Antikvariat Bryggen_Jul_Bibliophilia_2022
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JULEN 2022
LOT 46
Et lite forord
I 2022 har vi passert 15 år som formidlere av bøker for samlere. Det er hyggelig å nå kunne skrive ”vi”, og ikke ”jeg”.
Samarbeidet med Pål Sagen i Galleri Bygdøy Allé og vår felles ansettelse av David Kolstad utgjør et inspirerende fellesskap.
I tillegg har vi nå kapasitet til å arbeide med større prosjekter og samlinger, noe som igjen kommer samlerne og
institusjonene til gode.
Årets julekatalog er ikke en jubileumskatalog. Nytt er dog at vi i denne salgskatalogen presenterer en større avdeling
internasjonale titler. Vi håper dette vil være av interesse for både norske og utenlandske kunder.
Med dette ønsker vi alle kunder og forbindelser en riktig god jul, og ser frem til å presentere flere bøker i 2023.
Bibliofil hilsen
Fredrik Delås
Bøker for samlere siden 2007
Bryggenveien 42
1747 Skjeberg
T: 930 22 712
Medlem av:
International League of Antiquarian Booksellers
Norsk Antikvarbokhandlerforening
Katalogdesign og fotografering ved Fredrik Delås
4 Norsk Bibliophilia
1 2
[Amundsen] Tor Bomann-Larsen
Roald Amundsen. En biografi.
Oslo: Cappelen, 1995. Stor 8vo. Forlagsbind i vareomslag.
Som ny.
Lang hilsen fra Bomann-Larsen med tegning/akvarell av luftskipet
Norge på smusstittelblad.
1 000,-
P. Chr. Asbjørnsen
Norske Huldreeventyr og Folkesagn. Første Samling.
Christiania: Fabritius, 1845. 8vo. Halvskinnbind, bundet med
begge omslag. Grønt toppsnitt, for øvrig meget svakt beskåret.
Bindet er signert bokbindermester Anker Kyster.
Proveniens [Ex libris på forsats]:
Max Lester [1856-1966]
Otto Engelschiøn [1902-1982], tidligere medlem av Bibliofilklubben.
Et stort eksemplar [18,2x11cm] med brede marger.
Samtidig navnetrekk i nedre hjørne av fremre omslag, datert 1846.
Et usedvanlig attraktivt eksemplar!
25 000,-
Norsk Bibliophilia
[Aurora Borealis / Northern Light]
Kristian Birkeland
The Norwegian Aurora Polaris Expedition 1902-1903.
On the cause of magnetic storms and the origin of
terrestrial magnetism. 1st - 2nd section (3 parts). Vol. I.
[All published.]
Christiania: Aschehoug / Leipzig: Johann
Ambrosius Barth / London, New York: Longmans,
Green & Co. / Paris: C. Klincksieck. 1908-1913.
Folio. 42 plates, 289 figures in text.
Publisher’s half vellum [bound by H. M. Refsum],
spine lettered in gilt.
A fine copy of this important and scarce work.
Kristian Birkeland [1867-1917], Norwegian
physicist, particularly known for his studies of
Northern Lights, and 7 times nominee for the
Nobel Prize in both physics and chemistry.
25 000,- | £2,130 | $2,500
6 Norsk Bibliophilia
Kristian Birkeland
Two titles in one volume.
Recherses sur les Taches du Soleil et leur origine.
Christiania: Jakob Dybwad, 1900. 13 plates.
Expédition Norvegiénne de 1899-1900 pour l’étude de saurores
boréales. Résultats des recherches
Christiania: Jakob Dybwad, 1900. 12 plates.
Contemporary cloth. Some wear to spine. The second title with
front wrapper and map loose.
Both titles inscribed by Birkeland.
6 000,- | £510 | $600
Jens Bjørneboe
Oslo: Aschehoug, 1953. Originalt omslag.
Fuktplett i nedre del av indre marg på de første og siste sider av
boken. Mindre slitasje på rygg.
Dedikasjon fra Bjørneboe på smusstittelblad:
”Til erindring om bulk i skjermen! Fra Jens Bjørneboe 9/12-1953.”
Vedlagt: En lapp påskrevet av Bjørneboe, som forklarer den noe
kryptiske dedikasjonen:
Skrammen på skjermen er laget av Jens Bjørneboe, Langerudsv.
1a, Abildsø A-24952. Jeg beklager dypt. Vennligst send regningen
til meg! Jens Bjørneboe.
Bjørneboe hadde en Mercedes 1938-modell som Tore Rem
skriver at han sannsynligvis solgte i 1953 etter en artikkel i
Aftenposten under tittelen “Brev om bilen Cato”. Artikkelen, som
kan minne om en kreativ salgsannonse, er gjengitt i “Lanterner”
(1977), og er meget underholdende lesning: “Min egen bil er
sektsten år gammel. Den er prøvet. Jeg finner ikke annet ord for
den enn: prøvet.”
Ilagt enkel kassett.
7 500,-
Norsk Bibliophilia
Bjørneboes tidligste kjente bevarte dikt
med akvarell og pennetegning
Jens Bjørneboe
Ode til Vestenvinden
Proveniens: Fra familien Bjørneboes hyttebok, Randesund.
Diktet er gjengitt i Sven Kærup Bjørneboes bok «Onkel Jens. Et familieportrett
om Jens Bjørneboe» (Aschehoug, 2001 - side 63-65),
og det henvises også til i første bind av Tore Rems biografi om Jens
Bjørneboe (Cappelen Damm, 2009 - side 211-212).
Begge biografene opererer med årstallet 1946, men diktet fra hytteboken
er datert 1948. Dette kan stemme med at Jens Bjørneboe
28. juli, før han og Lisel setter seg på toget mot presteseminaret i
Stuttgart, sender et brev til mor Maja hvor han takker for oppholdet
i Kristiansand. Siste linje i siste vers “Farvel, nå blåser vi som den;
mot ØST!” En drøy uke senere sitter de på toget mot Tyskland.
Tittelen Ode til Vestenvinden har Bjørneboe lånt fra Percy Bysshe
Shelleys dikt med samme navn.
Ode til Verstenvinden
Av alt som kommer fra det fjærne Vest;
tobakk og kaffe, whisky, te og flesk i dåser
er intet sikkert som den vilde blæst,
der kaldes Vestenvinden og som alltid blåser.
Krig, blokade, politik og pest og fare
og karantene, toll og politi
kan stoppe den import av søte fete varer,
men Vestenvinden blåser like fri,
Og like sur og kold og stiv og mandig,
så full av regn og tåke som en høst.
Ak ja! Alene Vestenvinden er bestandig.
Farvel, nå blåser vi som den; mot ØST!
Lisel har under diktet tilføyet:
Oss begge
(Lisel og Vallen)
Vår tid i år på Lillebo var slik at var en bille lo. Den ene. L.
8 Norsk Bibliophilia
Motivet viser Jens Bjørneboe sittende med en potteplante på
hodet. Han prøver å blidgjøre sin værsyke kone Lisel mens han
kiler henne under foten med et strå. Utenfor vinduet pøser regnet
ned. På peisen har han skrevet MELANKOLIA 1946. Akvarellen
er gjengitt i Sven Kærup Bjørneboes familieportrett og beskrevet i
Tore Rems biografi om Jens Bjørneboe.
Motivet er meget typisk for illustrasjoner han ofte brukte i
brevkorrespondanse med sin første kone Lisel (Louise Charlotte)
Funk. Spekulasjoner har åpent gått rundt Lisels legning, og om
hvorvidt hun var lesbisk. Bjørneboe skal selv ha sagt at de aldri
hadde noen seksuell kontakt i løpet av sitt 15-årige ekteskap. De
følte begge at de hadde møtt sin tvillingssjel, og de var tiltrukket
av hverandres intellekt. Rudolf Steiner og antroposofien sto svært
sentralt i deres forhold. Lisel holdt Jens sterkt i tøylene når det kom
til alkohol, og under årene i sitt første ekteskap arbeidet han så
intenst i lange perioder at han overanstrengte både kropp og sjel.
Vennene syntes det ble mye alvor og for lite moro for kameraten,
og de ga Lisel nedverdigende kallenavn som “Jehovalein” og
“Ypperstepresten”. Lisel giftet seg aldri igjen etter bruddet med
50 000,-
Bjørneboe og kunsten.
Jens Bjørneboe skulle bli kunstner. Han studerte ved Statens
Kunst- og Håndverksskole og Axel Revolds illegale kunstaka-demi
i 1940. I 1943 rømte han til Sverige for å unngå tysk arbeidstjeneste.
I Stockholm, hvor han traff Lisel, fortsatte han kunststudiene
ved Kungliga Kunsthögskolan under maleren Isaac Grünewald.
Bjørneboe var inspirert av Cezanne, og i 1946 var han
representert med et oljemaleri på høstutstillingen i Oslo og stilte
samme år ut 45 bilder i Kristiansand. Bjørneboe illustrerte mange
av sine senere artikler og enkelte bøker, men hans virke som billedkunstner
kan i hovedsak begrenses til tidsrommet 1940-49.
Separatutstillinger i sin levetid:
Stockholm, 1944.
Christianssands Kunstforening, 1946.
Høstutstillingen, Oslo, 1946.
I et intervju i Morgenbladet 1971 sa Bjørneboe følgende: “Mens
jeg malte, og var sterkt opptatt av bildet som skulle skapes, surret
det inne i hodet mitt alltid en dialog om helt andre ting enn utformingen
av susjettet: Om kulturpolitiske, om sosiale, psykologiske
og andre problemer. Av og til ble jeg forvilt, fordi jeg ikke maktet
å bremse denne ustoppelige dialogen, mens jeg malte. Særlig langt
drev jeg det heller ikke som maler. ... For meg personlig var
overgangen meget, meget vanskelig... fra å male til å skrive.”
På diktets verso har Bjørneboe tegnet og skriblet på gjenkjennelig vis.
Norsk Bibliophilia
[Jens Bjørneboe]
Uten en tråd. Handler om en ung norsk pikes
opplevelser. Skrevet av en av norges mest kjente
Oslo: Scala Forlag, 1966. 8vo. Forlagsbind med vareomslag.
Vareomslag med mindre papirtap mot ryggstripe og et ørlite hakk i
nedre kant av bakre del. Dette er profesjonelt forsterket på vareomslagets
verso. For øvrig mindre svake rynker i vareomslagets
bakre del og noe fargetap i det rosa feltet på rygg mot bakre fals.
Bind og materie er meget velholdt.
Vareomslagets lyter er mindre enn man normalt ser, og herværende
eksemplar av denne beslaglagte boken fremstår som velholdt.
Johan Bojer
Helga. Et Billede fra Trøndelagen.
Kristiania: P. T. Mallings Boghandel, 1895. 8vo.
Skinnryggbind, Ekelund Bokbinderi, bundet med begge omslag.
Fremre omslag med mindre pletter og kantrifter, profesjonelt
forsterket på verso.
Johan Bojers tredje bok. Uvanlig i omslag!
Lysegrått omslag, også registrert i gult, se antikvariatets katalog 131.
3 500,-
4 500,-
10 Norsk Bibliophilia
Johan Bojer
Gravholmen. Skuespil i fire akter.
København: Forlagt af Pio’s Boghandel, 1895. 8vo.
Halvsjirtingbind, bundet med begge omslag.
Fremre omslag med brett, forsterket på verso, og liten lukket rift.
For øvrig meget velholdt.
Samtidig dedikasjon. datert 12/12 95. Uvanlig i omslag.
3 500,-
Johan Nordahl Brun
Advarsel og Trøst mod overvældende Bedrøvelse i en
Tale, holden I Bergens Domkirke Fastelavns Mandag,
den 21de Februar 1814, Ianledning af Luc: 22 Cap:
45 V.
Bergen: Trykt hos Dahls Enke og Søn, 1814. Liten 8vo. 27, [1] sider.
Kombinert omslag og tittelblad, som utgitt.
Svake pletter på tittelblad og siste blanke side. Meget liten lukket
margrift side 3/4. Et velholdt eksemplar.
Anker Nilsen nr. 215.
Johan Nordahl Brun [1745-1816] var i 1814 biskop i Bergens
Stift. Han var en av de ivrigste selvstendighetsforkjempere og
hørte til de bitreste motstandere av en svensknorsk union. Brun
presiserte i sin tale at selv om det for tiden var mange vanskeligheter,
var det ingen grunn til å sovne inn av bedrøvelse. Det var
nok av opppgaver å arbeide for. Særlig fremhevet han kampen for
landets selvstendighet: ”Lev heller nogle Uger kortere, naar du
før du døde, dog havde tjent med en Haandrækning til at afvende
noget av det Onde, som bedrøvede Alle!”
I sin bok «1814» skriver Halvdan Koht: ”For en lyttende skare
på over 3000 mennesker forelæste bispen med sin mæktige røst
prinsens taler”. Koht forteller at Brun formante bergenserne til å
følge Christian Fredrik, og stå ved eller falle med ham. ”Bispens
ord fløi utover byen, ut over bygdene; Bergen og Vestlandet var
kommet med i selvstændighetsreisningen”.
Kilde: Ragnar Anker Nilsen, «Hva fikk nordmennene å lese i 1814?”.
5 000,-
Norsk Bibliophilia
Lars Saabye Christensen
Oslo: Cappelen, 1977. Originalt omslag.
Særdeles små bruksspor. Langt friskere enn hva man normalt ser
av denne tittelen.
Hilsen fra Saabye Christensen, datert 2004.
Kamelen i mitt hjerte. Dikt.
Oslo: Cappelen, 1978. Originalt omslag.
Meget veholdt.
Hilsen fra Saabye Christensen, datert 2004.
Jaktmarker. Dikt.
Oslo: Cappelen, 1979. Originalt omslag.
Bleket rygg, for øvrig meget velholdt.
Hilsen fra Saabye Christensen, datert 2004.
Stempler. Dikt.
Oslo: Cappelen, 1989. Originalt omslag.
Meget velholdt.
Hilsen fra Saabye Christensen, datert 2004.
Den akustiske skyggen. Dikt.
Oslo: Cappelen, 1993. Originalt omslag.
Meget velholdt.
Hilsen fra Saabye Christensen, datert 2004.
Etter mesterskapet.
Oslo: Flamme Forlag, 2000. Originalt omslag.
Meget velholdt.
Variant med rødt tittelfelt.
Etter mesterskapet.
Oslo: Flamme Forlag, 2000. Originalt omslag.
Meget velholdt.
Variant med gult tittelfelt.
12 Norsk Bibliophilia
[Thorbjørn Egner]
Duplikatklubbens 10 års Jubileumsfest i
Håndverkeren lørdag den 10. februar.
Privattrykk [1945]. 8vo. 14 sider. Originalt omslag.
Meget svak, nær ubetydelig, brett i øvre hjørne. For øvrig meget
Omslag og illustrasjoner av Thorbjørn Egner. [Bridgeklubb].
2 500,-
[Thorbjørn Egner] Arne Nygård-Nilssen
En boksamlers bekymringer. Om særtrykk og utklipp.
Oslo: Jacob Dybwads Forlag, 1945. 8vo. Originalt omslag.
Særutgave på håndgjort papir fra van Gelder Zonen, trykt i 33
nummererte ekspl. for Bibliofilklubben.
Dette er nummer 3 [Gudmund Hoel], signert av Nygård-Nilssen.
Proveniens: Eiler Schiöitz, med hans notater.
Meget velholdt!
Norsk Bibliophilia
[Thorbjørn Egner] Tanums Antikvariat
Bøker om kunst.
Tanums bokliste nummer 2 juni 1948. 12mo. Originalt omslag.
Meget velholdt.
Omslag av Torbjørn Egner.
Egners tilknytning til Tanum kan være hans venn og bokhandler
Juddi Steensen, som arbeidet for Johan Grunt Tanum inntil hun
31/12, 1950, tok over driften av Tanums Antikvariat. Navnet ble
da endret til Steensens Antikvariat. Steensen var en anerkjent bokkjenner
og var eneste kvinnelige medlem av den sagnomsuste Bordklubben,
stiftet i 1943 av 7 bibliofile auksjonsgjengere. Redaktør
Olav Myre initierte det hele og fikk med seg 6 antikvarbokhandlere.
Tilsammen utgjorde de seks brødre og en søster (Steensen),
som samlet seg ved bordet nærmest auksjonarius under krigens
mange og begivenhetsrike bokauksjoner. Egner var ikke medlem
av klubben, men regnes nærmest som et assosiert medlem, og
bidro med illustrasjonsarbeider til bokutgivelser, invitasjoner,
bordkort m.m.
[Thorbjørn Egner]
J. W. Cappelens nyttårsfest i Rokokkosalen 28. januar
1954. En kort CAPPELKADE over noen av de viser
som er sunget ved tidligere nyttårsfester i dette
minnerike firma.
12mo. Originalt omslag. Meget velholdt.
Omslag av Torbjørn Egner.
14 Norsk Bibliophilia
Norsk Bibliophilia
Thorbjørn Egner
Brev [17,5x11,5cm].
6 sider [74 linjer] med to tegninger.
Til den danske boktrykkeren Valdemar Pedersen [1892-1978].
Pedersen var formann av Nordisk Bogkunst [1949-1960] og
Foreningen for boghåndverk [1951-1959].
Egner takker for tilsendt bok og invitasjon til Forening for boghåndverks
møte, hvor han er forespurt å holde et foredrag: ”…som jeg
skrev til Ipsen i dag – så er jeg helt uegnet som foredragsholder det
har jeg bare vært to tre ganger i mitt liv – og da meget dårlig – og
lovet meg selv å aldrig gjøre det mer. For det annet er det helt
umulig å komme fra herhjemme – fra alle de ting jeg har lovet
ferdig – jeg klipper og klistrer og maler nesten dag og natt for å få
ferdig kostymetegninger og modeller for nye oppsetninger på tre
teatre som skal spille Kardemomme-stykket i julen – dessuten skal
nye lesebøker for syvende skoleår i trykken etter nyttår…”.
[Thorbjørn Egner] Bibliofilklubben
Fredrik den Store. Hilsen til Fredrik Matheson på hans
60-årsdag 26. mars 1968.
4-siders trykk. Omslag av Torbjørn Egner.
Kunstner og illustratør Fredrik Matheson [1908-1999] var medlem
av Bibliofilklubben 1950-1999.
1 500,-
2 tegninger:
1: ”Fra vår sommerøy!”
Motiv fra Gismerøya utenfor Mandal, hvor Egner-familien tilbragte
mange somre.
2: Motiv fra Kardemomme by.
7 500,-
16 Norsk Bibliophilia
[Thorbjørn Egner]
Halvorposten. Små meddelelser fra Halvorsens Bokhandel og Antikvariat.
Håndverkeren lørdag den 10. februar.
Nr. 1-4, 1941 + 1, 1942 [alt som kom]. VEDLAGT: Innholdsfortegnelse for 1. årgang.
Trykt på særskilt papir for Bibliofilklubben. Halvorposten er generelt sett uvanlig, men sjelden i
denne spesialutgave for Bibliofilklubben.
Småartikler vedrørende bøker og samleri, boklister, bokomtaler, auksjonsspalten ”Under
hammeren” m.m. Flere illustrasjoner av Thorbjørn Egner.
Innholdsfortegnelsen med et ørlite hakk i ytterkant.
Luen på nissen i julenummeret er nennsomt kolorert rød. Ved undersøkelse av annet sett kan
vi høyst sannsynlig konludere med at alle julehefter for Bibliofilutgaven ble kolorert med rød
Halvor- ”Spesial”. [Salgslister] Nr. 1-7 [av 10].
Nr 2 noe mørknet mot ytterkant, nummer 6 og 7 med noe bretter.
Enkelte myke blyantstreker. For øvrig et velholdt sett.
MEDFØLGER: Bestillingsseddel + invitasjon til åpningen av antikvariatet 18. mars 1941.
5 000,-
Norsk Bibliophilia
[Thorbjørn Egner] Bibliofilklubben
Komplett rekke av Thorbjørn Egners invitasjoner til Bibliofilklubben
Egner var i 1957/1958 formann i Bibliofilklubben og tegnet i den
forbindelse alle invitasjoner til klubbens møter. Egner ble i en
alder av 33 år innvotert i Bibliofilklubben 4. oktober 1945. Hans
medlemskap i klubben varte til hans død julaften 1990, m.a.o.
drøye 45 år. Han tilhører således den meget sjeldne krets av
medlemmer som har mer enn 50 års fartstid i klubben. Samtlige
trykk er inntatt i Bibliofilklubbens Egner-bok side 37, 39, 40 og 43.
11. juni 1957.
Sommermøtet 1957 ble avholdt i Villa Granberg tirsdag 11. juni.
Medlem Hydle skulle kåsere om gamle visetrykk, og Yukon
Gjelseth var gjest.
24. september 1957.
Det første høstmøtet 1957 ble avholdt i Villa Granberg. Medlem
Matheson holdt en kort innledning om Th. Kittelsen og medlem
Skougaard viste frem en del Kittelsen-trykk og sjeldenheter. Ingrid
Kittelsen Treider fortalte om sin far.
4. februar 1958.
Ved årets første m,øte kåserte medlem Tveteraas om streiftog i
europeisk bokhandles historie.
