />

44394<strong>100</strong>3A<br />

443941029<br />

443941029A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.5 (incl. D) 8/82-11/90<br />

Forlygte, H4, man. just., venstre<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0941029<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

Forlygte, H4, man. just., venstre<br />

For reference:<br />

443941106<br />

443941116A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.5 (incl. D) 8/82-12/90<br />

Forlygteglas, højre<br />

For reference:<br />

443941105<br />

443941115A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.5 (incl. D) 8/82-11/90<br />

Forlygteglas, venstre<br />

For reference:<br />

161949117<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 8/82-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.8 (incl. D) 8/83-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-<br />

Golf 1.0-1.8 (incl. D) 8/83-10/91<br />

Jetta 1.3-1.8 (incl. D) 8/79-10/91<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 8/80-3/88<br />

Polo/Derby 0.9-1.4 (incl. D) 10/81-7/94<br />

Sideblinklys, gul, højre/venstre<br />


Lygter og eldele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

443941700F<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.5 (incl. D) 8/82-11/90<br />

Tågelygte, højre<br />

For reference:<br />

443941699F<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.5 (incl. D) 8/82-11/90<br />

Tågelygte, venstre<br />


Lygter og eldele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

893947561A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 8/86-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (switch alarm) 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 8/86-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 (switch alarm) 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 (switch alarm) 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-2/97<br />

Afbryder til dørkontakt<br />

For reference:<br />

012919823A<br />

012919823B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>/A6 5 sp. 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 1/88-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 5 sp. 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 9/86-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>/A6, 5 sp. 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 1/88-3/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 5 sp. 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 9/86-7/95<br />

Baklys/klimaanlægkontakt<br />

For reference:<br />

01E941521<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5TDI 7/95-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.5TDI 8/91-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.3-2.5 (incl. D) 7/95-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A8 2.5-3.7 (incl. D) 6/94-<br />

Baklyskontakt<br />

For reference:<br />

084941521<br />

014919361<br />

019941521<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.3-2.3 (incl. D) 6/76-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 5/72-7/86<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento 4 speed 1.0-1.4 2/74-8/95<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 5/73-3/88<br />

Polo/Derby 4 speed 0.9-1.3 (incl. D) 8/74-7/89<br />

Golf/Jetta/Vento, 4 speed 1.0-1.4 2/74-8/95<br />

Polo/Derby, 4 speed 0.9-1.3 (incl. D) 8/74-7/89<br />

Baklyskontakt<br />

Bankesensor, 520 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

054905377<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 2.3 8/89-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 2.6 2.8 7/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.6 2.8 12/90-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6 2.0 2.3 7/93-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 2.3 8/89-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.8 2/99-9/01<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.8-2.8 11/94-12/98<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8 4/97-4/01<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 7/95-7/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 2.6 2.8 6/94-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.4-2.8 7/96-10/97<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A8 2.5-3.7 (incl. D) 6/94-12/98<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 8/89-10/91<br />

Golf/Vento 1.6 10/94-12/97<br />


Lygter og eldele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

443906087BE<br />

Passat 1.6 10/94-12/96<br />

Passat 1.8 2.3 12/96-8/00<br />

Passat 2.0 3/90-10/93<br />

Polo Classic 1.6 12/95-4/96<br />

Polo Classic 1.6 2.0 5/96-8/99<br />

Polo Classic 2.0 6/00-9/01<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0/2.3 8/89-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0/2.6/2.8 7/92-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.6/2.8 12/90-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6/2.0/2.3 7/93-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0/2.3 8/89-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0/2.6/2.8 6/94-7/95<br />

Passat 1.8/2.3 12/96-8/00<br />

Polo Classic 1.6/2.0 5/96-8/99<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8 8/85-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 8/86-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 10/84-12/87<br />

Benzinpumpe<br />

For reference:<br />

443906091D<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8 1/88-7/94<br />

Benzinpumpe<br />

For reference:<br />

8A0906091G<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 1/93-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.6-2.8 12/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.8 7/93-5/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 6/94-10/97<br />

Benzinpumpe<br />


Lygter og eldele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

447906091<br />

0580254005<br />

447906091C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> Quattro 2.2 3/86-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 200 Quattro 2.2 11/84-12/87<br />

Benzinpumpe<br />

For reference:<br />

443959101A<br />

0130111108<br />

319959101C<br />

443959101<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.5 (incl. D) 8/82-11/90<br />

Blæsermotor<br />

For reference:<br />

327959455A<br />

323959455<br />

323959455B<br />

327959455<br />

353959455D<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.2 (incl. D) 8/86-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 8/81-7/91<br />

