GH15 - Malthe Winje Automasjon AS
GH15 - Malthe Winje Automasjon AS
GH15 - Malthe Winje Automasjon AS
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<strong>GH15</strong>Hvorfor• DIN rail montering opp til 63A, AC3• Kompakt dimensjon ihhtinternasjonale standarder• Dobbel frekvens spoler 50 & 60Hz• Langt tilslag >6mm for åminimalisere lysbuen• Tydelig marking I front av type ogspole spenning• Enkel tilkobling med åpne festedeskruer.Om Ghisalba <strong>GH15</strong><strong>GH15</strong> er kvalitets kontaktorer fra ItalienskeGhisalba. Kontaktorer <strong>GH15</strong> går fra 30 til500A AC1, og fra 12 til 350A /fra 7,5 til160kW AC3. <strong>GH15</strong> består av 6produktgrupper.<strong>GH15</strong> (25-125A)TYPEIth(A)AC1Ie 400V3 ph(A) kWAC2/AC3Ie 400V3 ph(A) kWVerTilleggsutstyr<strong>GH15</strong>BN 25 25 17 9 43P4PHjelpekontakterFrontmontert 1 stk<strong>GH15</strong>CN 30 30 19 12 5,5<strong>GH15</strong>DN 40 40 22 16 7,53P4P3P4P<strong>GH15</strong>T10(1NO)<strong>GH15</strong>T01(1NC)<strong>GH15</strong>ET<strong>GH15</strong>FT<strong>GH15</strong>FN45 45 31 25 11 3P50 50 34 32 153P4P<strong>GH15</strong>T11(1NO+1NC)<strong>GH15</strong>T40(4NO)<strong>GH15</strong>T31(3NO+3NC)<strong>GH15</strong>T22(2NO+2NC)<strong>GH15</strong>GT<strong>GH15</strong>GN63 63 43 40 18,53P4PTimerFrontmontert 1 stk(1NO+1NC)<strong>GH15</strong>HT<strong>GH15</strong>HN80 80 55 50 223P4PGH320TP10,3-30sekGH320TP210-180sek<strong>GH15</strong>JT<strong>GH15</strong>JN100 100 69 63 303P4PHjelpekontakterSidemontert 2 stk<strong>GH15</strong>KT 125 125 86 80 37 3P<strong>GH15</strong>LT<strong>GH15</strong>LN125 125 86 95 45<strong>Malthe</strong> <strong>Winje</strong> <strong>Automasjon</strong> <strong>AS</strong>Telefon: 66996100, Faks; 66996101,e-mail:, web: www.mwa.no3P4P<strong>GH15</strong>S11(1NO+1NC)KONTAKTORER
<strong>GH15</strong> (135 – 500A)TYPEIth(A)AC1Ie 400V3 ph(A) kWAC2/AC3Ie 400V3 ph(A) kWVerTilleggsutstyrHjelpekontaktFrontmontert 1 stk<strong>GH15</strong>MT 135 135 94 110 55 3P<strong>GH15</strong>MN<strong>GH15</strong>NT<strong>GH15</strong>N<strong>GH15</strong>PT<strong>GH15</strong>PN200 200 139 115 55 3P230 230 159 150 75250 250 173 175 903P4P3P4P<strong>GH15</strong>T11(1NO+1NC)<strong>GH15</strong>T40(4NO)<strong>GH15</strong>T31(3NO+1NC)<strong>GH15</strong>T22(2NO+2NC)TimerFrontmontert 1 stk(1NO+1NC)GH320TP10,3-30sekGH320TP210-180sekHjelpekontaktSidemontert 2 stk<strong>GH15</strong>RT<strong>GH15</strong>ST<strong>GH15</strong>TT3504505003504205002423113462102603151101321603P3P3P<strong>GH15</strong>S11(1NO+1NC)<strong>Malthe</strong> <strong>Winje</strong> <strong>Automasjon</strong> <strong>AS</strong>Telefon: 66996100, Faks; 66996101,e-mail:, web: www.mwa.noKONTAKTORER