11. mars 1958.
Medlem Francis Bull kåserte om Selma Lagerløf og Norge. Morten
Hansen ble valgt som ny formann etter Egner.
Falsede A4-ark, de fleste er illustrert på alle fire sider.
En sjelden mulighet!
12 500,-
29. oktober 1957.
Annet høstmøte 1957 ble avholdt i Villa Granberg.
Gerda Ring fortalte om Gunnar Heiberg, og hvor Skougaard
hadde med seg interessante Heiberg-trykk og manuskripter.
27. november 1957.
Høstens “damemøte” ble avholdt I Shippingklubben. Klubben
fikk besøk av Arne Hestenes – alias Plut – som kåserte.
4. desember 1957.
Klubbens medlemmer ble til julemøtet lovet små litterære og mindre
litterære “juleoverraskelser”. Egners håndtegnede invitasjon er
særlig interessant, da 26 av klubbens medlemmer ble gjengitt av
Egner på den utvikbare invitasjonen.
18 Norsk Bibliophilia
Norsk Bibliophilia
[Olaf Wilhelm Erichsen]
Fjerdingsfyrsten. Blade fra ”Surrelagets” annaler. Av
en forhenværende Kristiania-politimands optegnelser.
Oslo: Aschehoug, 1925. 8vo. Forlagsbind bundet med fremre
omslag i vareomslag.
Vareomslag noe plettet og med mindre rifter i ytterkant. Det enkle
typografiske vareomslaget er trykt på innsiden av det illustrerte
vareomslaget til Anne Sophie Holms «Det første lysegrønne». Det
kartonerte bindet har kun en enkelt utført tittel trykt på ryggen.
Bindet er en liten tanke skjevlest og slipper en anelse mellom side
16/17. Utover dette et fast bind med god materie.
Antikvariatet har aldri tidligere registrert denne tittelen i forlagsbind.
Tomas Espedal
En vill flukt av parfymer.
Bergen: J. W. Eides Forlag, 1988. 8vo. Forlagsbind i vareomslag.
Vareomslaget med lukket rift i nedre kant av fremre del, for øvrig
svak kantslitasje og noe bleket ryggstripe. Bindet meget velholdt.
Stemplet ”Fra forleggeren” på forsatsblad.
Signert av Espedal på tittelblad.
Signerte utgaver av Espedals bøker er ikke vanlig å komme over.
Debutboken med signatur er å anse som en sjeldemnhet.
5 000,-
Odd M. Syversen: «Kaptein Munk. Olaf Wilhelm Erichsen. En
bibliografi.», nr. 28.
20 Norsk Bibliophilia
Tomas Espedal
Brev (et forsøk)
Oslo: Gyldendal, 2005. 8vo. Forlagsbind i vareomslag.
Et lytefritt eksemplar.
Hilsen fra Espedal på tittelblad, datert april 2007.
1 800,-
Tomas Espedal
Oslo: Gyldendal, 2013. 8vo. Forlagsbind i vareomslag.
Et lytefritt eksemplar.
Signert av Espedal på tittelblad.
1 800,-
Tomas Espedal
imot naturen.
Oslo: Gyldendal, 2011. 8vo. Forlagsbind i vareomslag.
Et lytefritt eksemplar.
Signert av Espedal på tittelblad, datert 17. september 2011.
1 800,-
Norsk Bibliophilia
Christianus Sextus
Trilogien med dedikasjon i alle bind
Et meget velholdt sett!
Johan Falkberget
I - De første geseller.
II – I hammerens tegn.
III – Tårnvekteren.
Oslo: Aschehoug, 1927/31/35. Femte tusen / Sjette tusen /
Femte tusen.
Komplett rekke i meget velholdte forlagsbind.
Dedikasjon til Elsa Thulin i alle bøkene. Elsa Thulin [1887-1969]
var en svensk oversetter og oversatte flere av Falkbergets bøker til
3 500,-
22 Norsk Bibliophilia
Arne Garborg
Kjøbenhjavn: P. G. Philipsens Forlag, 1888. 8vo.
Nyere halvskinnbind, bundet med begge omslag.
Henrik Brustad
Verdens største og sterkeste mann!
Fotografi 10,5x6,5cm
Chas. Eisenmann Photographer, New York.
Portratis taken by Instantaneous Process.
Extra inducements to the Theatrical Profession.
Henrik Brustad [1844-1899], fra Ytterøy i Nord-Trøndelag, raget
2,25 meter over bakken, og kunne løfte 500kg. Etter hvert kjent
som ”Stor-Henrik”, reiste han med sirkusforestillinger land og
strand rundt, først i Norge og senere i hele Europa. Kong Oscar II
av Sverige skal ha vært spesielt fascinert og en russisk fyrste skal
sogar ha forsøkt å gifte ham bort til en av sine døtre. Den store
amerikanske sirkuskongen P. T. Barnum fikk med seg det norske
fenomenet og fikk Henrik til USA, hvor han deltok på mange
show. For å imponere det besøkende publikum ble den norske
kjempen presset hardt til å løfte tyngre og tyngre og etterhvert
gikk dette utover Brustads helse. Han endte sine dager tilbake på
Ytterøy, på gården han kjøpte for noen av sine opptjente midler.
Fremre omslag med lite samtidig navnetrekk i øvre kant og med et
ørlite papirtap i nedre hjørne. Bakre omslag med brett i hjørner og
lite papirtap i nedre kant mot rygg.
Velholdt bind med plettfri materie.
UREGISTRERT VARIANT: Et senere omslag fra Det Nordiske Forlag
og Bogforlaget: Ernst Bojesen”. Det Nordiske Forlag ble ikke stiftet
før i 1895, så dette må være et sekundært omslag. Vi har registrert
tilsvarende omslag på ‹Hos Mama», 1890.
4 500,-
2 500,-
Norsk Bibliophilia
24 Norsk Bibliophilia
29 34
Arne Garborg
Kristiania: Aschehoug, 1895. Liten 8vo. Rødt helskinnbind med
intarsia i grønt skinn. Ytre strekdekor og indre denteller. Helt
gullsnitt. Lesebånd i rød silke.
Bindet er signert Alf Ørenberg [1897-1952], en av norges fremste
bokbindere gjennom tidene.
Proveniens: Bokbindermester Anders Ørenbergs navnetrekk.
Bokbindermester Anders Ørenberg grunnla i 1905 Ørenbergs
bokbinderi, en bedrift som skulle sette viktige spor etter seg innen
vår norske bokbinderhistorie. Bokbinderiet ble drevet av familien
Ørenberg frem til slutten av 1960-tallet. I løpet av de senere tiår
har salg og sammenslåinger ført Ørenberg-navnet videre til det vi
i dag kjenner som Julius – Ørenberg Bokbinderi AS. Alf Ørenberg
var sønn av Anders Ørenberg.
En sjelden mulighet.
12 500,-
Gyldendals Aktuelle Magasin [GAM]
Komplett sett, alt som kom.
1977: 1-2, 1978: 1-2, 1979: 1-2, 1980: Dobbeltnummer.
Bundet med alle omslag i forlagets granitolbind. Som nytt.
Dedikasjon til forlagsdirektør i Gyldendal, Brikt Jensen, fra redaktør
Sigmund Hoftun:
”Kjære Brikt! Denne sjeldne bok til deg som trodde da ingen
trodde. Takk!, datert 23.12.1980.”
Sigmund Hoftun [1931-1985] redigerte tidsskriftet sammen med
Erik Rudeng [1946-], og deres mangeslungne interessefelt og
unike formuleringsevner presenterte samtidslitteraturen på en
unik måte. Brikt Jensen, forlagsdirektør i Gyldendal Norsk Forlag,
skriver i første nummer: ”G.A.M. er ingen trompet for de bøker
som utkommer på Gyldendal i vår, snarere for dem som ikke gjør
det.” Magasinet ble dog nedlagt, med begrunnelse om at det var
ulønnsomt for forlaget.
2 500,-
Norsk Bibliophilia
Knut Hamsun
Pan. Af Løjtnant Thomas Glahns papirer.
København: P. G. Philipsens Forlag, 1894. 8vo. Rødt halvskinnbind,
bundet med begge omslag. Topp gullsnitt, for øvrig kun lett
beskåret. Bindet er signert den danske bokbindermester Anker
Fremre omslag har et meget svakt stempel i øvre og meget svak
brett i nedre hjørner. Samme stempel i øvre hjørne av smusstittelblad.
Bakre omslag med meget svak brett i nedre og et ørlite
papirtap i øvre hjørne.
Et attraktivt eksemplar!
9 000,-
Knut Hamsun
Paa gjengrodde stier.
Oslo: Gyldendal, 1949. 8vo. Forlagsbind i vareomslag.
Vareomslaget med svake pletter og et par meget små papirtap og
rynker i ytterkant. Bindet en tanke skjevlest. Navnetrekk på forsatsblad.
For øvrig et fast bind med plettfri materie.
Boken er ikke vanlig å se i vareomslaget.
1 500,-
26 Norsk Bibliophilia
Norsk Bibliophilia
Gunnar Heiberg
Tante Ulrikke. Skuespil i fire akter.
Kjøbenhavn: P. G. Philipsens Forlag, 1884. 8vo. Forlagsbind.
Bindet er noe ufriskt, men fremstår fast og med ren materie. På bakre
friblad er det klebet inn (kun festet i øvre hjørne) en forlagsetikett
påskrevet forfatternavn og tittel samt ”indb”, noe som kan peke mot
at boken kun kunne bestilles innbundet, og som igjen kan forklare
hvorfor boken så sjelden sees i forlagsbindet.
Denne boken er meget sjelden i forlagsbind.
6 500,-
Gunnar Heiberg
Hs. Majestæt. Dramatiske scener af Gunnar Heiberg.
Kristiania: Nikolai Olsens Bogtrykkeri, Forlagt av Olaf Norli, 1896.
Originalt omslag.
Omslag med noe rifter og forsterkninger på verso. Første to ark
med mindre hakk i nedre kant, langt fra teksten.
Dette eksemplaret ble omsatt for 13 750,- (inkl. salær) ved
Cappelens bokauksjon i desember 1986.
SUPPRIMERT: Skuespillet er bygget over en episode som fant sted
på Støren jernbanestasjon i Guldalen (Gauldalen) lørdag 25. juli
1896. Etter en Norges-tur langs kysten reiste kong Oscar II med
jernbanen fra Trondhjem til Kristiania. På Støren stasjon gjorde
kongen et lite oppjold og her endte han opp med å slå hatten av
en bonde ved navn Ole Robertsen Foss, fordi denne ikke blottet
sitt hode mens et sangkor sang kongesangen.
Skuespillet gikk som ”kjeller” i Verdens Gang før den ble trykt
som bok.
Originalutgaven ble supprimert , i overenskomst mellom forfatter
og forlegger, da den konstituerte riksadvokat Johan Blackstad hadde
gjort skuespillet i ”Verdens Gang” til gjenstand for en innberetning
til justisdepartementet. Kun noen meget få eksemplarer kom
ut, som gave fra forfatter eller forlegger.
I 1951, i anledning av Olaf Norlis 90-årsdag, utga Bibliofilklubben
en faksimileutgave med orienterende forord av Olav Myre. Utgaven
ble trykt i 66 nummererte og 15 unummererte eksemplarer. 1-33
for for Bibliofilklubbens medlemmer, I-XXXIII for framtidige medlemmer
og 15 unummererte affeksjonseksemplarer.
Vignetten på omslaget, som gjengir Støren-bondens hatt, er tegnet
av Thorbjørn Egner. Se neste side.
28 Norsk Bibliophilia
20 000,-
Thor Heyerdahl
Kon-Tiki Ekspedisjonen.
Oslo: Gyldendal, 1948. Stor 8vo. Forlagsbind med vareomslag.
I kassett sammen med Bibiliofilklubbens faksimileutgave og utkast
til denne: Ett eksemplar nummerert for Bibliofilklubben [11], ett av
de 15 unummererte affeksjonseksemplarene + 2 utkast.
Støren-bondens hatt av Thorbjørn Egner
Utkastene til faksimileutgaven foreligger i omslag med blank
materie [uten tekst]. Totalt er det 3 utkast til Støren-bondens hatt,
alle utklippet, hvorav en kolorert.
Vareomslaget med svake pletter på ryggstripen og med meget lite
papirtap i nedre kant av ryggstripen. Bindets ryggstripe meget svakt
bleket i øvre og nedre kant, der vareomslaget ikke har dekket.
Et meget velholdt eksemplar av førsteutgaven, med vareomslaget
som sjelden sees med boken.
Dedikasjon fra Heyerdahl på forsatspapiret.
7 500,-
En morsom samling rundt en av de store sjeldenheter i norsk
Førsteutgaven oppbevares i separat foldemappe og er sammen med
faksimileutgavene og utkastene ilagt kassett fra Ekelund Bokbinderi.
25 000,-
Norsk Bibliophilia
Ludvig Holberg
Dannemarks Riges Historie. Tome I-III.
København: Johan Jørgen Høpffner, 1732/1733/1735. 4to.
Førsterutgaven. Samtidige speilbind, rødt snitt.
Tome I profesjonelt forsterket i indre fremre fals. Tome II med lite
tap av skinn ved øvre kapitél. Tome III med profesjonell skinnreparasjon
i øvre kant. For øvrig et tiltalende og fast sett i samtidige
bind og med gjennomgående god materie.
Portrettet av den unge Holberg, stukket av Chr. Fritzsch i Hamburg,
har store marger.
PROVENIENS: Otto Engelschiøn [1902-1982], medlem av
Bibliofilklubben 1941-1982.
8 500,-
30 Norsk Bibliophilia
Norsk Bibliophilia
32 Norsk Bibliophilia
Kjellere og utklipp, i hovedak fra Nordland Folkeblad og Helgelands Blad:
Presten Ole Broch og hans Strid med Mag. Anders Dass og Almuen. 1902.
Drevjevisen. Et stykke Vefsenhistorie. 1902.
Ole Christensen Søfting. Hans Æt. Processer. Oxetyveri. Skipperhistorier /
Knud Olsen Dolstad eller Halsøen / Nogle Notiser om Gaarden Mo.
1903. Pag. 1-45.
Troldkjærringen paa Moldbremmen. Troldkatvisen og lidt om Familien
Tanke. Bausteinen. 1903.
Troldkjærringen paa Moldbremmen. Troldkatvisen og lidt om Familien
Tanke.[Variant uten Bausteinen]. 1903.
Gamle Vefsenhistorier. 2den Række. 1903.
Vefsenpresten Ole Broch og Mag. Anders Dass til Alstahaug. 1904.
Gamle Vefsenhistorier. 2den Række. 1905.
Et Billede af Markedslivet i gamle Dage. Ganfinnen Tomas Sjursen. 1905.
Mosjøens Historie i ældre Tider. 1905.
Den falske Bertel Olai Eriksen. En Plattenslagerhistorie fra Rødø. 1906.
Vefsen Kirke og Kirkeranet. 1906.
Helfjeldhistorier. En Vefsnsk Bygdekrønike. 1906.
Jægteskipperen Christen Ingebrigtsen fra Øksningen og hans Sønner. 1906.
Mikal Jakobsen
Manuskriptmateriale i Jakobsens hånd, relatert til arbeid rundt nedtegnelser
av Ofotens historie. Mindre korrespondanse med Torleiv
Hannaas, blant annet Mikalsens nedtegnelser av hva han har fått
publisert. Spesielt interessant er en nedtegnet Linevise på 53 vers,
tilsynelatende i Jakobsens hånd. Denne har Jonas Skougaards
notater, og opplyser at denne er gitt av Mikalsen til Hannaas.
Videre finnes flere lengre brev fra Jakobsen til Olav Myre og hans
Pressebyrå. Disse inneholder biografiske opplysninger samt
oppgitthet over hvor vanskelig det er å få omsatt hans skrifter.
Mikal Jakobsen [1859-1942] omtales av sin biograf Hans Nerhus,
som en merkelig bygdehistoriker og Hålogalandspatriot. Han var
særdeles produktiv og forfattet, i tillegg til noen få bøker, en stor
mengde lokalhistoriske artikler som ble trykt i lokalavisene
gjennom flere tiår.
Proveniens: Mye av materialet berører Torleiv Hannaas [1874-
1929], Olav Myre [1878-1954] og Jonas Skougaard [1896-1968],
og har deres notater.
Alstahaug Kanikgjeld, eller nu Hatfjelddalen, Vefsen,
Tjøtta, Alstahaug, Herø, NEsne, Hemnes, Mo sognekald.
En historisk statistisk beskrivelse efter originale
utrykte og trykte kilder fra de ældste tider indtil 1914.
Mosjøen: Nordlands Folkeblads trykkeri, 1922. 4to. 373 sider.
Rødt granitolbind, innbundet av Rana Produkter, Mo i Rana.
Meget velholdt.
1) Brev fra Mikalsen om boken som sendes til anmeldelse.
2) Brev fra Telemarken og Grenland Fylkesmuseum, som bestiller
et eksemplar av boken. Jakobsens notater.
Blade fra Bindalens Historie. 1921.
Presten og Magisteren og andre optegnelser fra Nordlandsk Folkeliv ved
år 1700. 1922.
Hr. Claus til Loppa. 1922.
Rødøe gjeld, dets kirker og prester med videre. 1922. Del 1-12.
Herring-Lars [fra Vefsen]. Del I, II og IV. 1925.
Vagabønder og Landstrykere. 1929. 1-64, 73-340 [slutt].
Gammel-Jo’s ættlinger. 1931.
Dolstad Kirke. 1934.
Litt Bygdehistorikk fra Vefsn. Anhang til Alstahaug Kanikgjeld. 1935-36.
Skolevesenet i alstahaug fra de eldste tider til 1840. [uten utgiver og år].
Milits- og forsvarsanstaltninger i Nordland i gamle dager. Vesterålens Avis?
Kulturhistoriske Streiflys over det gamle Hadsel.
[uten utgiver og år]. Diverse utklipp.
Av Lofoten og Vesteraalens historie.
[uten utgiver og år]. Diverse utklipp.
Folkeavstammingen på Røst. [uten utgiver og år].
Gården Hov. [uten utgiver og år].
Dønnes gaard og gods, dens kirke, eiere og beboere i gammel og ny tid.
Bodø: 192[?]. Del 1, 3-12.
Rødøe gjeld, dets kirker og prester med videre. 1922. Del 1, 3-12.
Finnehistorier. 1928. 8 av 11 deler.
12 500,-
Norsk Bibliophilia
Sigurd Hoel & Reidar Aulie
Veien til verdens ende.
Med illustrasjoner av Reidar Aulie.
Oslo: Gyldendal, 1958. Stor 8vo. Forlagets spesialbind i lys grått
halvskinn med topp gullsnitt, bundet med begge omslag.
I originalt plastomslag og kassett.
Nummer 32 av 100 eksemplarer signert av Hoel og Aulie.
Kassetten har etikett med samme nummer som boken.
Noe kantslitasje på kassetten, bindet særdeles velholdt.
Et attraktivt eksemplar.
2 500,- | £215 | $250
Dedikasjon til Rolf Jacobsens
første forlovede
Rolf Jacobsen
Stillheten efterpå…
Oslo: Gyldendal, 1965. Stor 8vo. Originalt omslag.
Ryggstripen noe mørknet og med årstallet ”65” påskrevet.
For øvrig meget velholdt.
Dedikasjon fra Jacobsen til Elisabeth og Nils Hult, datert Hamar
Elisabeth Hult, født Wiborg og datter av ungpikebokforfatteren
Julli Wiborg, var forlovet med Rolf Jacobsen på tidlig 30-tall. De
møttes i Akademisk Korforening i 1930, hvor Jacobsen var en av
medstifterne. Hun giftet seg senere med med Nils Hult.
3 500,-
34 Norsk Bibliophilia
Norsk Bibliophilia
Hans Jæger
Kristiania: Eget Forlag, 1889. 8vo. Forlagsbind, bundet med fremre
omslag (tegnet av Erik Werenskiold), blomstervignett på fordekkel
og AO (Aksel Olsen?) i blindpreg på bakdekkel.
Noe slitasje ved kapitéler. Forgyllingen en tanke mattet. Liten plett
i ytterkant av fordekkel. Samtidig stempel på forsatsblads verso.
Materien gjennomgående og i varierende grad plettet. For øvrig et
fast bind.
Denne boken er sjelden i forlagsbindet.
3 000,-
Theodor Kittelsen
Im Thierstaate. 20 farbige Humoresken nach
Berlin-Leipzig, M. Bauer & Co., [1898]. Forlagets mappe med 20
plansjer + tittelplansje.
Noen plansjer har en meget liten og svak brett i øvre høyre hjørne.
Enkelte mindre pletter og svake fingermerker i helt ytre marg.
Mappen har et par pletter på fordekkel og generelt noe overflateslitasje.
Plansjene er for øvrig helt intakte og velholdte utover det
nevnte. Mappen, med klaffer, fremstår som solid og intakt.
En sjelden tysk utgave av ”«Har dyrene Sjæl?»
Schiøtz/Ringstrøm/Delås: Det foreligger en interessant tysk utgave
fra 1896: Im Thierstaate, (Leipzig/ Berlin). Helsjirtingmappe.