Passat 1.6-2.2 (incl. D) 7/86-7/91<br />

VW T4 1.8-2.5 (incl. D) 9/90-12/95<br />

Blæsermotor, 150/80 W, Ø280 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

4A0959455C<br />

4A0959455A<br />

893959455F<br />

893959455G<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.8 (incl. D) 11/90-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 8/89-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-10/97<br />

Blæsermotor, 180 W, Ø280 mm<br />


Lygter og eldele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

811959455R<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8 8/84-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.8 9/86-7/93<br />

Blæsermotor, 250 W, Ø280 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

431959455K<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.2 8/79-7/83<br />

Blæsermotor, 250 W, Ø305 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

323959455A<br />

431959455K<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5 cyl. 2.0-2.4 8/79-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 5 cyl. 2.0-2.3 8/78-7/95<br />

Passat 5 cyl. 2.0-2.2 8/80-3/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5 cyl. 2.0-2.4 8/79-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, 5 cyl. 2.0-2.3 8/78-7/95<br />

Passat, 5 cyl. 2.0-2.2 8/80-3/88<br />

Blæsermotor, 250/150 W, Ø305 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

443959455N<br />

130302207<br />

443959455<br />

443959455E<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.2 8/84-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 200 2.2 8/83-4/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 8/89-7/93<br />

VW T.2 1.6TD 5/79-7/85<br />

Blæsermotor, 500 W, Ø350 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

443953513<br />

443953513H<br />

443953513L<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 1/88-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 8/89-7/94<br />

Blinklyskontakt<br />


Lygter og eldele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

443945515<br />

433945515<br />

443945515OE<br />

511945513<br />

857945515A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 8/78-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.8 (incl. D) 8/82-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-2.8 11/94-9/01<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 6/94-4/01<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9 2.5TDI 6/94-6/96<br />

Passat 1.6-2.8 10/96-9/00<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-2.8 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.9D 1/95-5/96<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.9/2.5TDI 6/94-6/96<br />

Passat 1.6-2.8 10/96-<br />

Bremselyskontakt, 2 ben<br />

For reference:<br />

113945515H<br />

1139455151<br />

171945515<br />

ZBA945515<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.2 6/76-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 5/72-7/82<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.1-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-7/83<br />

LT 2.0-2.7 (incl. D) 4/75-12/95<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 5/73-7/84<br />

Polo/Derby 0.9-1.3 8/74-2/85<br />

VW T.1 1.2-1.6 8/60-4/79<br />

VW T.2 1.2-2.1 (incl. D) 8/60-7/92<br />

Bremselyskontakt, 2 ben<br />

For reference:<br />

113945515G<br />

1139455151<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.2 6/76-7/78<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 5/72-7/82<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.1-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-7/83<br />

LT 2.0-2.7 (incl. D) 4/75-12/95<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 5/73-7/84<br />

Polo/Derby 0.9-1.3 8/74-2/85<br />

VW T.1 1.2-1.6 8/69-4/79<br />

VW T.2 1.3-2.1 (incl. D) 8/69-7/85<br />

Bremselyskontakt, 3 ben<br />

For reference:<br />

012409191D<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 7/92-7/93<br />

Distancemåler<br />


Lygter og eldele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

Forvarmerrelæ<br />

For reference:<br />

443911261<br />

171911261A/D<br />

171911261B<br />

171911261E<br />

For reference:<br />

443911261OE<br />

171911261A/DOE<br />

171911261BOE<br />

171911261EOE<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 8/79-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6D 8/80-7/87<br />

Caddy 1.6D 10/82-7/90<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6D 8/78-7/92<br />

LT 2.4D 8/80-7/92<br />

Passat 1.5D 8/77-7/80<br />

Passat 1.6D 8/80-3/88<br />

Scirocco 1.5-1.6D 8/78-7/83<br />

T.2 1.6-1.8D TD 1/81-7/92<br />

T4 1.9-2.5D TD 9/90-3/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 8/80-6/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6D 8/80-8/86<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6D 8/78-10/91<br />

LT 2.4D 12/82-12/87<br />

Passat/Santana 1.5-1.6D 8/78-7/81<br />

T.2 1.6-1.8D/TD 1/81-7/92<br />

T4 1.9-2.5D/TD 9/90-3/92<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-12/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0D 8/79-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6D 8/80-7/87<br />

Caddy 1.6D 10/82-7/90<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.5-1.6D 8/78-7/92<br />

