Regulamento (UE) n.o 1158/2012 da Comissão, de 27 de novembro ...

Regulamento (UE) n.o 1158/2012 da Comissão, de 27 de novembro ...

Regulamento (UE) n.o 1158/2012 da Comissão, de 27 de novembro ...


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PT<br />

L 339/20 Jornal Oficial <strong>da</strong> União Europeia 12.12.<strong>2012</strong><br />

Anexo A Anexo B Anexo C Nomes vulgares<br />

Cheirogalei<strong>da</strong>e Queirogaleí<strong>de</strong>os<br />

Cheirogalei<strong>da</strong>e spp. (I) Lémures rato<br />

Daubentonii<strong>da</strong>e Daubentoní<strong>de</strong>os<br />

Daubentonia ma<strong>da</strong>gascariensis<br />

(I)<br />

Aye-aye<br />

Homini<strong>da</strong>e Hominí<strong>de</strong>os<br />

Gorilla beringei (I) Gorila <strong>de</strong> montanha<br />

Gorilla gorilla (I) Gorila comum<br />

Pan spp. (I) Chimpanzés e bonobos<br />

Pongo abelii (I) Orangotango <strong>de</strong> Sumatra<br />

Pongo pygmaeus (I) Orangotango <strong>de</strong> Bornéu<br />

Hylobati<strong>da</strong>e Hilobatí<strong>de</strong>os<br />

Hylobati<strong>da</strong>e spp. (I) Gibões<br />

Indrii<strong>da</strong>e Indrií<strong>de</strong>os<br />

Indrii<strong>da</strong>e spp. (I) Indris, sifacas e lémures<br />

lanudos<br />

Lemuri<strong>da</strong>e Lemurí<strong>de</strong>os<br />

Lemuri<strong>da</strong>e spp. (I) Lémures<br />

Lepilemuri<strong>da</strong>e Lepilemurí<strong>de</strong>os<br />

Lepilemuri<strong>da</strong>e spp. (I) Lémures saltadores<br />

Lorisi<strong>da</strong>e Lorisí<strong>de</strong>os<br />

Nycticebus spp. (I) Loris<br />

Pithecii<strong>da</strong>e Pitecií<strong>de</strong>os<br />

Cacajao spp. (I) Uacaris<br />

Callicebus barbarabrownae (II)<br />

Callicebus melanochir (II)<br />

Callicebus nigrifrons (II)<br />

Callicebus personatus (II) Titi mascarado do Atlântico<br />

Chiropotes albinasus (I) Sagui barbudo <strong>de</strong> nariz<br />

branco<br />

Tarsii<strong>da</strong>e Tarsií<strong>de</strong>os<br />

Tarsius spp. (II) Társios

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