Forskjellig fra København-utgaven.
4 000,-
36 Norsk Bibliophilia
Norsk Bibliophilia
Karl Ove Knausgård
Årstid-encyclopedien om den nære virkeligheten
Christian Krohg
Kristiania: Huseby & Co., 1886. 8vo. 6 tegninger. Nyere halvskinnbind
med begge omslag oppforet (til opplysning er indre sider
av omslagene opprinnelig blanke). Øvre snitt beskåret, for øvrig
Omslagene svakt rynket og med meget små papirtap mot indre
marg. Meget velholdt bind.
«Albertine» er meget sjelden i omslag.
Om høsten,
skrevet av en far til hans ufødte barn.
Boken er illustrert av Vanessa Baird. Oslo: Oktober Forlag, 2015.
Om vinteren,
skrevet av en far til et barn som snart skal bli født.
Boken er illustrert av Lars Lerin. Oktober Forlag, 2015.
Om våren,
skrevet av en far til hans nyfødte barn.
Boken er illustrert av Anna Bjerger. Oktober Forlag, 2016.
Om sommeren,
skrevet av en far til hans yngste datter.
Boken er illustrert av Anselm Kiefer. Oktober Forlag, 2016.
En ulest og meget velholdt rekke.
Alle bøker signert av Knausgård mellom 2015 og 2017.
3 500,-
Arthur Thuesen, «Krohg’s ”Albertine”». Oslo, 1943. Nummer 2 av
33 eksemplarer for Bibliofilklubben, signert av Thuesen.
«Albertine» utkom mandag
morgen 20. desember 1886 og
ble beslaglagt allerede dagen
etter. Etter justisdepartementets
ordre av 21. desember 1886
ble boken om ettermiddagen
beslaglagt av politiet i Christiania.
Det var i denne korte
perioden solgt omtrent 800
eksemplarer av opplaget på
1600. Politiet fikk kun fatt i et
par hundre eksemplarer, resten
var solgt utenbys. Bakgrunnen
for beslagleggelsen ble angitt å
være at den ”krænket blufærdigheten”.
4 500,-
38 Norsk Bibliophilia
Norsk Bibliophilia
Llewellyn Lloyd
The game birds and wild fowl of Sweden and
Norway; with an account of the seals and salt-water
fishes of those countries.
London: Frederick Warne and co.: 1867. Xx, 599 pp. 4to. Illustrated
with 48 chromo-lithographs and 65 wood cuts. Large folding map
mounted on thin canvas. Top edge gilt, else near uncut.
A beautiful half leather binding by Swedish royal book binder
Gustav Hedberg. Attractive slip case made by Norwegian book
binder Magnus Myra.
A fine copy!
Eiler Schiötz, ”Itineraria Norvegica”: nr. 615b. A variant of the
a-variant. Slightly different title and the printer name only on
last page, not on the verso of the title page, as called for in the
Llewellyn Lloyd
The game birds and wild fowl of Sweden and
Norway; with an account of the seals and salt-water
fishes of those countries.
London: Frederick Warne and co.: 1867. Second edition. Xx, 599
pp. 4to. Illustrated with 48 chromo-lithographs and 65 wood cuts.
Large folding map laid in pocket at rear. Top edge gilt,
Lightly bumped corners. With the exeception of very occasional
light foxing, mainly clean interior. A tight and sound copy of this
Eiler Schiötz, ”Itineraria Norvegica”: nr. 615c.
Published the same year as the first edition, with a new title page.
5 000,-
15 000,-
A unique inscribed copy
40 Norsk Bibliophilia
Cecilie Løveid
Mørkets muligheter.
København: Swing, 1976. Originalt omslag.
Mindre bruksspor langs omslagets ytterkanter, for øvrig et fast
eksemplar med ren materie.
Trykt i Danmark, norsk tekst. Sjelden!
Dedikasjon: ”Bertil!! Med hilsen fra vår hittegodsavdeling…
Alltid til tjeneste - Spesialitet: SJAL OG GAMLE HATTER. Cecilie.
3 500,-
Vilhelm Moberg
…”Der handler om hvad det koster at være helt.”
Svensk Litteraturtidsskrift, uten år. Pag 153-156. Stor 8vo. Originalt
omslag. Velholdt.
Dedikasjon til forlegger Helge Busck: ”Til Helge Busck och till
åminnelse av Kaj Munk från Vilhelm Moberg.
Utdrag: Nyt Nordisk Forlag i Köpenhamn utgav år 1942 undertecknades
roman ”Rid i natt!” i dansk upplaga. I samband med
kontaktuppgörelsen skrev förlagschefen Helge Busck bl.a. till mig:
”Jeg takker Dem for Budstikken som de sendte, og beder Dem
være forvisset om , at hos mig bliver den ikke gravet ned, men
skikket videre gennem Danmarks mørke Nat.”
I «Rid i natt!» [1941] setter Moberg tiden til det syttende århundre,
og fremstiller Sverige som okkupert av tyskerne.
Den danske presten, forfatteren og motstandsmannen Kaj Munk
[1898-1944] ble tre år senere henrettet av tyskerne. Når han leser
Mobergs bok blir han henrykt og anmelder den med varme og
sterke ord (anmeldelsen er tatt med etter Mobergs artikkel):
Der er en svensk Digter, der hedder Vilhelm Moberg. Har De ikke
vidst det før, skal De vide det fra nu. […] «Rid i Nat» er en Bog der
handler om, hvad der koster at være Helt. I vor bundløst forløjede
Tid lever der en Ungdom af stor Vederhæftighed. Realismen gjorde
os illusionsløse, oh, den gik langt videre; den ribbede os for
Drømme og Tro.
1 500,-
Norsk Bibliophilia
53 53
Gerhard Munthe
Norske folkeviser skrevne og illustrerte av
Gerhard Munthe.
Stavanger: 1933. Folio. Originalt helskinnbind i vareomslag og
original kassett.
Gjengivelsen av Munthes originaler er utført og trykt etter egen
offsetmetode i Dreyers Grafiske anstalt. Bind og innbinding er
også utført her. Papiret er fra Van Gelder Zonen.
Nummer 110 av 200 eksemplarer.
4 000,-
42 Norsk Bibliophilia
54 55
Agnar Mykle
Lasso rundt fru Luna.
Oslo: Gyldendal, 1954. Stor 8vo. Originalt omslag.
Ryggstripen lett plettet og med noe lesestriper. Svake bretter i
hjørner, for øvrig et fast og tiltalende eksemplar.
Leseeksemplar. Til sirkulasjon blant bokhandelens personale.
Meget uvanlig i dette variantomslaget.
I enkel kassett.
6 500,-
Jørgen Nash
Hanegal. Gallisk poesialbum 1941-1961.
Med illuminationer af J. V. Martin og tegninger af digteren.
Paris: Edition Internationale Situationniste, 1961. 4to. Originalt
kartonasjebind omsluttet av blankt pappomslag, ilagt original
kassett trukket med hønsenetting.
Vedlagt: Bestillingsseddel for verket.
Verket udkommer i midten af januar 1961 i 750 eksemplarer med
farveillustrationer af J. V. Martin, der for tiden udstiller på Salon de
l’Art Libre i Paris. Luksusudgaven bliver trykt hos Louis Rasmussen
i Ringkjøbing, signeret af begge kunstnere og innb. i stift bind
med galvaniseret hønsenet.
Signert av Nash og Martin. Nummer 26 av 750 eksemplarer.
Et meget velholdt eksemplar.
1 500,-
Norsk Bibliophilia
44 Norsk Bibliophilia
Per Petterson
Komplett rekke velholdte førsteutgaver med signaturer/
dedikasjoner. Tilsynelatende uleste eksemplarer.
Aske i munnen, sand i skoa.
Oslo: Oktober, 1987. 8vo. Forlagsbind med vareomslag.
Meget svak fargeavsetning enkelte steder i den hvite bakgrunnen.
Et meget velholdt eksemplar. Signert av Petterson på tittelblad.
Oslo: Oktober, 1989. 8vo. Forlagsbind med vareomslag.
Meget svak fargeavsetning enkelte steder ved ytterkanter.
Stempel fra forleggeren på forsatsblad. Et meget velholdt
eksemplar. Dedikasjon fra Petterson på tittelblad.
Det er greit nok for meg.
Oslo: Oktober, 1992. 8vo. Forlagsbind med vareomslag.
Svak brett i nedre hjørne av vareomslagets fremre del.
Et meget velholdt eksemplar. Signert av Petterson på tittelblad.
Til Sibir.
Oslo: Oktober, 1996. 8vo. Forlagsbind med vareomslag.
Et meget velholdt eksemplar. Signert av Petterson på tittelblad.
I kjølvannet.
Oslo: Oktober, 2000. 8vo. Forlagsbind med vareomslag.
Navnetrekk på forsatsblad. Et meget velholdt eksemplar.
Signert av Petterson på tittelblad.
Ut og stjæle hester.
Oslo: Oktober, 2003. 8vo. Forlagsbind med vareomslag.
Svak limrest etter prislapp på vareomslagets fremre del.
Et meget velholdt eksemplar. Signert av Petterson på tittelblad.
Månen over porten.
Oslo: Oktober, 2004. 8vo. Forlagsbind med vareomslag.
Et meget velholdt eksemplar.
Dedikasjon fra Petterson på tittelblad, datert 2004.
Jeg forbanner tidens elv.
Oslo: Oktober, 2008. 8vo. Forlagsbind med vareomslag.
Et meget velholdt eksemplar. Hilsen fra Petterson på smusstittelblad.
Jeg nekter.
Oslo: Oktober, 2012. 8vo. Forlagsbind med vareomslag.
Et meget velholdt eksemplar. Signert av Petterson på tittelblad,
datert 2012.
Menn i min situasjon.
Oslo: Oktober, 2018. 8vo. Forlagsbind med vareomslag.
Et meget velholdt eksemplar. Signert av Petterson på tittelblad.
Mitt Abruzzo. Journal 29.1.-18.7.2021.
Oslo: Oktober, 2021. 8vo. Forlagsbind med vareomslag.
Et meget velholdt eksemplar. Signert av Petterson på tittelblad.
12 500NOK 785 €
Norsk Bibliophilia
Per Petterson & Håvard Vikhagen
Ut og stjæle hester.
Med en billedserie av Håvard Vikhagen.
Oslo: Bokklubben, 2008. Stor 8vo. Forlagsbind i vareomslag.
Som ny.
Signert av Per Petterson og Håvard Vikhagen.
1 500,-
[Per Petterson] John Fante
1933 var et dårlig år. Oversatt av Per Petterson.
Oslo: Tronsmobok, 1987. Stor 8vo. Forlagets kartonasjebind.
Meget velholdt.
Signert av Per Petterson.
1 000,-
46 Norsk Bibliophilia
[Norske statsministre] Dag Berggrav [red.]
Maktens høyborg. Statsministerens kontors historie og
politiske hovedsaker siden 1945.
København: Swing, 1976. Originalt omslag.
Oslo: Grøndahl Dreyer i samarbeid med Stasministerens kontor,
1997. Stor 8vo. Forlagsbind med vareomslag.
To små lukkede rifter i nedre kant av vareomslagets bakre del.
For øvrig velholdt.
Signert av Berggrav og følgende 5 tidligere statsministre:
En norsk Matroses Tanker over den Vanskelighed at
faae Kongen i Tale, Skreven til Trøst for sine Brødre.
Kiøbenhavn: Trykt og findes tilkiøbs hos Joh. Rud. Thiele, 1771.
15, [1] sider. Liten 8vo. Kombinert omslag og tittelblad, som
Mindre slitasje på rygg, for øvrig et rent eksemplar.
PROVENIENS: Jonas Skougaard, med hans notater.
2 500,-
Per Borten [1913-2005] Statsminister 1965-1971, SP.
Lars Korvald [1916-2006] Statsminister 1972-1973, KrF
Oddvar Nordli [1927-2018] Statsminister 1976-1981, AP
Kåre Willoch [1928-2021] Statsminister 1981-1986, H.
Kjell Magne Bondevik [1947-] Statsminister 1997-2000,
2001-2005. KrF.
Et unikt politisk historisk eksemplar med ikoniske H-Blokka på
VEDLAGT: Invitasjon fra Statsministerens Kontor i anledning
presentasjon av boken. Her står oppgitt at Statsminister Kjell
Magne Bondevik og flere andre tidligere statsministre vil delta.
4 500,-
Norsk Bibliophilia
Inscribed from Dan Turèll to Allen Ginsberg
Dan Turèll
Karma Cowboy. 300 ark.
Gyldendal, 1974. Small 4to-oblong. First edition, first printing.
Original illustrated wrappers.
Slightly creased along edges, though still a tight and very good
copy of this scarce book.
Inscribed to Allen Ginsberg with a quote referring to Ginsberg’s
father Louis, dated 21 January 1983.
Allen Ginsberg visited Denmark for the first and last time in
January 1983. The Danish author Dan Turèll was strongly inspired
by the beat-litterature and Allen Ginsberg in particular. Both
shared stage on several occasions during Ginsburg’s two week
trip to Denmark.
The book was bought at a rare book shop in the US many years back.
A unique item.
6 000,- | £500 | $600
48 Norsk Bibliophilia
«Bokhandleren i Kabul» og dens følger
Åsne Seierstad
Bokhandleren i Kabul.
Oslo: Cappelen, 2002. 8vo. Forlagsbind i vareomslag.
Meget velholdt.
Signert av Åsne Seierstad.
Seierstad fikk Bokhandlerprisen 2002 for «Bokhandleren i Kabul»,
og den lå på The New York Times’ bestselgerliste 41 uker på rad.
Åsne Seierstad skrev boken etter at hun hadde bodd hos familien
Rais i Afghanistan. Shah Mohammad Rais hevdet at Seierstad
krenket deres privatliv da hun omtalte familien i boken, og gikk til
søksmål. Seierstad og forlaget ble i 2010 dømt til å betale en oppreisning
til bokhandlerens kone. Dommen ble anket til Borgarting
lagmannsrett der de ble frikjent i desember 2011. Dommen ble
anket videre til Høyesterett, også der ble Seierstad frikjent.
Shah Mohammad Rais
Det var en gang en bokhandler i Kabul.
Oslo: Damm, 2006. 8vo. Forlagsbind i vareomslag.
Meget velholdt.
Vedlagt lapp signert av Shah Mohammad Rais + visittkort til bokhandleren
i Kabul.
3 500,-
Rais skrev i 2006 sin egen versjon av saken, boken ble utgitt på
Forlaget Damm.
Norsk Bibliophilia
LOT 44
A little foreword
In 2022 we entered our 15th year in business, and for the first time we present a catalogue where a large part is devoted
to international objects. This is partly a result of that we for 10 years have been co-operating with colleague and good
friend Pål Sagen, owner of Galleri Bygdøy Allé in Oslo. His main field of expertise is maps, manuscripts, older books and
Norwegian national art. Since 2019 we have, through Sagen & Delås | Auctions, held several sales over single owner
collections in which there have been many objects of international interest, thus increasing our international network.
This spring we had the great honour of auctioning off the Otto Norland Polar Library, setting several records in the
Norwegian auction market. For the past couple of years now, we have bought foreign titles with that in mind to reach
out to collectors and colleagues across the borders. For this Bibliophilia-catalogue, we have made a selection of books
we hope will interest collectors within multiple fields. These are first and foremost modern first editions and most of the
books are signed or have inscriptions from the authors. A large portion of the books come from the collection of Eiliv
Høibakken, a devoted collector of signed and inscribed books. He has been collecting books for more than 40 years, not
only in Norway, but also on many long stays in the US and other travels abroad. He has sent books and inquieries to authors
all around the world, and can tell us about looking up authors in the phone books and meeting at book signings etc. back
in the 80’s when visiting cities around the US. A bibliophile at heart. In addition we have bought certain sections of
international literature which is also represented in the catalogue. We have more inscribed copies of many of the authors
presented in addition to many authors not in the catalogue. We also have a nice selection of Beat Literature, LGBTQ writers
and more in stock at the moment.
All books in jackets are supplied with protective mylar. Most were taken off during photography.
Please do not hesitate to contact us abut the books or if you want to sign up for our newsletters.
NB! There might be some titles of international interest also in the Norwegian part.
Bibliophile greetings
Fredrik Delås
Books for collectors since 2007
Bryggenveien 42
1747 Skjeberg
T: 930 22 712
Member of:
International League of Antiquarian Booksellers
Norwegian Assiociation of Rare Book Dealers
Catalogue design and photography by Fredrik Delås
4 International Bibliophilia
1 3
Kôbô Abe
Shi Ni Isogu kujira-tachi.
Tokyo: Schinchôha, 1986. First edition, first printing. Publisher’s
boards in jacket with bellyband. A fine copy.
Inscribed by Kôbô Abe to Howard Hibbett [1920-2019], translator
and professor of Japanese literature at Harvard University, dated
September 12 1986.
Kôbô Abe [1924-1993], pseudonym for Kimifusa Abe, japanese
author and several times in the discussion to receive the Nobel
Prize in Literature. Kenzaburô Ôe, awarded the Nobel Prize in
1994, credited Abe, among others, to have prepared the way to
the first japanese receivement of the Nobel Prize in Literature.
2 000,- | £170 | $200
Chinua Achebe
No longer at ease.
London, Melbourne, Toronto: Heinemann, 1960. First edition,
first printing. Publisher’s boards in jacket. Discrete book plate on
front paste down, under the flap of the jacket. Weak crease to
jacket in lower end of spine. Spine only a slight hint of sunned.
Not price clipped.
A remarkable fine copy with fresh colour to the spine.
Chinua Achebe [1930-2013], Nigerian novelist, poet and critic,
considered one of the most central authors of modern African
literature. His debut novel «Things falling apart» (1958) was one
of the first african novels to receive global critical acclaim. «No
longer at ease» is the second book in what is often referred to as
«The African Trilogy», «Arrow of God» (1964) being the third.
Achebe received a large number of awards for his work.
15 000,- | £1,280 | $1,500
Chinua Achebe
Anthills of the Savannah.
London: Heinemann, 1987. First edition, first printing. Publisher’s
boards in jacket. A fine copy.
Inscribed by Achebe, dated Oslo 1988, to front free end paper.
1 500,- | £130 | $150
International Bibliophilia
4 5
César Aira
Three novels: Ghosts, An episode in the life of a
landscape painter, The literaty office.
London: Penguin Books, 2015. First edition, first printing.
Publisher’s wrappers in slipcase. A fine set.
Signed by Aira, dated 2016, in all three books.
César Aira was born in Coronel Pringles, Argentina, in 1949, and
has lived in Buenos Aires since 1967.
From publication: ”Irreverent, playful, provocative and prolific,
Argentinian author Cesar Aira has written over seventy books and
has been acknowledged internationally to be one of the most
original and provocative authors in world literature. Collected
here are three of his novellas, to be published for the very first
time in the UK.
In Ghosts, an immigrant worker’s family are squatting on the
haunted construction site of a luxury condominium building.
All of the workmen and their families see the ghosts which float
around the place, but one teenage girl’s interest in them becomes
so intense that her mother realizes her life is in the balance. An
Episode in the Life of a Landscape Painter tells of a point in the
life of German painter Johann Moritz Rugendas, when he visits
Latin America to paint its spectacular landscapes. There, a strange
episode interrupts his trip and irreversibly marks him for life. And
in The Literary Conference, a young translator called Cesar Aira
travels to a literary conference, intent on world domination . . .
1 500,- | £130 | $150
Woody Allen
Side Effects.
New York: Random House, 1980. First edition, first printing [Stated
First Edition + numberline ending with ”2” which for Random House
states first printing]. Publisher’s boards in unclipped jacket.
Jacket with tiny closed tear at spine end towards back panel. A few
reinforcements on verso. A fine copy in a very good jacket.
Signed by Allen to half title.
An anthology of 17 comical short essays written by Allen between
1975 and 1980, all but one of which were previously published
in The New Republic, The New York Times, The New Yorker, and
The Kenyon Review. It includes Allen’s 1978 O. Henry Awardwinning
story ”The Kugelmass Episode”.
2 000,- | £170 | $200
[Julian Assange]
The Wikileaks Files. The world according to US empire.
With an introduction by Julian Assange.
London & New York: Verso, 2015. Large 8vo. First edition, first
printing. Publisher’s buckram backed boards, spine lettered in
white. A fine copy.
Signed by Assange to half title, dated Embassy of Equador
September 2015.
6 International Bibliophilia
The book was launched at Foyles September 29th in London.
Julian Assange was then still in The Embassy of Equador in
London, joining the book launch live for an interview by John
Pilger and Richard Gizbert on a large screen.
10 000,- | £850 | $1,000
Paul Auster
Ghosts. The New York Trilogy, volume 2.
Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1986. 8vo. Publisher’s blue
cloth, spine lettered in gilt jacket. In pictoral jacket. A fine copy.
SIGNED by Auster to title page.
2 000,- | £170 | $200
Paul Auster
The Locked Room. The New York Trilogy, volume 3.
Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1986. 8vo. Publisher’s blue
cloth, spine lettered in in gilt. In pictoral jacket. A fine copy.