LT 2.4D 8/80-7/92<br />

Passat 1.5D 8/77-7/80<br />

Passat 1.6D 8/80-3/88<br />

Scirocco 1.5-1.6D 8/78-7/83<br />

T.2 1.6-1.8D TD 1/81-7/92<br />

T4 1.9-2.5D TD 9/90-3/92<br />

T.2 1.6-1.8D/TD 1/81-7/92<br />

T4 1.9-2.5D/TD 9/90-3/92<br />

Forvarmerrelæ<br />

For reference:<br />

056911335A<br />

052911335<br />

056911335<br />

<strong>100</strong>6209400<br />

ZBO911335<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6 8/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-1.6 4/75-3/87<br />

Passat 1.3-1.6 4/75-3/88<br />

Friløbsgear til starter<br />

For reference:<br />

026903017A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 4 cyl. 1.6-2.0 8/85-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-1.8 8/85-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6-1.9D 8/85-7/95<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6-1.8 8/85-10/91<br />

Passat 1.6-1.8 8/85-9/96<br />

Passat 1.6-1.9D 8/85-3/88<br />

VW T.2 1.9 8/85-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 4 cyl. 1.6-2.0 8/85-7/94<br />

Generator, 65 Amp, renoveret<br />


Lygter og eldele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

N..019<strong>100</strong>5<br />

1250201032<br />

N..0190971<br />

N..019<strong>100</strong>6<br />

N..10213002<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.4D 8/80-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6D 8/80-7/89<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6D 8/80-10/91<br />

LT 2.4D 8/80-8/92<br />

Passat/Santana 1.6-1.9D 8/80-4/91<br />

Polo 1.3D 8/86-7/90<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

VW T4 1.9-2.4D 9/90-11/90<br />

Gløderør, 11 Volt, 12x1,25, 7 sek., 62 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

N..019<strong>100</strong>5-BOSCH<br />

N..10213002BOSCH<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0-2.4D 8/80-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.6D 8/80-7/89<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6D 8/80-10/91<br />

LT 2.4D 8/80-8/92<br />

Passat/Santana 1.6-1.9D 8/80-4/91<br />

Polo 1.3D 8/86-7/90<br />

VW T.2 1.6-1.7D 1/81-7/92<br />

VW T4 1.9-2.4D 9/90-11/90<br />

Gløderør, 11 Volt, 12x1,25, 7 sek., 62 mm<br />

For reference:<br />

171957911<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 8/82-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.8 (incl. D) 2/79-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 11/94-<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 1.8-2.8 (incl. D) 6/94-<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.0-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-10/91<br />

Passat 1.3-2.3 (incl. D) 8/81-9/93<br />

VW T.1 1.2-1.6 8/55-4/79<br />

VW T.2 1.6-2.1 (incl. D) 5/79-7/92<br />

VW T4 1.8-2.5 (incl. D) 9/90-12/95<br />

Gummihylster til bremselyskontakt, 3 polet<br />

For reference:<br />

034998065<br />

035998065A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.3 8/82-10/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.0 8/83-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 8/83-7/91<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.2 10/84-7/91<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.6 3/85-10/91<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 8/82-7/83<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.8 8/83-10/91<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-1.8 8/83-7/90<br />

Passat/Santana 2.0-2.2 8/83-3/88<br />

Hallgiver<br />

For reference:<br />

191951113A<br />

111951113B<br />

1139511135<br />

1139511136<br />

113951113B<br />

113951113G<br />

191951113<br />

311951113L<br />

330951113<br />

330951213<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.3 (incl. D) 10/76-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.8 (incl. D) 5/73-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A3 1.6-1.9 (incl. D) 9/96-<br />

Caddy 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 10/82-7/90<br />

Golf/Bora 1.4-2.8 (incl. D) 10/97-<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.0-1.8 (incl. D) 2/74-7/90<br />

LT 2.0-2.7 (incl. D) 4/75-7/90<br />

New Beetle 1.4-2.3 (incl. D) 1/98-<br />

Passat 1.6-2.8 (incl. D) 4/88-7/91<br />

Passat/Santana 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 5/73-3/88<br />

Polo Classic 1.4-2.0 (incl. D) 12/95-<br />

Polo/Derby 0.8-1.3 (incl. D) 8/74-7/90<br />

Scirocco 1.5-1.8 (incl. D) 4/74-7/90<br />

VW T.1 1.2-1.6 8/66-4/79<br />

VW T.2 1.3-2.1 (incl. D) 8/67-7/92<br />

VW T.3 1.5-1.8 8/66-2/75<br />

Horn, 12 Volt<br />


Lygter og eldele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

431919040<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> All 6/76-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 All 5/72-3/87<br />

