Unikum februar 2020

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And Emma more than enough filled that requirement.

“Yes, it has been a while,” Ryan responded,

not entirely meeting her eyes.

She awkwardly shuffled closer to him, not to flirt, as Ryan

knew Emma despised that game as well. No, this was to ensure

a conversation in the open could stay somewhat private.

“How’s the counseling going?” she whispered.

His natural instinct was to serve up another lie, but for

Emma, truth was a better dish. Unlike Doctor Lamb, Emma

wouldn’t swallow a single lie, she would rather puke it

right back up at his face. And Ryan owed Emma the truth.

“It isn’t really going anywhere. Just like everything else. It

feels more like wasted time, I know I did something bad, and

they know I know, yet, they want to ensure I don’t do it again,

even though they should know I never would,” Ryan spilled.

Ryan looked upon Emma. She was considering her next

words, her next line of attack, but what she didn’t know,

was that his defenses were already down. At least, for her.

“Ryan, why did you do it?”

It had been five months, yet she had never mustered the

courage to ask that question. Until now. Everyone else

in this boring world would never seek a reason, only

accept the inevitable result. Only accept that in the end

everything would be fine and dandy. But not…Emma, for

some reason. And so, she deserved an honest answer.

“I’m tired, Emma. Of this ‘perfect’ life, of this ‘perfect’

world. I want to feel something, to overcome some hurdle.

I want to struggle, I want to face challenges, I want to

feel alive,” Ryan whispered back, his voice shaking.

He’d expected Emma to be surprised, repulsed even.

But instead, she looked at him with empathy:

“And here I thought everyone else had forgotten

what it feels like. Do you know why I lied to

the authorities, Ryan? Because you didn’t do anything

wrong. It’s this…boring world’s fault.”

Boring. She’d called this world…boring. Before Ryan

could react, she hopped onto the tram he’d failed to

notice. Before he could stop her or ask her anything,

the tram took off. The tram was never late. And all he

could see of Emma, was her beautiful summer dress

blazing in the wind in its magnificent gray color.

His own tram arrived shortly after, bringing him to a

kingdom of sand, sun and sea. On such a beautiful day

as this, the beach was stuffed with people, all enjoying

their boring, peaceful lives. They were playing volleyball,

eating ice cream and drinking cold beer. Every time Ryan

laid eyes on a beer; a chill was sent down his spine. The

one time he’d gotten drunk, was the one time he’d lost

control, and the one time, he’d felt completely alive.

He went to the shore, watching the waves’ eternal

struggle of back and forth. He felt a comfort, watching

them, knowing that no matter how far they went they

always came back. And the pulling of the sea had a

hypnotizing effect on him. Almost like he wanted to be

pulled with the waves. He watched his reflection ripple,

and he carefully pulled out the scalpel to watch its

sparkly glamour in the sun. But as he glanced back to the

water’s surface, he didn’t see his reflection and scalpel

anymore, now, he saw the woman who’d been underneath

his scalpel five months ago. The pain and despair

inscribed in her every feature. And not even she could

stop Ryan from lifting the scalpel, drunkenly, to…to…

No, no, it didn’t happen, it hadn’t happened! Emma

had… had stopped him…hadn’t she? Emma in her

white uniform…no…wait, was it perhaps gray?



Ryan never cared for anyone besides himself, but as he recognized

the panic in the voice screaming, something moved

inside him. Something he hadn’t felt in far too long.


He ran over to where the panicked screaming had erupted

from. A small crowd of sheep had gathered around in

a circle, desperately awaiting a shepherd to herd them.

Nothing was supposed to go wrong in this perfect world, it

was supposed to be boring. But accidents happen, whether

these people liked it or not. Ryan broke through, staring

upon the scene that had caused such havoc. A cyclist must

have fell down the steep cliff down to rock slab separating

the beach and the cliff. Before Ryan, sprawled upon

the gray rock which was getting stained by the crimson

color of blood, laid the body of a woman, her mangled

leg the source of chaos. A bone sticking out of her flesh,

like a single, lonely, white tree in a forest of meat.

As he looked upon the beauty of the wound, he couldn’t

help but touch it. He lowered himself next to the woman,

no objections being raised as panic had engulfed

them all. His hands quickly stained with the essence of

life, which the lack of was slowly draining the woman

of hers. But finally, Ryan saw a different color than gray

in this boring world. He saw a hope, in all its red glory.

“What are you doing!?” someone yelled at Ryan.

Without even bothering to turn to the person

posing the protest he answered:

“I’m a doctor, let me help her.”

Because in a world where everything is predictable, it

is only the unpredictable that was not truly boring.


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