At the end this copy contains the colophon page for the lettered
issue of 26 copies but is not signed.
2 000,- | £170 | $200
International Bibliophilia
Nobody knows my name. More notes of a native son.
New York: The Dial Press, 1961. 8vo. First edition, first printing.
Publisher’s cloth-backed boards, spine lettered in silver. In pictoral
jacket, photograph by Roy Hyrkin, design by Robert Jonas.
Unclipped jacket with light creases to spine ends. Spine title of
jacket lightly sunned. Lower corner just lightly bumped. A near fine
copy in a near fine jacket.
Following up on «Notes of a native son», this collection includes
revised versions of several of his previously published essays, as
well as new material.
James Baldwin - 5 first editions
Notes of a native son.
Boston: The Beacon Press, 1955. 8vo. First edition, first printing.
Publisher’s red cloth, spine lettered in black. In pictoral jacket,
photograph by Paula Horn.
Price clipped jacket with creases and minor splits to edges, of
which some are reinforced on verso. Marginal stain page 18-21.
Near fine in good plus jacket.
Baldwin’s second book and first collection of essays reflecting
on race in America and Europe. Chosen as a NYPL Book of the
3 500,- | £300 | $350
1 500,- | £130 | $150
The fire next time.
New York: The Dial Press, 1963. 8vo. First edition, first printing.
Publisher’s cream cloth boards, spine lettered in red. Red top
edge. In jacket, designed by Paul Bacon. Back panel photograph
by Mottke Weissman.
Unclipped jacket with light creases and small paper loss to spine
ends and corners plus some minor edgewear. Spine title of jacket
with fresh and sharp colours! Binding with a trifle yellowing to
edges. Else a near fine copy in a very good jacket.
«The fire next time», discussing the central role of race in
American history, consolidated Baldwin’s position as one of
America’s most important writers.
2 500,- | £215 | $250
8 International Bibliophilia
Going to meet the man.
New York: The Dial Press, 1965. 8vo. First edition, first printing.
Publisher’s yellow cloth-backed boards, spine lettered in black.
Yellow top edge. In jacket. Back panel photograph by Martha Holmes.
Unclipped jacket with minor edgewear. Jacket spine title lightly
sunned. Small brown spot to fore edge, affecting only a trifle outer
margins of pp. 195-210. A near fine copy in a very good jacket.
8 short stories of which 5 were published between 1948-1960.
1 500,- | £130 | $150
Jimmy’s Blues. Selected poems.
London: Michael Joseph, 1983. 8vo. First edition, first printing.
Publisher’s black cloth boards, spine lettered in silver. In pictoral
jacket, photograph by Jean Harvey.
Unclipped jacket. A fine copy in a fine jacket.
Baldwin’s single book of poetry, first published in the UK.
1 500,- | £130 | $150
International Bibliophilia
Simone de Beauvoir
The second sex.
Translated and edited by H. M. Parshley.
Pennsylvania: The Franklin Library, 1979. Large 8vo. Full black
leather decoratively tooled in gilt, raised spine bands, grey moiré
cloth end papers, all edges gilt. Silk reading ribbon.
Minor wear to two of the raised bands, else a fine copy
This limited edition of THE SECOND SEX by Simone Beauvoir has
been privately printed, and individually signed by the author.
Simone de Beauvoir [1908-1986], French writer and feminist
known primarily for her treatise «Le Deuxieme Sex» [The second
sex] 1949, a schorlarly and passionate plea for abolition of what
she called the myth of the ”eternal feminine”. It became a classic
of feminist literature during the 1960’s.
3 000,- | £255 | $300
Simone de Beauvoir
[First Danish translation of The Mandarins, by Karen Mathiasen].
København: Martins Forlag, 1957. Large 8vo. Publisher’s illustrated
Inscribed by Beauvoir to title page:
”A Mr. Christiansen en toute sympathie S de Beauvoir”.
For «The Mandarins» Beauvoir received the Prix Goncourt, for the
best and most imaginative prose work of the year 1954.
4 000,- | £340 | $400
Ruth Benedict
The Chrysanthemum and the Sword. Patterns of
Japanese Culture.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1946. 8vo. Publisher’s cream
cloth, text to upper board and spine in green. In illustrated jacket
by Ronald Murray.
Jacket with edgewear and some chipping and small paper loss to
upper corner of front flap. Binding in fine condition with clean
interior. Jacket in protective mylar cover.
Ruth Benedict [1887-1948], anthropologist, was invited by the
U.S. Office of War Information to make a study on Japan, in order
to understand and predict the behaviour of the Japanese in World
War II. This influential book shaped American ideas about Japanese
culture during the occupation of Japan, and popularized the
distinction between guilt cultures and shame cultures. The books
has sold over 2,3 million copies, which puts it on the top of the
list foir best-selling books on Japan.
2 000,- | £170 | $200
Light edgewear and sunning to spine. A tight copy with clean interior.
10 International Bibliophilia
David Ben-Guiron
Ben-Guiron looks at the Bible.
New York: Jonathan David Publishers, 1972. 8vo. First edition,
first printing. Publisher’s boards in jacket.
Jacket with some wear and repair along edges, still intact. Two
small stains to the fore edge, just slightly affecting the outer margin
of last 20pp. Binding else near fine.
Inscribed by Ben-Guiron to title page.
1) Letter from Ragnvald Alfred Roscher Lund to David Ben-Gurion,
dated Oslo January 19th 1973, thanking him for the book sent
him. ”My feelings during my work in Israel was that I (and The
United Nations) was quite helpless, and I don’t know what I did
that makes you remember me”. He wants to reciprocate Ben-
Guiron’s gift by sending him in retur none of his daughter’s books.
Roscher Lund was the father of the well known author of historical
novels, Vera Henriksen.
2) Letter with visit card of Itzhak Keenan, Ambassador of Israel
to Norway, dated Oslo January 16th Fabruary, enclosing a letter
from Ben-Guiron.
3) Letter from Ben-Guiron to Roscher Lund, dated Tel-Aviv 2.
February 1973, where he is thanking for the book and asking if it
is available in French.
David Ben-Guiron [1886-1973] Zionist leader, the primary national
founder of the State of Israel and the first Prime Minister of
Israel 1948-54, 1955-63. In 1998 he was selected by Time Magazine
as one of the most important persons of the 20th Century.
Ragnvald Alfred Roscher Lund [1899–1975] – Norwegian Army
colonel. He was head of the Ministry of Defence’s information
office during Germany’s attack on Norway April 9th, 1940. He
then made a strong career in the Norwegian Army during WWII.
Roscher Lund distinguished himself as an intelligence officer, and
is known, among other things, for having delivered the message
to British intelligence that started the hunt for the German battleship
Bismarck in 1941. He also led Norwegian espionage in Nazi
Germany during the war. For Great Britain, Roscher Lund’s
intelligence activities in Sweden were so important that Prime
Minister Winston Churchill himself tried to prevent his transfer
from Stockholm to London.
After the war Roscher Lund entered diplomacy, and was soon
appointed by Trygve Lie, the first General Secretary of The United
Nations [1946-1952].
Roscher Lund played a central, but essentially hidden, role in
Palestine during the establishment of the state of Israel. He was
military expert of the Advance Party of U.N. Palestine Commission,
which arrived on March 1. In late April he was appointed secretary
of the Consular Truce Commission. He had close relations with
one party, the Zionists - above all through the Jewish Agency, and
Israel’s later president Chaim Herzog, to whom he privately gave
reports and advice. In June, he became temporary chief of staff
for the UN’s chief mediator Folke Bernadotte; having also been
secretary of the UN Armistice Commission.
6 000,- | £510 | $600
International Bibliophilia
18 19
James Blake
The Joint.
New York: Doubleday & Company - Paris Review Editions, 1971.
First edition, first printing. Publisher’s dark blue cloth-backed
boards. In unclipped pictoral jacket by Diane Galef, photograph on
back flap by Jerry Sarapochiello.
Jacket with minor edgewear and slight sunning to spine. A fine
copy in a very good plus jacket.
Signed by Blake to title page.
James Blake [1920-1979], who called himself the world’s most
inept burglar, catapulted to literary fame in 1971 with the
publication by Doubleday & Company of “The Joint.” The book
was a collection of letters to various friends and was organized by
George Plimpton, who took the letters to Doubleday. A section
of “The Joint” appeared in Esquire magazine, as did a short story,
“The Widow, Bereft,” which was selected by Martha Foley and
Whit Burnett for their “Best American Short Stories of 1971.”
About him, William Styron wrote in The New York Times Book
Review in April of that year: “Twenty years ago, when he was 31,
a college-educated jazz pianist received a two-year sentence in
the Duval County jail in Jacksonville, Florida, charged with petit
larceny and breaking and entering.
“It was his first experience at doing time, and although Blake was
absolutely out of character as a criminal type and, by his own
admission, the world’s most inept burglar, he discovered that
confinement offered such sovereign satisfactions and fulfillments
that he caused himself to be incarcerated at the Jacksonville jail
or, even more happily, at “The Joint,” the Florida State Penitentiary at
Raiford, for 13 of the next 20 years. “It is one of the most wickedly
entertaining chronicles of its kind, a thief’s journal that reflects
the mordant, droll, nervously sensitive conciousness of a man
for whom prison was far less a purgatory than a retreat, a kind of
timeless, walled Yaddo for the gifted misfit.
1 000,- | £85 | $100
[BOOKS ON BOOKS] Sylvia Beach
Shakespeare and Company. The Story of an American
Bookshop in Paris. [A memoir of the writers who made
the twenties famous by the first publisher of James
Joyce’s Ulysses.]
New York: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1959. First edition, first
printing. 8vo. Publisher’s cream cloth, spine lettered in blue. In
illustrated jacket.
Jacket with minor signs of wear along edges, spine somewhat
sunned. Binding with blue text to spine. A near fine book in a very
good jacket.
An anthology of 17 comical short essays written by Allen between
1975 and 1980, all but one of which were previously published
in The New Republic, The New York Times, The New Yorker, and
The Kenyon Review. It includes Allen’s 1978 O. Henry Awardwinning
story ”The Kugelmass Episode”.
1 500,- | £130 | $150
12 International Bibliophilia
Inscribed by Sylvia Beach to
Danish translator of «Ulysses»
Sylvia Beach in front of Shakespeare and Company, 8 rue Dupuytren.
[BOOKS ON BOOKS] [Sylvia Beach]
Les Annés Vingt. Les écrivains Américains a Paris et leirs
amis. 1920-1930.
Shakespeare and Company, Sylvia Beach, Paris. Exposition du 11
Mars au 25 Avril 1959. First edition, first printing. Large square
8vo. Publisher’s wrappers.
Slight edgewear, spine faded.
Inscribed by Sylvia Beach to front free end paper: ”For Mogens
Boisen. Danish translator of ”Ulysses” and an old friend of Sylvia
Mogens Boisen [1910-1987] made the first translation of ”Ulysses”
to Danish, 3 years after the first Scandinavian translation to Swedish,
by Thomas Warburton [1918-2016] in 1946.
15 000,- | £1,280 | $1,500
International Bibliophilia
22 23
[BOOKS ON BOOKS] Harold Bloom
The Western Canon. The books and school of the ages.
New York: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1994. First edition, first
printing. 8vo. Publisher’s brown cloth, spine lettered in gilt. In
illustrated jacket. Fine. In protective mylar cover.
Signed by Bloom to half title.
1 000,- | £85 | $100
Brassaï & Henry Miller
Quiet days in clichy. With photographs by Brassaï.
Paris: The Olympia Press, 1956. First and original edition. 8vo.
Original illustrated wrappers.
A trifle rolled. A near fine copy with bright colours and very few
signs of wear!
12 000,- | £1,025 | $1,200
[BOOKS ON BOOKS] Larry McMurtry
Books. A Memoir.
New York: Simon & Schuster, 2008. First edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s red cloth-vbacked cream boards, spine lettered in gilt.
In jacket. Fine. In protective mylar cover.
Signed by McMurtry to free end paper.
Laid in: Original photo of McMurtry during a speech session.
1 000,- | £85 | $100
Jorge Luis Borges
Franz Kafka. Stories 1904-1924. A new transaltion by
J. A. Underwood. Foreword by Jorge Luis Borges.
London & Sydney: MacDonald & Co., 1981. First edition, first
printing. Publisher’s burgundy boards, spine lettered in silver. In
illustrated jacket.
Jacket with light creases and edgewear. Book slightly cocked.
Book plate on front paste down.
Signed by Borges to title page.
5 000,- | £425 | $500
14 International Bibliophilia
International Bibliophilia
25 26
Picasso and Company. Preface by Henry Miller.
Photographs by author.
New York: Doubleday & Company, 1966. 8vo. Publisher’s brown
boards, spine titled in gilt, gilt illustration embossed to upper
board. In jacket, unclipped.
Jacket with sunned spine and closed tear in upper edge of front
panel (professionally restored on verso). The jacket text has lightly
affected the cloth of the binding. Newspaperclipping related to
Brassaï and Picasso mounted to front free end paper.
Inscribed by Brassaï to dedication page: ”To Derek Lindsay, ces
petites histoires sur la Grande histoire ”Picasso”, bien amicalement
Brassaï, Paris, le 16 mai 1969”.
British novelist and playwright Derek Lindsay [1920-2000] wrote
a novel and a few plays under the pseudonym A. E. Ellis. His one
and only novel «The Rack» received high acclaim when it was
published in 1958.
7 000,- | £600 | $700
Richard Brautigan
Dreaming of Babylon. A Private Eye Novel 1942
New York, Delacorte Press, 1977. 8vo. First edition, first printing.
Publisher’s black cloth, spine lettered in silver. In illutrated jacket,
Jacket with just a few very light creases to edges. A near fine copy.
Inscribed to Olav Angell, the Norwegian translator of Brautigan’s
books: ”This copy is for Olav Angell ”wishing him a very good
1978”, Richard Brautigan. San Francisco January 21, 1978.”
In February 1974 Olav Angell [1932-2018] and Jan Erik Vold
[1939-], another central Norwegian poet, essayist and translator,
went on a five-week trip to the United States to create what would
become the legendary American edition of Vinduet, a Norwegian
literary magazine. They wrote about the graffiti on the subway in
New York, visited Robert Creeley in Buffalo, took the Greyhound
bus over to the West Coast, shopped at City Lights in San Francisco
and took a cab out of town to the home of Richard Brautigan, the
author of «Trout Fishing in America», which the same year was
published in Norwegian in Olav Angell’s translation, without that
Brautigan himself having any idea about it. “It was pouring rain.
16 International Bibliophilia
27 28
It was probably ten in the evening, and we knocked on the door,”
Angell wrote. ”I said, ’Hello, Mr. Brautigan, I am your Norwegian
translator’. Then he opened the door wide. “Gentlemen. Come
The article in Vinduet “Meeting with Brautigan” is amusing reading:
“Richard Brautigan is close to two meters, with blond hair that
falls to his shoulders and long moustaches, which give him a
mournful, cocker spaniel-like appearance. But after a couple of
glasses (we could choose between Martell, Grand Marnier and
Bourbon, but everything went down), he brightens up, and he
begins to tell, so that it seems that the stories come from the
whole body. When he sits on the edge of the bed, puts on his thin
nickel-framed glasses and begins to read from the manuscript
stack of his latest poems, he resembles a figure from the last
century, the kind of person who lives only in old photographs.”
5 000,- | £425 | $500
André Brink
Mapmakers. Writing in a stage of siege.
London & Boston: Faber & Faber, 1983. First edition, first printing.
Publisher’s pictoral wrappers.
A near fine copy.
Signed by Brink to title page.
André Brink [1935-2015] was a South African writer, whose
novels often criticized the South African government. He was one
of a new generation of Afrikaan writers known as the Sestigers
(”Sixtyers”, or writers of the 1960s), whose declared aim was
”to broaden the rather too parochial limits of Afrikaner fiction”.
Brink’s works were well received abroad, but some were banned
in South Africa.
800,- | £70 | $80
André Brink & J. M. Coetzee [Ed.]
A land apart. A South African Reader.
London & Boston: Faber & Faber, 1986. First edition, first printing.
Publisher’s blue cloth, spine lettered in silver.
A fine copy.
Signed by Brink to title page.
800,- | £70 | $80
International Bibliophilia
18 International Bibliophilia
27 28
Charles Bukowski
Run with the hunted. A Charles Bukowsi Reader.
Santa Rosa: Black Sparrow Press, 1993. First edition, first printing.
Publisher’s cloth-backed boards with paper title label. In original
transparent plastic jacket.
A fine copy. Number 244 of 326 copies signed by Charles
Bukowski [1920-1994].
The material in this book is taken from more than twenty novels,
books, short stories and volumes of poetry that Bukowski has
publishedwith Black Sparrow Press over the prior 25 years.
Sometimes autobiographical and sometimes the result of Bukowski’s
wonderful gift for observation, those poems and prose pieces,
taken together, serve to chronicle his inner and outer life, from
childhood to the present [1993].
2 500,- | £215 | $250
Anthony Burgess
Earthly powers.
New York: Simon and Schuster, 1980. First edition, first printing.
Publisher’s cloth-backed boards, spine lettered in gold.
Jacket, unclipped, slightly creased to upper edge of spine. A near
fine copy.
Signed by Anthony Burgess [1917-1993] to title page.
«Earthly Powers» was shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize 1980.
His book «A clockwork orange» [1962; film 1972] made Burgess’
reputation as a novelist of comic and mordant power.
2 000,- | £170 | $200
[William Burroughs] William Lee
Junkie. Confessions of an Unredeemed Drug Addict.
Back-to-back with: Maurice Helbrant: Narcotic Agent.
New York: Ace Books Inc, 1953. Small 8vo. First edition, first
printing. Publisher’s illustrated wrappers.
Lightly creased wrappers and spine, though still a tight and
presentable copy.
First edition, first printing, of Burroughs first book. «Junkie» is
Burrough’s most straightforward book where he made the notorious
statement that addiction was a ”biological need like water”.
4 500,- | £385 | $450
International Bibliophilia
30 32
Jim Carroll
Living at the movies.
New York: Grossman Publishers, 1973. First edition, first printing.
Publisher’s illustrated wrappers, by Larry Rivers.
Very small signs of wear. A near fine copy.
Signed by Jim Carroll [1949-2009] on half title page.
This was the first work by Carroll published with a more established
mainstream publisher. The autobiographical «The Baseball
Diaries» [1978], later a movie [1995] starring Leonardo DiCaprio
as Carroll. In addition to his writing Carrol had a career as a
punck rocker and he had a successfull co-operation with Andy
Warhol on his movies and at the Andy Warhol Theatre.
1 500,- | £130 | $150
Jim Carroll
The Petting Zoo. With a preface by Patti Smith.
Penguin Books, 2011. First Penguin edition. Publisher’s wrappers.
A fine copy. Signed by Patti Smith at the preface.
Laid in: Information slip regarding Patti Smith’s signing in Oslo.
1 000,- | £85 | $100
Chatto Counterblasts
10 volumes in slip case, all signed by the authors.
Published by Chatto & Windus, London, 1989-1990. 8vo.
One corner of the slip case lightly bumped. Owner signature to
half titles. A near fine set.
1) Jonathan Raban: «God, Man & Mrs Thatcher».
Signed on title page.
2) Paul Foot: «Ireland: Why Britain must get out».
Signed on half title page.
3) John Lloyd: «A rational advance for the labour party».
Signed on half title page.
4) Fay Weldon: «Sacred cows».
Signed on half title page.
5) Marina Warner: «Into the dangerous world».
Signed on title page.
6) William Shawcross: «Kowtow!».
Signed on title page.
7) Ruth Rendell & Colin Ward: «Undermining the central line».
Signed by toth authors on half title page.
8) Mary Warnock: «Universities: Knowing our minds».
Signed on title page.
9) Sue Townsend: «Mr Bevan’s dream».
Signed on title page.
10) Christopher Hitchens: «The Monarchy».
Signed on label affixed to title page.
«In Counterblasts Britain’s finest thinkers confront the
crucial issues of the day.»
1 500,- | £130 | $150
20 International Bibliophilia
International Bibliophilia
33 34
[Civil Rights] Martin Luther King Jr.
Hvorfor vi ikke kan vente. [Why we can’t wait].
Oslo: Norsk Litteraturselskap, 1964. 8vo. Publisher’s red leatherette
binding, text in gold to spine, autograph signature embossed
to upper board. In publisher’s jacket, based on the american first
edition design.
Jacket with darkened spine and sligtly nicked at upper spine end.
Else only minor wear to edges. A fine copy in a very good jacket.
Signed by Martin Luther King Jr. to front free end paper.
Martin Luther King Jr. signed this Norwegian translated copy of
«Why we can’t wait», on his visit to Norway in December 1964
upon his reception of The Nobel Peace Price. The announcement
of The Nobel Peace Price is mentioned on the jacket blurb.
45 000,- | £3,840 | $4,500
[Civil Rights] Angela Davis
Mitt liv for frihet. Oversatt av Gerd Hoff.
Oslo: Cappelen, 1975. First Norwegian translation. 8vo.
Publisher’s pictoral wrappers.