Caddy All 8/83-7/92<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.0-1.8 (incl. D) 4/74-10/91<br />

LT All 4/75-12/95<br />

Passat/Santana All 11/74-3/88<br />

Polo/Derby All 4/75-7/90<br />

Scirocco All 8/74-7/92<br />

VW T.2 All 8/79-7/92<br />

VW T.3 All 8/73-3/75<br />

Instrumentpære, 12V, 1,2W<br />

For reference:<br />

893919040A<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> All 1/88-7/94<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 All 8/86-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A4 All 11/94-10/00<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 All 6/94-10/97<br />

Caddy All 11/95-<br />

Golf/Jetta All 8/86-10/91<br />

Golf/Vento All 11/91-9/97<br />

Passat All 10/93-9/96<br />

Polo All 10/94-12/99<br />

Polo Classic All 11/95-<br />

VW T4 All 1/96-<br />

Instrumentpære, 12V, 2,0W<br />

Kontakt, håndbremse/dør<br />

For reference:<br />

113947561H<br />

1139475612<br />

113947561D<br />

113947561G<br />

BAT947561<br />

For reference:<br />

035906265B<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.6-2.2 (incl. D) 6/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> switch for door 1.6-2.2 (incl. D) 6/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 switch for door 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 8/78-7/84<br />

Golf switch for door 1.1-1.6 (incl. D) 2/74-7/78<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.1-1.6 (incl. D) 2/74-7/78<br />

Golf/Jetta switch for door 1.0-1.8 (incl. D) 8/81-11/84<br />

LT 2.0-2.7 (incl. D) 4/75-12/95<br />

LT switch for door 2.0-2.7 (incl. D) 8/73-12/95<br />

Passat/Santana switch f. 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 8/80-7/84<br />

door<br />

Passat/Santana/<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 5/72-7/84<br />

Polo/Derby 0.9-1.4 (incl. D) 8/74-7/94<br />

Polo/Derby switch for door 0.9-1.3 (incl. D) 8/74-7/94<br />

VW T.1 1.2-1.6 8/60-4/79<br />

VW T.2 1.3-2.1 (incl. D) 8/73-7/92<br />

VW T.2 switch for door 1.3-2.1 (incl. D) 8/73-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, switch for door 1.6-2.2 (incl. D) 6/76-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80, switch for door 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 8/78-7/84<br />

Golf, switch for door 1.1-1.6 (incl. D) 2/74-7/78<br />

Golf/Jetta, switch for door 1.0-1.8 (incl. D) 8/81-11/84<br />

LT, switch for door 2.0-2.7 (incl. D) 8/73-12/95<br />

Passat/Santana, switch f. 1.3-2.2 (incl. D) 8/80-7/84<br />

door<br />

Polo/Derby, switch for door 0.9-1.3 (incl. D) 8/74-7/94<br />

VW T.2, switch for door 1.3-2.1 (incl. D) 8/73-7/92<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 5 cyl. 1.9-2.2 8/79-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (not MC/RT) 1.8-2.3 8/82-12/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.7 2.1 8/80-7/81<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.8-2.2 8/81-1/87<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (not SD/3A/7A) 1.8-2.3 2/87-8/91<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.1-1.8 8/80-7/83<br />

Golf/Jetta 1.3-1.8 8/83-10/91<br />

Passat 1.6-1.8 4/88-7/91<br />

Passat 1.6-2.2 8/81-3/88<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong>, 5 cyl. 1.9-2.2 8/79-7/82<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 1.7/2.1 8/80-7/81<br />

Lambda sonde<br />


Lygter og eldele<br />

Beskrivelse Varenummer Anvendelse Motor År<br />

For reference:<br />

034906265C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 2.0 12/90-7/93<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> (MC/RT) 2.0-2.2 8/86-11/90<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 2.0 9/91-7/95<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> 80 (SD/3A/7A) 1.9-2.3 2/87-7/89<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> A6 2.0 6/94-10/97<br />

Golf/Jetta Syncro 1.8 8/87-7/88<br />

Passat Syncro 1.8 2.2 8/85-7/88<br />

Passat Syncro 1.8/2.2 8/85-7/88<br />

Lambdasonde<br />

For reference:<br />

443959127C<br />

<strong>Audi</strong> <strong>100</strong> 1.8-2.3 (incl. D) 8/84-11/90<br />