Verdier for kondensatorer, Transformatorer og LyskurserTypeIpeakmaks(kA)Verdier for Kondensator AC-6bIeMaks oppgittUe≤500V energiopptakt ≤ 55(kVAR)°CVerdier forTransformatorerAC-6at ≤ 55 °CIe maks (A)Verdier for lyskurserLysrørAC-5a (t ≤ 55° C)KompensertIe maks (A)UkompensertIe maks (A)GlødepærerAC-5b(t ≤ 55° C)Ie maks(A)(A) 230 400 500 690 400 500 690<strong>GH15</strong>BN 0,4 9 4 6 7,5 7,5 4 4 3 9 6 8<strong>GH15</strong>CN 0,5 12 5 8 10 10 6 6 4,5 12 8 10<strong>GH15</strong>DN 0,6 16 6 10 12,5 12,5 8 8 6 15 11 12<strong>GH15</strong>ET 1,2 23 9 15 20 20 12 12 9 22 15 17<strong>GH15</strong>FT 1,2 30 11 20 25 25 15 15 11 30 20 22<strong>GH15</strong>GT 2,5 38 15 25 30 30 20 20 15 38 26 32<strong>GH15</strong>HT 2,5 45 17 30 35 35 25 25 19 45 30 40<strong>GH15</strong>JT 2,5 55 20 35 45 45 30 30 22 60 40 50<strong>GH15</strong>KT 2,5 63 23 40 50 50 36 36 27 70 50 58<strong>GH15</strong>LT 2,5 75 28 50 60 60 40 40 30 80 70 80<strong>GH15</strong>MT 2,5 90 35 60 75 75 50 50 40 100 70 80<strong>GH15</strong>NT 2,5 120 45 80 100 100 65 65 50 120 85 100<strong>GH15</strong>PT 3 155 60 100 130 130 80 80 60 140 100 120Godkjenninger / sertifikaterType<strong>GH15</strong>BN <strong>GH15</strong>CN <strong>GH15</strong>DN <strong>GH15</strong>ET <strong>GH15</strong>FT <strong>GH15</strong>GT <strong>GH15</strong>HT <strong>GH15</strong>JT <strong>GH15</strong>KT <strong>GH15</strong>LT <strong>GH15</strong>MT <strong>GH15</strong>NT <strong>GH15</strong>PT <strong>Malthe</strong> <strong>Winje</strong> <strong>Automasjon</strong> <strong>AS</strong>Telefon: 66996100, Faks; 66996101,e-mail:, web: www.mwa.noKONTAKTORER
UtvalgMotorvern til <strong>GH15</strong>Type Tekst ElnrRTD32 0,4 - 0,6A For <strong>GH15</strong>BN, CN, DN, ET, FT 4100813RTD32 0,6 - 0,9A For <strong>GH15</strong>BN, CN, DN, ET, FT 4100814RTD32 0,8 - 1,2A For <strong>GH15</strong>BN, CN, DN, ET, FT 4100815RTD32 1,2 - 1,8A For <strong>GH15</strong>BN, CN, DN, ET, FT 4100816RTD32 1,8 - 2,7A For <strong>GH15</strong>BN, CN, DN, ET, FT 4100817RTD32 2,7 - 4A For <strong>GH15</strong>BN, CN, DN, ET, FT 4100818RTD32 4 - 6A For <strong>GH15</strong>BN, CN, DN, ET, FT 4100819RTD32 6 - 9A For <strong>GH15</strong>BN, CN, DN, ET, FT 4100820RTD32 8 - 11A For <strong>GH15</strong>BN, CN, DN, ET, FT 4100821RTD32 10 - 14A For <strong>GH15</strong>BN, CN, DN, ET, FT 4100822RTD32 13 - 18A For <strong>GH15</strong>BN, CN, DN, ET, FT 4100563RTD32 17 - 24A For <strong>GH15</strong>BN, CN, DN, ET, FT 4100823RTD32 22 - 32A For <strong>GH15</strong>BN, CN, DN, ET, FT 4100824Type Tekst ElnrRTD65 10 - 14A For <strong>GH15</strong>GT, HT, JT 4100564RTD65 14 - 20A For <strong>GH15</strong>GT, HT, JT 4100565RTD65 20 - 28A For <strong>GH15</strong>GT, HT, JT 4100565RTD65 28 - 42A For <strong>GH15</strong>GT, HT, JT 4100567RTD65 40 - 52A For <strong>GH15</strong>GT, HT, JT 4100825RTD65 52 - 65A For <strong>GH15</strong>GT, HT, JT 4100568Type Tekst ElnrRTD74 60-74A For <strong>GH15</strong>KT, LT 4100569Type Tekst ElnrRTD180 60 - 90A<strong>GH15</strong>KT, LT, MT, NT, PTRTD180 80-120A<strong>GH15</strong>KT, LT, MT, NT, PTRTD180 120 - 180A<strong>GH15</strong>KT, LT, MT, NT, PTType Tekst ElnrRTD320 144 - 216A<strong>GH15</strong>RT-ST-TTRTD320 216 - 320A<strong>GH15</strong>RT-ST-TT<strong>Malthe</strong> <strong>Winje</strong> <strong>Automasjon</strong> <strong>AS</strong>Telefon: 66996100, Faks; 66996101,e-mail:, web: www.mwa.noKONTAKTORER