Very light edgewear and slightly bent corners. Else a tight and
square copy. Originally published under the title «An Autobiography»,
Inscribed by Davis to title page: ”To Åssa, Thank you for making
this brief stay in Oslo extremely pleasurable as well as […] fruitful
– Yours in stroggle [sic!] – Angela Davis 9/4/75.”
Angela Yvonne Davis [1944-], militant American black activist
and professor who gained an international reputation during
her imprisonment and trial on conspiracy charges in 1970–72.
She has for many decades written and fought for the rights for
African-Americans, women, homosexuals and prison inmates. She
visited Norway for her second time in August 2022, kickstarting
the Mela Festival in Oslo.
5 000,- | £425 | $500
[Civil Rights] Langston Hughes
Simple’s Uncle Sam.
New York: Hill and Wang, 1965. First edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s yellow boards, text in red to spine. In illustrated jacket,
by Saul Lambert.
The white jacket with occasional light spots to the surface. Small
closed tear to front spine-head fold. Fine binding.
Inscribed by Langston Hughes, same month as the publication of
the book: ”Especially for Florence Sloat, Langston Hughes. Westport,
Oct. 30 1965!”
James Mercer Langston Hughes [1902-1967] became one of the
foremost interpreters to the world of the black experience in the
United States. He also became widely known for his comic character
Jesse B. Semple, familiarly called Simple, who appeared in Hughes’s
columns in the Chicago Defender and the New York Post.
6 000,- | £510 | $600
22 International Bibliophilia
35 36
[Civil Rights] Gunnar Myrdal
An American Dilemma. The Negro Problem and
Modern Democracy. Twentieth Anniversary Edition.
New York: Harper & Row, 1962.
Publishers boards in jacket. Slightly loosening between half title
and title leaf, though still tight.
The copy is signed by:
1) Gunnar Myrdal, dated 29 May, 1975.
2) Roy Wilkins [1901-1981], dated March 23, 1972.
Wilkins was a prominent activist in the Civil Rights Movement
in the United States from the 1930s to the 1970s. Wilkins’ most
notable role was his leadership of the National Association for
the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), in which he held
the title of Executive Secretary from 1955 to 1963 and Executive
Director from 1964 to 1977.Wilkins was a central figure in many
notable marches of the civil rights movement. He made valuable
contributions in the world of African-American literature, and
his voice was used to further the efforts in the fight for equality.
Wilkins’ pursuit of social justice also touched the lives of veterans
and active service members, through his awards and recognition
of exemplary military personnel. Ref: Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Gunnar Myrdal [1898-1987], Swedish economist and sociologist.
He received the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in
1974 along with Friedrich Hayek for ”their pioneering work in the
theory of money and economic fluctuations and for their penetrating
analysis of the interdependence of economic, social and
institutional phenomena. Arne Myrdal was married to Alva Myrdal
[1902-1986], who received the Nobel Peace Price in 1982, they
became the fourth ever married couple to have won Nobel Prizes,
and the first to win independent of each other.
In 1944 Gunnar Myrdal published the influential work, «An
American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy.».
For Myrdal and his collaborators, the central dilemma was the
unresolved tension of the “American creed”—the celebration of
ideals of equal opportunity and democracy, in the face of deep
and enduring racial discrimination and inequality.
15 000,- | £1,280 | $1,500
3) Kenneth B. Clark [1914-2005], dated November 14, 1981.
Kenneth Bancroft Clark is one of the most prominent black social
scientists of the twentieth century. For many years a professor of
psychology at City College of New York (now City College of the
City University of New York), Clark achieved national recognition
when his work was cited by the U.S. Supreme Court in its 1954
ruling that racially segregated schools were inherently unequal
and therefore unconstitutional. That decision was a catalyst for
the civil rights movement of the 1960s.
International Bibliophilia
37 38
[Civil Rights] Bobby Seale
Seize the time. The story of the Black Panther Party
and Huey P. Newton.
New York: Random House, 1970. First edition, first printing [numberline
ending with 2 and extra space between 8 and 7]. 8vo.
Publisher’s brown cloth, text in red to spine. Red embossed
illustration, based on Howard Brodie’s drawings from the court
room, to upper board. In pictoral jacket, drawing by Howard Brodie.
Unclipped jacket, the white background slightly discoloured in
some areas, though still very good. Binding near fine.
Signature of Bobby Seale on paper affixed to title page, page
slightly creased.
Bobby Seale [1936-] co-founder with Huey P. Newton of The Black
Panther Party. He was arrested in connection with the 1968 Democratic
National Convention in Chicago, justified by conspiracy to incite riots.
Bobby Seale had not participated in the advance planning for the
demonstration, but was arrested and tried with members of the
National Mobilization Committee [MOBE]. The eight defendants
[The Chicago Eight] were reduced to seven when Judge Julius
Hoffman ordered that Bobby Seale be tried separately. A co-founder
of the Black Panthers, Seale had gone to Chicago as a last-minute
replacement for Eldridge Cleaver. Seale, whose lawyer was
unavailable due to hospitalization, was denied both a continuance
and self-representation. Seale verbally lashed out, interrupting the
proceedings. On October 29, 1969, in an extraordinary move, Judge
Julius Hoffman ordered Bobby Seale bound and gagged. His trial
was severed from the Chicago Eight on November 5, 1969. Finding
him in contempt, Hoffman sentenced Seale to four years in prison.
As he was led from the courtroom, spectators shouted ”Free Bobby!”
[Civil Rights] Richard Wright
Black boy. A record of Childhood and Youth.
New York & London: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1945. First
edition, first printing. 8vo. Publisher’s blue cloth, richly gilt to
spine, red embossed publisher’s stamp to upper board. In jacket.
Jacket with some edgewear and rubbing of surface colour. Lower
part of back panel slightly water stained. Lower corner of jacket
flaps waterstained. A very good copy in a good plus jacket.
Signed by Richard Wright to title page.
Richard Wright [1908-1960] was among the first American black
writers to protest white treatment of blacks. «Black Boy» is a
moving account of of his childhood and young manhood.
4 500,- | £385 | $450
2 500,- | £215 | $250
24 International Bibliophilia
39 40
Italo Calvino
The silent Mr. Palomar.
Translated from the Italian by William Weaver.
New York: Targ Editions, 1981. First edition, first printing.
Decorative silver and white cloth-backed black boards, with
paper label affixed to spine. Original transparent glassine jacket
with Calvino’s portrait in center. Top edge cut, else uncut, thick
paper. Designed and printed by hand at the Grenfell Press, on
Fabriano Roma, an all-rag handmade sheet. With woodcuts by L.
A fine copy!
One of 250 copies signed by Italo Calvino.
John le Carré
The pigeon tunnel. Stories from my life.
Penguin & Viking: 2016. First edition, first printing. Publisher’s
black boards, text and ruled in gold to spine, in pictoral jacket.
A fine copy.
Signed by John le Carré [1931-2020] to title page. This is not one of
the copies with an additional tipped in signed edition page.
This is Carré’s first autobiographic work.
900,- | £75 | $90
Literary agent Roslyn Targ handled foreign rights for Calvino’s
books; her husband William was a noted editor and bibliophile.
Italo Calvino [1923-1985], was an Italian journalist, shortstory
writer, and novelist, whose whimsical and imaginative fables
made him one of the most important Italian fiction writers of the
20th century.
5 000,- | £425 | $500
International Bibliophilia
41 42
Nick Cave
And the ass saw the angel.
London: Black Spring Press, 1989. First edition, first printing.
Publisher’s blue boards, spine lettered in white, in illustrated
jacket by Phil Banes. In protective mylar.
Jacket lightly creased to upper edge of front panel and flap, minor
tear to fold. A fine copy in very good plus jacket.
Boldly signed by Nick Cave to half title page.
An attractive copy of Cave’s debut novel.
2 500,- | £215 | $250
Nick Cave
The death of Bunny Munro.
Edinburgh, London, New York & Melbourne: Canongate, 2009.
First UK edition [published shortly after the US edition], first
printing. Publisher’s black boards, text in silver to spine, in
illustrated jacket.
A fine copy.
Signed by Nick Cave to title page.
An attractive copy of Cave’s second novel.
1 200,- | £100 | $120
26 International Bibliophilia
Leslie Charteris
London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1932. First edition, first printing.
Publisher’s light blue cloth, spine and upper board lettered in dark
blue. In illustrated jacket, unclipped.
Jacket with minor edgewear and a few smaller closed tears.
Binding in fine condition.
1) Small booklet [15x9cm]: «Meet the saint. The life and soul of 14
famous books by Leslie Charteris». 16pp.
2) 2-sided poster [52x19cm]: «Ladies and Gentlemen! The Saint.
Here are the details!”.
Signed by Charteris to front free end paper.
«Getaway» is one of the more difficult titles to find in first edition.
Chinese-British author Leslie Charteris [1907-1993] wrote numerous
stories about detective-adventurer Simon Templar, ”The Saint”,
which he created in 1928. «The Saint» was made into a TV-series,
starring Roger Moore as Simon Templar, and was aired 1962-1969.
The series reportedly earned Charteris $1.5 million.
30 000,- | £2,560 | $3,000
International Bibliophilia
44 45
Leslie Charteris
Saint overboard.
London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1936. First edition, first printing.
Publisher’s dark blue boards, spine lettered within a yellow field.
In illustrated jacket, unclipped. With belly band. In custom made
clam-shell box.
Jacket very slightly nicked at spine ends and with a small tear at
upper front fold. Binding in fine condition.
An attractive copy!
18 000,- | £1,535 | $1,800
Leslie Charteris
The first Saint Omnibus. An Anthology of Saintly
London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1939. First edition, first printing.
Publisher’s cream cloth boards, spine and upper board lettered in
black and red. In illustrated jacket, unclipped.
Jacket with nicks and minor tears at edges. Binding in near fine
Thirteen Saint stories: The Man Who Was Clever, The Wonderful
War, The Story of A Dead Man, The Unblemished Bootlegger, The
Appalling Politician, The Million Pound Day, The Death Penalty,
The Simon Templar Foundation, The Unfortunate Financier, The
Sleepless Knight, The High Fence, The Unlicensed Victuallers and
The Affair of Hogsbotham. With an introduction and last word by
Leslie Charteris.
2 500,- | £215 | $250
28 International Bibliophilia
46 48
Bruce Chatwin
Pennsylvania: Franklin Signed First Edition Society, 1987.
Publisher’s black leather, spine and boards decorated in gilt and
red. Gilt edges.
A fine copy.
Laid in: Information about the book from the publisher.
Signed by Chatwin.
Bruce Chatwin [1940-1989] won international acclaim for books
based on his nomadic life. «Songlines», his most commercially
succesful work, was both a study of Australian Aboriginal creation
of myths and a philosophical reverie on the nature of nomads.
450,- | £40 | $45
[Economy] Thomas Piketty
Capital in the Twenty-First Century. Translated by
Arthur Goldhammer.
Cambridge & London: The Belknap Press of Harvard University
press, 2014. First edition, first printing. Large 8vo. Publisher’s
black cloth-backed black boards in unclipped jacket.
A hint of discoloration to lower end of jacket spine, else a fine
Signed by Piketty to title page.
This title by French economist Thomas Piketty, professor at École
d’économie de Paris, was first published in French in 2013.
900,- | £75 | $90
Michael Crichton
Eaters of the dead. The manuscript of Ibn Fadlan,
Relating to His Experiences with the Northmen in
A.D. 922.
New York: Alfred A. Knoph, 1976. First edition, first printing.
Publisher’s black cloth-backed beige boards, spine lettered and
upper board decorated in gilt. In illustrated jacket, price clipped.
Jacket with edgewear. Slightly bumped corners.
Signed by Michael Crichton [1942-2008], author of Jurassic Park,
to title page.
900,- | £75 | $90
International Bibliophilia
49 50
Roald Dahl
Kiss Kiss.
London: Michael Joseph, 1960. First UK edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s green cloth, title in gold. In illustrated jacket, by Charles
E. Skaggs.
Jacket with small chips to spine head and with small closed tears at
upper front fold and upper edge of back panel, reinforced on verso.
Else a very good jacket. Binding sunned in a thin strip at spine
Signed by Roald Dahl to front free end paper.
A near fine copy in a very good jacket.
6 000,- | £510 | $600
Mark Z. Danielewski
House of Leaves.
New York: Pantheon Books, 2000. First edition, first printing. Large
8vo. Publisher’s pictoral boards in jacket.
A fine copy!
Signed by Danielewski, large ”Z”, to fly leaf.
On the title leaf is stated 2nd Edition, but this is the first edition, first
impression, as stated in the colophon. The author felt that a few
chapters previously distributed online constituted the first edition.
Only a total of 2000 copies were printed.
This is the signed hardcover edition with ISBN 0-375-41034-1.
Further this is the 2-colour edition [4 different editions issued] with,
among other points, ”house” appearing in blue throughout the
For his best-seller debut «House of leaves» Danielewski received
New York Public Library’s Young Lions Fiction Award. The format
and structure of «House of Leaves» is unconventional, with unusual
page layout and style, making it a prime example of ergodic
literature, a term coined by Norwegian academic Espen Aarseth
specializing in the fields of video game studies and electronic
The book, shortly after publication, achieved cult status. Bret Easton
Ellis wrote: ”one can imagine Thomas Pynchon, J. G. Ballard,
Stephen King and David Foster Wallace bowing at Danielewski’s
feet, choking with astonishment, surprise, laughter, awe.”
3 500,- | £300 | $350
Umberto Eco
Apocalypse postponed. Edited by Robert Lumley.
Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1994.
First edition, first printing. Publisher’s maroon cloth, spine lettered
in gilt. In jacket, unclipped.
A fine copy.
Signed by Umberto Eco to title page.
An erudite and witty collection of Umberto Eco’s essays on mass
culture from the 1960s through the 1980s, including major pieces
which have not been translated into English before. The discussion
is framed by opposing characterizations of current intellectuals
as apocalyptic and opposed to all mass culture, or as integrated
intellectuals, so much a part of mass culture as to be unaware of
serving it.
1 500,- | £130 | $150
30 International Bibliophilia
51 52
Bret Easton Ellis
The rules of attraction.
New York: Simon and Schuster, 1987. First edition, first printing.
8vo. Publisher’s black cloth-backed black boards, text in pink to
A fine copy.
Inscribed by Bret Easton Ellis to title page.
Bret Easton Ellis’ second book.
1 000,- | £85 | $100
Bret Easton Ellis
American Psycho.
New York: Vintage Books, 1991. First edition, later printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s black pictoral wrappers.
A fine copy!
Inscribed by Bret Easton Ellis to title page.
The most controversial and powerful American novel of the 90’s.
Vintage books retained the printed ”first edition” designation on
every one of the countless reprints of this title. The true first edition,
first printing, should have a numberline running 10987654321.
This copy runs D987654321, most probably an early printing, the
other points of the wrapper matching.
2 500,- | £215 | $250
International Bibliophilia
54 55 56
Alex Garland
The Beach.
London: Penguin Books, 2000. Film and TV tie-in edition. 8vo.
Publisher’s pictoral wrappers.
Lower spine end a trifle wrinkled. A fine copy.
Signed by Garland to title page.
Garland’s international bestseller «The beach» was made into a
movie in 2000, starring Leonardo DiCaprio in the lead role.
900,- | £75 | $90
Martha Gellhorn
The view from the ground.
Cambridge: Granta Books, 1989. First edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s black boards, title in silver to spine, in jacket.
Corners of lower board lightly bumped. Else a fine copy.
Signed by Gellhorn to Granta Books label affixed to front end
Martha Ellis Gellhorn [1908 –1998] was an American novelist,
travel writer, and journalist who is considered one of the great war
correspondents of the 20th century. «The view from the ground»
is a collection of peacetime journalism.
900,- | £75 | $90
Ronald J. Glasser M. D.
365 days.
New York: George Braziller, 1971. First edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s maroon cloth, spine lettered in silver. In illustrated
Jacket slightly browned to spine and light creases to upper edge.
A fine copy in a very good plus unclipped jacket.
Inscribed by Glasser to front free end paper: ”Summer 71. Perhaps,
a bit, to help end this foolish war.”
Ronald Glasser [1939-1922] Major in the United States Medical
Corps. «365 days» is a scorching account of the war in Vietnam
through the words of the soldiers who were wounded there.
Glasser said it was a book he felt compelled to write.
1 000,- | £85 | $100
Allen Ginsberg with The Gluons.
Sue your Parents / Birdbrain.
Denver: Wax Trax Records/ Alekos, 1981.
First printing, original-release recording; phonograph album near
fine in publisher’s illustrated sleeve.
Laid in: Publisher’s insert sheet.
Side one: Allen Ginsberg reading his poem «Birdbrain»
(accompanied by The Gluons). Side two: «Sue Your Parents» by
the Gluons.
32 International Bibliophilia
Signed by Allen Ginsberg on sleeve.
1 800,- | £155 | $180
59 57
Allen Ginsberg
Original draft facsimile, transcript & variant versions, fully
annotated by the author, with contemporaneous correspondence,
account of first public reading, legal skirmishes, precursor texts &
New York: Harper & Row, 1986. Small folio. Publisher’s decorated
burgundy cloth in slipcase.
Slight loss in the gilt text to spine. Else a fine copy.
This is no. 185 of 250 copies specially bound, slipcased and
signed by Ginsberg.
3 500,- | £300 | $180
Allen Ginsberg
Journals mid-fifties. 1954-1958. Edited by Gordon Ball.
New York: HarperCollins, 1995. Large 8vo. Publisher’s green
cloth-backed green boards in slipcase. Title in gilt to spine.
A fine copy.
No. 62 of 150 copies signed and numbered by the author.
Additional greeting, dated Oslo 2001.
1 000,- | £85 | $100
For Ginsberg, see also no. 61 in the Norwegian section.
International Bibliophilia
60 61
William Golding
Fluenes herre.
Oslo: Gyldendal, 1960. 8vo. Publisher’s boards in jacket.
Jacket spine with faint spots, and old price tag to front panel.
Otherwise minor signs of wear. Book in fine condition.
Signed by William Golding to title page.
First Norwegian translation of «Lord of the flies», Golding’s debut
1954, translated by Inger Hagerup. William Golding was awarded
The Nobel Prize in Literature 1983 ”for his novels which, with the
perspicuity of realistic narrative art and the diversity and universality
of myth, illuminate the human condition in the world of today”. In
2015 The Guardian placed «Lord of the flies» no. 74 on their list
”The 100 best novels written in English”.
15 000,- | £1,280 | $1,500
Julian Green
The dark journey.
New York & London: Harper & Brothers, 1929. First edition, first
printing. 8vo. Publisher’s blue cloth, spine and upper panel lettered
in gilt. In jacket, price clipped.
Jacket with wear and nicks to spine ends and edges. Book plate,
Helen Maria Herrick, og front paste down. Book in near fine
Signed by Green to title page.
Julien Green [1900-1998], French-American writer of somber novels
that show the influence of the American regional style known as
Southern gothic. He was awarded the Femina Bookman Prize in
1927 and for «The dark journey», he won the Harper Prize Novel
Contest for 1920-1930.
1 500,- | £130 | $150
Graham Greene
Doctor Fischer of Geneva or The bomb party.
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1980. First US edition, first printing.
8vo. Publisher’s maroon cloth, spine lettered in silver. In illustrated
A trifle yellowed towards edges of jacket. Else a fine copy in a fine
unclipped jacket.
Signed by Graham Greene to title page.
2 500,- | £215 | $250
34 International Bibliophilia
62 52
The World of Hanna – Barbera Cartoons.
Illustrated catalog produced in conjunction with a gallery exhibit at
The Museum of Television & Radio, June 23 – September 24 1995.
4to. Publisher’s illustrated wrappers. Book design Kae Nemayothin
and Henry Vizcarra.
2 500NOK 245 €
A near fine copy.
Signed by Joe Barbera.
The book tells the story of the Hanna – Barbera productions from
1957 – 1995, with more than 200 photos, drawings and sketches.
1 000,- | £85 | $100
Helene Hanff
84, Charing Cross Road.
New York: Penguin Books, 1990. De Luxe Gift Edition. 8vo.
Publisher’s pictoral wrappers.
Some edgewear, though still a tight and clean copy.
Inscribed by Helene Hanff to first page:
”To an unknown booklover. Helene Hanff.”
An attractive inscription in this classic first published in 1970.
A wonderful reading of letter correspondance between Helene
Hanff [1916-1997], a freelance writer living in New York City,
and a used-book dealer in London, Frank Doel and his staff. The
correspondance was made into a film produced by Mel Brooks
and Geoffrey Helman, starring Anne Bancroft as Helene Hanff,
Anthony Hopkins as Frank Doel and Judi Dench as Nora Doel.
2 500,- | £215 | $250
International Bibliophilia
65 66 67 68
Hanumann Miniatures
distributed from the Chelsea Hotel
Hanuman Books was a series of books published between 1986
and 1993, handmade in India and distributed from the Chelsea
Hotel in New York. Featuring some of the biggest names in avant
-garde culture of the time – including figures from Beat poetry, gay
and trans culture, Warhol’s Factory, San Francisco’s North Beach
and New York’s Lower East Side art scenes, the Naropa Institute,
contemporary music and film – the series has since acquired a cult
following. Matthew Erikson, ”Hanuman”, Parkett 90 (2012)
[Hanuman 9] Herbert Huncke
Guilty of everything.
