Norway Yearbook - 1968

Norway Yearbook - 1968

Norway Yearbook - 1968


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166<br />

Tabell 213. Statsbanene : Driftspersonalet. 1 State Railways: Operating staff.<br />

Fagomride Section<br />

Administrasjon3 Central and district administration<br />

Forrad4 Supply service<br />

Bane Supervision and maintenance of tracks and buildings<br />

Elektro Electrotechnical maintenance<br />

Drift og trafikk Operating and traffic<br />

Maskin5 Maintenance and repair of rolling stock<br />

Bildrift5 Road traffic<br />

I alt Total<br />

I an'<br />

Total<br />

1966 1967<br />

S esongarbeidere<br />

I an' arbeidere<br />

Sesong-<br />

Occasional Total Occasional<br />

workers<br />

workers<br />

1 482 12 1 508 9<br />

380 5 376 5<br />

4 325 519 4 181 525<br />

798 34 815 47<br />

10 638 240 10 468 266<br />

2 848 34 2 779 42<br />

979 71 1 057 88<br />

21 450 915 21 184 982<br />

Slide: Hovedstyret for Statsbanene. Source: Central Board of Railways.<br />

Not e r : 1 Personalet fordeit otter normeringssted. Medregnet personer som arbeider for regning av investeringsbudsjett,<br />

materialbeholdning osv. Arlig gjennomsnitt. 3 I Hovedstyret (sentraladm.) og distriktene. Medregnet sagbruk<br />

og impregneringsverk. a Medregnet administrasjon.<br />

Notes: 1 Staff registered by station (regulated). Including persons working on account of investments, materials stocks etc.<br />

2 Annual average. In headquarters and district offices. Including sawmills and wood preserving plants. 3 Including<br />

administration.<br />

Tabell 214. Statsbanene : Driftsresultater. 1 000 kr. State Railways: Working results.<br />

Utgifter og inntekter Expenditure and receipts 1 1966 1967<br />

Driftsutgifter" Operating expenditure<br />

Etter fagomrade By section<br />

Administrasjon Central and district administration<br />

Forth(' Supply service<br />

Bane Supervision and maintenance of tracks and buildings<br />

Elektro Electrotechnical maintenance, consumption of electricity<br />

Drift og trafikk Operating and traffic<br />

Maskin Maintenance and repair of rolling stock (workshops)<br />

Bildrift Road traffic<br />

Fellesutgifter Miscellaneous expenditure<br />

Andre utgifter Other expenditure<br />

Avskrivning: Depreciation: Jernbanedrift Railway service<br />

Bildrift Road traffic<br />

Pensjonskassenes underskott Deficit of pension funds<br />

Utgifter i alt Total expenditure<br />

Driftsinntekter Operating receipts<br />

Persontrafikk og reisegods Passenger traffic and luggage<br />

Postbefordring Mail traffic<br />

Godstrafikk i alt Total goods traffic<br />

Av denne: Maim med Ofotbanen Of which: Iron ore on Ofot line<br />

Andre inntekter Other receipts<br />

Inntekter ved bildriften Receipt on road traffic<br />

Underskott pa drif ten Operating deficit<br />

Underskott i alt Total deficit<br />

Kilde: Hovedstyret for Statsbanene. Source: Central Board of Railways.<br />

Not e: 1 Ikke medregnet renter av statens kapital.<br />

Note: 1 Excluding interest on Government capital.<br />

1 000 kr.<br />

746 202<br />

62 366<br />

9 129<br />

130 865<br />

42 995<br />

364 433<br />

91 558<br />

37 670<br />

7 186<br />

126 550<br />

54 501<br />

4 977<br />

67 072<br />

872 752<br />

645 086<br />

215 483<br />

10 304<br />

349 785<br />

40 527<br />

26 805<br />

42 709<br />

101 116<br />

227 666<br />

1 000 kr.<br />

823 873<br />

69 351<br />

9 237<br />

144 081<br />

48 835<br />

399 883<br />

101 970<br />

42 990<br />

7 526<br />

130 499<br />

58 908<br />

5 717<br />

65 874<br />

954 372<br />

717 129<br />

229 561<br />

10 468<br />

401 218<br />

52 655<br />

27 159<br />

48 723<br />

106 744<br />

237 243<br />

Tabell 215. Statsbanene : Forbruk av drivstoffer og elektrisk energi.<br />

State Railways: Consumption of fuel and electric energy.<br />

Enhet<br />

Unity 1964 1965 1966 1967<br />

Kull' Coal Tonn 32 706 18 695 14 210 13 301<br />

Bensin2 Petrol 1000 1 700 611 559 548<br />

Dieselolje2 Diesel oil b 28 152 24 539 32 276 34 276<br />

Elektrisitet3, i alt Electricity MWh 251 889 267 398 274 100 279 236<br />

Av denne: Til togenes framdrift og oppvarming<br />

Of which: For propulsion and heating of the trains. * 229 055 242 280 248 265 255 931<br />

Kilda : Hovedstyret for Statsbanene. Source: Central Board of Railways.<br />

Noter. 1 Til togenes framdrift og oppvarming. Til jernbanedrift og bildrift. Enfase-energi malt ph kontaktledningen.<br />

Notes: 1 For propulsion and heating of the trains, 2 For railway service and road motor vehicle service. Uniphase<br />

entrgy measured at conducting wire.

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