Unikum desember 2019

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My mom eventually lost the battle and died peacefully in her

bed. Befitting of such a kind woman, if anyone deserved a

good death, it was her. I had hoped…that maybe my mother’s

death would trigger a kindness in my father, one that I had

come to miss. But that never happened. Instead, I saw something

that made me hate my father even more. Not even

a single tear did he shed at the funeral. No, he looked happy.

As if a burden had been lifted from his shoulders.


Everything was perfect, or rather, so I had hoped. I had

the perfect job, the perfect house, the perfect wife. But

amidst all these perfections, there was a discord. Like a

final piece of the puzzle was missing. My colleague cracked

jokes I was supposed to laugh at, but I never got the

punchline. My house felt like it belonged to someone

else. And the worst, was the look my wife gave me every

night we went to sleep, the same one my son gave me.

What did it mean? I never understood.


When I turned 18, I ran away from home. If I stayed

for even a second longer, I was sure my next argument

with my dad would end in my own death. So I ran

away, to a shitty city, where I had a chance to begin a

new life. But life never gave me the opportunity, and

so, I fell deeper and deeper into the pit of despair that

life had dug for me. Every day, I grew more resentful

of the world. Every day I hated my father more and

more. And every day, I spent every second imagining

how my life could be better. Luckily I wasn’t alone. I

had my friend Alan with me to keep me from completely

submerging into the depths of depression.

But I always had a lust for revenge, a thirst I

was always on the lookout to quench.

As if I was a stranger.

But I was Renner, wasn’t I? Perfectly so even. A better,

and technically younger, version of what they

had previously had. The age gap was barely noticeable,

six years didn’t arouse any suspicion.

However, with each passing year, I grew to resent her more

and more. Why couldn’t she just love me? Was that too much

to ask? All I wanted, was happiness. Did I not deserve that?

I considered a divorce, to end it, but luckily fate had other

plans. She got a diagnosis, and I eventually got my freedom.

With one exception. The kid. He had gotten older

now, spending his time in college. I always thought before

I made the travel that I could handle the kid, but I never

could. He just pissed me off. That stupid look on his

face. How he defied me, the insults he spewed at me:

“You’re not my dad, you’ll never be!”

As if he knew. That little runt deserved every beating

he got. But one day, he came home and said the same

audacious shit he always did. I beat him, as I always

did. And then, he said the most peculiar thing:

“Elapsam semel occasionem non ipse potest

Iuppiter reprehendere.”

Those words, the same ones the other Renner

had said as he died. Where had he heard them?

From the other Renner, before I took over?

“What does that mean?” I barked.

“Not even Jupiter can find a lost opportunity,” he responded

and ran up to his room, probably to cry like always.


I finally found happiness. The kid ran away. The wife

was dead. I sold the house to get rid of the last skeleton

in the closet. I was free. I bought a new house, got a

new job with new friends, found a new wife, had a new

child, and suddenly, all my hopes and dreams came

to fruition. I was happy. I had finally beaten fate.

I had won.

As I sat in the bar with the boys, I looked at the barkeep

and realized that he reminded me of someone. I couldn’t

quite put my finger on it. Maybe someone from my previous

life? It didn’t matter anymore, I had forged my own

path, and I had no plans to derail from it. The evening

came to an end, and I said goodbye to all my friends.

Outside it was raining cats and dogs, luckily I had my thick

coat wrapped around me. I walked down the alleys like

I always did, because I feared nothing. I had beaten fate;

nothing could stand in my way of happiness anymore.

And I trusted that belief, until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around, and suddenly, I felt the cold metal

of a knife plunged into me. Not once. Not twice.

But thrice. An agonizing pain washed over me and

blood came bursting from my mouth. But then I looked

at my assailant’s face. Then, I couldn’t stop a

smile even if I wanted to. Then a chuckle. And then a

laugh. I could feel my lifeforce leaving my body, but

just as I was about to collapse, I finally understood.

“Elapsam semel occasionem non ipse potest

Iuppiter reprehendere.”

Not even Jupiter can find a lost opportunity.

Not even Jupiter can find a lost opportunity.


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