Madras & New York: Hanuman Books, 1987. First edition, first
printing. Small 12mo. Publisher’s white wrappers in jacket.
Very light bump to lower corner of front wrapper. A fine copy.
Signed by Huncke.
Herbert Edwin Huncke [1915-1996], was an American writer and
poet, and an active participant in a number of emerging cultural,
social and aesthetic movements of the 20th century in America
and part of the Beat Generation. James Campbell writes in his
”This is the Beat Beneration”, 1999, that it was in the apartment
of Herbert Huncke, Lower East Side New York in 1945, that
William Burroughs found the ”carny” world, the beat, beat-off
world that he was seeking. It was from the mouth of Huncke that
Burrows first heard ”beat” and other bits of jive talk close up.
Huncke was a well beat, a commited reject, a hustler engagé.
1 500,- | £130 | $150
[Hanuman 21] Gary Indiana
White trash boulevard.
Madras & New York: Hanuman Books, 1988. First edition, first
printing. Small 12mo. Publisher’s pink wrappers in jacket.
Signed by Gary Indiana.
A fine copy.
1 500,- | £130 | $150
[Hanuman 22] Jean Genet
What remains of a Rembrandt torn into four equal
pieces and flushed down the toilet.
Madras & New York: Hanuman Books, 1988. First edition, first
printing. Small 12mo. Publisher’s red wrappers in jacket.
Small mark from price sticker to back panel of jacket. A fine copy
A fine copy.
2 000,- | £170 | $200
[Hanuman 42] Jack Kerouac
Safe in heaven dead. Interviews with Jack Kerouac.
Compiled and edited by Michael White.
Madras & New York: Hanuman Books, 1990. First edition, first
printing. Small 12mo. Publisher’s pink wrappers in jacket.
Weak offsetting from jacket to wrapper, else a fine copy.
1 500,- | £130 | $150
36 International Bibliophilia
69 70
Yuval Noah Harari
Homo Deus.
London: Harvill Secker, 2015. First UK edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s blue boards, spine lettered in black. In illustrated jacket.
Inscribed by Harari to title page.
A fine copy
1 500,- | £130 | $150
Yuval Noah Harari
21 lessons for the 21st Century.
London: Jonathan Cape, 2018. First UK edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s red boards, spine lettered in white. In illustrated jacket.
Lance Horner
The street of the sun.
New York & London: Abelard-Schuman, 1956. First edition, first
printing. 8vo. Publisher’s brick red boards, spine lettered in black.
In illustrated price clipped jacket.
Small nicks to jacket spine ends and a few minor chipping to upper
edge of back panel. Minor wear to upper spine head and some
browning to paste downs. Some browning to edges of interior, due
to bad paper quality.
Inscribed by Horner to front free end paper.
LAID IN: 2 papers
1) Printed invitation from The Bookshelf to booksigning.
2) Written note on Horner’s stationary: ”My friend, Jimmy Moore,
to whom this book is dedicated, asked me to sen you notice of
publication, Lance Horner.”
1 000,- | £85 | $100
Signed by Harari to title page.
A fine copy.
1 000,- | £85 | $100
International Bibliophilia
72 73
Robert A. Heinlein
Time for the Stars.
New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1956. First edition, first
printing. 8vo. Publisher’s blue boards, spine lettered in black,
with illustration in black to upper board. In illustrated unclipped
jacket [$2.75], by Clifford N. Geary.
Jacket with slight wear to extremities, particularily to upper edge.
A fine copy in a very good jacket.
6 000,- | £510 | $600
Robert A. Heinlein
Double Star.
New York: Doubleday & Company, 1956. First edition, first
printing. 8vo. Publisher’s black boards, spine lettered in white. In
illustrated unclipped jacket [$2.95], by Mell Hunter.
Nicked at spine ends [reinforced on verso] and fold caps. Mini
paper loss at lower corner of back flap. Binding tight and square,
with clean interior.
A fine copy in a very good jacket.
Heinlein was awarded with his second Hugo Award for «Double
Star», where we follow Lorenzo Smythe, an actor whose career is
on the outs, who finds himself on Mars and takes on the role of
impersonating a kidnapped politician. Smythe’s life and a potential
interplanetary war are at stake.
12 500,- | £1,065 | $1,250
38 International Bibliophilia
74 75
Robert A. Heinlein
The Door into Summer.
New York: Doubleday & Company, 1957. First edition, first
printing. 8vo. Publisher’s red boards, spine lettered in yellow. In
illustrated unclipped jacket [$2.95], by Mell Hunter.
Jacket spine slightly sunned and nicked at ends and corners. A
weak trace from paper clip on front free end paper, else binding
tight and square, with clean interior.
A fine copy in a very good plus jacket.
8 000,- | £680 | $800
Robert A. Heinlein
Farnham’s Freehold.
New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1964. First edition, first printing.
8vo. Publisher’s black boards, spine and upper board lettered in
gilt. In illustrated unclipped jacket [$4.95]. Yellow top edge.
A slight trifle wear to jacket spine ends and upper edge of back
panel. Tiny closed tear to head of back fold cap. Binding tight and
square, with clean interior.
A fine copy in a near fine jacket.
Provenance: Carlota Thorkildsen [1904-1980], the first wife of the
German politician Willy Brandt [1913-1992]. Willy and Carlota
divorced in 1948. Carlota Frahm founded a literary agency in
Oslo, where she dealt with authorisations for translations and acted
as an agent for manuscripts by foreign authors to Norwegian
publishing houses. Her rubber stamp to upper corner of half title
and title page.
8 000,- | £680 | $800
International Bibliophilia
40 International Bibliophilia
77 78
Robert A. Heinlein
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.
New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1966. First edition, first printing.
8vo. Publisher’s brick red boards, spine lettered in gilt, author’s
initials in gold to upper board. In illustrated unclipped jacket
Jacket with two minor paper losses: to rear spine cap fold and to
upper edge of back panel. A closed tear to back panel, reinforced
on verso. An attractive jacket with bright colours. A very weak
stain to upper edge of upper board. Binding tight and square,
with clean interior.
An attractive copy.
Provenance: Carlota Thorkildsen [1904-1980], the first wife of the
German politician Willy Brandt [1913-1992]. Willy and Carlota
divorrced in 1948. Carlota Frahm founded a literary agency in
Oslo, where she dealt with authorisations for translations and acted
as an agent for manuscripts by foreign authors to Norwegian
publishing houses. Her rubber stamp to upper corner of front free
en paper.
Robert Heinlein was awarded with his fourth Hugo Award for
«The Moon is a Harsh Mistress», in which a lunar colony in the
21st century revolts against the rule of Earth. The cast of characters
of this novel with libertarian themes include a self-aware
computer named Mike, his one-armed computer technician, a
professor, and other humans. The title was appropriated by
American songwriter Jimmy Webb, who was a fan of Heinleins
novels. The song has been recorded by a large number of musicians
such as Joe Cocker and Glen Campbell. Here in Norway we are
most familiar with the wonderful recording of Radka Toneff.
17 500,- | £1,490 | $1,750
The first UK & US editions
Michel Houellebecq
London: William Heinemann, 2000. First UK edition, first printing.
Translated by Frank Wynne. Small 8vo. Publisher’s blueish boards,
spine lettered in gilt. In illustrated unclipped jacket.
A fine copy in fine jacket.
Signed by Houllebecq to half title.
French filmmaker and poet Michel Houellebecq has received a
number of literary awards. In 1998 he published «Les Particules
élémentaires», which caused a great deal of attention and debate
- particularly because of the racist statements of certain characters
in the novel and what several critics perceived to be a positive
view of eugenics - and made Houellebecq a world-renowned
author. The book was translated into English by Frank Wynne as
«Atomised» in the UK and as «The Elementary Particles» in the US.
8 000,- | £680 | $800
Michel Houellebecq
The elementary particles.
New York: Alfred A. Knoph, 2000. First US edition, first printing.
Translated by Frank Wynne. Large 8vo. Publisher’s grey cloth-backed
blue boards, spine lettered in green metallic. In illustrated unclipped
Corners very mildly bumped. A fine copy in fine jacket.
Inscribed by Houllebecq to half title
8 000,- | £680 | $800
International Bibliophilia
79 81
Yu Hua
New York: Pantheon, 2006. First US edition, first printing. Translated by
Eileen Cheng-yin and Carlos Rojas. Large 8vo. Publisher’s blue paperbacked
green boards, spine lettered in silver. In unclipped jacket.
Very light creasing to jacket spine ends. A fine copy in fine jacket.
Signed by Yu Hua to title page.
The first novel from Chinese author Yu Hua in a decade pause from
writing, according to the author «Brothers» is his favourite work.
1 000,- | £85 | $100
Christopher Isherwood
A meeting by the river.
New York: Simon and Schuster, 1967. First edition, first printing.
8vo. Publisher’s blue cloth, spine and upper panel lettered and
decorated in gilt. Green top edge. In unclipped jacket.
Jacket with light browning to extremities, closed tear to lower edge
at front joint.
Inscribed by Isherwood to title page, dated December 11, 1976.
1 000,- | £85 | $100
Christopher Isherwood
Diaries 1939-60/1960-1969/1970-1983. Vol. I-III.
Edited by Katherine Bucknell, forewords by Chritopher Hitchens
and Edmund White
New York: HarperCollins, 1997/2010/2012. 8vo.
Publisher’s boards in jackets.
Slight creases along outer edge in some parts of the jackets. Else a
near fine set.
Volume I is inscribed by Don Bachardy, dated February 1997:
To Eiliv Høibakken from one of Christopher’s cast of characters,
and one who loved him dearly, Don Bachardy”.
Don Bachardy [1934-] met Christopher Isherwood on Valentine’s
day 1953, when he was 18 and Isherwood 48. They were partners
until Isherwood’s death in 1986.
2 500,- | £215 | $250
42 International Bibliophilia
82 83
Derek Jarman
The last of England.
London: Constable, 1987. First edition, first printing. Large 8vo.
Publisher’s black cloth, spine lettered in silver. Green top edge.
In unclipped jacket.
A fine copy in fine jacket.
Signed by Jarman to half title.
Derek Jarman [1942–1994], British filmmaker, artist and gay activist.
During his short career, he became known for being fearless and
innovative, with films such as Sebastiane, Jubilee [1978], Caravaggio
[1986] and Wittgenstein [1993]. In addition to feature films, he
made short films and music videos, including for The Smiths and
Pet Shop Boys. His fil «The Last of England» was technically
innovative and the work with the strongest autobiographical
content. Jarman said that the book “starts with my original ending
for the film «Te Ship Sails» and takes us on a journey back in time
and forward itno an uncertain future”. Jarman died of AIDS when
he was 52 years old.
4 000,- | £340 | $400
Jack Kerouac & Alfred Leslie
Pull My Daisy.
London: Evergreen Books / New York: Grove Press, 1959. First
edition, first printing. 8vo. Publisher’s wrappers.
Mild crease to back wrapper corners. A tight copy with clean interior.
Based on the 1959 American short film «Pull my daisy», directed
by Robert Frank and Alfred Leslie, and adapted by Jack Kerouac
from the third act of his play, Beat Generation.
Signed by the only three persons playing themselves in the film:
Gregory Corso [1930-2001], Allen Ginsberg [1926-1997] and
Peter Orlovsky [1933-2010].
9 000,- | £770 | $900
International Bibliophilia
84 86
Jack Kerouac
The Dharma Bums.
New York: The Viking Press, 1958. 8vo. First edition, first printing.
Publisher’s black cloth, spine and upper board lettered in silver,
blue and green metallic. Green top edge. In jacket, price clipped.
Jacket with some surface rubbing to the dark background and
folds. Else very good with minor creases tp top edge. Book in fine
condition, tight and square with clean interior.
4 500,- | £385 | $450
Jack Kerouac
Big Sur.
New York: Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, 1962. 8vo. First edition,
first printing. Publisher’s black cloth-backed blue mabled boards,
spine lettered in gilt. Blue top edge. In jacket, unclipped.
Jacket spine slightly darkened, head nicked, some surface rubbing
to the colour. Book in fine condition, tight and square with clean
2 000,- | £170 | $200
Jack Kerouac
Desolation Angels.
New York: Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, 1965. 8vo. First edition, first
printing. Publisher’s orange cloth, spine lettered in gilt, upper
board with autograph signature embossed in gilt. In jacket,
Jacket spine and top of front panel sunned, slight surface wear
to folds. Some minor wear to part of edges. Gilt author name to
spine slightly matted, else a fine copy, tight and square with clean
2 500,- | £215 | $250
44 International Bibliophilia
87 88
Jack Kerouac
Satori in Paris.
New York: Grove PRess, 1966. 8vo. First edition, first printing.
Publisher’s blue cloth, spine lettered in silver. Blue top edge. In
jacket, unclipped.
Negligible soiling to back panel of jacket, not uncommon.
A fine copy in a very nearly fine jacket.
Kerouac described «Satori in Paris» as ”really the first book
written with drink at my side – Cognac and malt liquor”.
Jack Kerouac
Visions of Cody. Introduction by Allen Ginsberg.
New York: McGraw Hill, 1972. 8vo. First edition, first printing.
Publisher’s burgundy cloth, spine lettered in gilt, title and author
name embossed to upper board. In jacket, price clipped.
A weak trace from price sticker on front free end paper, else a fine
copy in a near fine jacket.
1 000,- | £85 | $100
2 000,- | £170 | $200
Jack Kerouac
Vanity of Duluoz. An adventurous education, 1935-46.
New York: Coward McCann, 1968. 8vo. First edition, first
printing. Publisher’s black cloth-backed boards, spine lettered in
gilt. In jacket, unclipped.
Minor wear to top of jacket spine and fold caps. Small rubbing
between title and publisher name on jacket spine. Gilt title to
spine slightly matted, quite common on this edition. Apart from
the mentioned, a an attractive copy.
2 500,- | £215 | $250
International Bibliophilia
90 92
Jack Kerouac
City Light Books, 1960. Folded sheet [63,5x12,5cm].
Second printing in red priced 50c.
A near fine copy.
750,- | £265 | $75
Jack Kerouac
Two Early Stories.
Aloe Editions, 1973. 8vo. First printing. Pubisher’s wrappers.
This edition consists of 175 copies, designed and printed by Ronald
Gordon at The Oliphant Press, New York City. This copy is not
Signed by Allen Ginsberg, dated Cherry Valley [where he had his
farm], 21. Oct. 73.
A fine copy with a unique contemporary inscription.
These stories, «The Brothers» and «Une Vielle Noel», appeared in
The Horace Mann Quarerly in 1939 and 1940.
4 500,- | £385 | $450
Stephen King
Om å skrive. Forfatteren og håndverket.
[Norwegian translation of «On writing – A memoir of the craft].
Oslo: Aschehoug, 2002. First Norwegian edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s blue cloth, spine lettered in gilt. In unclipped jacket.
A fine copy in fine jacket.
Inscribed by King to title page: With lots of good wishes, Stephen
2 500,- | £215 | $250
46 International Bibliophilia
László Krasznahorkai
Seiobo there below.
London: Tuskar Rock Press, 2015. First UK edition, first printing.
Translated by Ottilie Muzzet. 8vo. Publisher’s black boards, spine
lettered in gilt. In unclipped jacket.
A fine copy in fine jacket.
Signed by Krasznahorkai to title page
László Krasznahorkai [b. 1954] is considered one of the foremost
writers of our time in Europe. His novels and collections of short
stories have been translated into a number of languages, and he
figures high on the bookmakers’ lists of favorites for the Nobel Prize
for Literature. The English translation by Ottilie Mulzet received the
Best Translated Book Award in 2014, and the Man Booker
International Prize for 2015.
2 000,- | £165 | $200
Harper Lee
Drep ikke en sangfugl.
Oslo: Aschehoug, 1961. 8vo. Publisher’s white cloth backed boards
in jacket.
Jacket with tear to upper edge of front panel, otherwise minor signs
of wear. Book slightly rolled, else fine.
First Norwegian translation of «To Kill a Mockingbird», Harper
Lee’s [1926-2016] debut 1960, translated by Magli Elster. For the
book Lee won the Pulitzer Prize for literature 1961. The book was
made into a film in 1962, starring Gregory Peck in the lead role,
winning 3 Oscars. One of the great classics of modern American
literature. In 2015 The Guardian placed «To Kill a Mockingbird»
no. 78 on their list ”The 100 best novels written in English”.
Signed by Harper Lee to the title page.
20 000,- | £1,700 | $2,000
International Bibliophilia
95 97
Wyndham Lewis
The apes of god.
London: The Arthur Press, 1930. 4to. Publisher’s cream cloth,
spine lettered in green.
Boards slightly discoloured to extremities, still a tight and square
copy with only occasional weak browning to margins.
Number 181 of 750 copies, signed by Wyndham Lewis.
Provenance: Book plate of Percival Kinnear Wise [1885-1968],
British Polo player and Bronze Medal winner of the Summer
Olympics in Paris, 1924.
Wyndham Lewis [1882-1957], English artist and writer who
founded the Vorticist movement, which sought to relate art and
literature to the industrial process. The «Apes of God» is a satire
of London’s contemporary literary and artistic scene, including
the Sitwells, Gertrude Stein, James Joyce, Virginia Woolf og the
1 500,- | £130 | $150
Michael Madsen
The Complete Poetic Works. Vol I: 1995-2005.
Los Angeles: 13 Hands Publications, 2005. 8vo. Publisher’s pictoral
A fine copy.
Signed by Madsen to half title page.
American actor Michael Søren Madsen [b. 1958] is maybe best
known for his collaboration with Quentin Tarantino, starring in
movies such as Reservoir Dogs and Kill Bill.
1 000,- | £85 | $100
Norman Mailer
Existential Errands.
Boston & Toronto: Little, Brown and Company, 1972. 8vo. Publisher’s
yellow cloth-backed black boards, spine lettered in bronze.
In price clipped jacket.
48 International Bibliophilia
98 99
Jacket spine head nicked, white background soiled. Book in fine
condition, tight, square and clean interior.
Signed by Mailer to title page.
600,- | £50 | $60
Robert Mapplethorpe
Robert Mapplethorpe: 1970-1983.
London: Institute of Contemporary Arts, 1983. Second printing.
4to. Publisher’s wrappers in protective plastic sleeve.
Slightly bumped to spine head. A close to near fine copy.
Signed by Mapplethorpe to the title page.
Diego Maradona.
The autobiography of soccer’s greatest and most
controversial star Diego Armando Maradona.
New York: 2007. First Skyhorse Publishing edition, first printing.
Large 8vo. Publisher’s black cloth-backed grey boards, spine
lettered in gilt. In jacket, unclipped.
Weak glue remains from price sticker in upper corner of jacket’s
front panel. Else a fine copy in a fine jacket.
Signed by Maradona to half title page.
5 000,- | £425 | $500
Catalogue from the exhibition which traveled to several cities in
the U. K., 1983-1984. Over 50 black and white photographs
featuring portraits of several stars in the Mapplethorpe constellation,
including Andy Warhol, Deborah Harry, William Burroughs, and
his iconic images of Lisa Lyon.
6 500,- | £555 | $650
Mapplethorpe | Iggy Pop |1980
International Bibliophilia
Cormac McCarthy
The road.
New York: Alfred A. Knoph, 2006. First edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s black cloth-backed orange boards, spine lettered in
orange metallic. In jacket, unclipped.
Signed by McCarthy to title page.
A fine copy in a fine jacket.
«The Road» became a classic on the day of publication. For the
book McCarthy [b. 1933] was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction
and the James Tait Black Memorial Prize for Fiction. «The Road»
tells the story of a father and son as they journey across a postapocalyptic
landscape that has destroyed most of civilization.
McCarthy is notorious for not signing books
20 000,- | £1,650 | $2,000
Arthur Miller
Death of a salesman. 50th anniversary edition.
With a preface by the author.
New York: Penguin, 1999. First edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s blue cloth-backed grey boards, spine lettered in gilt.
In jacket, unclipped.
A fine copy in a near fine jacket.
Signed by Miller on title page.
Yukio Mishima
Sun & Steel.
Tokyo: Kodansha International Ltd., 1970. First English translation
by John Bester, first edition, first printing. 8vo. Publisher’s maroon
boards, spine titled in silver. In unclipped jacket.
Jacket with tears at spine ends, small paper loss in lower edge of
front panel and a larger one of the back panel. Binding in fine
condition. Book dealer ticket affixed to back free end paper: Caves
Book So, Taipei Taiwan China.
Signed by Yukio Mishima to half title.
Yukio Mishima [1925-1970], by many critics regarded as the
most important Japanese novelist of the 20th century. His highly
acclaimed first novel «Kamen no kokuhaku [1949; Confessions of a
mask], is a partly autobiographical work that describes with stylistic
liance a homosexual who must mask his sexual orientation. «Sun
and steel» [Taiyô to Tetsu] is an autobiographical essay, a memoir
of the author’s relationship to his body. The book recounts the
author’s experiences with, and reflections upon, his bodybuilding
and martial arts training. Deeply attracted to the austere patriotism
and martial spirit of Japan’s past, Mishima was contemptuous of
the materialistic, Westernized society of Japan in the postwar era.
He formed a controversial private army of about 80 students,
the Tate no Kai [Shield society], with the idea of preserving the
Japanese martial spirit and helping to protect the emperor against
attack. On November 25, 1970, Mishima and four Shield Society
followers seized control of the commanding general’s office at
a military headquarters near downtown Tokyo. There Mishima
committed seppuku [ritual disembowelment].
Source: Merriam Webster’s Encyclopedia of Literature.
15 000,- | £1,280 | $1,500
2 000,- | £170 | $200
50 International Bibliophilia
International Bibliophilia
103 104
Yukio Mishima
Bruset av vågor.
Stockholm: Bonniers, 1965. First Swedish translation by Sonja
Bergvall, first edition, first printing. 8vo. Publisher’s wrappers.
Minor edge rubbing, a near fine copy. Only first pages opened, to
give room for the inscription.
Published in English under the title «The Sound of Waves», New
York 1956.
Inscribed by Mishima, both in Japanese and English [identical
inscriptions], to the translator Sonja Bergvall, dated 23 Sept. ’65.
10 000,- | £855 | $1,000
Yukio Mishima
The way of the Samurai.
Yukio Mishima on Hagakure in Modern Life.
New York: Basic Books, 1977. First English translation by Kathryn
Sparling, first edition, first printing. 8vo. Publisher’s red cloth, spine
titled in black. In jacket, unclipped.
A trifle creased to jacket lower spine end. Fine in a near fine jacket.
2 500,- | £215 | $250
Abdelrahman Munif
The Cities of Salt pentalogy
complete in 3 volumes
Cities of Salt
New York: Random House, 1987. Translated by Peter Theroux. First
edition, first printing. 8vo. Publisher’s light brown cloth-backed
cream boards, spine titled in gilt, tree palm embossed to upper
panel. In jacket, unclipped.
The Trench.
New York: Pantheon Books, 1991. Translated by Peter Theroux. First
edition, first printing. 8vo. Publisher’s dark blue cloth-backed light
blue boards, spine titled in gilt, author name embossed to upper
panel. In jacket, unclipped.
Variations on night and day.
New York: Pantheon Books, 1993. Translated by Peter Theroux. First
edition, first printing. 8vo. Publisher’s black cloth-backed brown
boards, spine titled in bronze, author name embossed to upper
panel. In jacket, unclipped.
A fine set, all inscribed by Abdelrahman Munif [1933-2004].
52 International Bibliophilia
105 106
Haruki Murakami
A wild sheep chase.
London: Hamish Hamilton, 1990. First UK edition, first printing.
8vo. Publisher’s black boards, spine lettered in white. In unclipped
Munif is regarded as the greatest , or next to, Nobel Prize Winner
of Literature Najib Mahfuz, Arab author of fiction, and one of
the Arab world’s foremost intellectuals. His realistic, and partly
surreal, novels depict power and powerlessness in various Arab
societies. Munif’s best-known work, Mudun al-Milh (Cities of
Salt), is a five-volume account [published in 3 English language
volumes] of the Arabian Peninsula and the changes in culture and
lifestyle brought about by the oil industry. It is regarded one of the
cornerstones of Arab literature and a subversive chronicle of Saudi
A fine copy. Translated by Alfred Birnbaum.
Inscribed by Murakami to title page, dated 5/19/99.
8 000,- | £680 | $800
2 000,- | £170 | $200
[Haruki Murakami] Alfred Birnbaum [ed.]
Monkey Brain Sushi. New Tastes in Japanese Fiction.
Tokyo, New York, London: Kodansha International, 1991, First
edition, first printing. 8vo. Publisher’s black boards, spine and
boards titled in bronze. In unclipped jacket.
A fine jacket.
Signed by Murakami above the title of his novel, dated 5/19/99.
Among the 11 contemporary Japanese contributors, we find
Haruki Murakami with his novel «TV People», Translated by
Alfred Birnbaum. This novel was first published in Par Avion
magazine, 1989.
8 000,- | £680 | $800
102 107
International Bibliophilia
Haruki Murakami
South of the border, west of the sun.
New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1999. First English translation, first printing.
8vo. Publisher’s black boards, spine lettered in red metallic, record
embossed to upper board. In unclipped jacket.
A fine copy. Translated by Philip Gabriel.
Inscribed by Murakami to title page.
8 000,- | £680 | $800
Haruki Murakami
Dans dans dans.
Oslo: PAX Forlag, 1994. First Norwegian edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s black boards, spine lettered in grey. In unclipped jacket.
A fine copy. Translation of «Dance Dance Dance» by Kari and
Kjell Risvik.
Inscribed by Murakami, dated 5/19/99. to title page.
3 500,- | £300 | $350
Haruki Murakami
Oslo: PAX Forlag, 1999. First Norwegian edition, first printing.
8vo. Publisher’s black boards, spine lettered in grey. In unclipped
A fine copy. Translation of «The Wind-up Bird Chronicle» by Kari
and Kjell Risvik.
Inscribed by Murakami, dated 5/19/99. to title page.
3 500,- | £300 | $350
Haruki Murakami
Hva jeg snakker om når jeg snakker om løping.
Oslo: PAX Forlag, 2010. First Norwegian edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s green boards, spine lettered in gilt. In unclipped jacket.
A fine copy. Translation of « What I Talk About When I Talk About
Running» by Yngve Johan Larsen.
Inscribed by Murakami, dated on title page.
3 500,- | £300 | $350
54 International Bibliophilia
Ryû Murakami
Almost transparent blue.
Tokyo, New York & San Francisco: Kodansha International, 1977.
First English translation, first printing. 8vo. Publisher’s grey cloth,
spine lettered in blue. In unclipped jacket.
Small bookstore label to upper corner of front paste down,
Tokyo-Kanda Kitazawa Bookstore. A fine copy. Translated by
Nancy Andrew.
Signed by Ryu Murakami to front free end paper.
Ryû Murakami [1952-] is known for his raw and brutal novels
where he explores the dark sides of mankind. Together with Haruki
Murakami, he represents the 1980s reaction against post-war
politicized literature in Japan. «Almost transparent blue» was his
debut novel, first published in Japanese 1976, for which he
received the Akutagawa Prize. Akutagawa Ryû nosuke Shô
is a literary prize awarded semiannually for the best work of
fiction by a promising new Japanese writer. The prize is generally
considered, along with the Naoki Prize (for the best work of
popular fiction), Japan’s most prestigious literary award.
8 000,- | £680 | $800
111 112
Ryû Murakami
New York: McGraw Hill, 1972. 8vo. First edition, first printing.
Tokyo, New York & London: Kodansha International, 1987. First
English translation, first printing. 8vo. Publisher’s white boards,
lettered in red to spine and upper board. In unclipped jacket.
A fine copy. Translated by Ralph F. McCarthy.
This lighter mood novel by Murakami presents a humorous and
popular account about growing up in the remote home town
while subcultures are flourishing in the world around.
8 000,- | £680 | $800
Signed by Ryu Murakami to title page, dated 27 Apr. ’99.
International Bibliophilia
114 115 116 117
[MUSIC] a-ha
Jan Omdahl
a-ha. The swing of things 1985-2010.
Oslo: Press, 2010. First edition, first printing. 4to. Publisher’s
black boards, spine lettered in gilt. In unclipped jacket.
Inscribed by all members and the author: Morten Harket, Pål
Waaktaar, Magne Furuholmen and Jan Omdahl.
The Swing Of Things 1985-2010 is the definitive summary of an
eventful career. Jan Omdahl, who followed a-ha for many years,
has for this release updated the text from his classic band biography
The Swing Of Things. In addition, the book is equipped with
unique visual material, to a large extent previously unpublished:
Record covers, PR material and collectables from his career; band
members’ personal photographs,
sketches and notes;
as well as a number of classic
photo series from the photographers
who have followed
a-ha most closely over the
past 25 years. The result is
a unique documentation of
a-ha’s history - and of all the
strange and magical machinery
that makes up a pop band’s
2 500,- | £215 | $250
[MUSIC] Johnny Cash
Paul Muldoon [ed.] & John Carter Cash [Foreword]
Forever words. The unknown poems.
New York: Blue Rider Press, 2016. First edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s boards, spine lettered in black. In unclipped jacket.
A fine copy.
Signed by country artist, producer and only child of Johnny Cash and
June Carter Cash.
600,- | £50 | $60
[MUSIC] Steve Jones [Sex Pistols]
Lonely Boy. Tales from a Sex Pistol.
Foreword by Chrissie Hynde.
London: William Heinemann, 2016. First edition, first printing.
8vo. Publisher’s white boards, spine lettered in black. In unclipped
A fine copy.
Signed Steve Jones, legendary guitarist of Sex Pistols.
600,- | £50 | $60
[MUSIC] Steven Tyler [Aerosmith]
Does the noise in my head bother you?
A Rock’n’Roll Memoir.
New York: Harper Collins, 2011. First edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s picotral boards in unclipped jacket.
A fine copy.
Signed Steven Tyler, vocalist of Aerosmith, on publisher’s label
affixed to second title page.
1 000,- | £85 | $100
56 International Bibliophilia
118 119
Rudolph Nureyev
Nureyev. An autobiography with pictures.
Introduced by Alexander Bland.
New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1963. First edition, sixth printing.
8vo. Publisher’s blue boards, spine lettered in gilt, Nureyev profile
embossed to upper board. In price clipped jacket.
Jacket with some edgewear, some reinforced on verso. Binding
near fine.
Signed by Nureyev on half title page.
800,- | £70 | $80
Martin Parr
Bored Couples / L’ennui à deux
Paris: Editions Galerie du Agnes B. Exhibition 18 February – 27
March 1993. Curated by Agnes B and Pierre Chevaler; Colour
prints by Peter Fraser; Design by Peter Brawne; Production by Spy,
printed by Balding and Mansell.
Small 4to. 22 colour photographs. Publisher’s wrappers.
Fine copy.
Signed by Martin Parr.
According to The Martin Parr Foundation, Bored Couples is the
rarest of all Martin Parr books; ”The book design was innovative
in 1993 and still stands today as a contamporary design. Colour
photographs depict ’bored couples’, with the publication
allowing the viewer to open the photobook from front as well as
from back, reading French one way and English the other.”
Parr delivers a piercing social commentary with his view of
couples that have lost the sparkle in their eyes and running out of
things to say to each other.
5 000,- | £425 | $500
International Bibliophilia
[US President 1977-1981]
Jimmi Carter
Palestine. Peace not apartheid.
New York: Simon and Chuster, 2006. First edition, first printing. Large
8vo. Publisher’s black paper-backed black boards In unclipped jacket.
A fine copy.
Signed by Carter to title page.
Laid in: Instructions from Barnes & Noble Union Square,
regarding the book signing.
700,- | £60 | $70
[US President 1993-2001]
Bill Clinton & James Patterson
The president is missing. A novel.
London: Century, 2018. First edition, third printing [numberline
starting with 3]. Large 8vo. Publisher’s black boards, spine titled
in gilt. In unclipped jacket.
A fine copy.
Signed by Clinton and Patterson on publisher’s label affixed to the
half title.
1 000,- | £85 | $100
[US President 2021-]
Joe Biden
Promise me, dad. A year of hope, hardship, and purpose.
London: Flatironbooks, 2017. First edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s cream boards, spinte lettered in red metallic, circular
motif embossed to upper board. In unclipped jacket.
A fine copy.
Signed by Biden.
3 500,- | £300 | $350
58 International Bibliophilia
123 124
Manuel Puig
Betrayed by Rita Hayworth. Translated by Suzanne Jill Levine.
New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1971. First edition, first printing.
8vo. Publisher’s black cloth, spine lettered in white and pink.
In unclipped jacket.
A fine copy .
Inscribed by Puig to half title page.
«Betrayed by Rita Hayworth» is the debut novel of the central
Argentinian author Manuel Puig [1932-1990].
3 000,- | £255 | $300
Manuel Puig
Kiss of the Spider Woman.Translated by Thomas Colchie.
New York: Alfred A. Knoph, 1979. First edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s black cloth-baked cream boards, spine lettered in
bronze, author’s name embossed to upper board. In unclipped
Jacket a trifle creased at spine ends. A fine copy.
Signed by Puig to title page.
«Kiss of the Spider Woman» brought Puig international fame. The
story centres on two prisoners – one young political radical, the
other a middle-aged homosexual, who have nothing in common,
but who break the ice through retelling romantic plots o fold
movies. The book was adapted for the screen in 1985, starring
William Hurt and Raul Julia.
2 000,- | £170 | $200
International Bibliophilia
60 International Bibliophilia
125 127
Mario Puzo
The Sicilian.
New York: Simon and Schuster, 1984. First edition, first printing.
8vo. Publisher’s cloth-backed red boards, spine lettered in gilt,
title embossed to upper board. In unclipped jacket.
The plastic surface of jacket slightly letting in parts of upper and
lower edge. Very weak and small spot to lower edge of spine. A
very good copy in a very good jacket.
Signed by Mario Puzo [1920-1999] to front flyleaf.
«The Sizilian» is set to the same universe as Puzo’s «The Godfather»
and some of the characters also occur in this novel.
3 500,- | £300 | $350
Thomas Pynchon
Gravity’s Rainbow.
New York: The Viking Press, 1973. First edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s orange cloth boards, spine lettered in red, a rainbow
embossed to upper board. Orange top edge. In unclipped jacket.
Jacket in first state; with ”$15.00” printed price and the ISBN
lettered in white over red on the back panel, and with the publisher’s
date code, 0273 on the lower front flap.
A very tiny dent to the surface of the jacket in the upper left
corner of the front panel and with only a hint of sunning to spine.
Very mild crease to upper corners of flaps. A very near fine copy
in a near fine jacket.
«Gravity’s Rainbow» is the masterpiece of Thomas Pynchon
[b. 1937] and one of cornerstones of modern American literature.
The novel is yet another one from the hand of Pynchon based on
the idea of conspiracy, filled with descriptions of paranoid fantasies,
grotesque imagery and esoteric mathematical language.
8 000,- | £680 | $800
Philip Roth
Reading Myself and Others.
New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1975. First edition, first printing.
8vo. Publisher’s green cloth, title to spine in gilt, author’s initials
in gilt to upper board. In unclipped jacket.
Jacket spine nicked at head and slightly sunned. Cloth with light
soiling to spine head and rear upper corner.
Signed by Philip Roth to title page.
800,- | £70 | $80
Philip Roth
Boston,New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2008. First edition, first printing.
8vo. Publisher’s black cloth, title to spine in gilt. In unclipped
A fine copy.
Signed by Philip Roth to half title page.
500,- | £40 | $50
International Bibliophilia
Salman Rushdie
Is nothing sacred? The Herbert Read Memorial
Lecture 6 February.
Cranta: 1990. First edition, first printing. 8vo. Publisher’s cream
wrappers. Trace from price ticket on rear wrapper.
In good faith.
Cranta: 1990. First edition, first printing. 8vo. Publisher’s green
wrappers. Trace from price ticket on front wrapper.
Both signed by Rushdie to front wrappers. Fine copies.
”It has been a year since I last spoke in defence of my Novel «The
Satanic Verses». I have remained silent, though silence is against my
nature, because I felt that my voice was simply not loud enough to be
heard above the clamour of the voices raised against me.”
From «In good faith».
1 000,- | £85 | $100
W. G. Sebald
London: Harvill Press, 1999. First edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s pictoral wrappers.
62 International Bibliophilia
A fine copy. The paperback edition was published simultaneously as
the hardback edition.
Signed by Sebald to book plate affixed to title page.
«Vertigo» is the acclaimed book of Winfried Georg Sebald [1944-
2001], defying classification. It has been described as one of the
most important works of fiction in English in the 1990’s. Some
achievement for a book written by a German (an anglophile who
lived in Britain for over 20 years) and for a book which blends
fiction, autobiography, history, travel and science.
2 500,- | £215 | $250
Hubert Selby Jr.
Last exit to Brooklyn.
New York: Grove Press, 1964. First edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s black cloth-backed red boards, spine lettered in red.
In illustrated jacket, unclipped.
Corners of upper board lightly bumped, else a near fine copy in a
near fine and bright jacket.
132 133
The first book of Selby [1928-2004], and an important cornerstone
in contemporary fiction; a gritty, vilolent book that established a
new fictional standard in modern realism. «Last Exit to Brooklyn»
earned the dubious distinction of having been prosecuted for
obscenity in Britain, joining Hall, Joyce, Lawrence and Miller in
the notoriety Hall of Fame.
1 000,- | £85 | $100
Sam Shepard
Cruising Paradise.
New York: Alfred A. Knoph, 1996. First edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s black cloth-backed black boards, spine lettered in
white. In unclipped pictoral jacket. A fine copy.
Hal Sirowitz
Mother said.
New York: Crown Publishers, 1996. First edition, first printing.
8vo. Publisher’s red paper-backed white boards, title to spine in
bronze. In illustrated jacket, unclipped. A fine copy.
Inscribed by Sirowitz to title page.
Erlend Loe’s translation made this book a hit in Norway.
700,- | £60 | $70
Signed by Shepard to title page.
Sam Shepard [1943-2017] was a ten times Obie Award winner, Pulitzer
Prize winner [«Buried Child», 1978] and Oscar nominee [«The Right
Stuff», 1983].
1 500,- | £130 | $150
Nevil Shute
On the beach.
London: William Heinemann, 1957. First edition, first printing.
8vo. Publisher’s red cloth, title to spine in gilt. In illustrated jacket,
Jacket with a tiny little closed tear at upper front edge. Spine very
lightly sunned. Else, a fine and seemingly unread copy.
A post-nuclear holocaust novel, filmed in 1959 with Gregory Peck
and Ava Gardner – directed by Stanley Kramer.
1 500,- | £130 | $150
International Bibliophilia
135 136 137 138
Patti Smith
Early work. 1970-1979.
London & New York: W. W. Norton, 1994. First edition, first printing.
8vo. Publisher’s black cloth-backed silver marbled boards, spine
titled in silver. In pictoral jacket, unclipped.
Jacket with a small tear to upper edge of front panel and spine
head lightly creased, else a near fine copy.
Signed by Smith to title page.
1 000,- | £85 | $100
Patti Smith
The Coral Sea.
London & New York: W. W. Norton, 2012. First published as a
Norton paperback 1997, reissued 2012. 8vo. Publisher’s pictoral
A fine copy.
Signed by Smith to title page.
1 000,- | £85 | $100
Patti Smith
New York: New Directions, 2011. First edition, first printing.
Small 8vo. Publisher’s grey cloth, spine lettered in red. In illustrated
jacket, unclipped.
A very thin surface scratch to back panel of jacket. Else a fine copy.
Portions of the book were first published in the Hanuman miniature
book series, 1992.
Signed by Smith to title page.
Patti Smith
Columbia Records: 2012. First edition, first printing. 8vo. Publisher’s
black cloth, spine titled in silver. In pictoral jacket, unclipped. CD
in pocket at rear.
A fine copy.
Signed by Smith to title page.
1 000,- | £85 | $100
1 000,- | £85 | $100
64 International Bibliophilia
140 141
Patti Smith
Collected Lyrics
New York: HarperCollins, 2015. First edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s black paper-backed black boards, title embossed to
spine and upper board. In pictoral jacket, unclipped.
Jacket with a closed tear to lower front fold, else a fine and
unread copy.
Signed by Smith to title page.
1 000,- | £85 | $100
Patti Smith
Year of the monkey.
London, New York […]: Bloomsbury, 2019. First edition, first printing.
8vo. Publisher’s black boards, spine lettered in gilt. Top edge
red. In pictoral jacket, unclipped.
A fine copy.
Signed by Smith to title page.
500,- | £45 | $50
Patti Smith
Why I write. Devotion.
New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 2017. First edition,
first printing. 8vo. Publisher’s red boards, spine lettered in black.
In pictoral jacket, unclipped.
A fine copy.
Signed by Smith to title page.
500,- | £45 | $50
International Bibliophilia
William Styron
The confessions of Nat Turner.
New York: Random House, 1967. First edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s black cloth, spine and upper board lettered in gilt with
decorations in silver and red. In jacket, price clipped.
Light creasing to jacket spine head, else a fine copy with bright
red colour to the spine.
Signed by Styron to title page.
Styron won acclaim for his debut novel, «Lie Down in Darkness»
(1951), in which he shows the influence of James Joyce and William
Faulkner. The historical novel «The Confessions of Nat Turner»,
about a black slave rebellion leader in Virginia in 1831, attracted
great attention on publication.
1 500,- | £130 | $150
Maury Terry [Charlie Manson & Son of Sam]
The ultimate evil. An investigation of Americas
dangerous Satanic Cult with new evidence linking
Charlie Manson and the son of Sam.
New York: Daoubleday, 1987. First edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s red cloth-backed black boards, spine lettered in gilt.
In jacket, unclipped.
Jacket with light edgewear, and two minor tears reinforced on
verso. The binding in fine condition.
In «The Ultimate Evil» Maury Terry [1946-2015], positied an
alternative theory for the Son of Sam murders, that it was a s
atanic cult of serial killers rather than only David Berkowitz.
Juan F. Thompson
Stories I tell myself. Growing up with Hunter S.
New York: Alfred A. Knoph, 2016. First edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s white cloth, spine lettered in black. In pictoral jacket,
A fine copy.
Signed by Thompson to title page.
1 000,- | £85 | $100
J. R. R. Tolkien
The Silmarillion. Edited by Christopher Tolkien.
London: George Allen & Unwin , 1977. First printing of the
domestic edition, printed by Billing & Sons. 8vo. Publisher’s blue
cloth, spine lettered and decorated in gilt. In jacket, price clipped.
Jacket spine very slightly sunned. A very weak fading to lower
edge of boards. Folding map at rear in fine condition. Else a fine
copy in a fine jacket.
1 000,- | £85 | $100
2 000,- | £170 | $200
66 International Bibliophilia
Michel Tournier
Translated from the French «Les Météores» by Anne Carter.
New York: Doubleday, 1981. First edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s dark blue cloth-backed boards, spine lettered in silver.
In jacket, unclipped.
A fine copy.
Signed by Tournier to title page, dated 1987.
French novelist Michel Tournier’s [1924-2016] manupilation of
mythology and old stories has often been called subversive insofar
as it challenges the conventional assumptions of middle-class
750,- | £65 | $70
Michel Tournier
Un jardin à Hammamet. / A Garden at Hammamet.
London: Lord John Press, 1986. First edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s green cloth, spine lettered and upper board decorated
in gilt.
A fine copy.
Number 77 of 150 copies numbered and signed by Torunier.
1 000,- | £85 | $100
International Bibliophilia
148 149
Gore Vidal
Williwaw. A novel.
New York: Dutton, 1946. First edition. 8vo. Publisher’s black
cloth, lettered in blue to spine and upper board. In illustrated
jacket, unclipped.
Jacket somewhat sunned to spine and creased to folds and edges.
Binding slightly rolled, else in near fine condition.
Signed by Vidal to title page.
Williwaw was Gore Vidal’s first book of fiction. Supposedly, the
book was written during his stint in army while he was serving in
the Aleutum Islands on a supply ship when he was only 19 years
As a political commentator and essayist, Vidal’s principal subject
was history of the United States and the society, especially how
the militaristic foreign policy reduced the country to a decadent
country. His political and cultural essays were published in; The
Nation, The New Statesman, The New York Review of Books and
Esquire magazines.
As a public intelellectual Gore Vidal’s topical debates on sex,
politics and religion with other intellectuals and writers occasionally
turned into quarrels with likes of William F. Buckley jr. and Norman
Mailer. As such, and because he thought men and women
potentially are bisexual, Vidal rejected the adjectives ”homosexual”
and ”heterosexual” when used as nouns, as inherently false terms
used to classify and control people in society.
Gore Vidal
A thirsty evil.
New York: The Zero Press, 1956. 8vo. Publisher’s cream
cloth-backed blue boards. In jacket, unclipped.
Jacket spine darkened. A fine copy in a near fine jacket.
Signed by Vidal to title page.
1 000,- | £85 | $100
Gore Vidal
Sexually speaking. Collected sex writings.
San Francisco: Cleis Press, 1999. 8vo. Publisher’s grey speckled
cloth-backed grey boards in jacket.
Jacket a trifle creased to lower spine end. Else a fine copy.
Signed by Vidal to title page.
1 000,- | £85 | $100
2 500,- | £215 | $250
68 International Bibliophilia
150 151
Kurt Vonnegut
Armageddon in retrospect. Introduction by Mark
New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 2008. 8vo. Publisher’s red
cloth-backed black boards. Lettered in black to spine, title and
illustration of tank embossed to upper panel. In jacket, unclipped.
A fine copy.
Signed by Mark Vonnegut to title page.
750,- | £65 | $70
Binyavanga Wainaina
One day I will write about this place. A memoir.
New York: Graywolf Press, 2011. 8vo. First edition, first printing.
Publisher’s brown boards, spine lettered in gilt.In illustrated
jacket, unclipped.
A fine copy.
Signed by Wainaina to title page.
Kenyan Binyavanga Wainaina [1971-2019], one of Africa’s best
known authors, gay rights activist and 2002 winner of the Caine
Prize for African writing, here gives us a portrait of the artist as
a young Kenyan. In 2014 Time Magazine included Wainaina in
its annual Time 100 as one of the ”Most Influential People in the
750,- | £65 | $70
International Bibliophilia
70 International Bibliophilia
153 155
Andy Warhol
The Philosophy of Andy Warhol.
(From A to B and Back Again).
New York & London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975. First
edition, first printing [stating ”First edition” with B C D E on verso
of title]. Publisher’s orange cloth-backed yellow boards, lettered
in white and blackt to spine. In jacket, unclipped.
Jacket with 2 cm closed tear in upper part of back panel. Edges
of jacket shows very few signs of wear. Very light bump to upper
corner of upper board. A near fine copy.
Signed in full name by Warhol to title page.
4 000,- | £340 | $400
Patricia Nell Warren
The front runner. A novel about love.
New York: William Morrow & Company, 1974. First edition, first
printing. 8vo. Publisher’s black cloth-backed white boards. In
illustrated jacket, unclipped.
The white jacket with light wrinkles and slight darkening to edges.
Else a near fine copy.
Inscribed with love from Nell Warren to title page.
Patricia Nell Warren’s [1926-2019] «The Front Runner» was one of
the first widely popular books to feature an open romantic relationship
between two men, and became a literary touchstone for
many. The book has sold millions of copies, and tells the story
of love that blossoms between Harlan Brown, a conservative track
coach at a Northeastern liberal arts college, and Billy Sive, one of
his athletes.
5 000,- | £425 | $500
Edmund White
A Boy’s own story.
New York: E. P. Dutton, 1982. First edition, second printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s grey cloth-backed red boards, spine lettered in gilt. In
illustrated jacket, unclipped. Jacket in first state with the statement
of Susan Sontag.
Jacket with a trifle rubbing to upper cap folds, a fine copy.
Signed by White to front free end paper.
Edmund White, in full Edmund Valentine White III, (born January
13, 1940, Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.), American writer of novels,
short fiction, and nonfiction whose critically acclaimed work
focuses on male homosexual society in America. His studies of
evolving attitudes toward homosexuality and of the impact of
HIV/AIDS on homosexual communities in the United States were
significant contributions to contemporary sociological and social
history. Source: Encyclopedia Britannica
With the publication of the novel «The Farewell Symphony» in
1997, he completed an autobiographical trilogy that includes
«A Boy’s Own Story »(1982) and «The Beautiful Room Is Empty»
(1988). «The Married Man» (2000) draws upon White’s own
romantic experience in its tale of an older HIV-positive furniture
expert and his love affair with a younger man who ultimately dies
of AIDS.
1 500,- | £125 | $150
International Bibliophilia
156 157
Colin Wilson
Adrift in Soho.
London: Victor Gollancz, 1961. First edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s red boards, spine lettered in gilt. In jacket, unclipped.
A fine copy in a near fine jacket.
Signed by Wilson to title page.
1 000,- | £85 | $100
Donald Woods
New York & London: Paddington Press, 1978. First edition, first printing.
8vo. Publisher’s dark brown boards, spine lettered in light brown.
In jacket, unclipped.
A fine copy in a fine jacket.
Inscribed by Woods to half title page: To Minister Lise Ostergaard
with admiration and gratitude – ”Du er en ekte Viking ” [You are a
real Viking], Donald Woods.
Danish Lise Østergaard [1924-1996] held a position as minister
without portfolio with special attention to foreign policy issues in
Anker Jørgensen’s cabinet from 26 Feb. 1977 to 28 Feb. 1980.
Donald James Woods (15 December 1933 – 19 August 2001), was
a South African journalist and anti-apartheid activist. As editor of
the Daily Dispatch, he was known for befriending fellow activist
Steve Biko, who was killed by police after being detained by
the South African government. Woods continued his campaign
against apartheid in London, and in 1978 became the first private
citizen to address the United Nations Security Council.
1 500,- | £130 | $150
Marguerite Yourcenar
The Alms of Alcippe. Translated by Edith R. Farrell
New York: Targ Editions 1982. First edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s blue cloth-backed grey boards, spine lettered in gilt, author
signature embossed to uper panel. In publisher’s transparent jacket.
Ligth chippings to the delicate wrapper. A fine copy.
One of 250 copies signed by Yourcenar.
The books of French author Marguerite Yourcenar [1903-1987] are
based on thorough studies of history, myths and traditions from many
countries and periods, with a special interest in transitional periods.
Greek philosophy and poetry have been of great importance to her,
and homosexuality is an important theme in several of the books.
She also states the importance of religion for people’s maturation
and self-understanding. She was the first woman to be elected to the
Académie Francaise.
3 000,- | £255 | $300
Slavoj Žižek
Violence. Six sideways reflections.
New York: Picador, 2008. First edition, first printing. 8vo. Publisher’s
illustrated wrappers.
A fine copy.
Signed by Zizek to title page.
Slavoj Žižek is a Slovenian philosopher, referred to as cultural
theory’s answer to Elvis, and professor at, among others, The
European Graduate School in Switzerland. He has written a dozen
books on the subjects of philosophy, psychoanalysis, film studies
and politics. He stood for election in 1990, where he came fifth
in the battle for the four seats for the presidency in the newly
72 International Bibliophilia
Nobel Prize
independent Slovenia. Žižek made his international breakthrough
with the book The Sublime Object of Ideology written in English
and published in 1989. Later, Žižek has achieved enormous
popularity which can be partly explained by his frequent and
entertaining lectures around the world, characterized by a
combination of philosophy, political appeals and humor. Source: SNL
3 500,- | £300 | $350
Following pages
All quotes from the official Nobel Price information site.
International Bibliophilia
160 161
Nobel Prize in Literature 1947
André Gide [1869-1951]
“for his comprehensive and artistically significant writings, in
which human problems and conditions have been presented with
a fearless love of truth and keen psychological insight”
Montaigne. An essay in two parts.
London / New York: The Blackamore Press / Horace Liveright,
1929. First edition, first printing. 8vo. Publisher’s boards. Top
edge gilt.
A fine copy. Translated by H. Guest & Trevor E. Blewitt.
300 copies for sale in England & 500 copies for sale in US.
This is no. 145, signed by Gide.
1 000,- | £85 | $100
Nobel Prize in Literature 1964
Jean-Paul Sartre [1905-1980]
“for his work which, rich in ideas and filled with the spirit of
freedom and the quest for truth, has exerted a far-reaching
influence on our age”
The Words.
New York: George Braziller, 1964. First edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s black cloth boards, spine lettered in white and purple.
Grey top edge. In unclipped jacket.
Jacket spine with some surface rubbing. Spine ends and folds
nicked and light wear to edges. Binding near fine.
Signed by Jean-Paul Sartre to title page.
Provenance: Letter from former seller stating that the book comes
from the Irving Huber Collection.
10 000,- | £855 | $1,000
74 International Bibliophilia
162 163
Nobel Prize in Literature 1980
Czesław Miłosz [1911-2004]
“who with uncompromising clear-sightedness voices man’s
exposed condition in a world of severe conflicts”
Emperor of te earth. Modes of eccentric vision.
Berkley, Los Angeles, London: Iniversity of California Press, 1981.
First paperback edition, first printing. 8vo. Publisher’s wrappers in
protective mylar.
Spine somewhat sunned. Minor wear at corners. A very good and
clean copy.
Signed by Miłosz to title page.
Nobel Prize in Literature 1983
William Golding [1911-1993]
“for his novels which, with the perspicuity of realistic narrative art
and the diversity and universality of myth, illuminate the human
condition in the world of today”
An Egyptian journal.
London & Boston: Faber & Faber, 1985. First edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s boards in jacket.
A fine copy.
Signed by Golding to title page.
5 000,- | £425 | $500
500,- | £40 | $50
International Bibliophilia
164 165
Nobel Prize in Literature 1986
Wole Soyinka [1934-]
“who in a wide cultural perspective and with poetic overtones
fashions the drama of existence”
You must set forth at dawn. A memoir.
New York: Random House, 2006. First edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s boards in jacket.
A fine copy.
Signed by Soyinka to title page.
500,- | £40 | $50
Nobel Prize in Literature 1987
Joseph Brodsky [1940-1996]
“for an all-embracing authorship, imbued with clarity of thought
and poetic intensity”
Less than one. Selected essays.
London: Penguin Books, 1987. First Penguin-edition, published
one year after the first edition. 8vo. Publisher’s wrappers.
A very good copy.
Inscribed by Brodsky on the dedication page, dated 19.VIII.88.
2 000,- | £170 | $200
76 International Bibliophilia
Nobel Prize in Literature 1988
Naguib Mahfouz [1911-2006]
“who, through works rich in nuance – now clear-sightedly realistic,
now evocatively ambiguous – has formed an Arabian narrative art
that applies to all mankind”
Reflections of a Nobel Laureate 1994-2001.
Cairo/New York: The American University in Cairo Press, 2001.
8vo. Publisher’s boards in jacket.
Signed photo laid in.
1 000,- | £85 | $100
Nobel Prize in Literature 1989
Camilo José Cela [1916-2002]
“for a rich and intensive prose, which with restrained compassion
forms a challenging vision of man’s vulnerability”
Oficio de tinieblas 5.
Barcelona: Noguer, 1974. Fifth printing. 8vo. Publisher’s boards
in jacket, with bellyband.
Bellyband with closed tear, else a near fine copy.
Inscribed by Cela to half title, dated 23.IV.74, Palma de Mallorca.
3 500,- | £300 | $350
International Bibliophilia
Nobel Prize in Literature 1991
Nadine Gordimer [1923-2014]
“who through her magnificent epic writing has – in the words of
Alfred Nobel – been of very great benefit to humanity”.
Telling times. Writing and living 1950-2008.
London, Berlin & New York: Bloomsbury, 2010. First edition, first
printing. 8vo. Publishers boards in jacket.
Very light creases to upper edge of jacket, else a fine copy.
Signed by Gordimer to title page.
1 500,- | £130 | $150
Nobel Prize in Literature 1993
Toni Morrison [1931-2019]
“who in novels characterized by visionary force and poetic
import, gives life to an essential aspect of American reality”
Song of Solomon.
New York: Alfred A. Knoph, 1977. First edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s boards in jacket.
Light creases to edges of jacket, else a fine copy.
Signed by Morrison to title page.
7 500,- | £640 | $750
78 International Bibliophilia
Nobel Prize in Literature 1987
Toni Morrison [1931-2019]
“who in novels characterized by visionary force and poetic
import, gives life to an essential aspect of American reality”
Playing in the dark. Whiteness and the literary
Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England: Harvard
University Press, 1992. First edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s cloth-backed boards in jacket.
Light creases to corners of jacket, else a fine copy.
Signed by Morrison to half title page.
2 000,- | £170 | $200
Nobel Prize in Literature 1994
Kenzaburo Oe [1935-]
“who with poetic force creates an imagined world, where life
and myth condense to form a disconcerting picture of the human
predicament today”
Nip the Buds Shoot the Kids.
London, New York: Marion Boyars, 1995. First English translation,
first printing. 8vo. Publisher’s boards in jacket.
A fine copy.
Signed by Oe to title page.
1 000,- | £85 | $100
International Bibliophilia
Nobel Prize in Literature 2003
John Maxwell Coetzee [1940-]
“who in innumerable guises portrays the surprising involvement
of the outsider”
Lecture and speech of acceptance upon the award of
the Nobel Price in Literature, delivered in Stockholm
in December 2003.
Penguin Books:2003. First edition, first printing. Small 8vo.
Publisher’s decorated cloth.
A fine copy.
Signed by Coetzee to title page.
Nobel Prize in Literature 1993
John Maxwell Coetzee [1940-]
“who in innumerable guises portrays the surprising involvement
of the outsider
Diary of a bad year.
Melbourne: The Text Publishing company, 2007. First edition, first
printing. 8vo. Publisher’s boards in jacket.
A fine copy.
Signed by Coetzee to title page.
1 500,- | £130 | $150
1 500,- | £130 | $150
80 International Bibliophilia
Nobel Prize in Literature 2005
Harold Pinter [1930-2008]
“who in his plays uncovers the precipice under everyday prattle and
forces entry into oppression’s closed rooms”
Various Voices. Prose, Poetry, Politics 1948-1998.
London: Faber & Faber, 1998. First edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s boards in jacket.
Jacket, in protective mylar, with light wear to spine ends and
edges. Book in fine condition.
Signed by Pinter on paper affixed to title page.
500,- | £40 | $50
Nobel Prize in Literature 2006
Orhan Pamuk [1952-]
“who in the quest for the melancholic soul of his native city has
discovered new symbols for the clash and interlacing of cultures”
Istanbul. Memoirs of a city.
London, England: Faber & Faber, 2005. First edition, first printing.
8vo. Publisher’s boards in jacket.
A fine copy. Translated by Maureen Freely.
Signed by Pamuk to title page.
1 500,- | £130 | $15
International Bibliophilia
Nobel Prize in Literature 2007
Doris Lessing [1919-2013]
“that epicist of the female experience, who with scepticism,
fire and visionary power has subjected a divided civilisation to
African Laughter. Four visits to Zimbabwe.
New York: HarperCollins, 1992. First edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s boards in jacket.
The jacket a trifle creaset to head of spine and upper corner of
front panel. A fine copy.
Signed by Lessing to title page.
Nobel Prize in Literature 2008
Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio [1940-]
“author of new departures, poetic adventure and sensual ecstasy,
explorer of a humanity beyond and below the reigning civilization”
London: Atlantic Books, 2010. First UK edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s boards in jacket with bellyband.
A fine copy.
Signed by Clézio to title page, dated 3.11.2010.
1 000,- | £85 | $100
1 000,- | £85 | $100
82 International Bibliophilia
Nobel Prize in Literature 2010
Jorge Mario Pedro Vargas Llosa [1936-]
“for his cartography of structures of power and his trenchant
images of the individual’s resistance, revolt, and defeat”
The War of the End of the World.
New York: Farrar Strauss Giroux, 1984. First English translation,
first printing. 8vo. Publisher’s boards in jacket.
A fine copy.
No. 21 og 250 numbered copies signed by Llosa.
1 500,- | £130 | $150
Nobel Prize in Literature 2010
Jorge Mario Pedro Vargas Llosa [1936-]
“for his cartography of structures of power and his trenchant
images of the individual’s resistance, revolt, and defeat”
The Notebooks of Don Rigoberto.
London: Faber and Faber, 1998. First English translation, first
printing. 8vo. Publisher’s maroon boards, spine lettered in white.
In illustrated jacket, uclipped.
A fine copy.
Signed by Llosa to title page.
1 500,- | £130 | $150
International Bibliophilia
Nobel Prize in Literature 2011
Tomas Tranströmer [1931-2015]
“because, through his condensed, translucent images, he gives us
fresh access to reality”
Samlade Dikter [Collected Poems] 1954-1996.
Stockholm: Bonniers, 2008. First edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s boards in jacket.
A fine copy.
Signed by Tranströmer to front free end paper.
750,- | £65 | $75
Nobel Prize in Literature 2013
Alice Munro [b. 1931]
”master of the contemporary short story”
Too much happiness.
New York: Alfred A. Knoph, 2009. First edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s red boards, spine titled in gilt. In jacket, unclipped.
A trifle creased to lower jacket corners. Else a fine copy in a fine
Signed by Munro to front flyleaf.
750,- | £65 | $75
84 International Bibliophilia
Nobel Prize in Literature 2015
Svetlana Alexievich [1948-]
“for her polyphonic writings, a monument to suffering and
courage in our time”
Second-hand time.
London: Fitzcarraldo Editions, 2016. First English translation, first
printing. 8vo. Publisher’s wrappers.
Tiny mark to spine, else a fine and unread copy.
Signed by Alexievich, dated 28.V.16.
2 500,- | £215 | $250
Nobel Prize in Literature 2017
Kazuo Ishiguro [1954-]
“who, in novels of great emotional force, has uncovered the abyss
beneath our illusory sense of connection with the world”
The Unconsoled.
London: Faber & Faber, 1995. First edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s boards in jacket.
A fine copy.
Signed by Ishiguro to title page.
1 000,- | £85 | $100
International Bibliophilia
Nobel Prize in Literature 2018
Olga Tokarczuk [1962-]
“for a narrative imagination that with encyclopedic passion
represents the crossing of boundaries as a form of life”
The books of Jacob.
London: Fitzcarraldo Editions, 2021. First English translation, first
printing. 8vo. Publisher’s wrappers.
Lower corners lightly bumped, else a near fine and unread copy.
Publisher’s label signed by Olga Tokarczuk, affixed to front free
end paper.
500,- | £40 | $50
Nobel Prize in Literature 2021
Abdulrazak Gurnah [1948-]
“for his uncompromising and compassionate penetration of the
effects of colonialism and the fate of the refugee in the gulf
between cultures and continents”
Desertation. [Uncorrected proof]
London: Bloomsbury, 2005. First UK edition, first printing. 8vo.
Publisher’s illustrated wrappers.
A fine copy.
Signed by Gurnah to title page.
2 500,- | £215 | $250
86 International Bibliophilia
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